Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 10

❖ 10 ❖

Haqua was on my case the instant I walked in the door to my apartment, firing a party popper right in my face. Clapping happily as confetti rained down on my head.

“Congratulations! You’ve made Mistress very proud today, Rina! Why, even I didn’t think you’d be bringing her home tonight!”

"Didn't have a choice. I dunno where she lives,"  I sighed, walking Mio through to my bedroom and slowly tucking her into bed before returning to Haqua.

"Of course, dear. I'm certain your night of passion had nothing to do with any of this."

"How do you even know if we had sex? She could be sick, for all you know."

"Please, Rina. You think mommy can't see how full of lust her little devil is? Of course, you're always a horny mutt, but that's Mio's lust filling you up right now, I can tell. You look so satisfied right now, I'll have you know."

Guh, of course you can tell all that.

"So how was she? Did she treat my doggie well? What's she like in bed, hmm?"

“She’s...very into my nipple rings.”

“Mm, a respectable choice! One of your lesser-discussed charms, but a vital part of what makes you such a precious little mutt, nonetheless!”

“She was also very, very into seeing them on a bigger chest so she, y’know…”


“...She gave me cowtits.”

I’d say her smirk couldn’t get any wider, but I knew that was a lie, so I kept on going.

I guess I wanted to see just how much she could look down on me.

“Big enough that they almost hid away the rings entirely. She said they were, uhh…’bullyable’.”

“Mmm. I’m sure they must have looked just wonderful on your frame. I’m rather tempted to see them myself.”

“Yeah, I bet," I sighed. "They were milky, too. She kept calling me her ‘moo cow,’ though, so I kinda stopped barking for a bit.”

“And started mooing? How precious!”

“Yeah, well, I wanted to be good for her…"

“Well, I’m certainly proud of you for being such a considerate lover. I’m sure you were a wonderful little moo cow. What will your kouhai think of you when she wakes, I wonder…?”

“She’ll probably wonder where my chest went.”

“Then I’m sure she’ll be delighted to know she can make it come back whenever she chooses,” Haqua laughed, then gestured to her lap.

I got the hint, and took a seat on her thighs, soaking in her warmth as she wrapped her arms around me in a gentle hug.

"She really liked the food, y'know? She talked about you a bunch. She really wants to get to know you better."

"Mm, I thought she might. I'd have implanted more memories of myself in her mind if I didn't think I'd get the chance to create new ones with her. Still, I suppose it'll have to wait until she's strong enough to pull herself out of her dreams. I'll be sure to prepare a party in her honor, as thanks for showing my dear pet so much love. Still...you weren’t supposed to tell her it came from me. I suppose that error lies with me, however. I assumed that even a loser dog like you was smart enough to pick up on something that obvious.”

"Wan wa~n!"

I hadn’t been directly insulted in hours, and after Mio treated me as sweetly as she did, even something as small as that felt like a taste of pure ambrosia.

“You’re practically drooling, Rina.”

I bolted to attention, wiped my mouth, and got back on track.

“L-Look, I just didn’t feel great taking credit from you. You did something really damn sweet for her and me, Haqua, and it’d have been wrong if you didn’t get the appreciation you deserve for that. It just wouldn’t have sat right with me because...well, you really do mean a lot to me, Haqua. I love you, ya know?”

“And I love you, Rina," Haqua said with a smile, hugging me just a little tighter. "And it’s not that I don’t appreciate the gesture, but perhaps I’ll have to give you a bit of a lesson in following instructions soon, hmm?”

Haqua and I didn’t really express our love quite as directly as that most of the time. Shit, I don’t think we’d ever straight up said “I love you” in those words before. We both knew very well how sincere and real our feelings for each other were all the same,  but it felt nice to say it for a change, and now Haqua was even offering to give me a lesson, so...well, I don’t know of a purer declaration of love than that.

I barked for her again, and she began to gently caress my tail with her fingers.

“You really are filled with that girl’s lust right now, you know? Positively drenched in it from horn to tail. That particular scent may linger for quite some time.”

“Ahaha, she had a lot to give, yeah. But yours is still there, right?”

My question was a lot more desperate than I meant for it to be, but the idea of no longer carrying something of Haqua’s upset me more than I realized.

“But of course~! It’s mingled together with hers right now, and I assure you the combination of our lusts is simply wonderful, but even the least discerning succubus could see how very distinct they still remain. There’s no need to worry, Rina. That, much like all of my gifts, won’t ever fade away.”

Haqua, as always, was an incredible mistress.

“So, did my mutt enjoy having ‘cowtits?’ Was it fun being so full of milk? It’s the first time your body has shifted since becoming a succubus, so it must have been quite the experience for you, I’m sure.”

“Yeah, it was really damn good, honestly. I like being the way I am, but I guess it’s fun trying something like that out every now and then. It’s funny, they weren’t that much bigger than what I used to have, but I guess I’d completely forgotten what it was like to have any part of me feel so...full. Outside of my ass, of course. That’s untouchable.”

“Oh, it’s decidedly the opposite! But still, it really can be great fun to see just how another’s feelings might shape you. Not that I’d ever want to change you, mind. My little bitch is perfectly pathetic the way she is," Haqua teased.

I barked again. I had to wonder if my neighbors thought I'd picked up a pet at some point.

“Thinking about it, my body’s never changed for you, either," Haqua noted.

“Oh, huh. I’d never even considered that.”

“I'd imagine that, back when you first summoned me, you were so singularly fixated on being with a succubus that you didn’t want to try anything that could jeopardize that. As for why it never happened after that, though, perhaps I'm just a perfect fit for your desperate tastes," she joked.

“I-I’m not sure I would have just gone for any succubus."

“Oh, you would have. Of that, I have no doubt~.”


I was acting like it stung but…she wasn’t wrong.

“W-Well, I am a mutt. I’d have fun with a lot of succubi if I could, but-”

They’d be having fun with you, dear.”

“R-Right, right… Look, the point is, I’m glad that you’re the succubus I summoned, Haqua. You're special to me, and always will be."

“‘Succubus’?” a sleepy voice muttered from the doorway to the bedroom, and I completely froze up.

Mio couldn't have picked a worse moment to get out of bed I'd she'd tried.


She was yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, obviously still bleary after everything that had happened. 

That was good. I could pass this off as something else, no problem.

“Is this your apartment? How’d we get here?”

“Yeah!" I smiled, trying to stay as calm as possible. "Y-you passed out at the office, and I don’t know your address, so I thought I’d bring you here until you felt better!”

“Ooh, Senpai’s so chivalrous, ehehe! But thank you. I’m still su~per sleepy, honestly.”

That was when Haqua decided to speak up, much to my dismay.

“Understandable, all things considered. Frankly, I’m impressed you’re even awake.”

"Oh, hi Haqua!" Mio grinned, snapping awake as she finally noticed the woman whose lap I was resting on. "It's great to see you again. Thank you so much for the food, it was amazing!"

Haqua casually shooed me off her lap as Mio made her way over and wrapped her up in a big, friendly hug.

"But of course! Consider it a reward for everything you've done for my mutt over the years. I don't think she's told me a single positive story about her job that didn't involve you. Things are better now, of course, but you always seem to be on Rina's mind, all the same.

“Ehehe, really? Gosh...Senpai’s such a cutie! Ooh, I've wanted to get together with you for so long, Haqua. I’m sure we’ve got tons of Senpai stories to tell each other!”

“‘Senpai stories’?!”

“Rina, please. This is no conversation for dogs.”

“Wan wan!”

Mistress decreed it, and so it is so. I'm a dog, so I've gotta stay out of it.

"Senpai, did you just-?"

“Sure didn’t!”

I knew what she was going to ask, and I just couldn’t let that happen, not right now. If she asked about the doggie stuff, it’d only be a matter of time before she started asking about us being succubi.

“She did! She’s such an adorable little loser dog, don’t you think~?”

Fucking…why am I trying to hide anything when Haqua's around?

"Ohhh, 'loser dog'! How cute! Yeah, a cute little doggie, happily wearing her collars every day! Ehehe, they're always so cute on her, Haqua. You've got such good taste!"

“I’m so glad you appreciate them! They’re just my way of showing who she belongs to, that’s all."

Mio was apparently a master of going with the flow. Anyone else would've run out of here the second I started barking, but Mio had already picked up a nickname for me in doggie mode without missing a beat.

“Awww, that’s so sweet!”

It is?!

"Maybe I should get her something like that too!" Mio grinned. "That way everyone can know her big sis always has her back."

"What a wonderful idea~n! Rina's tail is already wagging at the thought.

It was, but I wasn't about to admit to that.


Mio froze, furrowing her brow as she lost herself in thought.

"M-metaphorical tail, y'know? The tail in my heart! The heart of a sub! A puppy GF who acts just like a dog! That sorta thing!"

I felt like I was about to explode, but I had to stop her from catching on.

"Hey, Senpai?"

"Y-yeah?" I asked, my voice rising to a crazy flustered squeak.

"What was that you were saying earlier, when I came in? Something about succu-”

“Gaahhh!! Nope! You didn’t hear that! W-We were just talking about, uhhh…"

I scrambled for an excuse and found none, so I turned to my only option.

"Wow, my head’s a mess tonight, ahaha! What were we talking about again, Haqua?”

Mistress'll come through! I know she will!

“Why, I believe we were discussing our innate ability to change our appearance to reflect the desires of whoever we’re with.”

Gimme a break! At least try!!!

Haqua flashed me a smirk, keenly aware of what was running through my mind, and just how complicated she'd suddenly made everything.

“Haqua?! What the hell?!”

“My, you’ve grown very bold indeed if you think you can talk back to me, mutt," she said, her smirk giving way to a scowl.

I might as well have been ten inches tall. Haqua’s presence was absolutely towering above me right then.

I knew when I was beat.

“Your...innate abilities?” Mio asked, barely processing what she was hearing.

“Correct. It’s something all succubi are capable of, even losers like Rina here.”

“B-but…Senpai’s not… I mean, there’s no way she can be a de-”

Before she could get any further, Haqua snapped her fingers. 


By the sudden, shocked expression on Mio’s face, I knew that our glamors had faded.

“Apologies for how abrupt this is, dear, but it wouldn’t be fair to you if we had this conversation without you seeing our true selves.”

“Y-your skin, Senpai… A-and those are horns, and you have a tail, and wings!” she cried, sounding…excited, I think? No way, that couldn’t be right. I must have heard her wrong.

“Mm, they’re very fetching, no? I’m rather proud of my pet, even if she is a mutt.”

“Haqua, did you seriously just throw her in the deep end like that?! You couldn’t have eased her in a little more.”

“Oh, Rina dear, this was just the start.”

“W-wait a sec, what do you mean?!”

“Just that Mio here still lacks a certain clarity. It wouldn’t do if she didn’t comprehend just how far you’d fallen, don’t you think? The poor girl could run herself in circles if I don’t help her out.”

Haqua didn’t even give me a second. As soon as she finished speaking, she snapped her fingers again, and Mio was struck with a dizzy spell, collapsing right into Haqua’s arms.

“Ohhh, that’s…” my kouhai murmured.

“Haqua, what happened? What’d you do?”

“As I said, I just want her to see things more clearly, that’s all.”

After a spell of grogginess, Mio recovered fairly quickly, blinking rapidly for a second before pulling herself back up to her feet.

The worried, wide-eyed stare on Mio’s face did nothing to assure me that things were OK.

“M-Mio? You alright? You’re not feeling sick or anything, are you?”

“I…” Mio froze, looking at me curiously for a second, like she had no idea what she was really seeing. 

“S-Senpai?! That’s really you?!”

“It’s me, Mio. I promise,” I answered, not sure which part of me she was questioning, but wanting to assure her all the same.

“B-But you used to be all big, right? I remember how cool you were when you protected me from Kanon, and- No, that’s not right though? You’re my adorable little Senpai. The big, cool you was just something I dreamed up, and...”

Oh, I get it.

Well, I was in for a whole lot of questions now, but it was undeniably the right thing to do. As worried as I’d been, Mio really did deserve to know the whole truth.

Still, it was pretty obvious that the memories of a me who looked way more put-together and way less demonic were getting her more than a little shaken up.

So imagine my surprise when her shock gave way to a startlingly adorable giggle.

“Ehehe, I get it! You’re so cu~te, Senpai! Big sis keeps a very close eye on you, you know? That’s why it’s so strange to think I could ever forget how big and sexy you were! But having you all tiny and adorable is great, too!


“My my, she certainly acclimates fast…”

Apparently wanting to prove Haqua’s point, she pushed me even further away from Haqua as she sat down between us.

“So you two are both succubi? That’s so fun! I thought succubi were all meant to be ultra curvy and sexy like you, Haqua, but I guess some of them are like Senpai here!” she said, punctuating her sentence by petting the top of my head. “You’re just the sweetest little demon ever!”

I had been expecting all kinds of yelling. Or shit, at least a little shock over meeting actual, real-life demons. But nope, she was just perfectly fine with everything, acting like nothing was wrong.

Mio is incredible, really.

“I’m fond of both Rinas, personally. Though I do think her mutt form is remarkably huggable, wouldn’t you agree, Mio?”

Haqua, please don’t-

“Mm, definitely!”

Mio had me in a tight hug before I could even finish wishing Haqua wouldn’t give her any ideas.

"What's with you, Mio?" I asked, chuckling from the shock of it all. "How can you learn about all this and go straight to hugging me? Aren't you supposed to freak out?!"

"Ehehe, you never got flustered like this when you were big, Senpai! You got cuter on the inside, too!"

"I-I just kept a lot locked up! But that's not important right now, is it?! You're crazy calm right now!"

"Oh, I think you being more honest with your feelings is quite important, dear. Mio clearly does as well."

"Mm! I never felt distant from you or anything, Senpai, but I definitely got the feeling you were pretty guarded. Now that's alllll gone. Not that you could guard much now that you're this size," she giggled, running a finger up one of my horns and admiring them like they were a cute new accessory.

Honestly, my head was starting to hurt a little from the breakneck pace things were taking, so I had no idea how Mio, who had ostensibly been brainwashed, was able to keep things straight.

“Really though! How are you so relaxed about all of this, Mio?!”

“‘Cause you’re still my senpai, silly! No matter what your size, you’ll always be amazing!"

“That's sweet, but-!”

I let out a (slight) yelp as I felt Haqua hand gently, but firmly, chop down on my head.

“I believe what my mongrel is trying to ask is, ‘How are you reconciling the concept of two different Rinas in your memory?’ but words are ever so hard for dogs, as I’m sure you’re aware.”

“Y-Yeah, that…”

Mio’s light, airy giggle only made Haqua’s scolding feel better.

"Mmm, my head's a bit fuzzy, honestly, but I think it's been trying to see through this for a little while now. Ever since you got back from your week off, I started dreaming about both versions of Senpai. I didn't get it at all, but I just knew that neither one of them was a lie. They both had to be real, somehow. So while stuff from before you took that week off is a little…scattered, still, it's honestly kinda reassuring! I get to have two sets of super lovely Senpai memories! I'm lucky, honestly!"

Mio smiled, then moved her attention to my wings, marvelling as they twitched slightly at her touch.

How are you so sweet, Mio?

I sighed, then took a deep breath to calm myself down.

There’s no reason to get worked up over this. It’s Mio, she’s not going to judge you, and there’s no harm in helping her try and sort things out. She’s the one that needs things explained right now, not me.

“It was right before that week I had to take off. That's when Haqua and I got together.”

“When she summoned me, she means.”

“W-Well, yeah, that’s how it happened. I don’t know why that needs to be-”

“Because, dear, the idea that you may have just gone out to a bar and picked up a succubus to have a fling with? Preposterous, for numerous reasons! I just want to make sure sweet Mio understands the flow of events properly, that’s all!”

“Ehehe… You two are so~ sweet!”

We both looked at her, absolutely confused.

But, hey, as long as she was enjoying herself, I didn’t have to feel guilty for enjoying Mistress scolding me, either.

“Anyway, even though I have different memories of you, I know that you’ve been my senpai the whole time I’ve known you, and that what led me to have that admiration for you is still real. I don’t know if you really want me to think the two of you are horrible demons or something, and sure, I was a little surprised when I first saw all of this, but I dunno Senpai, when I think of how much happier and sweeter you’ve been at work lately compared to the other memories I’ve had of you, it’s hard to find you scary!”

She's an angel. A perfect, wonderful sweetheart.

Wait a minute, do I get to think of angels that way? Would they hate me? Are angels even a thing?

It was something to ask Haqua about someday, at least.

“Okay, but what about Haqua, though? You aren’t having a hard time around her?”

“Is my little mutt implying that I’m a horrible, scary demon?”

Haqua’s voice was cold enough to send a shiver down my spine and light an eager fire in my belly.

I will always be a loser dog.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that! It's just that she barely knows you outside of anything you put in her head. So all she really knows is that you turn people into-"


"Demons!" I cried, fighting the urge to start barking.

"Ohhh, I get it. You want me to find demons scary, huh Senpai? That's why your teeth are all sharp now, to scare people? Unfortunately you're way too cute for that to work, and I don't even know what I'd find scary about Haqua! She's lovely!" Mio smiled.

“I could find ways to seem scary, of course. If you’d like that, Mio.”

“Ehehe, no no. I like you as you are. You made food for me, helped Senpai live more honestly, and we’ve already shared cute stories about her! So I know you’re a good person, Haqua. It feels like we’re friends already.”

“Thank you! It is ever so nice to be appreciated. If you enjoyed the meal that much, I’ll have to make some more for you sometime. And I’ll be sure to tell you plenty more stories about my pet anytime you’d like.”

“Hehe, lu~cky! Thank you, Haqua!”

It was a hell of a thing watching Mio giddily clap while a stupidly smug smile spread across Haqua’s face. I’d figured the two of them would probably hit it off, but, shit, they were pretty much best friends already.

“Ah! Speaking of food! I don’t know too much about succubi outside of manga and stuff-”

“Don’t worry! There’s not that much to learn!” I interrupted, before Mio blindsided me with her actual question.

“-but don’t they feed off of people’s lust?

Guh, yeah. I knew we’d get to this.

“More or less, yes,” Haqua answered, absentmindedly checking her nails.

“Then...is that why I’ve been so sleepy all night? Ever since Senpai and I…uhh...r-really buckled down to get some writing done, I’ve kinda wanted to do nothing but nap, ahahaha…”

Shit, Mio, you’re worse at lying than I am!

It was incredibly adorable, though. Hell, everything about her was, even the way she still didn’t get that she could tell my succubus mistress that we’d fucked, despite how calm she’d been about everything else.

“Mio, dear~?”

The smile Haqua gave Mio was absolutely sincere, which only made Mio that more visibly nervous. She was basically trembling.

I guess not even Mio was immune to Haqua’s more teasy side.


“I heard about everything from Rina, you know? Every last detail~”

“D-Did you, now? A-Ahaha….”

“It sounded to me like you were a very, ve~ry thirsty girl. Was my Rina a good moo cow for you?”

Mio was tense for just a moment longer before she settled down, almost melting as a dork, lusty smile spread across her face.

“She was so good… So tasty and warm…”

“Excellent! I’d expect nothing less from my pet, but it’s still good to hear that she can still behave herself even when I’m not around. I trained her myself, I’ll have you know. Each and every day. Her body’s so very honest now, isn’t it?”

“Ehehe, it really Is…”

“So, on the subject of what you were trying to obfuscate from me, I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed her. In fact, I’m proud of the both of you. Rina’s obviously had feelings for you for quite some time—they were practically dripping off of her when we first had sex—and I’m simply delighted to hear that they were so passionately matched.”

“R-Really? Even back then…?”

Mio looked at me, but all I could do was shrug my shoulders and try not to blush.

“Definitely! The sweetness of unrequited love is a very poignant taste. No succubi worth their salt would ever mistake it.”

“B-But, you two are dating, and we had sex anyway! Isn’t that-”

“Not a problem at all, dear. At least, as long as my mutt told you about the two of us beforehand. And I don’t just mean her telling you that we were sleeping together.”

“She told me, yeah. All that stuff about your hearts growing and learning to love more freely… B-But isn’t it difficult for you both if I love Senpai?”

“Not in the least! It’s quite the opposite, in fact, knowing that my dear pet has a life full of happiness. Besides, it gives you and I ample reason to grow closer as well, no? You don’t ever have to grow to love me or anything of the sort, but I’d certainly welcome the idea if it ever came to be. And, at the very least, I’d love it if we could be friends, united in our mutual love for a loser dog. However, I must ask that you try not to feel the need to hide things from me like earlier. After all, being open with each other will give us a far wider range of wonderful Senpai stories to share, wouldn’t you agree?”

I wasn’t used to seeing Haqua quite so warm, honestly. She had her moments with me, but she used a much gentler touch with Mio. There was never any feeling that she might suddenly start degrading her, or teasing her, or anything like that. It was working, too. Mio seemed to be calm down in no time.

“You’re right, yeah,” Mio nodded. “Oh, you should’ve heard her mooing, Haqua! It was so adorable…”

That’s…an amazing turnaround from how shy you were a second ago, Mio.

“I’m sure she was! And don’t worry, I’ll have ample opportunity to hear it for myself, especially now that I know she likes that sort of thing. I must confess, I’ve grown quite fond of this loser dog, and I do find everything she does impossibly cute. Still, to circle back to things, you were asking if Rina fed on you when you had sex, yes?"

“Mm. It was so much fun, but I’m kinda fighting to keep my eyes open, honestly. I could take a nap right now…” Mio giggled.

“Poor thing. You'll recover after some rest, but try to avoid physical intimacy with Rina again for a while, OK? Too much of this and your body simply wouldn't be able to handle it."

"Oh, I…see," Mio nodded, looking visibly disappointed.

"Don’t blame Rina, mind. There was little she could have done to prevent it. If it’s any consolation, just look at how lively she is now! Your lust has really energized my pet. Her barks are louder and more shameless than ever before~,” she cooed, teasing me.

“Wan wan!” I barked, as I’d been commanded to.

“Ehehe, good girl~!” Mio giggled, petting my head. “You really do seem excitable, Senpai!”

“Wait, shit. I didn’t actually mean to bark! Mistress mentioned it, and my body just acted on instinct, and- Dammit, why am I explaining any of this? This just makes me sound more pathetic…” I sighed, unable to hold back a small smile.

“I believe you just answered your own question, mutt,” Haqua smirked. 

"Still, I'm sorry for draining you, Mio. If I could've avoided it, I would have, even though a part of me really hates saying that, ahaha…"

I didn't want to feel like that, but it'd be like turning down a free meal from the world's greatest chef. My soul would've only suffered if I forced it away.

“Ehehe, it’s not that bad, promise! It's like I'm going to bed after a really fulfilling day. I just feel kinda…soft and floaty, knowing that a good dream is coming my way. It's just a shame we can't do this again anytime soon," she sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mio," I smiled softly, taking her hand gently.

She flinched, at first. Like she was worried something as simple as that might drain her. It didn't feel great. As much as I shouted about how calm she was, I didn't actually want her to be scared of me.

"Succubi are really lucky, huh? It sounds like humans are so fragile," Mio giggled sadly. "It's dumb to get hung up on something like this, but-"

"You're sad you can't be intimate with someone you love despite how much you both want it. That's hardly an insignificant worry, dear."

"Thanks, Haqua. It's silly to say, I guess, but…"

There was something in Mio's eyes as she spoke, a wistfulness that reminded me so greatly of myself.

"...if it meant I could be with Senpai without worry, I'd give up my humanity, ehehe."

There it was.

She'd just found out about demons today, and she was already prepared to discard her humanity, just like that.

I'd say something, I'd tell her that's ridiculous, but…how could I? I'd be the worst kind of hypocrite for that. I wanted and got what she wants now. I'd never deny her the same thing.

I looked over at Haqua, who simply gave me a small smile and a nod.

"You mean that, Mio?" I asked.

"Mm. I've always felt pretty small and childish, so I've honestly always wanted to be…different. I didn't know how, but I just felt like if I wasn't the way I am now, I'd be a little happier, more self-assured. I try not to think about it too much, but after hearing all this…"

"You've found something to really yearn for, and that makes it heavier on you, huh?" I asked, holding her hand just a little tighter.

Mio nodded.

"When I took that week off work," I started, keeping my expression as warm as possible. "It was because, after spending time with Haqua, I felt so trapped by the way my life was that I wanted an out so badly. I was sleepy and drained, just like you, but I told Haqua that if I could stay by her side, I'd quit being human. So Haqua obliged, and now I'm like this," I smiled, gesturing at my runty body. "I hated how I used to be, y'know? I hated how drained life had made me, how I couldn't even tell you that I saw your feelings for me, and desperately wanted to return them. I felt like I was trying to tread water all the time, sinking just a little lower every day."


"She was so shocked when she first awoke after changing, she kicked up quite a fuss," Haqua chuckled. "It didn't take long for her to realize how much happier she'd become. How the restraints that wore her down over the years had suddenly vanished without a trace. I was quite pleased, seeing her come out of her shell so quickly."

"Mm, I owe a ton to Haqua," I nodded. "I wouldn't have confessed to you if it weren't for her. If I hadn't become a succubus, I don't know that I'd ever be brave enough to even try."

"So what we're trying to say, dear, is that if you really want this," Haqua started.

"Then…we'll help with that, OK? We don't want you rushing into anything, but we'll always hear you out."

Mio was too shy to look either of us in the eye. I could see her cheeks turning an adorably shy pink.

"But you'll have to speak it clearly. Simple enough for even a loser dog to understand," Haqua chuckled.

I know I'm in no position to talk, but Mio suddenly looked tiny.

She was so fidgety and shy. Every bit the adorably nervous kouhai who I'd saved from a shitty coworker. 


Despite that, I could see a dorky little smile on her face as she stared straight down into her lap. I'd gotten good at recognizing when she was trying to hide a smile. She used to get like that all the time around me.

And then she spoke, in the shyest, cutest little voice.

 “I...I mean...I guess I’m just pretty curious about what it’d be like to be one. A-A succubus, I mean…”

"Now now, dear," Haqua smiled. "I do believe I said to speak clearly, no? You're apparently determined enough to say this without so much as letting a day pass, so surely your heart isn't wavering nearly as much as your voice, is it?"

Mio chuckled to herself, then lightly shook her head.

"Then try again, Mio," I told her. "We'll listen closely."

Mio took a deep breath, before picking herself up off the couch and looking directly at the both of us.

"Please, make me a succubus," Mio said, wearing a determined smile. "I'll give up my humanity, right here and now."

A brief silence fell on my apartment, before Haqua broke it with a small chuckle.

"Isn't that fascinating? To think, I've now met two humans who hold enough lust, desire, and depravity to throw away their humanity with barely a second thought! Oh, I like you more and more with every word we share, Mio~! But what does my mutt say to that desire, hmm? Do you approve, pet?"

"It's Mio's decision to make," I nodded. "It sure seems like she's made up her mind. So if you're sure you're not rushing into things, I'll support you with everything I've got, Mio."

"Ehehe, you're the best, Senpai! Gosh, Haqua really did train you to be a very respectable puppy, huh?" Mio giggled, reaching forward and petting my head again.

"My? Do you hear that, Rina? A 'respectable puppy'! Ahahaha~! As if anything about you is worthy of respect!" Haqua cackled. "Indeed, I've trained her very well, Mio!"

Mio's painful sincerity paired with Haqua absolutely dying with laughter beside me, it turns out, creates such an absolutely divine sense of humiliation that I could only just barely hold back from rushing off to the bedroom to take care of myself.

Fuck, I wanted to just invite Mio to move in with us, right then and there, just so I could get to experience that every day. Being bullied by Haqua and sweetly demeaned by my adorable kouhai? Absolute dream!

"Wan wan!" I barked, throwing any sense of respectability out the window without a care in the world.

"Ehehe, you're both being really sweet, but I'm not rushing this, I promise. It's not just about intimacy or anything like that, but watching how happy you've become, Rina, there's no way I couldn't want that too. If I'm going to be with you, then I want you to be able to see me at my most honest. If this is what it takes to be able to really live as myself, then I want to go for it with everything I've got!" Mio declared.

"Such a noble goal!" Haqua nodded in approval. "I'll have you know, I don't want this just because it would make my pet happy if she could be with you without worry. That's part of it, certainly, but I've found myself rather attached to you in the brief time we've known each other, Mio. I've gazed into your soul, you know, and what I saw within tells me that you'll make a fine succubus. I should tell you that this will bind us three together, but our little family will only grow warmer for your inclusion, I'm sure of it."

"Bind us?"

"There's a reason I call Rina my wife, dear. We don't have to leap into names like that right away, but this would form a link between our souls. It's the only way a human can survive a change of this sort."

"S-senpai's wife? It'd really be like we're married?" Mio pressed her hands to her cheeks, looking ready to boil over with lust. She was so friggin cute it killed me. 

"Indeed. So take this very seriously, Mio."

"Oh I am!" Mio cried, letting out the dorkiest, horniest giggle I'd ever heard from anyone other than myself. "Re~ally seriously, ehehehehe…"

"Mio really is succubus material," I sighed, grinning at what an adorable dork she was being. "But yeah, Haqua's telling the truth. We don't have to jump to labels like that right away though, of course. Even as a succubus, you can take things as slowly as you need to. And if you wanna move fast, well…there's always room for you here. We'd be happy to have you around, Mio."

I'd basically given her an open offer to move in, but it felt small compared to everything else we were discussing, honestly. Hell, I'd be surprised if she went along with everything else this fast and didn't want to stay here.

"Though I can't imagine we'll see any slowness from Mio here. Why, she might even be more eager than you, Rina! I must say, Mio, I'm very eager to see how you'll turn out~," Haqua cooed. "I think it's safe to say we won't be hearing much barking from you, though.

"Oh, you'll hear it a bunch when I'm teasing Senpai! She gets all fidgety when I bark around her, it's so cute!"

Haqua smirked, and I clamped my thighs together.

"Yeah! Just like that! Wan wan~!" Mio barked.

"W-wan wan…" I weakly barked back, fighting back my loser dog urges with everything I had.

"Lucky you, pet! It seems you'll have two bullies from now on," Haqua cackled.

"No no! I said teasing!" Mio corrected her. "I only like bullying her big boobs!"

Don’t moo, Rina. Don’t moo…

Haqua chuckled, then smiled at Mio.

"The ritual required is fairly delicate, and the both of us need to have sex first, to lay our souls bare for each other. Are you prepared for that, Mio? If you're too drained, we can wait."

Mio shook her head.

"If I don't go for it now, I'll think of a hundred reasons to stop myself from ever doing this, and I'll end up regretting it forever. I can't promise I'll be at my best, but I'll try to make it fun for you too, Haqua."

Man, I really didn't know you were this eager when it comes to sex, Mio. You're diving in with Haqua without a second thought, huh?

I let out a small giggle at the thought of what that might mean when she's a succubus.

Haaah, I'm gonna get no rest, am I? Man, that'll be fun…

"Oh my! Rina sounds eager, too! Unfortunately for you, mutt, this ritual requires me to focus entirely on Mio, so you'll have to stay out here while we're busy. I'm sure your tail will make for excellent company, all the same."

I swallowed heavily, bringing my tail out in front of my face and looking it over for a second. I just knew how hungry I must've looked.

"Ehehe, Senpai'll definitely be OK," Mio giggled, keenly aware of what I was thinking. "It's a shame we can't do this together, Rina, but, umm, when I'm a succubus, let's go all out, OK?"

"You got it, Mio," I grinned. "But have fun with Haqua, OK? She says you've gotta lay your soul bare, so don't hold anything back."

"Mm, I'll give it everything I've got!"

"That's the spirit, Mio," Haqua said, lightly petting me on the head before getting up to take Mio by the hand. "As fun as pet play is, I'm eager to see just how different you'll be in bed. Perhaps I'll be mooing for you next. All the same, I do love surprises, so anything you throw at me will undoubtedly be delightful," she chuckled.

Mio nodded shyly, looking hungrily at Haqua's chest.

Oh you're gonna have an amazing time, Mio… You've got an amazing appetite for titty, huh?

"Have fun, Mio," I smiled, getting up and giving her a quick kiss. "Haqua's great, y'know? You'll have a blast. And I can't wait to see you when it's done."

"Ehehe, thank you Senpai…"

You're that eager to fuck yet a kiss that small gets you swooning? God, you're cute.

"Let's get to it then," Haqua smiled. "I'll be sure to treat you well."

"Mm, let's have a great time, Haqua!"

I watched them leave, a little wistful about what I'd be missing out on, and somewhat melancholic that it'd likely be the last time I ever saw Mio as she was now.

But it was a good kind of melancholy. My little hamster was taking a big step forward, and I couldn't wait to see her at the end of it all.

Mio waved at me and I waved back as she reached the bedroom door, her eyes full of a giddy excitement that I just knew they'd never lose after tonight.

She was being so brave, and though it was hard to admit, I was so, so proud of her for it.

We're just a few chapters out from the end of the first volume, now! Though it's a low-key, simple story, I hope you've all enjoyed what I've written! I've not been hiding it, but I suppose now's as good a time as any to properly announce that I'm already knee-deep into writing a second volume. The second volume'll be a little longer and slightly plot-heavier, but it'll still be as sexy and playful as ever, so please look forward to it. There might be a little gap between the end of this volume and the start of that one, since I want to make sure it's finished before I upload it, but the response I've received here is entirely the reason why I felt motivated enough to finally write the sequel I'd been procrastinating on for so long, so thank you all for your tremendous support. I'm proud of my writing for the first time in a while.

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