Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 78: even if the result is wrong

On a quiet night, the flame spell exploded in the narrow space, and the sound of high temperature overflow was very abrupt!

The floor beneath Sherlock and Dumbledore's feet shook slightly, but soon the movement stopped, but then another sound began to sound again.

It was a violent running sound. At the layer under their feet, when the sound reached Sherlock and the others, it had become very subtle, but they could still clearly hear the strangeness of the sound.

This is not a biped!

Soon, another louder running sound came down from the stairs, and the young Dumbledore who had just walked upstairs had a solemn expression and ran downstairs in a hurry.

Sherlock and Dumbledore followed him, and they soon came to the corridor where the basement room was.

Just as they came out of the stairs, a huge, furry figure suddenly passed by them!

In this short moment, Sherlock saw the whole picture of the escaped creature.

It was a huge spider!

The young Dumbledore also apparently found out what the escaped creature was, and his movements were extremely fast.

Sherlock didn't even see where he drew his wand, and the next second, he suddenly swung his right arm!

The red streamer exploded in the air! Like crimson lightning, it spreads like a spider web in the narrow space of the stairway!


A low-pitched scream sounded, and green blood was spilled on the stairs, but the speed of the fleeing figure remained unabated, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

After losing his target, the young Dumbledore frowned tightly, instead of chasing after the fleeing spider, he continued to run quickly towards the Potions Classroom where the noise came.

The classroom had been devastated by a sudden burst of powerful flame curse, and the boy prefect Tom, who had greeted young Dumbledore before, was being crushed under him by a burly boy.

"Hagrid! Professor Dumbledore, it was Hagrid who released the monsters in the secret room! I almost caught them with my own hands just now, but Hagrid stopped me and let the monster run away!"

Although Tom was subdued by Hagrid, his face was still very calm, and he calmly recounted everything that happened just now.

But the young Hagrid was very flustered. His face was flushed, and he desperately went through an explanation that sounded extremely pale.

"No! Professor Dumbledore, not it! Not Aragog! It hasn't even been out of the cupboard since it was born! It can't kill! It really isn't it!"

Young Dumbledore's eyes were still calm, but he could see that he couldn't tell who was right now.

"Get up Hagrid, let Tom go first."

Just as they were talking, a riotous footstep sounded, and several older wizards and witches hurried to the scene, apparently all of them were professors at Hogwarts at the time.

Sherlock recognized two people between them, one was Professor Slughorn when he was young, and the other was the former Hogwarts Headmaster Armando Dee, whom he had met in the portraits of the Headmasters in the Headmaster's Office. Pate.

The old headmaster looked very old, a little older than Dumbledore fifty years later.

"What happened? Albus."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"I just came here, so let the two of them speak for themselves."

Hagrid and Tom's respective arguments had little to say.

As a prefect, Tom's image in the eyes of the professors is almost perfect. Except for Dumbledore, almost no one thinks he will lie.

And Hagrid's situation is much worse, because of the problem of blood, his talent in magic is usually very ordinary, it can even be said to be dull, only in the class of magical animals, he is very talented.

Coupled with the monster who had just been injured by Dumbledore's spell and then ran away in front of his eyes, the situation can be said to be one-sided.

Dumbledore gently waved the wand in his hand, and the picture finally settled on Tom's composure, revealing a little gloomy expression, and Hagrid's almost desperate eyes.

Everything around them turned into silver shavings, whirling and flying around Sherlock and Dumbledore.

"His superb acting skills seem to be innate." Dumbledore's calm voice sounded, "Even when I first saw him, I already knew what he really looked like, but when I saw him later In school performance, I also thought that he had really changed his mind. The things he did when he was a child were just because no one taught him and he was ignorant."

"You mean the student named Tom?" Sherlock asked.

From the beginning to the end, that student showed maturity and steadiness that did not match his age. Judging from this picture, he should be a very capable wizard.

Dumbledore didn't answer his question, as the silver shavings surrounding them reunited to recompose a new scene.

This time in the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

But now there is no Phoenix Fox here, nor those humming silver gadgets, the portraits of past principals by the wall are still dozing off, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com is missing a pair of principals, Armando Dippet, who left office in 1956.

Because this old man was still sitting on the chair in the principal's room at this time.

"I don't think Hagrid's guilt can be determined prematurely. This matter needs more specific investigation. At least we have to catch the monster that attacked the students!"

In the headmaster's office, the young Dumbledore was trying his best to persuade Headmaster Dippet to change his mind.

But to his persuasion, Dippet just shook his head in response.

"We don't have time to drag on Albus, the Ministry needs a result, the school board needs a result, the parents of the dead girl, they need a result. We have to show them the result so that Hogwarts is not going to be closed because of this."

"Even if the result is wrong?"

"It can't be wrong." Dippet's voice sounded weak and old.

"Hagrid himself admitted that he did have a monster friend. We asked him to give him that friend, but he never agreed. He didn't trust us. He thought we would kill his monster friend. If someone proves his innocence, how could this result be wrong?"

The young Dumbledore was no longer speaking, he silently turned around and left the headmaster's room.

Dumbledore said softly as he watched his young self leave, the strong and straight but somewhat powerless back.

"I knew at the time that even if Hagrid really brought out his monster friend and proved that he wasn't that person, it wouldn't change the situation."

"As Principal Dippet said, others need a result, even if it may be wrong."

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