Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 394: sneak attack

Shilk didn't mean to stay strong.

She knows Sherlock's strength. If he can't solve the problem alone, the result will be the same with her.

And this bottle of memory really can't have any glitches.

She reached for the glass bottle and said softly before leaving.

"I'll be waiting for you in Hogsmeade."

Sherlock slowly pulled out his wand, without making a sound, but gave her an ok gesture.

After Silk left, he fumbled in the direction one of the Death Eaters had left, and their splitting action gave Sherlock a good chance of breaking one by one.

With the control of magic, such a dark and windy night is the best time for him to take action.

He was soon in the realm and found the Death Eater who had quietly come to the door of a Muggle house.

This is exactly Amycus, who had a language conflict with Rodolphus before.

The wizard also has a younger sister. The two were notorious in the wizarding world before they officially became Death Eaters. Everyone knew that the Caro siblings were a pair of black wizards with no bottom line.

After becoming Death Eaters and having Voldemort as the leader, they became even more reckless.

After being caught that year, all the wizards of Wizengamoor voted in favor, agreeing to sentence them to life imprisonment in Azkaban.

This is already the highest criminal law in the magic world.

Staring at the wooden door in front of him, Amycus' eyes showed a cruel look.

At this moment, there was a anger in his heart, and he had nowhere to vent it. Later, his method of interrogating Muggles would not be so simple, and he had to vent the anger that was aroused by Rodolphus in his heart.

Just as he pulled out his wand, the other hand without the wand was already in front of the door, ready to knock on the door.

Behind him, dozens of wands with the same appearance and length were quietly suspended behind his head like ghosts, and the tips of all the wands were aimed at him.

Just as Amycus was about to knock on the door, a faint voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"It's all petrified."

The voice was not very close to him, at least five meters away, so the first thought that arose in Amycus' mind was to roll to the side to avoid it!

However, before his thought had just arisen, more than a dozen spells had already hit his back with a huge impact!

As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Amycus flew towards the door in front of him, followed by a loud crash, his body was as stiff as a stone statue, powerless. fell to the ground.


The Muggles in the house obviously heard the movement, greeted him, and were about to come out of the house.

Sherlock didn't stop at all, he directly used control magic to control Amycus's body that had completely froze, and quietly left from here.

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The door was opened, and a middle-aged Muggle with a beard looked out from behind the door, and after seeing no one, he mumbled a few times with dissatisfaction, and then closed the door again. Back in the house.

And Sherlock took Amycus to the place where he and Silk stayed before.

This is a remote alley. Even in the daytime, few people will pass by, let alone at night. It is a very suitable place for Tibetans.

Although his body was restricted from moving, Amycus' eyes and mind were not petrified. After he was hit by the spell and fell to the ground, he saw the dozen or so wands floating behind him.

Then his heart was desperate.

Sherlock's spellcasting method is no secret. At least among the Death Eaters, Voldemort made every one of his subordinates remember Sherlock's face and his unique skills of controlling the magic wand using spells.

Even the Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban later knew that their master was stabbed through the heart by a young Hogwarts professor the night he was resurrected.

The name Sherlock Forrest has long been deeply engraved in the hearts of every Death Eater.

Just as in the British wizarding world, apart from Dumbledore, no wizard thinks he can beat Voldemort.

None of the Death Eaters thought they could outwit Sherlock, who had defeated Voldemort head-on.

Except for a lunatic like Bella, no one would think about meeting Sherlock or Dumbledore.

And unfortunately, Amycus fell into Sherlock's hands tonight.

His eyes were gray, but Sherlock didn't even look at him. After throwing him into the alley, he turned and walked quickly in the direction of the other Death Eater he remembered.

The time they agreed on was 10 minutes. Of course, Sherlock couldn't solve all five people in a row within 10 minutes.

But as long as he solves two or three of them, even if the rest of the people know and find the problem, it will not cause him any trouble.

The only thing to pay attention to is that he must move quickly, so that the Death Eaters have no chance to issue a warning, otherwise it will alarm the rest of the people in advance.

They gathered together, of course Sherlock was not afraid, but mainly worried that someone would escape tonight.

According to his plan, none of the five people who came to this village could leave.

The residential area in the village is not large, and he did not go long in the direction that one of the Death Eaters left in his memory, and he found the whereabouts of the second Death Eater in his own domain.

This Death Eater leader is somewhat unfamiliar to Sherlock. He has already knocked on the door of a Muggle house, he has just completed the control of the soul, and is asking about Slughorn's whereabouts.

Before the Muggle could answer~www.NovelMTL.com~ Sherlock repeated the trick, and the spell hit him directly.

The Death Eater fell to the ground weakly, and the Imperius Curse he put on the Muggle automatically touched. The fat middle-aged woman first stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and two seconds later she A terrified expression appeared on her face, and when she was about to force her eyes to scream, Sherlock's wand was already pointed at her.

"Everything is forgotten."

The fat woman opened her eyes again, her eyes became dull, she stood there blankly, watching Sherlock take the petrified Death Eater away.

After a while, she would wake up on her own, forget why she was standing here, and then go back to the house and continue to sleep while wondering if her memory was declining with age.


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