Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 403: Peverell

10 o'clock at night.

The sky was completely dark, and it was at this time that Dumbledore and Sherlock passed through Fox's apparition and came to a village that was already shrouded in darkness.

"This is where Riddle's grandfather, the Gaunt family's old house. Of course his father's house is also nearby, and the two houses are not very far apart, just on the other side of the valley, but now both sides are alone. there is none left."

Dumbledore took Sherlock to a dilapidated house against the biting cold wind. They didn't go in immediately. Dumbledore was still telling him how he found this place.

"I followed the clues to find Riddle's mother, the Gunter family of Merope Gunter, but Riddle's maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gunter, has long since passed away, but fortunately, he still has There is a son alive, Morfin Gaunt, Riddle's uncle. He was once sentenced to life in Azkaban for killing an entire Muggle family by magic."

"Fortunately, he did not escape with the others when the Death Eaters escaped from prison some time ago. He was very ill, and even if the Dementors completely ignored him, he could not escape. Just when he was dying When I was about to die, I found him on the island where the Dementors had long since left, and I was lucky enough to have precious memories of the first and only time he and his nephew met."

"Because of time constraints, I didn't let you read that memory when I was in the office, but it's very simple to repeat the contents."

"When he was still in school at Hogwarts, Riddle used the summer vacation to start investigating his own background. The orphanage had hosted his mother. Merope said two names when he was dying. One It was his father's - Tom Riddle, the exact same name his mother gave him, and the other was his maternal grandfather's name - Marvolo."

"He'd searched the prize room, the prefects' lists of old school records, and even the history books of magic, but found nothing, and was finally forced to admit that his father had never been to Hogwarts. I believe it was then that he ditched the name, changed his name to Voldemort's, and began to investigate the family history of his mother, whom he had despised before - a woman he once thought, having succumbed to death, the shameful weakness of mankind, would not Possibly a wizard."

"His only clue was the name 'Marvolo', which he learned from the orphanage administrators was his maternal grandfather's name. After a painstaking search of old books and wizarding families, he finally found Slytherin The last of the family. In the summer of sixteen, he left the orphanage he returned to every year to find his Gaunt relatives."

Sherlock looked at the dilapidated, haunted hut in front of him and said softly.

"Did he come here then?"

"Yes, of course he found it here, and also met his uncle Morfin."

"Riddle and his father looked alike and were equally handsome, so Morfin recognized him at first sight. Because old Tom abandoned Riddle's mother and returned to this town, Marvolo and Morfin was well aware that Merope was dumped."

"But they have always looked down on the only female member of their family. When they know about this, they will only scold them for what they deserve. They don't have any thoughts of venting or taking revenge on their daughter or sister."

"It was from him that Riddle knew everything that happened, and then Morfin's memory was interrupted here. After he woke up, Riddle's father's house, the Riddle family was dead, and someone used it on them. Morfin's own wand who wields those spells."

"Morfin confessed to his guilt and showed off, but he lost the last heirloom his father left him with the Gaunt family. It was a black ring that was originally on his hand. But after waking up, the ring disappeared."

"The magic world was in chaos for another man at the time, and the case about Morfin was not carefully tried at all, and he was sentenced to life in prison for Azkaban, not long after I got this memory from him, He died on that island and was eventually buried there."

After clarifying all the causes and consequences, the truth of this case can be easily judged.

Sherlock analyzed.

"Voldemort knocked out his uncle, took his wand, went across the valley to the big mansion opposite, killed the Muggle who abandoned his wizard mother, killed his Muggle grandparents by the way, wiped Went to the unsatisfactory Riddle family, and got revenge on the biological father who never wanted him. Then he went back to the Gaunts, performed some complicated magic, implanted false memories in his uncle's brain, and put his wand Put it next to its unconscious owner, take the ancient ring and walk away."

His analysis was approved by Dumbledore, but there was a little problem Sherlock didn't understand.

"Morfin never thought he did it?"

"No. As I said, he confessed and showed off everywhere."

"But he kept this real memory?"

"Yes, but it takes a lot of high-skilled Legilimency to get it out. Morfin has pleaded guilty, so who's going to dig into his mind? But I visited prison during his last days. I managed to extract this memory, and after reading it, I tried to get Morfin out of the island, but Morfin died before the Ministry of Magic had made a decision."

Sherlock didn't have much emotion for this. After all, this Morfin was arrested, and it can't be said that he was completely wronged. Since Voldemort added the false memory of his murder into his mind, he did not feel any regret, saying Maybe long before Voldemort found him, he had already had the idea of ​​killing the Riddles.

However, Sherlock still complained about another thing.

"It can be seen from this that the Ministry of Magic's supervision of Hogwarts students not being able to cast spells outside the school during the summer vacation is superficial. Those students whose parents are wizards, or who live next to wizards' homes have no way to supervise them. , can only rely on their self-consciousness.”

"This is indeed part of the loophole in the magic law." Dumbledore also nodded and said, "but we don't have the energy to pay attention to these right now, Sherlock, you should have guessed what the last Horcrux we are looking for today is. already."

Sherlock stared at the dilapidated house in front of him.

"Is that the ring that Morfin lost?"

"That's right, and you have seen this ring before, can you still recall it?" Dumbledore said.

Sherlock thought for a moment, then remembered what Dumbledore said, he saw the ring somewhere.

"You mean the black ring that Riddle was wearing in Professor Slughorn's memory?"

Dumbledore drew his wand, and with a flick of his hand, the door in front of them opened.

"That's right, when I saw the memory you brought back, I was already suspicious. Although I haven't seen the real thing yet, it's basically confirmed that the Horcrux hidden here is the ring."

They walked into this dusty room, the ceiling was full of cobwebs, and it looked like no one had come to clean it for a long time.

"Can you feel it? Sherlock." Dumbledore looked at Sherlock and asked.

Sherlock's perception of Horcruxes is much sharper than anyone else's.

And after entering the door, the mark on his left arm really produced a strong burning sensation.

He was naturally familiar with this feeling. Dumbledore was right in finding the place. The only Horcrux they didn't know before was hidden in this room.

Sherlock spread out the control magic. After using the remnant soul of Voldemort in the Slytherin locket to make a thread, the range of the control magic was doubled, and it could completely cover this small house.

But Sherlock didn't find any trace of the black ring in the house.

He frowned, there are only two possibilities for this situation, either Dumbledore guessed wrong, there is indeed a Horcrux here, but that Horcrux is not the ring they had seen.

Either Voldemort used some means to hide the ring. This way of hiding is very special, and it can even block Sherlock's perception.

He repeated the results of his detection with Dumbledore, both of whom preferred the second explanation.

Because that ring is undoubtedly very consistent with the characteristics of Voldemort's Horcrux materials, the family heirloom ring of the Gaunt family, and the proof of Riddle's wizarding bloodline.

There was no problem with Sherlock's control magic, but Dumbledore, relying on his own experience, found that there was something wrong with the position beside the bookcase.

From the outside, it looks empty, and the ground is full of dust, no different from other places.

But when Dumbledore raised the elder wand in his hand and tapped lightly on the wall next to him, a string of sparks suddenly burst out in the clearing.

The two of them looked at each other, obviously some kind of magic was used here.

Dumbledore is undoubtedly much stronger than Sherlock when it comes to exploring and unlocking spells like this. This does not mean that Sherlock is much weaker than Dumbledore.

But after all, Old Deng Tou has lived for a long time. He has a lot of knowledge about all kinds of strange magic, and he knows what kind of methods to use in special situations.

It didn't take long for Dumbledore's face to have a wise look on his face. He held the wand, muttered words in his mouth, and finally waved it gently, and a hidden wooden cabinet appeared in front of them.

The cabinet was as dilapidated as this house, with only two simple drawers on it. Dumbledore pulled all the drawers open, and put aside the other miscellaneous things, the extremely conspicuous black gemstone ring came into their eyes.

Dumbledore stared at the ring and narrowed his eyes, and Sherlock's breathing quickened slightly. They all knew that finding this ring meant that they knew where all of Voldemort's Horcruxes were stored.

Seeing that Dumbledore stretched out his hand without hesitation, Sherlock subconsciously reminded him next to him.


Dumbledore understood that he was worried about the curse being placed on the ring, shook his head and said.

"It's alright, I can see that the person who picks up this ring will not have any problem, but wearing it will not necessarily."

With that said, he had already taken the Gaunt ring from the drawer. Seeing that nothing had happened, Sherlock could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"If you don't know the details of this ring, you might also wear this ring with Voldemort's spell, but since we already know that it is a Horcrux, how could we possibly bring it."

Sherlock said lightly, he was really in a relaxed mood right now.

Although all the Horcruxes have not been collected yet, one of the remaining two is in Hogwarts Castle, and the other is always with Voldemort.

As long as the specific location is known, the rest just needs to wait for the opportunity, there will always be opportunities.

And as soon as Sherlock's voice fell, he realized that something was wrong with Dumbledore.

After getting the Gaunt ring, Dumbledore seemed to have discovered something, and those blue eyes stared at the notch in the center of the black gemstone embedded in the ring.

Sherlock has never seen Dumbledore show his expression and eyes like he does today.

His hand holding the ring was trembling, and his eyes staring at the ring were full of excitement, mixed with sadness and sadness, which seemed very complicated.

"Professor, what's wrong?"

Sherlock frowned tightly. He thought that Dumbledore didn't find the spell that Voldemort set on the ring, just like the poison in the stone basin in the cave before.

As long as you get the ring, you can't control your desire to put it on!

Dumbledore looked very emotional now, but he seemed to have used a lot of willpower and did not take the next action rashly. Instead, he stretched out the hand holding the ring in front of Sherlock.

"You, can you recognize this sign?"

Dumbledore's voice completely lost the gentleness and calmness of the past. The slightly trembling tone was something Sherlock had never heard before.

Sherlock saw the pattern he mentioned, and it was in the center of the black gem.

A circle is drawn in a regular triangle, and in the middle of the triangle and the circle, there is a straight vertical line.

Sherlock also naturally felt familiar with this sign, he just thought for a while before thinking of where he had seen it before.

"Is this the badge of Grindelwald's saints at the beginning of the twentieth century?"

Dumbledore never took his eyes off the ring, he took a deep breath before speaking.

"That's right, Getler did use this logo as the badge of his organization at the beginning, but before that, it already existed in the world, and it has its own name - the Peverlier badge."


At the beginning, it didn't think that it needed to use a weapon in the face of such an opponent, but at this moment it had to take out the weapon, otherwise, it would have been unable to resist. Rebirth from the ashes will continue to consume, and once the power of one's own bloodline is consumed excessively, it will also damage the source.

"I have to say, you exceeded my expectations. But now I have to use all my strength." Following Cao Yuwei's words, the Phoenix True Flame converged towards it like a sea of ​​rivers, and actually took back the Phoenix True Flame Domain. .

The blazing phoenix real fire condensed and formed around its body, turning into a magnificent golden-red armor covering the whole body. Holding a sword, it stared at Young Master Mei like a demon.

Young Master Mei did not pursue, but stood in the distance, slightly calming down his agitated mood. Although this battle did not last long, her emotions were becoming more and more excited.

Before she really faced the undead phoenix at the level of the Great Demon King, she didn't know if she could really resist. Her confidence all came from what Tang San gave before. And as the battle continued, when she really began to suppress her opponent, and she also protected herself from the Phoenix True Fire with the help of the Seven-Colored Sky Fire Liquid, she knew that she could really do it.

Over the past hundred years, Tang San has instructed her on many fighting skills, all of which are most suitable for her to use. Just like the previous Nether Thorn, Nether Hundred Claws. There is also the sword Xinghan who just stabbed Cao Yuwei's finger for the first time. According to Tang San, these are all real magical skills, and they were taught to Young Master Mei after his slight changes, and they were all the most suitable for her to use.

The more he used these abilities, the more Young Master Mei couldn't help subduing Tang San's heart. When Tang San first told her that these belonged to the category of divine skills, she still had some doubts in her heart. However, at this time, she can continuously traumatize and oppress her opponents. If it is not a magical skill, how can she do it under the gap of cultivation?

At this moment, all the emperors standing above the Emperor Tianzhu were all impressed by this little girl. When the Phoenix True Flame Domain appeared, what they were thinking about was how long Young Master Mei could last in this domain. The White Tiger Demon Emperor and the Jingfeng Demon Emperor were even ready to come to the rescue. However, as the battle continued, they were stunned to see that Young Master Mei had actually suppressed a great demon king of the undead Huofeng clan, in a real sense, and even forced him to be reborn from the ashes. how incredible

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Just as Cao Yuwei thought in his heart, the great demon king of the first-level bloodline is not the same thing as the ordinary great demon king! Not to mention the descendants of the top three powerful races in the Tianyu Empire. In terms of profound background, it is not impossible that the undead Huofeng lineage is the strongest in the Tianyu Empire. After all, the Tianhu tribe is not good at fighting.

But that's how it was, he was actually suppressed by the beautiful young master who was one rank lower. The peacock demon clan doesn't even have an emperor now! Young Master Mei was still a ninth-rank existence more than half a year ago, and he was still participating in the Ancestral Court Elite Tournament. And today, after more than half a year, she can actually compete with the Great Demon King, then give her a few more years, how strong will she be? How long does it take for her to become an emperor? The emperors present felt a little unbelievable at this time, because the strength displayed by Young Master Mei was really beyond their expectations!

The Great Demon Emperor Tianhu frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

From his point of view, everything he wants to do is for the better continuation of the monster clan and the monster clan, and for the fairy land to always exist as the core of the entire plane.

The reason why he targeted this little girl was because when she won the championship, he had felt something unusual in her, and also felt a stronger threat from her companion. Even as an emperor, he can feel this threat, and the threat is not himself, but the one he guards.

That's why he secretly led the Dark Demon King to hunt down Tang San and Young Master Mei.

After the Dark Demon King returned, he said that there was a power similar to the Sea God blocking him, but he had already eliminated him, and that kid named Shura was completely wiped out. The Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor really couldn't feel the luck that belonged to Shura anymore.

So, as long as the little girl in front of you needs to be strangled in the cradle, or at least interrupt her luck, then the threat should disappear.

However, even the Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor himself did not expect that Young Master Mei's growth rate could be so fast. In just over half a year, not only has he succeeded in transcending the calamity, he has also been able to compete with the first-level bloodline powerhouses at the level of the Great Demon King. The stronger the ability she shows, the more the Heavenly Fox Demon Emperor will naturally be able to feel the threat from her. And the threat has risen to a new level.

The sword in Cao Yuwei's hand flashed a dazzling golden-red light, and his whole body was murderous. Taking a step forward, the sword was cut out. The sky suddenly twisted violently. The blazing sword intent directly enveloped Young Master Mi's body.

It's still tricky.

Young Master Mei's expression did not change, he took the initiative to take a step forward, and another mysterious circle of the sky swayed out.

The incomparably powerful blow of the battle knife was once again thrown aside. There are top-level powerhouses present, and they can all see that the skill that Young Master Mei is using now is definitely a divine skill among divine skills. The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than hers, but it can't break her super defense.

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But no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the best talent of the Peacock Monster Clan is to move the stars. Her skills are in the same way as the stars.

After defusing Cao Yuwei's attack this time, Young Master Mei did not rush to attack, but just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly, is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned his armor into flames, he had other means. If Young Master Mei kept up with the attack, then he would be sure to use this means to restrain her. But Young Master Mei didn't step forward, so his ability to be ready to go had to be interrupted.

The battle sword was cut out again, and the powerful sword intent was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei also followed the sword.

The secret ling in the hand of Young Master Mei was once again the profound circle of the sky, and with a teleportation, he switched his position. While resolving the opponent's attack, it also resolves the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away, if it wasn't for her dodging quickly, there would undoubtedly be another ability coming.

Fight for consumption! It seems that she is going to fight with Cao Yuwei to consume.

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