Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 374: 4 Horcruxes

"House-elves generally live longer than wizards. Hutch was old enough the year Smith died, but she's still alive today."

Dumbledore said solemnly, he lowered his voice, and spoke at a volume that would not be heard by a third person.

And Sherlock naturally knew the importance of secrecy. He spread out his domain at this time, checking to see if there were any voyeurs around.

"I've seen her memory, and it's obviously been modified."

"Riddle was invited by Smith to her house, where she showed him two of her most precious treasures, and begged him to keep her secret, not to tell Borgin Burke, for it never occurred to her that she would These two things are sold."

"One of these two treasures is the gold cup of Hufflepuff that you found and destroyed."

"And the other, a locket handed down from Slytherin."

Hearing this, Sherlock couldn't help frowning.

"As I recall, Riddle himself is a descendant of the Slytherin family?"

"Yes, that locket was once sold to the Smith family by a descendant of Slytherin, which gives him a reason to get back such a thing."

"After that, he started poisoning Smith, took away the relics of the two founders, and modified Hao Qi's memory, blaming the house elf for this, so that she always thought it was his own. One mistake killed her master."

Dumbledore whispered to Sherlock all the information he had learned from Hodge's memory.

Sherlock frowned but did not relax at all.

"The diary, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Slytherin's locket, Ravenclaw's diadem, these are the four Horcruxes we know of now. Both the diary and the gold cup have been destroyed, it is certain The only thing is that there is still a Horcrux hidden in the Hogwarts Room of Requirement, as to whether this Horcrux is one of the known Horcruxes, it is not clear for the time being."

Even if they find out what Voldemort's Horcrux is, it won't help the current situation at all, because they don't know where the Horcrux will be hidden.

But Dumbledore was obviously much more cheerful than Sherlock.

"The more information we know, the easier it is to get us closer to the key. I'm investigating Riddle's past little by little, and I believe there will be new discoveries soon."

In the understanding of Voldemort, the entire wizarding world believes that no one can surpass him, and even Riddle himself does not necessarily know himself better than Dumbledore.

Sherlock couldn't help Dumbledore for the time being, so he could only passively wait for the news.

Taking this opportunity, he also asked about Mrs. Matthew, what kind of hatred she had with Dumbledore, and she refused to help at the beginning.

"Ah, speaking of this, I have to mention Horace (Slughorn)."

Dumbledore looked eager to talk about these events, he laughed.

"Matthew liked Horace. When Horace was the head of Slytherin, she made a special trip to Hogwarts and asked me to come to the school. But Horace didn't have a family at the time. Thought, has been trying to find a way to refuse Matthew's show of love, so I beg me not to agree to her job application."

"In addition, there were no suitable vacancies at Hogwarts at that time. In the end, I politely declined Matthew's application."

"She is indeed a witch who doesn't have a big heart. She thinks that I ruined their feelings in it, plus some other misunderstandings. Since then, she has hated me."

"But Matthew has always been an upright person, it's just that sometimes it's better for her not to be so stingy."

This time Zhang Si. Of course, Sherlock couldn't chat with Dumbledore all the time at the dinner party. So many people came to this award ceremony today for him alone.

No matter how he disliked such superficial communication, he would still show a smile and greet and greet these big figures in the magic world.

Of course, there are also wizards of pure blood families, such as Ollivander, who has been dedicated to making wands for more than a thousand years.

However, very few people from the pure blood family came. For example, Sherlock did not see anyone from the Malfoy family.

Lucius Malfoy was not captured by the Aurors on the night of the final event of the Triwizard Tournament, and it is a mystery whether he was among the Death Eaters at the time, as he has so far been captured None of the Death Eaters in his life offered him up either.

Lucius fell silent after Scrimgeour took office. In the past, he had a good relationship with Fudge, swaying Jin Galleon, and befriending the top officials of the Ministry of Magic, and now it has stopped.

He seemed to be at home, ignoring everything that was happening outside.

The banquet ended at ten o'clock in the evening.

The front page of Tomorrow's Daily Prophet will definitely be the content of this award ceremony. This is probably the last time the Ministry of Magic will promote Sherlock's reputation in the wizarding world.

After all, no matter how sincere his conversation with Scrimgeour was yesterday, as long as he was unwilling to accept a position in the Ministry, the Ministry of Magic would naturally not focus all the hot spots on him.

The rest of the summer break was exactly what the Ministry of Magic was doing.

After the award ceremony, Sherlock stayed at home with Shilk, taking care of her eyes until they returned to normal.

On the day Silke took off the black ribbon on his blindfold, the two of them made a special trip to 12 Grimmauld Place to hold a small meeting with the Weasleys and the Order of the Phoenix members who stayed there. had a celebratory party.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. Harry lived very safely here, protected by the Faithful Charm, and the Death Eaters had no way to trouble him.

In the following month or so, they rarely saw Dumbledore. He was always busy with some things that only Sherlock knew about the inside story, and other members of the Order of the Phoenix were always watching. The whereabouts of those wizards who are involved with Voldemort want to find the location where Voldemort is hiding through them.

But Voldemort didn't show up during this time, and Azkaban, which Dumbledore and Sherlock were more worried about, didn't have any problems.

Except for the recent frequent actions of the Aurors, the arrest and interrogation of some pure-blood wizards who had previous criminal records, there seems to be no difference in the magic world.

Make a big tyrant. In such a situation, time passed quickly, and at the end of August, it was time for Hogwarts to start school.

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