Journey to the West (Black Myth)

Chapter 10: Sun Wukong is Banished; The Master-Disciple Bond Ends

The freckled sister, Feng Nu, was overwhelmed with excitement. Such high-level divine skills were not something one could learn at random; they required a particular background! Shi Yue wondered if he was seeing things, but it seemed every time she grew excited, the freckles on her face glimmered like stars.

Sun Wukong tugged at his ears, the allure of the three divine powers—each one profoundly desirable—agitated him.

Shi Yue shared in their excitement but differed subtly, a spark flashing in his eyes. He marveled at Sun Wukong's External Incarnation that could generate millions of selves, and the Golden Body Apparition which reputedly could grow to millions of feet—could Bodhi be exaggerating? These powers were incredibly vast! Even Cloud Riding was merely a name Bodhi gave Sun Wukong's powers.

Since his appearance, it was clear that changes were rippling outward from him, influencing events. He speculated what unforeseen complications might emerge, even baffling the likes of the Buddha.

Soon, Bodhi infused the methodologies of the three divine powers directly into their souls, then dismissed them from the cave. Feng Nu, lacking the heart to reprimand Shi Yue further, offered him a grateful glance before leaving.

Shi Yue thought, "Looking is worthless; if you truly want to repay me, let me conquer you thoroughly." Yet he was perplexed by his uncontrollable desire for his senior sister, destined by some inexplicable drive to conquer, though marriage faltered at her freckled complexion. Yet her figure beckoned, revealing uncomfortable truths about his shamelessness.

Once they left the cave, the three dispersed, each needing seclusion to fully integrate their newly acquired skills. Shi Yue's harvest was the richest; he acquired the Heaven Measuring Ruler, a treasure envied by his companions.

Returning to his cave, Shi Yue silently contemplated the training techniques, taking three days to ensure thorough understanding.

Once satisfied, he withdrew the Heaven Measuring Ruler, pondering its familiar name, though its divine owner eluded him. Jade to the touch, seemingly ordinary, yet proved distinctive in hand.

Different from the others, Bodhi imparted techniques to spiritually bind the ruler to him, ensuring it could alter form according to will, offering functionality beyond Sun Wukong's staff. Shi Yue relished the thought.

A year slipped by unnoticed as Shi Yue employed the art of blood refining to bond with the ruler, making it an inseparable part of himself, impervious to commandeering by others.

When Shi Yue opened his eyes a year later, they shone with excitement. Before him floated the Heaven Measuring Ruler, now an undulating mass of black-purple energy—alive, with streaks of mysterious aura swirling within.

Responding to his thoughts, the form extended, matching his height, embodying another version of the Golden Cudgel.

With a flick, it bore mysterious runes—forged in whimsy, but contributing a flair of style. Sun Wukong remained his idol, an attraction to many modern minds inspired by tales and screens.

Finishing the adornment with indecipherable hieroglyphs, Shi Yue completed his "new cudgel," eager to wield it.

As he emerged, clutching his new weapon, distant commotion caught his attention.

Anticipating Sun Wukong showcasing new skills, Shi Yue joined outsiders witnessing Sun Wukong's transformation into a pine tree, applause echoing around him.

Feeling irritation over peers treating Sun Wukong as a spectacle, no bond existed between Shi Yue and his so-called brothers, inwardly suspecting they served more as background extras, Bodhi controlling their fates with ease.

His emotions primed, a thought to interject when someone acted first.

Above, Feng Nu stepped, chillingly revoking the uproar, commanding, "What folly interrupts study? Fear disturbing Master and inviting wrath!"

Seeing Shi Yue emerge, she acknowledged him, her demeanor instantly improving.

A disciple explained, "Sister, Sun Wukong's transformed into a pine. We marveled, seeking pardon."

Shi Yue absorbed their strangeness, pondered Feng Nu's commanding presence despite them being seniors, as she sharply located the tree, "Sun Wukong! Cease your antics! Fear not Master's punishment?"

The pine flickered, Sun Wukong appearing defiant yet lively—"Sister, hold your ire. My brother and she fear you; not I. Dare you face me?"

A visceral response slipped Shi Yue's lips, amused, "Pfft!"

Displeased, Feng Nu lifted a hand to reprimand, pausing upon Bodhi's arrival. Shi Yue noted Feng Nu's authenticity—the power of Taiyi realm.

Gingerly observing her fortitude, knowing peace prevailed between them, yet acknowledging the pain she could inflict without effort.

Bodhi's presence prompted, "Wukong, why did I teach you these divine arts? Were they meant for showmanship? If you see others possess something, don't you desire it? So will others covet what you have. If you fear trouble, you will need to teach them. If not, they may harm you. How will you ensure your safety?"

Sun Wukong's agile mind perceived the lesson, kneeling immediately, "I understand my mistake, Master. Please forgive me."

Shi Yue lowered his eyes, resembling a meditative sage, realizing that the moment had passed—a subtle reminder of the time.

Bodhi continued, "I won't punish you today. But... alas. Leave this place."

Sun Wukong sensed an ominous shift, tears stinging his eyes, "Master, where shall I go?"

Born of the heavens and earth, without parents, he knew only of Shi Yue as family. Strangers to parental warmth, he cherished Bodhi as a parental figure, guided by destiny to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain.

Calmly, Bodhi responded, "Return from whence you came." Turning away dismissively.

Revelation sank in, Sun Wukong murmured through tears, "I came from Eastern Continent, Flower-Fruit Mountain, Water Curtain Cave."

Bodhi, turning sharply, insisted, "Go quickly, save your life. Stay, and you shall have none."

Sun Wukong kowtowed repeatedly, tears flowing, "Brother once said, 'One day as my master, lifetime as my father,' and without parents, you're as such to me. With unrepayable blessings, how could I leave?"

Briefly, Bodhi wavered, Shi Yue silently lauding Sun Wukong's sentiment, piercing the sorrowful realization. Feng Nu too beamed with unexpected admiration. Behind his impish demeanor lay genuine loyalty—a quality unburdening his heart towards Shi Yue, the black-haired monkey with audacious loyalty.

"Enough of sentimentality; avoid disaster, leave me uninvolved!"

Bodhi's voice tempered gently yet sternly, words bearing exasperated affection. Shi Yue sensed sincerity veiled in gruffness—no need to banish him otherwise.

Seeing departure as the only path, Sun Wukong bade tearful farewells, departing companions.

Turning again, impassively, Bodhi warned, "You meddlesome monkey, your path breeds chaos. No matter your trouble, never mention my name. Speak and know, I'll strip your soul, bind your spirit to the nether forever!"

Bodhi's stern manner masked underlying warmth—a truth Shi Yue fathomed but dared not confront, unable to question fate's hand with unknown influences Bodhi's power wielded.

Sun Wukong recoiled, tears cascading, defiantly pledging, "I won't breathe a word, claiming my own learning."

Proclaiming this, he leapt skyward, vanishing into the horizon in a confident somersault.

Witnessing his departure, disciples remained mute, broken by Shi Yue's unbidden, inexplicable kneel.

Bodhi sighed deeply, weariness aging him, declaring softly, "The master-disciple bond ends; why force it further?"

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