Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Occlusion teaching

"Only Muggles talk about 'reading people's hearts'. People's hearts are not a book, and you can't read them at will."

"Thoughts are not inscribed in the skull and cannot be read in. The human heart is a complex, multi-layered thing, Harry—at least most minds are."

"However, someone with Legilimency can study other people's minds and interpret them correctly in certain situations. Voldemort, for example, can almost always see that someone is lying to him, and only someone who is good at Occlumency can seal it off. Feelings and memories contradicting lies, lying in front of him and not being discovered."

Harry's thoughts spread, and in the description of Sherlock's words, he thought that the magic of Legionnaire was unprecedentedly powerful.

"Can Voldemort see what we're thinking now? Professor."

"Space and time are the biggest hindrances to magic, and the same is true for Dementia. The best way to activate this magic is to look directly into the eyes of the demented person. Besides, Hogwarts Castle has ancient and powerful Magic always protects him, and he doesn't have such great ability," Sherlock said.

"But the spell that didn't kill you seems to have created some kind of connection between you and Voldemort. There are indications that there are times when your mind is at its most relaxed and vulnerable—like in sleep, when you can perceive his Thoughts and emotions, it's pretty dangerous, Harry."

"If things like this go on forever, there's no way he won't find the problem, and once that happens, your mind will open the door to him, and he can even make you dream anything he wants you to dream about. matter."

Harry has clearly recognized the seriousness of this matter in the repeated emphasis of Dumbledore and Sherlock.

"Then what should I do first, Professor?"

Sherlock opened the notebook and said helplessly.

"I don't know much about Occlumency myself, so I asked Severus to help me write this teaching note, but the teaching method he imagined is a bit too crude, but it is also the fastest and easiest to implement. way.”

He looked at Harry seriously.

"So I'm going to ask you for advice, Harry, before I start teaching formally. Would you like to open up your memory to me? If you've got a twist in your heart, then we'll take a different approach, just Teaching like that would be slow.”

Harry shrugged nonchalantly.

"I'm perfectly fine, Professor, there's nothing I can't see in my mind."

Of course, if it was Sherlock, there would be no problem, but if it was Snape, Harry would naturally be reluctant.

With Harry saying this, then Sherlock's next teaching job will be easy, Snape has already helped him plan it, he just needs to follow the steps.

Sherlock first took out a stone basin from a cabinet on the side, which Harry recognized as Dumbledore's Pensieve.

Then he drew his wand from under his robe, raised the tip to his temple, and inserted it into the root of his smooth hair.

When he took his wand away, there was a strand of silver on the tip of the wand, like thick spider silk. Sherlock tore it off and let it fall softly into the Pensieve, where it spun into silvery white. , neither a gas nor a liquid.

Sherlock raised his wand to his temple twice more and added the silver substance to the stone basin.

"When spying on other people's memories, I need to take out a part of my own memory so that some important parts of it will not be affected, so I specially borrowed a Pensieve from Professor Dumbledore."

Gu Lian

At the same time as he explained, he put the Pensieve containing the memories back into the cabinet, and made Harry stand up from his chair as well.

"Next, I'm going to start trying to get into your brain, Harry." Sherlock said solemnly, "You can resist in any way you can think of, I need to test some of your willpower, this is very important ."

Harry took a deep breath, then nodded, signaling that he was ready.


Sherlock made a sudden attack, and before Harry could prepare to resist, the office shook and disappeared before his eyes, and pictures flashed in his mind like a movie, and he could no longer see the things around him.

At five he watched Dudley on his new red bike with envy; at nine he was chased into a tree by the watchdog Lippi and the Dursleys laughed on the lawn; he was wearing a sortie Hearing it said he could go to Slytherin; during the summer vacation of the second grade, Sherlock came to the door and said he could take him on a trip to France; Sirius was surrounded by hundreds of Dementors, and he rushed to use the Patronus Charm; At the dance of the Triwizard Tournament, he watched with jealousy as Cedric embraced Qiu Zhang's slender waist and danced...

The previous memories are all okay to say, but when it comes to the part about Qiu Zhang, Harry instinctively resists because of his shyness.

He began to struggle, and Sherlock's office was back in sight.

Harry gasped heavily, not knowing when he held his wand in his hand, and there was a scorched spell of white smoke on the wall next to Sherlock.

Seeing this scene, he can obviously guess what he just did.

"Hold, sorry, professor, I, I don't know when I used the spell..."

Sherlock interrupted Harry's apology.

"You don't have to apologize, that's what I want you to resist, it shows you're not defenseless about your memory, and that's a good thing."

He didn't mention the scene he saw at the end, Harry didn't think of it at first, but in fact he still had some psychology that he didn't want others to find out.

Adolescent children, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is always restless.

"You've actually mastered some tricks. The key to Occlumency is that you have complete control over your thoughts."

"When other people use magic and involve your mind to think about memories in certain areas, you have to ensure that you still have absolute control over your own."

"And the key to this is that you have to be able to control your emotions, don't have other superfluous emotions, try to empty your mind, and don't think about anything, even if there is magic like Legilimency to go Pull you, and you can be perfectly unaffected, which means that you have basically mastered the magic of Occlumency."

After letting Harry experience that feeling once, Sherlock taught him the trick.

Harry took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'll try my best, do we want to do it again?"

Sherlock raised his wand again.

"Of course, remember what I said, and now, mind empty."

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