Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 13

❖ 13 ❖

After letting the helldrake cry her heart out in the alleyway while Iori fruitlessly tried to untangle the strange situation she’d found herself in, Yuuki, knowing full well that things wouldn’t pick up like that, moved the group to a small, quiet café a little ways away. She ordered the group some coffee and an extravagantly large plate of fries to share, and did her best to move things in a better direction.

“So, Rhodolite, yeah?” Yuuki asked with a smile.

“Mm, my parents called me Lite, but umm, whatever suits you best is fine…” Rhodolite weakly smiled, wiping a small tear out of the corner of her eye, sniffling all the while.

“Super pretty name! I’ll have to think of a cute nickname for you! Rhocchan? Rhorho? Hmm…”

“A nickname? Ufufu, nobody’s given me one before,” Rhodolite chuckled, looking just a little happier now.

“You just said your parents gave you one, silly~!” Yuuki teased, jokingly bonking the top of Rhodolite’s head.

“Well, that’s not quite the same…” Rhodolite smiled, pressing a hand to her cheek.

“Rhody, does that sound good?” Iori spoke up, offering a small smile to the distressed helldrake.

“Oh! It’s lovely! Umm, maybe a bit boyish though…” Rhodolite twiddled her clawed thumbs, torn between smiling sweetly at her very first non-parental nickname and shyness over how badly she felt it fit her.

“Well, I won’t use it if you don’t like it,” Iori smiled, taking a small sip of her coffee. “But I think it’s cute. The gap between the name and your personality is charming.”

“Mm, mm! Gap moe~!” Yuuki heartily agreed.

“Then…I suppose it’s not so bad…” Rhody bashfully smiled, immediately satisfied enough to mark the nickname in her heart as a badge of honor that she’d happily carry for as long as possible.

“So Rhody,” Yuuki started, giggling softly at the way her ears perked up at the sound of her new nickname. “What do you do for work? You’re in a suit, so I’m guessing you’re some kinda OL? You look great in it, beeteedubs~!”

It was small talk, but that was exactly what they needed right now. When they’d been so thoroughly entrenched in such a strange, messy atmosphere, diving right into the thick of things would only make everything harder on the group.

“Oh, thank you so much~! Ufu! You’re right, I work in an office not far from here. I bought this suit right before I moved to this city. I wanted to make a great first impression, but nobody’s said a word about it til now! You’re so lovely, sweetie~!” Rhody cupped her cheek with her palm, as her smile turned absolutely blissful. “Oh, but what does…bee tee…? I’m sorry, I’m a little out of touch with city slang…”

“It just means ‘by the way’. Yuuki uses a lot of slang, but it’s not too hard to understand,” Iori smiled.

“Mm! You’ll get the hang of it in no time! And no way! How’s nobody gonna compliment a cutie like you, huh? You’ve got a gorgeous bod, Rhody!”

"'Gorgeous'? My…" Rhody blushed, and tried to hide her face behind her drink.

"It's true, you're stunning, Rhody," Iori concurred. "The suit, well, suits you, but I meant what I said back when we ran into each other, you'd look great in an outfit like Yuuki's."

"You said that? Ehehe, you're smooth. Iocchi~! And you know she means it, Rhody! The more she's changed, the more honest she's been getting. She'd have to rea~lly force herself to lie now!"

Despite her shy expression, Rhody's tail swayed happily behind her.

"It's true," Iori sighed and chuckled. "I just can't see a reason why I would hold back any of my feelings. It's been a hell of an adjustment…"

"That's common for helldrakes. You remind me of my papa. He couldn't hide away anything, so he spoiled every surprise party my family tried to throw for me! My mama always got so mad at him, but he'd just laugh it off with a smile, ufufu~!"

“Your dad have a cocky streak too?” Yuuki asked with a giggle.

“Ufu~! Not nearly as much as mama! She was the proudest drake you’d ever meet.”

"So that's what I'm becoming, then? A helldrake?" Iori asked, her smile looking a little more exhausted than it had a moment ago.

"Ah, mm. R-right…” Rhody shyly nodded, and nervously popped a fry into her mouth.

“Got a little lost in the conversation there, hmm? That’s OK, you don’t have to feel guilty for enjoying yourself,” Iori said, smiling warmly at her. “It sure doesn’t seem like you did this maliciously, or even on purpose. As big a shock as this all is, I can’t honestly say that I’m mad at you, Rhody.”

“But you should be…” Rhody mumbled.

Iori furrowed her brow. She understood why she was taking it so hard, but Rhody seemed determined to get punished and yelled at for this.

Still, she wasn’t about to let that rest.

“I won’t be. I spent years and years treating people terribly when they didn’t deserve it. I’m not about to do that again here, Rhody. Whatever this is was clearly a mistake, and I want to work through it with you. So don’t beat yourself up, OK? It hurts to see someone as sweet as you feeling so down.”

Rhody gave a small, shy nod, her cheeks reddening at the unexpected compliment.

“Besides, if you’re telling the truth about things, then you’re my fiancée now, right? What kind of woman would I be if I made my future bride cry?”


Rhody quickly covered her face with her hands, peeking at Iori through the gap in her fingers, then bashfully looking away when she saw Iori looking back at her.

“I think you broke her, Iocchi.”

“Yeah, seems that way…”

“‘Future bride’, oh gosh! That sounded like a line from a romance novel, wowowow!” Rhody giggled, unaware that she was saying all of this out loud.

“Might need to turn down the charm for a bit, bestie.”

“I’ll…do my best?”

Rhody cleared her throat, and wore a small, bashful smile.

“I-I’m feeling a little better now, so umm, I think I can explain things, if you’ll let me.”

Iori chuckled, and nodded.

“Please, go right ahead.”

"Helldrakes, descended from ancient dragons, all have an innate love of treasure-”

“Mm, yeah, that’s you, Iocchi,” Yuuki teased, getting a slight blush out of Iori.

“Ufufu, I’ll have to show you some of my personal hoard,” Rhody laughed.

“...Yeah, I’d like that,” Iori answered, ignoring Yuuki’s giggles as best she could.

“But of all treasure, there’s none that we view more highly than wedding rings, seeing them as artifacts that eternally bind souls together, ensuring that they’ll never part even long after death. Rings are forged by our parents shortly after we're born, handed down to children once they’ve come of age. Every child is told that their ring should be held close, and is only to be given to those you truly wish to spend eternity with. It’s a tradition that’s beginning to fade, but…well…” she started to blush. It was clear to Yuuki and Iori both just how important it was to her.

"And that's what the ring I picked up is, Rhody? Your parents made it?" Iori asked.

"Mm," Rhody nodded, a small smile spreading as she held it to her chest. "The stone itself is rhodolite. My mother mined it herself."

"It's beautiful," said Iori. She'd been captivated by it from the moment she laid eyes on it, but it seemed so much more beautiful now that she understood it just a little bit better.

"Did she pick your name, too?" Yuuki asked, smiling cheerfully.

"Mm, she's always been a romantic, ahaha…" Rhody laughed shyly. "She wanted me to know love more deeply than any helldrake before me. I used to get so embarrassed when she told me that, but now…"

Rhody hugged the ring tightly, a small, happy tear trickling down her cheek.

"Ahaha, I'm so glad you brought it back to me. I was so worried I'd never get to see it again…" she sniffled.

"Hold it tight now, OK?" Iori cautioned. "I'd hate for you to lose it again."

Rhody paused for a moment, then gave a small, shy nod.

“Helldrake rings like this contain powerful magicks, too. The story goes that every ring forged contains a fragment of the soul of whoever crafted it, bestowing their hopes and dreams upon the next generation, and guiding them towards happiness. So umm…anyone who’s given the ring inherits those wishes, giving them the strength to protect their partners’ hoard alongside them.”

“So that’s…that’s why it’s changing me? Anyone who gets engaged to a helldrake becomes one?”

“That shouldn’t be how it works…” Rhody mumbled, staring down into her lap. “I know some develop a great fondness for treasure, or a bit of draconic pride, or in extreme cases, they might grow horns or have their eyes change color, but…but a change as drastic as yours…”

“It’s ‘cuz she’s human, huh?” Yuuki asked, keeping her tone calm and measured. “A demon wouldn’t have been affected this deeply, but since humans have no talent for or resistance to magic, just the slightest bit is enough to do this…”

Iori pulled back her sleeve, noting that she had yet more scales on her arms than she did earlier in the day. Despite the ring being with its rightful owner, the changes hadn’t ceased.

“But it’s not permanent, right? We can reverse this, right?”

Iori’s question was met with deafening silence.

“…Right, Rhody?”

Iori felt certain that she knew the answer, but she just had to ask, all the same. She immediately regretted it when she saw just how downcast Rhody looked, like she was ready to burst into tears again at a moment’s notice.

Her response came in the form of a whisper so small and soft that Iori might not have heard it at all if it didn’t carry her fate itself.

“...I don’t think so…”

Iori stared ahead, dumbstruck, unsure of what she could say, if anything. She’d known it was coming, and yet it still hit her like a ton of bricks.

“When you held out the ring for me, Iori, I got a glimpse at your soul, and…and…”

“It’s OK, Rhody, take a deep breath,” Yuuki smiled. 

Rhody nodded, and did as she was told.

“Iiiiiin and out. Iiiiiiiiiin and out, just like that.”

Iori quietly joined in, but she wasn’t sure it helped.

“You think you can explain things a little better now, Rhody? You gonna be OK?”

Rhody looked at Iori’s dumbfounded expression, and gave a small, slight nod. She couldn’t leave her panicked like this.

“It’s a flame, Iori. Your soul has taken the form of an ever-blazing flame, just like a helldrake.”

“...But that’s because of what I’m inheriting from your parents because of our engagement, right?” So if we find a way to annul that, then maybe we can undo all of this.”

“...It might work. It would remove any magicks placed upon you, and…and it’s not impossible that your soul might begin to turn back on its own. That’s just a guess, b-but if it helps, I’m willing to try it.”

Iori bit her lip. Rhody had said that with a tremendous deal of hesitation. It was clear that there was a major reason why she didn’t want to take that route if she didn’t have to.

“Rhody,” though she was lost and more than a little nervous herself, Iori offered Rhody the most reassuring smile that she could as she spoke. “If we do that, something else will happen, won’t it?”

“I-it’s not important. You could lose your humanity if we don’t do this. So it’s worth it, no matter what.”

“I know two people who’ve lost their humanity, and they’re very dear to me,” she chuckled. “As much as I’d like to reverse this, I won’t even try it if I don’t know what else it might do. So please, Rhody, be honest. I know this is difficult for both of us, but that’s no reason to take everything on yourself.”

Rhody looked at the ring, and began to cry once more, tears streaming down her face.

“Marriage is…extremely sacred to helldrakes. It’s believed that if a marriage is annulled or ends for any reason beyond passing away, then the bond between souls was tainted, and…and all traces of the marriage should fade away, leaving us with nothing that might remind us of something so unpleasant.”

“So then, the ring…” Yuuki mumbled, knowing where this was going.

“The…the jewel would shatter, and the ring…it would turn to ash, a-and nothing from it would ever be salvageable again…”

Rhody stared down at her lap, vision growing cloudy as her tears began to stain her skirt.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry… It’s just a ring, I know I shouldn’t be so attached to it, but- but it's all I have to remember them by, and- and-!”

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, Iori reached across the table and hugged Rhody tightly, holding her close and letting her sob into her shoulder.

In her time as CEO, she’d seen countless staff members cry over actions she’d taken. She’d made so many lives miserable, filled employees with a sadness that spilled out from within them.

And she’d regarded them all coldly. She’d been terrible, and a part of her protested that she wasn’t fit to give anyone comfort at a time like this.

But she didn’t listen to it, not for a second. Rhody was crying, and she was determined to not let her suffer alone, no matter what.

“It’s such a beautiful ring, Rhodolite,” Iori said, gently patting Rhody’s back. “I can tell that your parents put everything they had into it. You’re so lucky to have such an incredible symbol of their love for you. I don’t want you to ever lose that.”

“But…but it's changing you...”

“I don’t care,” Iori firmly denied her a chance to feel guilty. “It doesn’t matter. The love you and your parents share is too beautiful to let it shatter for my sake. If that means we’re engaged, then we’re engaged, and there's no way I'm about to let my fiancee's finest treasure get destroyed," she grinned. "There’s no deadline to when we have to wed, right?”

Rhody gently shook her head.

"As long as we don't disappear from each other's lives, it should hold…"

“Good, then we can take as long as we want to figure this out,” Iori smiled. “We can figure out what being a helldrake means for me, and what we mean to each other."

"…You're sure? Totally, 100% sure?" Rhody asked, too stunned by Iori's resolve for her tears to flow quite so freely.

"Completely. I bumped into you, so if we're pinning any blame on anyone, it should be me, not you. But I don't even want that. Maybe it's the swelling pride talking, but I don't want to treat what's happening as something scary. If you're any indication, being a helldrake means I'll only get more gorgeous."

Rhody's cheeks reddened, and she buried her face against Iori's shoulder.

"Mmph mmph mmph mmmmmph…" she mumbled incoherently, her words rendered totally inaudible as they were muffled by Iori's body.

"You'll have to speak more clearly, Rhody."

Rhody shook her head, refusing to repeat herself. Only she would know what she thought of Iori in that moment.

It's like you came right out of one of my romance novels, Iori…

Once she’d calmed down, she pulled back from the hug and looked up at Iori with no end of admiration. She was clearly scared, yet she was working so hard for Rhody’s sake without wanting anything in return.

And privately, Rhody agreed with Iori’s assessment. The ways she’d changed had only made her prettier. Not that she’d say that out loud.

Still, after all the strength Iori had shown, Rhody felt like she had to say something to match, to show just how much Iori's kindness meant to her.

"I think I might be very lucky, Iori."

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"If I was careless enough with my ring to lose it after simply bumping into someone, then it could've ended up with absolutely anyone. Could you imagine that? I could have wound up engaged to someone awful… What if my boss had found it, you know?" she pouted, while Iori let out a gentle chuckle.

"But instead, it found its way to you, and you brought it back to me. You're so kind and warm, it's amazing. Your hands haven’t changed yet, so there's no way it would fit you right now, but I just know that there's nobody that ring would suit better than you," she smiled warmly. "And…when I think about that, I realize that my parents must be so proud of me for finding such a wonderful fiancée…"

Her voice began to trail off as her shyness caught up with her, but her words had reached Iori loud and clear, painting the boisterous future-helldrake's cheeks a gentle pink.

“Thanks, Rhody. You’re extremely sweet, you know that?”

Rhody blushed, and gently nodded without saying anything.

“But hey, there’s an important question I’ve gotta ask.”

It was Yuuki who spoke up now, a concerned expression on her face.

“And soz, Iocchi, you probs won’t want me saying this, but I’ve gotta.”

Iori braced for whatever came next.

“There’s a girl Iocchi loves.” Iori winced, worried that this would only pressure Rhody. But she didn’t stop Yuuki, she just couldn’t. “Been down bad for her for years, and she’s like, super close to confessing, I can feel it.”

“You want to know if that might annul our engagement?”

“Mm. Iocchi’s crazy tough, I know she’ll make it through no matter what, but I’m rooting for my girl, y’know? I don’t want her to have to give up what she’s been shooting for all this time.”

Rhody nodded, and gently smiled.

“Mm, it should be fine. Many helldrakes have multiple partners.”

Iori breathed out a relieved sigh that was so heavy it was a small wonder that it didn’t turn into a fireball.

“You’re not just saying that to cheer me up, right? I’m not gonna end up destroying your ring by mistake?”

Rhody shook her head.

“I might not seem like it, but I’m an awful liar!”

No no, you definitely seem like it, both Iori and Yuuki thought in unison.

“And I’d be particularly bad at it when it comes to this ring. Ehehe, you saw through me right away when I tried to hide what would happen if we called off our engagement. So you can trust me. It'll be OK."

"Thanks, Rhody!" Yuuki winked. "I knew that was gonna eat at my girl if we didn't find out, so this means a lot to us, for real. Ya Feelin' better, cutie?" she asked Iori, patting her back.

"I felt like I was about to have a heart attack when you asked, Yuuki," Iori chuckled. "But yeah, I'm better now."

"You've got a drake's heart! Those are totes strong, y'know? Bet I could find a dozen new ways to make it pound like crazy and you'd handle 'em all like a pro."

"I'd try to fight back and match you beat for beat, but we all know that what'd really make your heart flutter is seeing me in all those skimpy outfits you bought me! So why don't we save it for when we get home, hm?"

"Ooh, that a promise?! A private show from the human realm's hottest helldrake? You're already getting me fired up, Iocchi! I'm gonna melt!"

"Then maybe I'll hold off a little longer. I'm not ready to lose you just yet, Yuuki."

"Ufufufu…" Rhody giggled.

"Oh, looks like someone's starting to feel better," Iori smiled.

"Mm, well, it's surprising, I suppose."

"What is?" Yuuki asked.

"You asked me if the ring would crumble if you took another partner, but it seems like you'd have known ages ago if it would!"

"Huh?" Both Yuuki and Iori asked in unison.

"I'm so glad it didn't ruin your relationship! You're such a cute couple, you two! You're so in sync and lively together, it's so lovely!

"We're not-" Iori tried to argue, but she was surprised to get cut off by Rhody, of all people.

"Cute? Ohhh, don't you dare say that! You two might be gorgeous, but that doesn't stop you from being adorable together!"

Yuuki couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"Here that Iocchi? We're adorbs!" she smirked, whipping out her phone and taking a selfie of the both of them.

"Don't post that!" Iori gasped. "Not while I'm changing!"

"Post it?! No way, this one's for me! Ooh, and for Rhody! We look super cute here, right?" she asked, holding out the phone for the sweetie helldrake.

"Mm, mm! Straight out of a romance novel!"

"Oooh yeah, I get that! Especially with some of those smooth lines she busts out! Hella hot! She could sweep any girl off their feet!"

Despite everything, Iori couldn't help but feel her chest swell with pride at Yuuki and Rhody's words. She knew that she was getting a big head over this. She'd begun to truly understand why Rhody had seemed so delighted by the compliments she offered when they first met.

"But nah, we're not dating," Yuuki explained.

"Really?! But you seem so good together… Ah, I shouldn't say that, should I…?"

"You're good!" Yuuki giggled. "Guess it just shows how close we've gotten!"

"We're just…besties," Iori nodded, still unsure of where she and Yuuki truly stood.

"With benefits," Yuuki cheerily added. Iori thought about contesting that, but couldn't really find anything to disagree with.

"Ohhh, my…" Rhody blushed, pressing a hand to her cheek as her lips curled into a clearly thirsty smile, before she caught a glimpse of a clock on the wall. "Ah! My favorite author has a book signing in half an hour! Umm, I know it's bad timing, but-"

"Go have fun," Iori smiled. "You've earned it after a day this busy."

"W-would you two like to come with? I'll tell you all about her books if you don't know them!"

"Next time," Iori winked. "I think I need some rest after all of this. Will you be OK on your own?"

"Mhm," Rhody nodded. "I'm feeling a lot better now."

"That's great!" Yuuki grinned. "Let's swap deets though, 'k? We don't wanna have to hunt around for you every time we wanna hang out. I'll get Iocchi a phone of her own so you can stay in touch, too."

"Oh! Of course, umm…"

Rhody awkwardly pulled out her phone and tried to add Yuuki's details to her contacts. It was clear, from how clumsy and slow she was with it, that this was far from a common occurrence for her.

"Well goodbye, you two," Rhody said as she got ready to leave. "I know the situation was awkward but I'm glad we could get to know each other. Maybe that's selfish, though…"

"Of course not, Rhody. It was nice to get to know you, too," Iori smiled. "I'd much rather see you leave with a smile, so don't make yourself feel guilty for that."

Rhody nodded enthusiastically.

"O-oh, and umm...could you hold onto this?"

Much to both girls' surprise, Rhody held out her ring for Iori.

"I can't, Rhody. That's so precious to you, keep it on you."

"It'll be in safer hands with you," Rhody shyly smiled. "And umm, if your body will keep changing, I think it'd be good for my parents to watch over you during all that. To keep you safe."

Iori gazed at the ring a moment longer. The rhodolite twinkled beautifully in the café's low light.

"You're sure?"


Iori nodded, and took it from Rhody. It was warm to the touch, surely the result of being hugged to the helldrake's remarkably soft chest for so long.

"I'll keep it safe."

Rhody felt a little bit lost in Iori's stunningly handsome smile, but she composed herself long enough to turn around and offer a small, shy goodbye.

"Take care, both of you…"

"You too, Rhody."

"Mm. Bye-bye!"


Sorry to keep you waiting!" Yuuki grinned as she handed Iori one of a pair of massive crepes she'd bought for the two of them. 

"Feeling hungry?"

"Nah, just thought some sweets might do you some good, Iocchi. When I told Alisa that you were feeling glum, she packed it crazy full, so eat up!"

"I'm not glum, Yuuki. I'm just tired," Iori smiled, before taking a massive bite out of her crepe. If there was one upside to her changing body, it was fantastic at packing away sweets. "It's been a long day, that's all."

"Nope, no way. How long do you think we've known each other?" Yuuki asked, as the two began to walk through the city.

"About a week."

"Spiritually, dummy."

"...About a week?"

"Doofus," Yuuki giggled, lightly rapping her knuckle against Iori's head, unknowingly hitting a surprisingly sensitive spot.

That's probably where the horns'll come in, huh?

Iori weakly smiled, and held back a tired sigh.

"It's felt waaaay longer in my heart, y'know? Least I feel like our bond’s run a whole lot deeper than what you’d expect from ‘about a week’," Yuuki grinned. "But don't tell me you're fine when you're super obviously not. You think I don't see how frustrated you look right now? If you were ever all that good at hiding things, you sure aren’t anymore.”

Iori paused, trying and failing to think of something to say, before giving up and taking another huge bite out of her crepe.

“Dead on, huh?”

"I still wouldn't say I'm glum, but…yeah it's only really now sinking in just how much my life is changing."

"Landed a crazy cute fianceé, though!"

"Didn't I just?" Iori chuckled.

"Really soft looking girl! Haaah, I wanna play with her boobs."

"Butt's really something, too."

Yuuki loudly cackled at that, and eagerly patted Iori on the back.

"I like how frank you're getting, Iocchi. Just cut that filter right outta the equation. It's super fun!"

"Is it still me, though?" Iori mused, licking a glob of cream off her finger and furrowing her brow as she caught a glimpse of the longer tongue that did it. "I'm not unhappy with it, because this pride won't let me be, but I dunno. There's…a lot to think about, I suppose."

"Mmm, well, I've only known you 'about a week'," Yuuki giggled, dropping her voice to a remarkably good impression of Iori's deeper, cooler tone. "But yeah, I think so. It all still feels like you to me, anyway. You're still the same woman I just knew would be my bestie in no time! I bet Rinarin, Miomio, and Hakucchi would say the same, y'know?"

"Well thanks, Yuuki. That means a lot to hear, really."

"That's good! Cuz I get the feeling it won't be the last time I say it! Gonna have to workshop ways to make it mean even more next time," Yuuki stuck out her tongue.

"I'm sure you'll pull it off. You've got a way with words."

"I try!" Yuuki winked.

"Keep thinking about my family, too. I've tried to avoid it this whole time, I know I'll have to fight them once I head back…home? Shit, is the human realm even my home anymore?"

"Could just start rooming with us! We've got plenty of space at the manor!"

Iori laughed, though she knew that if push came to shove, Yuuki would honor that offer with no hesitation.

"Might have to take you up on that, because if I'm anything like my bestie, I might think about killing them at the drop of the hat. I'd prefer to not get arrested, you know?"

"Lololol! You goof!" Yuuki gently punched Iori's arm. "That was a joke, dummy!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Iori grinned, her sharp teeth plainly visible for Yuuki as she did. "I just get the feeling I'll tell my family things I've been bottling forever. It's an interesting feeling. It's nerve-wracking, honestly. And Rina…"

"Worried she won't dig the scales?"

"Not if she has any taste," Iori joked. "But I'm…I'm engaged, completely out of nowhere. She'd be OK with that, I'm sure, but…that'd make me polyamorous, right? I think it would? Gah, I sound like a frustrated teenager, but this is all so new to me. I go years without a relationship and now, right as I'm about to tell her how I feel, you and I get so much closer, and then I find out I'm a dragon's bride-to-be, and…I'm too old for this strong of a sexual awakening…"

"Shit, you're a doofus, Iocchi. Change into a helldrake faster so you can stop tryna sweat something without a drop of worry in it, huh?"

It sounded surprisingly aggressive, but that completely caught Iori off guard, pulling herself out of her deeply muddled mind for a spell.

"I'm chill with anything, your crush is a mutt who'd never even think about judging you—and you already know she's poly—and Rhody seems totes supportive of whatevs you wanna do! Nobody else but you is making this a big deal, dummy."

"Shit, I struck a nerve, huh? I'm sorry, Yuuki."

"Nah, you're good." Yuuki sighed. "Just that stuff's hard enough for you already, y'know? I hate hearing you laying on a ton of doubt on top of that. I want my bestie to thrive, and I def don't want her acting like her relationships with me or her cutie fianceé are getting in the way." Iori punctuated her sentence by finishing off her crepe, then continued as she balled up the wrapping paper. "Have a little more faith in all of us, 'k?"

Iori looked stunned for a moment, then smiled warmly at Yuuki.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll try. None of you deserve to be lumped in with my own doubt. Shit, I don't deserve that doubt. I can't change what's happening, and I can't change my feelings, so I need to keep my head held high. If I'm going to be a helldrake, then I need to trust that there isn't a thing in any realm that'll keep me down."

Yuuki grinned as she took Iori's hand in her own.

"Good, don't lose sight of that, 'k? Fierce Iocchi's way too amazing to bury under all that worry."

"Where would I be without you, bestie?" Iori smiled, clutching Yuuki's hand tightly.

"Hiding in your room, probs."

"Mm," Iori nodded, chuckling softly to herself. "I bet you're right."

Thank you for always setting me straight, Yuuki.

No matter where we end up by the time this vacation is over, I'm so glad I could spend all these days with you.

I love you, Yuuki. Whatever happens with me and Rina, thank you for being by my side.

Iori's left with a lot to untangle, but I think she'll handle herself pretty capably!

This is the last chapter for the year, but I should still be able to publish one next week with no issue, so don't worry, I'm not going anywhere just yet! I mentioned this before, but I'm hard at work on volume 3 right now, and I'm excited to share that with everyone once I've finished writing it. I'm really fond of the idea my partner and I had for it, and I hope you'll all like it, too!

I hope the holidays have been treating everyone well! Here's to an amazing 2024!

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