Jujutsu Kaisen: The Beginning Of The Mangekyō Sharingan

Chapter 105 Fighting Michelle

"Are these what you call family? Jie" Ming looked at the people present calmly. And Ming's contemptuous attitude still made a few people unhappy, but they knew how terrifying the man in front of them was.


"How is it?" Xia Youjie asked curiously.

"It's not bad. It's much better than expected. But I'm afraid it's not enough for these people. Even if you don't realize it, it will be difficult." Ming said calmly.

"Then I wonder if Mr. Special can take a look at your methods." The black man looked at Ming. Although he said he was very respectful, the dissatisfaction on his face was not hidden at all.

"Okay." Ming said calmly.

"Ming." Xia Youjie's expression finally lost its calmness. Although I have told those subordinates, these subordinates are not kind people.

"Lord Xia You, if you don't show your strength, we really can't trust you completely." Black Michelle said.

"Don't worry, I will keep my hand." Ming said calmly.

"But the war is coming, Ming."

"It's okay. It'll be quick." Ming said calmly.

Xia Youjie looked at his subordinates who were all interested and covered his forehead.

Everyone came to another spacious room. Ming also had to sigh, Xia Youjie was really rich now.

Michelle pulled out a rope from somewhere. Although this body may look ordinary, it is a special Cursed Tool. If Fuheishi'er hadn't had a more powerful artifact like Tiannimu, this Cursed Tool wouldn't have been left in the warehouse to gather dust.

At this time, Michelle looked at the man standing there with flaws all over his body, and he was sweating unconsciously because there was no flaw at all. Years of combat experience told him that as long as he took action, he would be instantly restrained.

And as time goes by, this situation becomes more and more serious.

"Aren't you ready to take action?" Ming looked at Michelle calmly.

Michelle quickly backed away like a cat with explosive fur. At that moment, he felt that he would be killed if he didn't move away.

Ming nodded lightly.

"You responded quickly?" Ming couldn't help but admire the black man in front of him.

Several people outside the venue didn't know what happened.

Michelle wrapped the rope tightly in her hands, and then looked for flaws around Ming. After searching for a long time with no results, Michelle threw the rope towards the pillar next to her, wrapped it around the pillar and tore it into pieces, and then controlled the rope towards Ming Da.

Ming's eyes did not change at all. The moment the stone pillar hit Ming, he was isolated by a repulsive force.

"Wanxiang Tianyin." Ming stretched out his hand to Michelle, and Michelle flew towards Ming uncontrollably.

Michelle swung the rope quickly. When the rope reached Ming, a blackboard suddenly appeared in Ming's hand, and the rope bounced away. Then he broke the black stick in his hand and flew towards Michelle at a fast speed.

Michelle's body is controlled by gravity. Unable to break free, he could only use the rope to resist again, but the shadowy figure suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed his arm.

Michelle's eyes widened. Looking at the man in front of him with no emotion in his eyes, fear flashed in his eyes.

Ming didn't hesitate at all, grabbed Michelle's arm, and then the arm suddenly exerted force.

Blood splattered. The other people watching the battle widened their eyes at the same time, and saw Ming standing there calmly, with a black arm appearing in his hand.

At this time, Michelle covered her arm in pain and began to use spells to stop the bleeding. Ming glanced coldly, and the black stick appeared in his hand again, and pierced Michelle's body. Michelle's body instantly lost strength and she lay on the ground with a face in pain. If it weren't for his willpower, Jin would have fainted very early.

Ming glanced at Michelle coldly as if looking at trash and ignored her.

"Ming, you're a bit harsh," Xia Youjie said helplessly.

"Don't worry, he won't die. I will take him to Shōko for treatment later." Ming said calmly.

Hearing Shōko, Xia Youjie breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Shōko's reversal technique is very powerful.

"Pull out the black stick, otherwise he will really die." Ming glanced at Xia Youjie's female secretary and said.

"Yes...Yes, Master Ming." The woman looked at Ming with some fear. You must know that Michelle is still very powerful among them, but she didn't expect to be beaten like this by the person in front of her in an understatement. You know, in Xia Youjie's backup plan, he wanted Michelle to hold Gojo Satoru down.

Although Michelle could take advantage of the terrain to fight guerrilla warfare at that time, seeing Ming's strength, he couldn't help but think of Gojo Satoru, who was known as the strongest.

In Xia Youjie's opinion, that man was no less powerful than the demonic man in front of him.

Xia Youjie complained a few words to Ming and began to talk about his next plan. Although he said he was going to destroy the college, Xia Youjie was not so mad as to destroy his alma mater. His plan from the beginning was to be honest. [Imagine a cursed spirit_——Pray for Benlixiang].

Ming naturally knows it too. After all, he would not agree if the High School was really destroyed. After all, there were not many things in this world that Ming cared about, and the High School happened to be one of them.

"Okay, then Michelle, I'll take care of you. After all, it's not easy for me to take action." Xia Youjie said.

Ming nodded, grabbed Michelle's shoulders, and disappeared instantly.

"Huh, is this Uchiha Mei? This man is really scary." A man who was neither male nor female said.

"So I told you a long time ago that I would rather mess with Gojo Satoru than him." Xia Youjie said with a gentle look.

"Then Sir Xia You, have you told me more about this gentleman's character?" the yellow-haired woman complained.

"Hahaha, this is indeed a bit of an oversight. That guy is indeed a little impatient with outsiders, but it's good that the guy didn't kill Michelle." Xia Youjie said with a smile.

"Master Xiayou has a really sinister character. No wonder he was beaten last time."

"That's it?"


Xia Youjie suddenly had a dark look on his face. This was one of the few dark histories he had. Who would have thought that that bastard would develop such Jujutsu, which is not helpful in a battle, and has an effect that even the reversal technique cannot eliminate.

"But Natsura-sama, I remember that the person named Shōko is from Jujutsu High School."

"Yes, but don't worry, if it's Ming, she will agree to the treatment." Xia Youjie was not worried at all.

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