Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Side Story: Lady Rina, Princess of Hell

"Hmmm…" Mio let out a small hum, following the dozenth attempt to write dialogue that just wasn't landing.

"Gosh, I can't get this to feel right at all…" she groaned, then leaned back in her seat, staring up at the ceiling and hoping an epiphany would hit her.

"Is something wrong, dear?" Haqua asked from her place on the living room couch, where she was currently engrossed in what looked to be an RPG.

"Yeah, sounds like you've been struggling for a while," Rina, who was snuggled up against Haqua, turned to offer up a sympathetic smile. "Writing going badly?"

"Oh, it's no big deal!" Mio smiled, trying to wave away their concern. "It's a hill I'll get over in no time, so don't worry."

"If you're sure, dear. But do speak up if you'd like our assistance. We may not have your way with words, but sometimes another perspective is all one really needs."

"Ehehe, thanks, you two. I'll keep that in mind."

Haqua and Rina returned to playing their game, while Mio turned her attention back to her laptop once more.

OK, I'll just…write the first thing that comes to mind, and work from there.

"You don't wanna grind a bit more before this boss?" Rina asked.

"Not at all," Haqua replied. "The battles are so much more satisfying when they're hard fought, no?"

"Ahaha, I like stomping 'em too much for that," Rina chuckled. "Even back in high school, I'd grind like crazy then one shot every boss! Nothing else like it."

"Now that's a surprise," Haqua laughed. "I'd thought you the type to go into fights as weak as possible. That way the game can bully you too, no?"

"Ahaha, these chompers aren't just for show, y'know?" Rina grinned, showing off her sharp, pointed teeth. "Part of me likes being fierce! I'd be a tyrant if you gave me a shot! Make me the last boss in a game, I'd be crazy powerful!"

Haqua cackled loudly at that.

"Come now, dear!" she laughed, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "We all know any aggression you display is all in favor of making you seem that much more pathetic when you crumble. If you took the role of last boss, it would be entirely because they're always fated to lose, just like you, my pathetic little mutt."

Haqua punctuated her words with a small flick on the tip of Rina's tail, sending a harsh shiver down her spine and forcing a bark from her lips.

"W-wan wan!"

And all the while, Mio stared at her screen, her fingers unmoving.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm…" Mio hummed, a little louder than before.

Her partners silently looked at her, the troubled expression on her face telling them exactly how well her writing was going.

"Should we ask her if she wants help?" Rina whispered at Haqua.

"Give her a moment, I don't want to add any undue stress."

Mio tapped out a sentence, then loudly mashed the backspace key. Then she tried again, then hammered backspace yet again, louder still. She bit her lip, and gazed this way and that. She grabbed a pen at her side, clicked it open and closed incessantly, then balanced it above her lip. She switched tabs on her laptop, scrolled social media for a moment, then closed it in frustration, and stared back at the empty document once more. She picked up her phone, opened the exact same social media site, scrolled through it again, then quickly put it into sleep and shoved it into her pocket.

And at the end of it all, her manuscript was barren.

"I can't. It's not coming together at alllll!" she cried, closing her laptop in resignation. "I give up, my head's just not in it today…" she loudly sighed, then joined her partners on the couch, plunging her head down onto Rina's lap.

Rina looked at Haqua, who offered a small nod.

"C'mon, Mio. What's getting to you? Haqua and I making it hard for you to focus?"

"We'll happily head out for a moment if you desire space," Haqua added, smiling warmly.

"No, no. Having you two here is calming, honestly," Mio gave a weary, uneven smile. "Just feel like I'm hitting a really silly wall today and it's crazy frustrating. Things were going so well til now, too…"

"Do tell. Let's break down that wall together, shall we? Rina, dear? Would you care to demonstrate your budding ferocity on Mio's roadblock?"

"Right!" Rina laughed. "Point me at an issue and I'll give you advice so strong it'll blow away your worries for good! Trust your senpai, OK?"

"Ehehe, you're so cute when you get all dorky, Rina!" Mio giggled, and playfully stuck out her tongue. "But yeah, you're right. Staying quiet won't help," she sighed, then started on her explanation. "So I'm introducing a new character in this volume! A haughty ojou transfer student who's heir to a huuuuuge fortune! You know the type! 'Ohohoho!', y'know?"

Rina froze for a moment, captivated by Mio's adorable laugh, then nodded her head.

"Like Haq-"

"Finish that joke and you'll find it hard to form words again for quite some time, Rina~..."

Rina shuddered, then nodded.

"Y-yeah, I know the type…"

Mio giggled, then continued.

“The kind of girl who always seems really stuck up and condescending, treating everyone else like they’re below them, but if you peel that back far enough, they’re a big sweetie beneath it all!”

“Tsun ojou, classic combo,” Rina nodded sagely.

“Yeah! When people are nice to her she just melts! She feels so good from it all, but since she has such a hard time showing that, she ends up getting shoutier and shoutier to try and hide it, even though it’s super obvious that she loves it, ehehe! Affection’s the one thing she rea~lly craves! And in this book, her love interest is a normal girl, y’know? So she can’t believe she’s fallen in love with a commoner, but anytime she’s together with them, her heart can’t stop pounding like crazy!”

“Very sweet,” Rina grinned. “All your characters are sweethearts, but they sound like they’d be particularly adorable.”

“Mhmm! I love characters like that, y’know? They’re soooooo cute, and it’s a hundred times better when they’re nice and curvy, too! Full figured and voluptuous, but if you ever called her chubby, she’d start calling for your execution, ehehe~!  Oh, and sorta dopey! Just a li~ttle dash of airheadedness! She’s super confident though, eager to flaunt just how sexy and perfect she knows she is, because she knows it’ll get her tons and tons of attention. She insists she’s giving the common people a gift when she gets like that, insisting that they should be so lucky to gaze upon someone so beautiful. But secretly, she’s fishing for tons of compliments, and really hoping her special someone will notice just how gorgeous she is!”

"Adorable," Haqua chuckled. "A girl like that would be darling in bed. She’d do a terrible job of staying composed, wouldn’t she? Crumbling into a lustful mess, equal parts annoyed and delighted that a commoner could show them such pleasure as they give in to all of their naughtiest urges."

"Mm, mm! You get it, Haqua!" Mio enthusiastically nodded. "The book's not dirty, but…ehehe, I've given that a lot of thought… I keep it all to myself, but…I’ve written lots and lots of dirty fanfic of my own stories, y’know? Especially now that I’m a succubus, there’s no way I can hold back! Ehehehe…”

"So? What's the problem? It sounds like you’ve got a pretty good idea of what you want this character to be. Getting too thirsty to write her?" Rina asked, wearing a teasing grin.

"Oh, that's never been a problem," Mio happily sighed. "It's just that I can't get her dialogue right at all! I have an idea of what I want her to say, but as soon as I go to write it, it all feels so stiff and awkward. Nothing I've tried is working…"

"Poor thing," Haqua cooed, gently petting her fluffy hair. “That must be intensely frustrating…”

"They're pretty common in games and manga though, right? Maybe not exactly what you want, but we could find something similar for you to check out that might make for good inspiration, don't you think?"

"Tried that. It helps, but…I dunno, it doesn't feel as authentic as a lot of my other characters do…"

"What do you do for your other characters, dear?"

"Oh! I base them off of-"

Mio caught herself, clamping her hands over her mouth. She'd become far more confident since becoming a succubus, but…this was still too much for her to say out loud.

Still, Rina and Haqua both knew exactly what she was about to say. They'd read her books, they'd both seen characters who were clearly based on themselves.

Neither of them knew quite what to say. That left them without much to offer in the way of solutions.

Or well, it left Rina without much to offer. Haqua, on the other hand, already had the beginnings of an idea forming in her mind.

"Well hey, give it some time," Rina started. "Take it easy with us for a little while, and talk to us if anything comes to mind, OK? Bounce ideas off of us as much as you need to. The time away from your laptop'll probably help a lot."

"Indeed," Haqua agreed. "Relaxation is key to successful creative endeavors. Forcing yourself to write now will only make those issues feel far bigger. Rest for now, and who knows? Inspiration might strike when you least expect it."

It was simple advice spoken with total sincerity, but beneath it all, Haqua had a plan that would surely eradicate any writer's block that plagued Mio's mind.

"Mm, you're right," Mio nodded. "Thanks, you two. I know I'm still stuck, but…I dunno, I'm optimistic it'll work out in the end."

"Yeah, that's the spirit! You've got this!"

"You most certainly do, Mio," Haqua smirked. "We'll help you every step of the way, too."

Come tomorrow, Mio would have no doubts about her character, she was sure of it.

My… Mio, dear, I've got something wonderful in store for you.

❖ ❖ ❖

"I'll be back soon!" Mio smiled, willing on a cute outfit as she made her way to the apartment's front door. "Just picking up some new books! See you two later!"

"Goodbye, dear! Take your time and enjoy yourself!" Haqua called, blowing Mio a kiss.

"Yeah! Have fun!" Rina waved, as Mio stepped out and shut the door behind her.

Wonderful, now's the perfect chance… Haqua thought, her lips curling into an eager smile.

"Kind of a bummer she's still stuck, huh?" Rina asked, throwing her hands behind her head as she wandered through to the bedroom and lay down on the bed. "She seems happier today, but…man, I wish I was better at helping when it came to things like this…"

"Why, whatever do you mean, dear?" Haqua asked, following closely behind her, yet refraining from laying down at her side. "It's clear to me that nobody could possibly help her better than you can."

"Ahaha, that's really sweet of you, but I dunno if that's true. Heck, I'm not even the best at this stuff in our relationship. You're way better at this than I could ever be, Haqua."

"I'm flattered, dear, truly I am. But in this particular instance, I think you'll find that you'll give our sweet little Mio everything she needs…" Haqua cooed, as she climbed onto the bed and pinned Rina beneath her, gazing down at her with a devilish smirk.

"H-hey, Haqua? What's…what's up? You wanna fuck? I'm good with that, but why don't we just wait for Mio to show up?" Rina asked in a shaky voice. She knew fully well that an expression like that on Haqua's face either spelled immeasurable trouble or endless pleasure.

Likely both, in truth.

"Wait? Whyever would I wait? I need to get Mio's gift ready…" Haqua teased, gently kissing Rina on the lips. 


"Mhmm," Haqua nodded. "Tell me dear, do you remember what she was about to say yesterday? About basing her characters off of us?"

"Y-yeah?" Rina nodded, biting her lip as her crotch dampened in anticipation. She didn't know what to expect, and that deeply excited her.

"Well, our poor darling needs some inspiration for a haughty, sexy princess, and what better way to provide it than by introducing her to one?"

"What?! Y-you mean…?!

Rina's body began to tingle. She could tell that her form was about to shift.

"Enjoy this brief moment of importance, Rina. Do take care to enjoy yourself when it all comes crumbling down, no?"

"B-but even if you change my body, I'm not gonna be any good at acting like an ojou, so-!"

Haqua pressed a finger on Rina's forehead, muttered a short incantation, and Rina's thoughts slowed to a crawl.

"Ha…qua…?" Rina blearily muttered, unable to say much more as her mind clouded and her hair rapidly grew out, becoming thick and lustrous as it trailed down past her butt.

"You're the heir to a tremendously powerful, wealthy family. A haughty, beautiful, full-figured girl who basks in attention, yet longs for affection…"


Irrefutable truth. That was all Rina could hear.

"Stuck up, condescending, a tad airheaded, intensely proud, and desperate for love. A commoner will capture your heart today, and the more you deny your feelings for her, the stronger they'll grow."

Haqua's words…

Rina began to grow taller, her curves swelling as a gentle weight settled into her figure, giving every inch of her a wonderful, tantalizing softness. A perfect body from head to toe, Rina was sure of it.

They're…sinking in…

"And as they show you pleasure," Haqua whispered, "you'll crumble, losing yourself to your most shameful urges…"


Ha…qua… What have…you…?

"Because deep down, you're a needy girl, just begging to get fucked. A final boss, lording your status over everyone, yet eagerly awaiting defeat."

How dare…a mere commoner…?

Rina's eyes grew far too heavy to stay open. She needed to sleep.

And as she slumbered, her body and mind continued to be altered. In Haqua's hands, she was little more than clay to be molded.

And for Mio, Haqua had prepared a fine work of art indeed.

Have fun with her, Mio~...

❖ ❖ ❖

“Rina, Haqua! I’m back! I bought some cream puffs, too!”

Mio stepped inside her apartment with a gentle smile, willing away her shoes as she shut the door behind her. Though she wasn't worried, it was more than a little surprising to be greeted with total silence. 

“Haqua? Rina?” she called again.

Did they take a nap?

She furrowed her brow, listening out for the sounds of Rina snoring.

“Mmmmph! Mmph!”

So when the sounds of annoyed, muffled shouting reached her ears, her eyes widened in shock.


Haqua was incredibly powerful, and despite everything about her appearance, the same was true for Rina, so if there was any trouble to speak of, they’d have surely handled it.

But still, she couldn’t help but worry.

She dashed through to the bedroom, ready to take down anything that might threaten her partners.

As such, it was hard to describe what she felt when she burst into the bedroom and was greeted by the sight of a tall, curvy succubus on the bed, totally naked save for the bright golden ribbon that had been used to tie her up and muffle her voice.

“H-hello? Are…are you a friend of Haqua’s?”

“Mmmph!! Mmph mmmph!”

The girl’s muffled shouts sounded…extremely irritated, almost demanding, while her eyes narrowed to a striking glare.

Fair, Mio supposed, considering her current situation.

“Right! I should untie you first!”

Mio set aside the cream puffs and climbed onto the bed, working on the knots in the ribbons behind the girl's back. As she worked to get her free, Mio couldn't help but notice how wonderful she smelled. A fiery scent, a little bit like cinnamon, wafted off of her soft, smooth crimson skin and thick, wavy silver hair. She couldn't help but lean in close as she worked, quietly breathing in the girl's smell. It was ridiculous, she never cared about things like this, but it was intensely alluring, drawing Mio in and making her feel just a bit wet.

It was a little hard to focus, all told. Her scent was one thing, but the girl's wonderfully curvy, almost chubby figure was staggeringly sexy. The golden ribbons dug into her skin slightly, emphasizing just how full and supple every inch of her really was, captivating Mio with the sight of them squeezing her thick, soft thighs, wide, luscious hips, and wonderfully round, heavy boobs.

Focus, Mio! She's so so so sexy! Stupidly pretty, but you just met her! You don't even know her name! Try to hold back these feelings for now, OK?

But…she's a succubus too, right? Maybe she'll also want to…

Mio bit her lip, and focused on the knots, doing her damnedest to free her mind from all hellish desire.

"There you go!" Mio grinned, as she freed the girl from her constraints, the ribbons falling down around her and revealing every inch of her tantalizingly stunning body to the room, the cinnamon scent only growing stronger to match. "Feeling OK, ma'am?"

"Finally!" The girl cried, looking over her shoulder and shooting Mio an impressively mighty pout.

Ohhhh, she's so cute!!!!

Big, bright pink eyes, an adorable, slightly upturned nose, cheeks that Mio was just desperate to poke and squish, and soft, pillowy lips that were just begging to be kissed. She looked like the very picture of a princess, possessed of a radiant beauty that was impossible to ignore.

"What could've possibly taken you so long! I've been stuck here for hours, I'll have you know!"

"B-but I've only been out for an hour, and you weren't here when I left, so-"

"Then your conception of time is faulty!" the girl huffed. "It felt like hours to me, and I fail to see how my feelings matter less than your word here!"

Oh no, oh no, she's crazy cute!!!!

"Ehehe, I guess you're right. Umm, do you need some clothes? You're a little bigger than me, so some things might be a little tight, but-"

"You dare to insinuate that I wouldn't fit into your garments?! Hmph! It seems your vision is faulty too! There isn't an outfit in any realm that wouldn't look fabulous on my perfect body!"

With that smug declaration, she hopped off the bed and faced Mio with a confident grin.

"But I shan't reduce myself to your level! Commoner's clothes don't deserve to have someone as gorgeous as I donning them, ohhhhohohoho!" the girl raised a hand to the side of her face and cackled haughtily, hiding absolutely none of her body.

Cute cute cute cute cute!!!!

Mio cleared her throat, and smiled pleasantly up at the girl.

"Oh of course! You're way too pretty for boring clothes!" she nodded, her words obviously going over well with the mystery girl, judging by the way her wings and tail wiggled happily at the compliment. "But…wearing something is better than going nude, right?"

"Nude? Why in Hell would I deign to be naked in front of…you…?"

The girl looked down at her completely naked body, and her face instantly darkened to shades of red previously unknown to demonkind.

"Wh-wh-wh-what is this?!" she cried, turning away and crouching low, in a vain bid to hide her body that mostly just ended up showing her adorably wide, round, and wonderfully slappable butt. "You rogue! You sought to kidnap me, strip me of my finery, and h-have your way with me, did you?! A vision of beauty, reduced to little more than meat in your brutish eyes!" she spoke, her words sounding oddly giddy and peppy by the end. "W-well I shan't become a meal! Your scheme will end in failure!"

Mio stared at the girl blankly for a while, doing everything she could to maintain her composure in front of one of the most staggeringly beautiful, and downright adorable girls she'd ever had the good fortune of meeting.

"Right, right! Don't worry! I'm not trying to hurt you or umm, make a meal out of you…" Mio wiped a bit of drool from her lips as she said that, a gesture the girl thankfully didn't notice. "Promise! I actually don't know how you got here at all. My partners were here when I left, but now it's just you here, so…I'm a little confused, ahaha…"

"Hmph! You expect me to trust you?! You must take me for a fool! I have no idea how you did it, but you kidnapped me! I shan't spare so much as a single kind thought for you, brigand!"

"Would you like a cream puff?" Mio asked, crouching by her side with the box in her hand.

"Indeed I would!" The girl grinned, snatching a cream puff from the box and happily biting into it. "Delectable! You are a kind soul, after all!"

We've come a long way from not showing me a single kind thought, ehehe… Sweets are all it took to get in your good books, huh? Ah well, that's adorable too.

"Ah!" the girl gasped. "I-I mean that tribute from commoners is perfectly expected! You're just doing what anyone should in my presence, so none of this makes me happy in the slightest, do you understand?!"

"Of course," Mio nodded. "It's hardly enough tribute for someone as incredible as you, but I'll give you more soon, OK? This must be a scary situation for you, so anything you want, I'll work hard to get it for you!"

The girl stared at Mio, half-chewed cream puff filling her cheeks. She didn't look even the slightest bit elegant, but…for the very briefest moment, that didn't matter.

For as she gazed upon Mio's happy, smiling face, her heart began to flutter excitedly.


"Ah?!" she gasped, then took another bite of her cream puff and turned her head away from Mio. No matter what, she couldn't look her in the eye under any circumstances.

"Oh gosh, is something wrong?"

"N-not in the slightest!"

D-d-d-d-did I truly think such a thing about a commoner?!

"Are you sure…?"

"Undoubtedly!" she insisted.

Calm your mind. A mere commoner isn't worthy of such thoughts…

The girl shut her eyes, and took a deep breath, before facing Mio once more.

"I'm perfectly fine, so you need not worry about me in the slightest," the girl nodded, pressing a hand to her chest.

"Oh, looks like you've got a little…"

Smiling all the while, Mio reached a hand toward the girl, wiped a blob of cream from the corner of her mouth, then licked it off her finger without taking her gaze off of the girl for even a second.



As it turned out, there were yet more shades of red for her cheeks to turn, each more adorable than the last.

Calm. Stay calm. She's…strikingly beautiful, but that's no reason to lose your composure… She’s still just a commoner, far beneath your station…

"Y-y-yes, it's quite a treat…" the girl nodded, steam practically pouring out of her ears as she tried to remain steady.

“So, listen, maybe this is a silly question to ask,” Mio began, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. “But…you’re a succubus, right?”

“But of course~!” the girl smugly grinned. “Not just any succubus, but heir to the throne of Hell itself! One who shall rule over all demonkind and crush all adversaries underfoot! You may show your respects now, if I find them adequate, I may offer you a position as one of my many servants, ohhhohohoho~!”

“Ohhhh, wow!” Mio clapped, wearing a wide-eyed, excited expression.

“A-are you demeaning me?! Is this some show of mockery?!”

“Not at all! I think that’s really cool! I bet you’ll do a great job!”

“Hmph! But of course,” she offered a cool smile, though her wagging tail showed her true, ecstatic feelings off clearly.

“But in that case, why are you naked?”

“Wh-wh-what kind of foolish question is that?! Because I was kidnapped and stripped, you buffoon!”

“No no, I mean,” Mio smiled, and suddenly a cute pair of glasses appeared on her face. “You can just will up clothes, right?”





After what felt like a full minute of silence, the girl let out a loud, excited cry.

Did…she seriously forget she could do that? Ohhhh, she’s even cuter than I thought…

“I-I-I most certainly did not forget about my abilities! So dispense with any such thoughts.”

“Didn’t have any of the sort,” Mio lied, and softly chuckled.

“It’s simply that a mere commoner doesn’t deserve to see me in my finery!”

“So you’re going around naked most of the time?” Mio giggled.

“I MOST ASSUREDLY AM NOT!” the girl shouted.

This commoner is far too much! How dare she tease me?!

A-and how dare she look so darling doing it…?

“Anyway!” she cleared her throat. “Your kindness has deemed you worthy to bask in my beauty! Be grateful, commoner! Burn my radiance into your memory forevermore!”

With an intensely smug smirk, the girl stood up, briefly showing her nude body once more before it was surrounded with gentle light. Soon, a set of large, extravagant ribbons held her hair into a pair of massive, fluffy twintails; a ruffled blouse hugged her figure tightly while a lacy bra lifted and emphasized her already massive chest; a cute frilled skirt formed on her hips, and a pair of stockings tightly conformed to her legs, squeezing her full, squishy thighs at the top, leaving just enough skin showing from her thighs to her skirt to tease anyone who looked at her.

As cocky as she was, it certainly wasn’t misplaced, at least where her appearance was concerned. She was stunning, and her garments, though easily replicated if Mio so chose, seemed perfect for her, making her already staggering beauty that much more brilliant.

“Well, commoner? Am I not a vision of beauty? Does it make your heart ache, knowing that you’ve seen the most wondrous sight any demon will ever gaze upon? Do you-?”


“...Excuse me?”

The girl was caught off guard. It wasn’t not a compliment, but…she expected ‘gorgeous’, ‘stunning’, ‘strikingly beautiful’, or something along those lines. Certainly not…cute.

“Cute cute cute cute cute! You’re so cuuuuuuute~!” Mio beamed, eagerly taking the girl’s hands in her own. “Seriously, how are you this adorable?! You’re right in my strike zone!”

“Your…strike zone?”

“You’re exactly my type! Or well, one of my types, I have a lot of them, but you’re so precious it’s unreal!”


The girl’s smug smile suddenly turned far shakier. This was absurd, this commoner had to be teasing her, she just had to be.

So why did it make her feel so good?

She clamped her thighs together, and desperately hoped that Mio wouldn’t notice.

I-I can’t let her show that I feel this way! I must rise above this commoner’s teasing.

“Ohhhhohohohohoho~! Indeed, yes! You have an eye for beauty, oh commoner! Correct, I am ‘cute’, as you say. I am resplendent, I am ravishing, I am each and every possible form of beauty~! For I am Rina Saeki, the princess of Hell! Ohhhohohoho~!”

Two ohohos, wow, that’s-

Wait, what?!

“R-Rina…?” Mio titled her head, her expression turning blank. “You’re…Rina?”

“Hmph! I see respect is sorely lacking amongst the common rabble these days! Lady Rina Sa-e-ki. Not simply ‘Rina’ to you.”

"R-right! Lady Rina!" Mio apologized, still deeply confused.


"No no, that's way too long. Lady Rina's already pushing it."

"Hmph! Scoundrel! F-fine, do as you please! It's clear there's no reasoning with commoners!" Rina huffed, crossing her arms under her boobs and turning away from Mio. It was, of course, little more than a show of frustration, covering up how excited Mio's behavior made her. How good it felt to get dismissed so readily. 

So this is really Rina?! I guess it could just be someone with the same name, but…

Mio looked at Rina's body once more, inspecting it thoroughly. There was so much that was so very different about her, but there was far too much that was a perfect match to ignore. Her skin, her eyes, her horns, wings, and tail… All lined up exactly with the partner she adored. It had to be her Rina, it just had to be.

"What is it?" Rina the Haughty asked, wearing an adorable pout. "I know I gave you permission to gaze upon my beauty, but you're taking it too far, you brute!"

"Oh, sorry, ehehe! You're just so gorgeous that I kinda lost myself. Gosh, I could admire you all day, Lady Rina!"

Rina looked ready to explode, her annoyed expression quickly turning into a flustered, yet desperately giddy smile.

"Ohhh, is that so?! Well, far be it from me to deny the captivating allure of my perfect body, ohhhhohohoho! Stare for as long as your heart demands!"

OK yeah that's Rina for sure. Nobody's as obvious and adorable as her.

Mio nodded, her mind made up on the matter.

Then, in that case…

Mio stroked her chin thoughtfully, pondering why, exactly, her partner had turned into such a haughty, air…headed…

Ah! She's like the character I'm trying to write! Ehehe, I can't believe I didn't notice sooner! Then again, with how much she's got going on…

Mio's eyes wandered, tracing the soft, wondrous curves of her body for just long enough to get Rina blushing up a storm again, smiling happily all the while.

Well, it's easy to get distracted~! So then she's meant to help me with the dialogue problem, huh? Ehehe, is that why she was wrapped in a ribbon? Is she a gift from you, Haqua?

Well then I'd better make the most of my time with her, huh?

"Well, I'm Mio Ikeda! Just an average, everyday commoner!" Mio grinned, gently holding Rina's hands and gazing deeply into her eyes. "And as long as you're in my apartment, I'll take care of you, OK?"

"I-I hardly need to be taken care of!" Rina huffed, before trying and failing to pull her hands out of Mio's grasp. "I'm a princess, you know? Royalty, prepared to ascend to the throne of Hell at a moment's notice! I can tend to my own matters!"

Ehehe~! Yeah, that's the attitude I want! No matter what form you take, you're too cute to not tease, Rina!

Sensing an opportunity to strike, Mio leaned in a little closer, squeezing her chest between her forearms and looking up at Rina through big, teary eyes and a clearly forced hurt expression.

"Y-you mean…you don't want my help, Lady Rina? I-I can't believe the future ruler hates me…"

"N-n-n-n-not at all! I most certainly don't hate you, Miss Ikeda! It simply wouldn't do for someone in my position to rely on a commoner, so…"

Mio's expression grew sadder and sadder still.

"'Miss Ikeda'... She won't even call me by my name…" Mio sobbed.

Ah! You fool! You've hurt her!

"Mio! Mio! I meant to say Mio, of course!" Rina loudly overcorrected. "Y-you didn't let me finish, though! Relying on a commoner is out of the question, but making you do my bidding is expected of a lady of my station! Indeed, I, Rina Saeki, the princess of Hell, command you to, umm…take care of me!"

Sooooooooooo adorable!!!!!! You're the cutest, Rina!

"Yay!" Mio giggled, bounding forward and wrapping the false princess up in a tight, loving hug, delighting in her softness. Mio was keenly aware, judging by the adorable squeaks she was unknowingly letting out, that Rina was doing exactly the same on her end.

H-how could a mere commoner be so gorgeous?! Her body even rivals the perfection of my own! Th-this isn't fair! I'm royalty, I simply can't feel this way about her! I just can't, so…

Rina tried to shift her gaze down, away from Mio's eyes, but ended up staring straight at her boobs instead, short circuiting the ojou and cutting out any and all haughtiness from her next sentence.

"Mio, you're so beautiful…"

W-what in Hell did I just say?!

Rina wriggled, trying desperately to clamp her mouth shut, but Mio locked her arms in place, her embrace suddenly feeling like a vise grip as her smile turned to a smirk.

"Ehehe, I'm beautiful, huh? Even though I'm just a commoner? Whatever would your subjects think~?"

"A-a slip of the tongue! I-it was a mere suggestion for praise you could offer me! Yes, that's it!" she nodded, equal parts proud of her 'incredible' excuse and blissfully unaware of the massive target she'd just painted on herself. She'd given Mio an opening, and there was no way she wasn't going to seize it, not when one thought had lodged itself so firmly in her mind.

“‘A girl like that would be darling in bed…’”

Ehehe, you want me to take it further, don’t you Haqua? And judging by the way I’m making her melt, I’d say you’re not the only one who wants that…

Mio licked her lips, she was ravenous.

“You want compliments? Gosh, I thought I’d been talking about how gor~geous and ador~able and beau~tiful you are a bunch already!” Mio grinned as she launched a salvo that practically barreled Rina over, getting her to let out a ridiculously cute, cocky little giggle.

“Y-yes, well, as a great demon, it’s only fair that I receive even more, no? ” she asked, her smile growing ever more pompous and shaky in equal measure. She was loving this, yet her heart got increasingly loud about how she couldn’t, how it was wrong to accept such things from someone so far below her. She had her pride as a lady to consider, after all.

So she kept adorably feigning composure and control over the situation, oblivious to how obviously her elation was showing.

"Then I suppose it's my duty to get a little more verbose, hmm?" Mio asked, leaning in close. Her warm breath condensed against the ojou's neck, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. "Ehehe, there's lots of praise I can offer up, you know? After all, the moment I first laid eyes on you, I got to see e~very last bit of you…"


Rina let out a loud, cutely surprised squeak.

"Y-you are a commoner! Remember your place!" she weakly argued.

"Awww, but I just can't hide how good it made me feel, you know? Seeing you got me so excited…" Mio cooed, taking one of Rina's hands and pressing it to her crotch.

It was warm, damp, and flooded the false princess's head with so many wonderful thoughts.

"M-Mio! You'd dare treat a future ruler like this?!" Rina asked, unable to stop her voice from rising to an excited squeak.

"Hm? Am I doing something wrong, Lady Rina? I'm just showing you how much my body loves the sight of you. Feel how wet I got? That's the surest proof of your radiant beauty, wouldn't you agree?"

Rina wanted to argue, she so badly did, but…doing so would be arguing against her own brilliance, and she couldn't bring herself to do that.

Mio reached a hand behind Rina and gently cupped her butt, giggling at the ojou's adorably flustered, yet eager expression.

"From your amazing thighs, to this wide, wonderful butt that's so squishy and plump…" she whispered, squeezing her cheeks lovingly, feeling her fingers sink into warm, inviting flesh. When she'd had her fill, she slowly began to slide her hands upwards, gazing into Rina's eyes all the while. "To these curvy hips, this lovely tummy, and these absolutely killer boobs…" she teased, lightly caressing her bosom. "There isn't an inch of you that I'm not completely captivated by, Lady Rina…"

"B-but… You're a commoner, so-"

"So you're quick to remind me, ehehe. But it only makes sense, right? A lowly commoner like me would lose all reason in the face of such overwhelming beauty…after talking with you, and gazing at you, you must have enchanted me, Lady Rina…"

Rina knew that she shouldn't let this go any further. For someone of her stature to be allured in this situation was nothing less than shame of the highest order.

And yet…

"...How so…?"

The words that left her lips were so small, her usual confidence reduced to a tiny, mousey squeak.

"Because, Lady Rina," Mio looked into Rina's eyes and smiled warmly. "I've fallen hopelessly in love with you."


The ojou turned redder than ever before, her body surged with an overwhelming heat, and her limbs grew stiff.

Mio had landed an overwhelmingly powerful blow on the fragile princess. With practically no effort whatsoever, she gently tipped Rina back onto the bed, falling with her and pinning her down beneath her body. She couldn't honestly say if Rina had noticed at all, watching as her eyes spun and she cutely muttered something to herself.

"Th-the commoner loves me. She loves me, she's so beautiful and she loves-"

"You~!" Mio interrupted, grabbing her attention as she leaned in close and lovingly kissed Rina, plunging her tongue between her lips.

Y-your tongue! Your tongue, Mio! It's so, so…wonderful…

Rina eased into the kiss, returning it with all the passion of a future ruler, her head yelling at her all the while.

B-but she's a commoner! Next to you, she is as insignificant as a speck of dust! If mother or father were to see you now, what would they think?!

She felt stiff and awkward. With her head in such conflict with her desires, she couldn't match Mio's sheer skill.

And…and you'll be expelled from the castle, your rule will be denied before it's even begun! You cannot allow her to defeat you, but…but…

…My, her kisses are intoxicating…

Her mind, it seemed, was slowly starting to understand. These feelings were unstoppable. There was simply nothing in all of Hell that could match the sheer strength of a princess's needs.

And right now, she needed nothing more than Mio.

Her eyes shone with newfound clarity.

I refuse to lose to Mio! I'll show her the might of Hell's future ruler!

"Ohhhhohoho~!" Rina cackled, pulling free of Mio's grasp. "You've fallen for me, have you?! But of course you have! There was simply never any hope for someone as lowly as you!"

Mio looked at Rina with a ravenous expression.

You're getting cuter by the second, Rina!

"Be grateful, peasant! Your future ruler has decided to reward you for your honesty!"

"Ohhhh, lucky~!" Mio clapped, getting Rina to blush yet again. Still, she kept up her confident, if shaky smile as she reached down and tore open her blouse.

"If we are to copulate, then we shall do so on my terms! A Saeki shall never allow another to lead in a dance~!" she boasted, then undid the clip on her bra, letting her boobs hang free.

"You were captivated by the royal bust, were you not? Ah, but of course you were! How could anyone with eyes not be?!"

The 'royal bust'?! How are you so cute, Rina?!?!

"Mm! Mm! It's amazing!" Mio cried.

"Then allow me to show you exactly what makes it so wondrous!

With a boastful cry, Rina reached for Mio's thick, almost chubby tail. If it was anything like her own, then it would surely be sensitive at the tip.

So she shoved it between her boobs, and began to lift them up and down, up and down.

"So soft!" Mio gasped. Her chest was warm, sweaty, and though they were both demons, downright heavenly. This was surely the height of luxury. "Ohhh, it's gonna drive me crazy! Your boobs are huge, they're totally swallowing up my ta-il~!"

Mio's voice gave way to a delighted moan, as Rina wrapped her lips around the tip of Mio's tail, licking and sucking it happily.

She was incredible at this. Though her teeth were sharp and jagged, Rina showed grace befitting a lady, knowing the exact amount of pressure to apply to make her body shudder with pleasure. The combination of her boobs and her mouth was downright lethal.

"Nn~! Lady Rinahh~!" Mio cried.

That's right, burn this pleasure into your mind. Know that no succubus can match my talents!

Rina sucked harder and jiggled her chest more vigorously. Soon, nothing but wet slapping sounds and Mio's adorable moans filled the apartment, while the scent of Mio's lust and Rina's desire blended into something nothing less than intoxicating, making both girls' thoughts turn just a little hazy and unfocused.

This feels so good, Rina. It's incredible, but there's just no way I'm letting you take charge. Not when I know just how much cuter you'll get!

"Lady Rina, I love you sohH~ much…" Mio panted. "I could do this all day…"

"Of course you could! I've enthralled you, after all!" Rina smirked confidently.


Rina froze. All it took was one simple word, and her body stiffened up. Mio seized the opportunity and tipped Rina onto her back once more, before plunging her head down between her breasts, rubbing her cheeks against the overwhelming softness she’d grown so jealous of her tail for experiencing.

Rina had been so confident that she'd defeated her, but Mio, it seemed, had far more fight than the future ruler had expected.

“I wanna savor a~ll of you, Lady Rina! I wanna show you ju~st how deeply this commoner adores you!” Mio grinned, before flicking Rina’s nipple with her tongue and gently biting down on it.

“AHN~! Y-you rogue! Only I am meant to lead!”

“Ohhh, your moans are so loud! Super fiery, I love it.”

“Oh, you think so? Thank you, I’m proud of my passionate voice and- W-w-wait! You’re doing something- NNN~! To me!” she spoke through her moans.

“Mmm, I’m teasing your boobies,” Mio nodded.

“That’s not what I mean! A-and ‘boobies’?! At least use- AHN~! A more dignified term…”

Rina pouted, though Mio continued her assault, slowly sliding her tongue down the curve of her breasts, making her way down her stomach.

“Awww, but I love the royal boobies, and the royal tummy, and-”

“I-I understand that, but whenever I look at you, I feel this overwhelming need to caress you! You accused me of enchanting you, but you’ve clearly bewitched me! This simply must be a foul curse, to make my heart beat this loudly for a commoner!”

“Nuh-uh~!” Mio giggled, her wings happily flapping as she moved lower still, slipping off her skirt. “I haven’t done a thing! Ehehe, the future ruler fell in love with me a~ll on her own.”

“Th-that simply cannot be true! I won’t be-”

“Defeated by me?” Mio asked, before firmly pressing a hand to her pussy through her tights. “No no, this isn’t a dance you’ll lead, Lady Rina. I’ll be the one to take charge.”

She smiled pleasantly, and eagerly rubbed Rina’s crotch, teasing her lips.

“NNNHever~! I-I cannot lose!”

“No? But just taste this, Lady Rina!”

Before Rina could say a word, Mio plunged a finger inside her mouth, and a thick, sticky, warm liquid began to coat her tongue.

“Mmph~! Mmm…”

It was distressingly delicious.

“I didn’t even reach beneath those adorable tights, y’know? All this pushed right on through, because you’re just soaking wet, aren’t you, lady Rina? Ehehe, and you’re still licking my finger, like you’re so desperate to get every last drop~!”

Rina let out a muffled squeak, before Mio popped her finger back out.

“Do your feelings taste that good? I’ll have to try them for myself, hard to imagine a slutty princess like you isn’t delicious~!”

“N-nothing about me is slutty! I am a dignified succubus, one who allures all with nary a thought!”

“No? Ehehe, I think you’re a li~ttle slutty,” Mio giggled, and lowered herself back down to Rina’s thighs. “These lovely tights, those gorgeous panties beneath, you’ve stained them, you know? Drenched them in your love for a mere commoner. That’ll ne~ver wash out.”

“Th-they are summoned garments, so…”

“The stain isn’t just on your clothes, La~dy Ri~na…”

Mio gently rolled her stuffy tights and lust-covered panties down her plump thighs, then slowly licked her way up her legs. As she reached her inner thighs, juices began to coat Mio’s tongue.

It was still, undeniably, Rina’s taste, but her newfound haughty attitude had given it a fiery, yet remarkably sweet undercurrent. She could put on airs, but she could never truly hide her desire.

“It’s stained your heart, too.” Mio spoke between licks. “No matter what you do, no matter how many people you rule over, you’ll always carry the stain of loving a lowly, humble commoner.”

Rina clenched her thighs tightly as Mio’s words dug their way into her mind, though all this really meant was that she sandwiched the commoner in the midst of her luxurious softness.

“Gosh~!” came Mio’s muffled voice, as she happily rubbed her cheeks against her thighs. “Ehehe, you really do adore me! This is the best! Thank you~!”

H-how is the commoner so distressingly cute even now?!

“But I want more than just your thighs~! I want this super wet, adorably slutty pussy, too~!” Mio giggled.

“At least say something more dignifIIED~!” she moaned, convulsing with pleasure as her tongue plunged inside, teasing her clit.

“The ‘royal’ slutty pussy then, is that it?” Came a calm, sultry voice from the bedroom door.

“Haqua~!” Mio grinned, pulling herself up and looking toward the new arrival, who was dressed in an extremely revealing maid costume. “Ohhh, I was hoping you’d show up~! She’s too fun to not share! Ehehe, would Lady Rina like to get ravished by a maid, too?”

Mio looked back to Rina, who was, in lieu of getting eaten out, eagerly fondling her own breasts and gazing up at Haqua with a deeply annoyed, yet intensely aroused expression. She couldn’t answer Mio’s question. If she let out so much as a single sound, her feelings would be obvious.

“Tell me, dear,” Haqua cooed as she climbed on the bed, leaning close to Rina’s adorably flustered face. “Where do maids—mere servants, in your eyes—sit compared to commoners? Are they more or less significant, do you think?”

“I-it matters not! All rank below my importance!” Rina squeaked. “A-and I shan’t be made a meal of by either of you!”

“Yet you sound so excited by the prospect,” Haqua whispered, and gently nibbled on Rina’s ear.


“So no, perhaps you won’t be devoured by either of us, but both of us in tandem, well...”

Rina’s vision grew clouded and unfocused. All she could truly discern was two sets of incredibly hungry eyes.

“You’ll be delicious indeed. Rich, tasty, and desperately slutty~”

At Haqua’s word, Mio dove back down to Rina’s pussy, bullying her clit with her tongue and shoving a finger deep inside her squishy, slappable butt.


While Haqua seized the opportunity and kissed Rina deeply, vigorously toying with her massive breasts.

“Nnn~!” the false princess let out a loud, muffled moan, as she returned Haqua’s kiss with equal passion. In her altered mind, she’d never even seen this maid before, but she wouldn’t have been able to resist her even if she tried. She was simply too gorgeous to not want to invite her in.

“Deep down, Lady Rina,” Mio pulled out, gazing up at Rina and Haqua as they kissed. “No matter how strong-willed you are, no matter how determined you are to rule over us. You’re just a needy little puppy, aren’t you?”

Rina let out a pathetic, almost canine whine, then stiffened up, baffled by what she’d just done.

“Ehehe, see? A total puppy!” Mio giggled, rewarding Rina with yet another lick, before snapping her fingers and summoning a dog collar around the ojou’s neck.

“A-a collar?! This is ridiculous! I-I cannot be seen wearing such a garment! Remove it this instant!”

“Oh? But it suits you so very well,” Haqua teased, gently flicking the collar’s nametag. “Wouldn’t it be nice, to be nothing more than the pet of a commoner and a servant, hm?”

“A…a pet?!” Rina squeaked, her cheeks reddening in delight.

"Mhmm! Eager to show off her big, naughty body from head to toe! A happy slut, through and through, proudly displaying her nipple rings for the girls she's so desperately in love with~!" Mio grinned, and reached her tail up toward Rina's chest, poking the tip through her rings and tugging firmly.

"WhahhH~?!" Rina gasped, arousal and surprise blending together. "N-nipple rings?! I-I'd simply never don something so embarrassing!"

"Oh? But you did~!" Mio giggled, as she started to eagerly finger Rina's pussy. "You've been wearing them this who~le time! Proof that you've just been desperate to be nothing more than an easily pleased doggie all this time!"

Mio's teasing made the delighted ojou tremble with excitement. In truth, her rings had vanished when her body had changed, only just reappearing now by Mio and Haqua's command. She could easily disprove Mio's words, but when she tried, it felt deeply wrong. Her soul really did yearn to be a pet, deep down.

You're still you at heart, Rina~!

“Or perhaps even that lowly role is too high for someone as desperate as you, hmm?"

Rina looked up at Haqua with a distressed expression. She'd already fallen so far, how was there still so much further to plummet?

"Perhaps you’re little more than meat, desperate to be devoured.” Haqua punctuated her sentence with a firm suck on Rina’s breasts. “Ah, my mistake…”

Haqua then snapped her fingers, and a cattle tag appeared on Rina’s ear. She wouldn’t reduce her to a mooing mess like Mio might have, but it did exactly what it needed to: Put Rina in her place and flooded her mind with pleasure.

“‘Royal’ meat.”

“Y-you two are incorrigible~!” Rina happily cried, too aroused to even attempt to hide the giddy smile on her face.

“Ah, is that so?” Haqua smirked, picking herself up and standing over Rina.

“Wh-what do you- Ah~! Intend to do…?” Rina shyly asked, even as her body shuddered with pleasure.

“Make you crumble.”

With a confident smirk, Haqua quickly lowered herself down to Rina’s body, planting her butt atop her face.

“Ah?!” Rina cutely gasped. As her nose brushed against the front of Haqua’s panties, Haqua simply willed them away, and left the ojou with a faceful of pussy.

“Now come,” Haqua commanded. “Serve your maid, o’ future ruler.”

Commoners are- they’re so- they’re just-

Rina’s lips trembled as she gazed up at Haqua. She was so very stunning.

Shyly, yet very eagerly, Rina stuck out her tongue, and gently began to lick Haqua’s pussy.

They’re so wonderful~!

It didn't take long for Rina to quicken her pace, her tongue growing far more vigorous as her embarrassment yet again gave way to a desire to show what she was capable of. If she was to be their pet, or their meat, or whatever other delightful things they wished to call her, then she'd excel in those roles. She was going to satisfy both of the commoners, reputation be damned.

"My~! She has an incredible tongue, Mio dear. She must adore the taste of my love."

"Ehehe, let her have her fill," Mio giggled, picking herself up and wrapping her legs around Rina's. She willed away her panties and happily pressed her soaking wet lips against Rina's, eager to make the ojou squirm even more. "She's a greedy girl, she wants both of us all to herself. Typical princess, right?"

"She's rubbed off on- nn~! You, then, hasn't she?" Haqua smirked, her own composure faltering for just the briefest moment as Rina got in a particularly good lick, something Haqua rewarded by pressing down on the false princess a little more firmly, letting Rina stick her tongue in just a touch deeper. "Because you undeniably want the both of us , no?"

"Ehehe, you think so? Maybe I should- Ooh~! Be a princess too!" Mio similarly twitched a little, as Rina, buried beneath the both of them, did her damnedest to buck her hips, messily grinding her pussy against Mio's. Mio herself was more than eager to return the favor, giddily rubbing the ojou's puffy, needy lips. "Or maybe I'll just steal that title from the royal puppy here, ehehe~!"

Mio chuckled, and eagerly slapped Rina's thick, lovely thighs. Beneath Haqua, she briefly tried to let out a muffled protest, but soon realized it was useless, and got back to eagerly lapping up her maid's juices.

"Then I suppose we're a pair of royal usurpers. There's no way I can let you take everything, not when I want it all as well," Haqua laughed, as she and Mio leaned toward each other and shared a long, greedily passionate kiss.

The air grew thick with the smell of sex. Mio and Haqua worked to satisfy each other as deeply as they could while still crushing the heiress underfoot, burying her in her own desperate lust. She'd been completely defeated, yet clearly adored it. Neither one of them could see her face beneath Haqua's body, but they could just tell she wore a deeply satisfied, and highly undignified smile.

She could tell that she wouldn't last much longer. No matter how strong she had to be as the future ruler of Hell, Rina was certain that none could withstand the two outstandingly gorgeous women who’d made her their property. She wanted this moment to last forever, if she could, she’d use all her authority as heir to the throne of Hell to make that so, but her body just couldn’t find it in her to do that.

For with these two, her authority didn’t matter in the slightest, Rina was simply a cute, haughty girl who loved, more than anything else, to get fucked and tease, to sink into her most depraved behaviors, insisting all the while that she was above them.

Her body began to tense up, muscles tightening as she held back on finishing as hard as she could.

“Ehehe, someone’s trying soooo hard to last. Isn’t it cute, Haqua?”

From her position beneath Haqua’s butt, she couldn’t see the almost pitying smile on Mio’s face, but she could hear it in her voice all the same. To someone who’d never even known the meaning of pity before, it lit a strange fire in Rina’s belly, one that only raged ever higher as Haqua spoke in turn.

“She’s adorably pathetic, it’s true,” Haqua teased, reaching down and flicking one of Rina’s nipples firmly, getting another adorable moan from the ojou as her hips bucked wildly.

That too, was new. Nobody had ever called her something so disgraceful. She was looked upon with the utmost respect and awe, fitting of one who would rule over so very many things.

But she wanted more of it so badly. She wanted pity, she wanted to be told she was pathetic, she wanted to feel like a pet, or meat to be devoured.

“So pathetic that I think she might just burst. But that wouldn’t do for a lady of her status, wouldn’t you agree, Mio?”

“Ohhh, you’re right, maybe we should just stop, hm? We’ll leave Lady Rina alone, we’ve teased her waaaay too much already, ehehe.”

N-no, wait!

Rina let out a muffled shout, and both girls above her chuckled.

“Hm? Is something wrong, Lady Rina? Surely you don’t want us to make you cum, right?” Mio innocently asked.

Rina whined, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“We’re simple commoners, you know? We’ve had our fun, but neither of us would dare bring a lady as refined as you to climax. We’d have our heads cut off, no doubt!”

She whimpered, and tried to reach a hand down to finger herself, before her arm was grabbed by Haqua.

“Oh no, you simply can’t do something so shameful in front of us. It wouldn’t do, dear.”

“B-but…” Rina’s words came out shaky and fluttery as Haqua moved just enough to let her speak.

“But Haqua, isn’t that a li~ttle mean? If Lady Rina really wants to finish, then we should let her, right? It’d mean she was defeated by simple commoners, but if she’s actually OK with that…”

Rina stiffened up and bit her lip anxiously.

“Ever the sweetheart, Mio dear. I suppose you’re right. Let’s give our future ruler a choice, hm?” Haqua mused, chuckling to herself.

“We’ll let you cum,” Mio teased, running a finger across Rina’s soft belly. “If you bark for us, how’s that sound.”

“Bark?! You want me to-mmph?!” Rina protested, before Haqua shoved her pussy down on the princess’s face once more, silencing her.

“Like a puppy, yup!” Mio giggled.

“Yield to us, we’ll take your bark as a sign that you’ve been well and truly defeated, reduced to nothing but a lustful mess by our hands, unfit to rule over anything,” Haqua shifted her position again as she spoke, allowing Rina a chance to respond.

“B-but…” Rina mumbled, her body still begging her for release. She couldn’t settle down, it all felt so good, even now.

“‘But’? Is something wrong, Lady Rina? Oh, I guess I won’t call you that anymore if you give in, huh? Maybe you’ll be our maid, ehehe~! We’ll have fun with you eeeevery day!”

Rina shuddered, trying to hold back the feelings welling up inside her with everything she had, but she was so firmly locked in place that she could do nothing.

“Well? Mio and I shan’t wait forever, you know? Stay silent, and hold your dignity, or bark, and sink into lust with us… Your choice.”

The ojou squirmed beneath the both of them.

If she gave up now, if she stayed silent and held onto her pride, would she get to feel this pleasure again? Would she never get to know the joy of a climax at their hands. Everything so far had felt so incredible, surely whatever lay at the end would be wondrous indeed.

But was that the kind of woman she was? Would she really be so quick to throw away everything she had all for the sake of her lust? Though she’d endured much shame already, the idea of someone as well-to-do as her barking like a dog was utterly absurd. There could be nothing more pathetic than that, she was sure of it.

B-but it’s just a single bark. Just one small sound, and…and I’ll get to experience this again. I’ll stay with these commoners, and I’ll get to be their pet forevermore.

But her desires took precedence, they wouldn’t let foolish things like pride and status get in the way of what she truly wanted.


Rina’s cheeks burned, she’d never been so embarrassed.

“Louder, dear. We need to hear you.”


“C’mon, louder, Lady Rina!”

She could explode right then and there, her body and mind couldn’t take much more.


“Ehehe, still no good! You’ve gotta let alllll those feelings out for us!”


Rina gritted her teeth. She wouldn’t be denied this any longer.

If you want me to be your pet, then I’ll be the finest bitch you’ve ever seen!

She held her hand up to the side of her head like a paw, took a deep breath, and-

“Wan waaaaan~!”

Let out a loud, deeply pathetic bark. She’d made her choice, there was no taking it back, now.

“Good girl,” Haqua chuckled. “Here’s your reward.”

Haqua pressed herself down on Rina’s face, while her tail firmly tugged her nipple rings.

“NNH~!” Rina moaned, as she eagerly, messily tried to pleasure her maid.

“Cum lots and lots for us, OK~?” Mio giggled, grinding against Rina’s pussy with everything she had.

Rina shuddered, every muscle in her body tensed under the girls’ relentless assault. Despite her desperate need to hit a climax, she gave it one last earnest effort to hold out, to soak in this feeling for just a little bit longer. But she had no fight left in her, and in no time at all-


The ojou’s feelings spilled out from her thighs, her dignity going right along with it.

She had been soundly defeated, what a wonderful day this was.

“Ehehe, love you soooo much, puppy…”

“Sleep well, you desperate, needy little slut.”

Rina’s consciousness began to fade, and she slept with the most delighted, eager expression on her face.

She was a simple, depraved, horny mutt, unfit to rule over a thing, but that didn’t matter to her. She felt well and truly fulfilled.

❖ ❖ ❖

“Hmhm~hm~! Hmhmhm~hm~!” Mio giddily hummed to herself as she typed up a storm. She’d meant for this scene to be fairly short, but she was having far too much fun to let it end.

Ehehe, it's fine. If I like the scene, other people will, too!

“The writing’s going well, I take it?” Haqua asked Mio, looking up from the game she'd spent her entire day playing.

"Mhmm! I'm on a roll, Haqua! I'm excited to show you what I've done, it's super cute!"

“I’d be delighted to, dear.”

It brought Haqua no end of joy to see Mio put the intense frustration she’d felt a few days ago so firmly behind her. She’d hoped her plan would get her past a mental block, but it had done far, far more. She’d been on a roll for quite some time now, writing dozens upon dozens of pages at an incredible clip, with the quality of her work only improving despite the increased pace.

Rina, too, was delighted, but in a decidedly different sense.

“Ohhhhohohohoho~! Mistresses, your tea is served! The finest tea a mutt like me could ever brew! I’m certain it will meet your painfully low standards of me! But if it doesn’t, be sure to punish me thoroughly~!” Rina, no longer in line for any sort of fictional throne, but still possessed of the haughty demeanor and full figure of an ojou, presented Mio and Haqua with a tray of tea and sweets before bowing deeply. The sight of her immense cleavage nestled within her frilly, revealing maid outfit was nothing short of wondrous indeed. “After all, when Mistress Mio smiles so warmly, her punishments and teasing are at their most delightful~! Ah, to be demeaned by a smile like that!”

“Hmm, you reek of desperation, perhaps we’ve spoiled you too much…” Haqua mused, gazing at the trail of juices slowly trickling down Rina’s plump thighs, staining her pristine white stockings. The nametag on her dog collar, boldly declaring her to be "MEAT", only felt more appropriate with each day that passed like this.

“You would hold me back, deny me pleasure until I beg?!” Rina asked, her pupils turning to a pair of adorable hearts as her eyes lit up.

“You’d have to really grovel,” Haqua chuckled. “But I trust that’s not an issue, is it?”

“Ohhhohoho~! Indeed! I, Rina Saeki, Hell’s most depraved bitch, shall sink to any depths you deem necessary, Mistress Haqua!”

“Ehehe, we’ll have lots and lots of fun with you, puppy!” Mio giggled, before getting back to her work, before adding a quick “Thank you for the tea, it’s yummy!”

“But of course~!” Rina bowed again, then simply watched and waited, her tail wagging expectantly.

And she waited.

And waited.

And waited…

“Hmm? Is something wrong, Rina?” Mio asked, noticing her after a little while.

“Ah~! For a moment I thought you were ignoring me completely, treating me like little more than a bothersome fly! Such a splendid sensation~!”

“Ohhh, you wanna be ignored, huh? Ehehe, I can do that for now, you could even be my footstool~!” Mio teased.


Her tail wagged even faster, and her body quivered with delight.

“But a little later, ‘k? I wanna get a little further with my writing, first!”

Instantly, Rina's tail drooped.

"I-I understand. Ah, but in lieu of serving as your footstool, perhaps I could suck your breasts, or eat you out, or-mmph!"

With a snap of Haqua's fingers, Rina crumpled to the ground with a ball gag in her mouth and ropes tightly tied around her body, rubbing up against and stimulating all of her most sensitive places.

"Mio said she was busy, mutt. Do take care to listen when you're spoken to, would you?" Haqua purred, walking up to Rina and lowering her foot down onto Rina's crotch, firmly rubbing it against her moist, sensitive lips.

Though the gag prevented her from smiling, Rina's eyes looked nothing short of blissful as she gave the most vigorous nod her constraints would allow, and a muffled approximation of an eager bark.

"My apologies for the interruption, dear. Would you like me to move her outside? I imagine she'd be quite delighted to be arrested for public indecency."

Another muffled bark sounded out, and Mio giggled.

"Ehehe, she's fine where she is. Rina's barks are kinda comfy background noise these days, like rain sounds!" Mio grinned. "Though her moans sure are haughtier right now. Gosh, cute as she is like this, I'm starting to miss her little yaps. Will she change back anytime soon, Haqua?"

Rina couldn't claim to understand the conversation, but she hardly paid it much mind, and chose to simply enjoy the feeling of Mistress Haqua effortlessly dominating her, her foot pressing firmer and firmer still.

"Soon enough, yes," Haqua nodded. "I wrote a command onto her soul itself, though, so it needs some time to fully fade. She'll be our little bitch again in no time, not that I don't appreciate how proudly useless she is right now, of course."

She looked down at the ojou beneath her heel and smiled tauntingly, watching her massive chest jiggle and shake as her body overflowed with pleasure.

"And it seems she served her purpose as a muse, yes?"

"Mhmm! I wrote the cutest, dopiest heiress because of Rina, ehehe! You two were a big help, so thank you so much!"

"But of course, Mio. Anything for my wonderful partner," Haqua playfully bowed, teasing Rina's lips all the while. "Still, now I'm keeping you. I'll get back to my game, dear."

"Oh, you're fine! But umm, I have another question first! Was umm, 'Lady' Rina meant to turn so pathetic? Kinda feels like a bit of her usual self broke through, ehehe… she's forgotten all about ruling over Hell."

"I'd wanted her to crumble a little, like we'd discussed, but I intended for her to insist upon her status all the while, still. But it's as you say, Mio dear. It seems her need to be a loser dog is rather intense, and shone through it all in the end."

"Ehehe, that's my puppy. I love you, Rina," Mio smiled, leaned over, and gently pet her haughty maid's head. The contrast between the treatment she received from her two mistresses melting her mind for a brief moment, making more and more of her juices spill out onto the carpet beneath her. "Y'know, if Rina'll turn back soon, I guess that means we'll lose out on more time with our curvy maid, huh?"

Haqua gave a small nod.

"Indeed, I can always bring her back, but having both mutts out at a time would be challenging to withstand, to say the least."

Ah, are they discarding me?! You can't! But…to be treated like mere garbage is so delightful! Haah, do as you please, Mistresses! It's all I deserve!

Rina totally misunderstood the conversation, of course, but she was happy, so it was fine.

"In that case," Mio shut her laptop, and happily cracked her knuckles as she smiled up at her partner. "Wanna make the most of the time we've got, Haqua?"

"You read my mind, dear."

Haqua smirked at Mio, and with a snap of her fingers, the ropes and gag disappeared from Rina's body, and a tight leash connected to her collar. She gave it a sharp tug, and called for her dog.

"Mutt! It's time to serve your mistresses. You won't disappoint us, will you?"

"Certainly not! Useless as I may be, I shan't let my Mistresses down at a time like this," Rina grinned, scrambling to her feet to walk with her owners. 

"Ehehe, good! Because y'know, Rina? You *did* get in the way of my writing, in the end. It's gonna take a loooot of milk to make up for that!" Mio teased Rina, before giving her butt a firm slap.

It took barely a second for dark, wet spots to form at Rina's chest, droplets of milk dribbling through her clothes.

"Ohhhohoho! I am eager to serve, Mistress Mio! All the milk in this body shall be yours, I swear it on my honor as your pet!"

Mio laughed, and walked with her partners to the bedroom.

"Well then," Haqua smiled, reaching a hand around Rina and firmly squeezing her butt, teasing her hole with her fingertip. "Let's show Rina just how much lower she can sink, hm?"

When her typical, yappy loser dog consciousness finally returned to her, Rina couldn't understand why, exactly, she felt so desperate to be called 'meat', nor why she kept having fantasies of being defeated and fucked at the hands of simple maids.

But in the days leading up to that, their apartment had never played host to such loud, spirited barks. And when she finally found the time to stop fucking the maid, Mio's writing continued, stronger and more confident than ever before.

She couldn't say she quite knew the breadth of Haqua's powers, but one thing was for sure: if things would always turn out so wonderfully, she couldn't wait to see what else Haqua had in store.

"Ohhhhohohoho! Mistresses, make me crumble! Show the denizens of Hell just how far the heir to the throne has fallen!"

But if she could get more opportunities to spend time with haughty Rina, then that, Mio supposed, was more than enough.

As I continue to plug away at writing volume 2, I wanted to have something ready to go to for people to read in the time being, and I realized I hadn't actually written a scene of Mio and Haqua together in bed with Rina, so I just went for it, ahaha, I hope you enjoy it, I had a blast writing it! I want to make more side stories like this, honestly. With both magic and a succubi's innate ability to transform, I can really cut loose on these and show different sides/versions of characters that you'd never normally see in the main plot. Of course, I could also go completely wild with it and make some that are just non-canon and go in vastly different directions, write what-if scenarios, etc. I'd be curious to hear what people would like from further side stories!

Anyway, work on volume 2 is still going well! I struggle with severe ADHD that I currently can't get medication for, so admittedly my focus falters from time to time, but I'm already 55k words deep into things, so hopefully the wait won't be too long! And if it ends up taking longer than I expect, I might write another side story, I've got a few ideas that'd be really fun to go for!

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