Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 396: “7”

It was almost midnight when Sherlock returned to Hogwarts.

He did not bring the four Rodolphs back to the castle, but called Kingsley and asked him to bring the four Death Eaters back to the Ministry of Magic.

Neither Hogwarts Castle nor 12 Grimmauld Place are suitable places to keep wizards.

Moreover, in the interrogation of the Death Eaters, the Order of the Phoenix and the Ministry of Magic can be said to have communicated with each other, so there was no extra consideration, and Kingsley took them away directly.

Silk was waiting for Sherlock in Hogsmeade, and then walked into the castle with him.

Although the four of Rodolphus are also very important, they can pry a lot of information about Voldemort from their mouths, but the biggest gain tonight is this memory of Slughorn.

After letting Shilk go back to rest first, Sherlock took this memory and went straight to the principal's office.

Dumbledore hadn't slept yet, the lights in the office were bright, he was not only waiting for Sherlock, but he was also rushing to deal with the official business that was not completed during the day. Fun Court

He also holds many positions. Recently, the search for Horcrux has involved most of his energy during the day, and he can only deal with these complicated things at night.

Seeing Sherlock, Dumbledore raised his head a little tiredly, rubbed his temples, and still had that kind of gentle expression on his face.

"It looks like you got something this time?"

Sherlock didn't give in. He took the bottle with the memory out of his pocket and put it on the desk.

"Professor Slughorn didn't want to give me this memory at first, but after I drank with him and said something, he changed his mind."

Afterwards, he also told Dumbledore about capturing Rodolphus and the others, but these were not the focus of the evening.

Dumbledore put down the documents in his hand and took out the Pensieve from the cabinet at the back of the office.

"Let's see how Riddle got the Horcrux information from Horace that year. I hope this memory can provide us with some help."

As he spoke, he pulled the silver thread in the glass bottle with his wand and put it into the Pensieve.

The next moment, the Pensieve was filled with that silvery substance that was like liquid and gas.

Dumbledore and Sherlock looked at each other, and without hesitation, they entered this memory together.

It was an office distinctly different from any of the teachers' offices at Hogwarts today.

Slughorn looked like a fat walrus when he was young.

With bushy lustrous straw-colored hair and a **** moustache, he sat in a comfortable winged armchair with his feet on large velvet cushions, a small glass of wine in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. Picking from boxes of pineapple preserves.

Six or seven teenage boys sat around Slughorn, among them Tom Riddle.

When seeing this scene, Sherlock's eyes were fixed on Slughorn, while Dumbledore's eyes were attracted by a black ring on Riddle's hand from the very beginning.

When they arrived, Riddle was asking Slughorn.

"Sir, is Professor Melles retiring?"

"Tom, I know and can't tell you."

Slughorn waved a frosted finger at him reproachfully, but blinked again.

"I have to say, I want to know where you got your news, boy. You know more than half the faculty."

Riddle smiled slightly, and the other boys laughed too, casting admiring glances at him.

"You ghost, you can know things you shouldn't know, and you will be careful to please important people. By the way, thank you for your pineapple. You guessed it right. This is my favorite."

The boys snickered, and Slughorn said it half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I'm sure you'll be promoted to Minister of Magic in twenty years. Maybe fifteen years, if you often send me pineapple preserves. I have a very hard relationship in the ministry."

The other boys laughed again, and Tom Riddle only smiled.

Sherlock noticed that he was by no means the oldest of the boys, but they all seemed to see him as a leader.

"I don't know if politics is right for me, sir," Tom Riddle said after the laughter died down. "First of all, I don't have a strong background."

The two boys next to each other looked at each other and smiled. They should have thought of a joke that was circulated in private, no doubt they knew or guessed, and it was related to their chief ancestor's illustrious ancestor.

Only then did Sherlock notice that one of the boys had a familiar face.

It was he who caught the Death Eater today, Rodolphus Lestrange.

"What," said Slughorn brightly. "It's clear that you must come from a respectable wizarding family with talent like yours. You have a great future, Tom, and I've never missed a student. "

The little golden clock on the desk struck eleven.

"God, it's time? It's time to go, boys, or we'll be in trouble. Lestrange, hand in your papers tomorrow or you'll be locked up, and you too, Avery."

The boys filed out, and Slughorn got up from his chair, brought the empty glass to the table, and the movement behind him made him turn around, where Riddle was still standing.

"Come on, Tom, you don't want to be caught out when the lights go out, you're a prefect..."

"Sir, I want to ask you something."

"Then ask, child, ask..."

"Sir, I want to ask if you know... Horcrux."

Slughorn glared at him, fat fingers caressing the foot of the cup absently.

"The subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts, isn't it?"

Sherlock could see that Slughorn knew it wasn't school work.

"No, sir, I don't quite understand what I read in the book."

Slughorn obviously didn't really want to talk to Riddle about Horcruxes.

It's just that Riddle's hesitant, casual tone and clever compliment were not overdone at all.

From the third angle of view, Sherlock could see that he actually wanted to know this information. The wording and attitude of the organization were obviously planned for a long time.

Slughorn seemed to trust his student.

After all, judging from Riddle's performance, as long as he continues to develop step by step, he will definitely have a bright future.

And how could such a person be willing to use a magic like a Horcrux to ruin his life?

"Of course, it won't hurt to give you a brief introduction, just to give you an understanding of the term. A Horcrux is an object that holds part of a person's soul."

"But I don't quite understand what that is, sir," said Riddle.

His voice is carefully controlled, and if you listen carefully, you can feel his excitement.

"That is, you split your soul," Slughorn said, "and hide part of it in some object outside your body. That way, even if your body is attacked or destroyed, you can't die, For there is still a part of the soul left in the world, unharmed. But, of course, in this form..."

Slughorn frowned.

"Few people would want to do that, Tom, and it's more pleasant to die by comparison."

But Riddle's performance is obviously not like someone who will give up this method.

His handsome face hides uncontrollable greed and impatience, he continued to ask.

"How to split the soul?"

"Oh," said Slughorn uneasily, "you have to understand that the soul should remain intact. To split it is a transgression, it is against nature."

"But how to split?"

"By wicked deeds -- the most wicked of them, through murder. Killing splits the soul, and wizards who want to make Horcruxes use this destruction: to seal the splintered soul."

"This needs a spell, don't ask me what this spell is, do I look like a murderer?"

"No, of course I didn't mean that, sir," said Riddle hastily. "I'm just curious. What I want to ask is, is a Horcrux useful? Can a soul only be split once? Better, makes you stronger? For example, isn't seven the most magical number? Seven—?"


Slughorn raised his voice, looking like he regretted talking to Riddle about it.

He stood up from the chair uneasily: "My God, Tom! Seven! Isn't it evil enough to want to kill one person? Anyway... it's evil enough to split a soul... and split into seven pieces..."

Dumbledore grabbed Sherlock's arm at this time.

"We should leave, Sherlock."

The surrounding pictures began to shatter, turning into silver threads one after another surrounding them.

There is only so much content in this memory, but it has already brought them enough key information.

Returning to Dumbledore's office again, they went back to the chair together, and Sherlock's face showed an unbelievable expression.

"So, Voldemort's ultimate goal is to split his soul into seven parts and make seven Horcruxes?"

Dumbledore crossed his fingers in front of him, he said thoughtfully.

"You have ignored the share of soul that he has always wanted to dominate. The final number of Horcruxes he plans to make should be six, six Horcruxes."

Sherlock frowned.

"But these are just his thoughts when he was in school. Is it possible that he changed his mind later and split his soul into more parts for the insurance period, and the number of Horcruxes is more than six?"

Dumbledore shook his head.

"You should know better than anyone, Sherlock, the key to a wizard's spellcasting lies in his own emotions and will. The target determined at the beginning of the spellcasting, and the process of completing the magic, can never be changed."

"I don't know much about magic such as Horcrux, but no matter how advanced or evil it is, it will not violate the essence of magic."

"And the first Horcrux Riddle made was his diary. At that time, he was still studying at Hogwarts. His mind should not have changed so easily."

"That is to say, when he made the first Horcrux, he had already set the tone for the number of split souls to follow. Under his will, his soul could only be split into seven parts at most, unless —"

When he said this, Dumbledore's eyes became a little deep, he murmured.

"Unless something unexpected happened that he didn't expect."

Sherlock touched his chin, he said in a deep voice.

"It's not very likely that this kind of accident will happen, right?"

Dumbledore didn't answer his question immediately. He seemed to be thinking about something, but it was a bit too complicated and uncertain, and he didn't think it through in such a short period of time.

"Accidents are not something we can predict in advance, so we don't need to include them regardless of the probability."

"This memory of Horace has provided us with a very clear target, seven souls, six Horcruxes, and we have found and found three of them, and the rest of the room of Requirement is still there. One, during this time, I also found some clues in Riddle's hometown, as for the last Horcrux."

Dumbledore's eyes flickered, and he made a bold guess.

"It's most likely the snake beside Voldemort."

He had seen Nashji with his own eyes, on the night of the last event of the Triwizard Tournament last semester.

Sherlock was also reminiscing. He was recalling the reaction to the mark on his left arm the night he was teleported to Voldemort.

The mark was really hot at that time, but at that time he thought that the source of the burning was Voldemort who was about to be resurrected, and he did not suspect Nashji.

Thinking about it now, it is indeed very possible.

Harry dreams of Voldemort's perspective every time in front of the time can also prove this, the big snake named Nashji is a bit too special~www.NovelMTL.com~ It will stay by Voldemort's side all day, and a Viper is also fully in line with Voldemort's requirements for his Horcrux.

He is a descendant of Slytherin, and the only animal that can represent Slytherin and the Academy is the snake!

Sherlock took a deep breath, and he and Dumbledore looked at each other.

"If all the information we got is accurate, then it means that Voldemort's Horcrux has been checked out by us, and the one hidden in the Castle Room of Requirement can basically be Ravenclaw's crown, Counting Nashji and the one that Professor you recently found a clue, we already know the positions of the remaining three Horcruxes."

Dumbledore's face also showed a slightly relaxed look, but he still reminded.

"Knowing the location of the remaining Horcruxes does not mean that we can defeat Voldemort. Even if we can destroy all the Horcruxes successfully, Voldemort will not die because of it. He just lost the capital of resurrection. We still have to think about it in the end. Way to kill him!" The fastest new offer for you is nothing more than a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Update, Chapter 396 "Seven" is free to read. https://

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