Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 15

❖ 15 ❖

The tension, at least in my mind, was thick enough to cut with a knife. I knew this wouldn’t be an easy conversation, but I would approach this as honestly and openly as I could, for Iori’s sake.

I saw a roughly Iori-sized mass of blankets on the bed facing away from me, making it impossible to see any part of her.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" 

Dumbass, the hell kinda ice breaker is that?!

"Mm," she probably nodded, not that I could tell all that well through her duvet. "Doubt I'll get another wink all night."

"Yeah…" I glumly replied, totally getting where she was coming from. Between the dream and what I'd said, how could she possibly just go back to bed? Shit, how could I?

"Bad dream? Shit, no, ignore that. I know what you dreamed, so-"

"You do?"


"Yeah…I do," I admitted. "A little while ago, I uhh, grew a bit as a succubus?"

"Not too much, I hope."

Oh! A joke! That's a good sign!

"Just as runty as ever, don't you worry about that," I softly chuckled. "I started diving into people's dreams. It's beyond my control, and the way I do it apparently isn't common at all since I end up sharing a consciousness with whoever's dream I'm in, but…yeah, I kinda ended up hopping into yours, Iori. I'm…I'm so sorry. You don't deserve me intruding on something so private."

"You just said it was beyond your control. Don't blame yourself for it," Iori muttered, though her voice was obviously a little shaky.

"Yeah, you're right…"

"So, when you say you remember things…"

"It's because of your dream," I nodded, even though she wouldn't see. "I saw it through your eyes, shared all your feelings, and when I did, it all came rushing back. All that time we spent together, all the pep talks I gave you, all the times I threatened to beat up your family if they kept making you sad. God, what a dumbass…" I chuckled.

“You’re not a dumbass. You were looking out for me,” Iori noted, with more than a hint of anger in her voice.

No, wait…that wasn't anger. She sounded…protective?

You don't have to stand up for me, Iori. After all…

“I'm a dumbass for forgetting,” I explained, slowly inching closer to her, hoping that looking into each other's eyes might make things seem a little less distant. “How’d I let all those years slip away? I followed you and stayed by your side all this time, but what good was that if I couldn't remember any of our history? Dammit, no wonder you had it out for me…"

She stiffened up. Shit, why'd I say that?!

"Ah! I'm not mad about that! It's water under the bridge, but-"

In the blink of an eye, Iori reached out and grabbed me, pinning me down on the bed beneath her. The duvet that had been covering her draped over the both of us, engulfing us both in total darkness.



She…she pinned me.

She was looking down at me right now, leaving me totally defenseless in her grasp. My boss, Iron Fist Kizaki-no, the best friend I'd forgotten, and the first love I'd unknowingly forsaken, had thrown away her usual formality and just…pinned me.

I couldn’t see her face, but I wondered what kind of expression she was wearing. Even in the darkness, though, there was an intensity that I couldn’t ignore, making me feel tiny in her grasp.

Shit, was it really just the pressure getting to me? Was that what was conjuring up the vivid sensation that it wasn’t a hand she’d grabbed me with at all? Because the more I took note of what was going on, the more it felt like she had me pinned with a massive, powerful claw, locking me firmly in place. And fuck, it was starting to feel warm. I was definitely starting to sweat.

And…why did that heat feel so good?

“I took them from you,” Iori broke the silence, her words themselves heating up the air. “All those memories were stolen by my callousness. I let my family ruin us. They broke me, and I had to be mended by Haqua. Without her, I wouldn’t have you here, now.”

“Ha…qua?” I asked, swallowing a lump in my throat.

“But she mended you, too. Fixed the damage I did.”

“That’s not fair, Iori, you didn’t-”

“I did,” she insisted. “But I’m not letting the guilt ruin me any longer. I’m not holding back a thing.”

I could swear I saw her eyes glint at that. A brief flash of crimson, gazing into me.


Before I could think about it any longer, she dropped down toward me and wrapped her lips around my own, kissing me lovingly. It didn’t take a second for me to return it, my eyes welling up as I did.

I’m so sorry this took so long…

Our lips parted, and Iori spoke once more.

“I love you too much to hide away, Rina!” she cried, throwing back the covers that had engulfed us, letting me see her properly as she grinned down at me.


The exclamation left my mouth before I knew it, but I had to bite my cheek to stop any more from escaping at the sight above me.

Iori had changed.

The woman greedily gazing down at me, the woman I loved more than I'd known, was no longer human.

The light in the room may have been dim, but it was impossible to miss just how much of her had transformed, especially with the small nightgown she had on, leaving little left to the imagination about even the more intimate parts of her metamorphosis.

Turns out, I had the right of it. All the pressure I'd felt, the firmness of her grip, the crimson eyes…none of it had been a delusion at all.

Massive, dangerously powerful-looking scaled claws swallowed my wrists, guaranteeing that I wasn't going anywhere at all. Still, while I knew there was no way I could fight against their totality, there was a loose tenderness to her grip, like she'd only bring down the full brunt of her strength if I really wanted it.

And well, as a succubus… 


She was looking at me with possessive, crimson eyes now, regarding me like a prized display piece with slit pupils that were the only break in a sea of raging fire. There were more emotions in there, of course. Lust, hunger, desire, yearning, maybe even regret, but I couldn't shake the idea that her gaze was planting one simple message in my head: "You're mine, now."

Again, totally fine with that, too.

I'd wanted to look at more of her, because it sure felt like she'd filled out in some places that were very pertinent to a certain demon of lust, but her pin kept me largely focused on her face. Honestly, if it weren't for the very obvious claws, I could have mistaken her for a succubus herself. Her ears were sharp and pointed, much like mine, but they were also covered in crimson scales, and the horns jutting out of her head dwarfed my own, looking far more powerful, and frankly battle-ready than any of the horns I'd seen on a succubus.

And her tail…well, I was certainly getting a little hot and bothered looking at it. Mio's tail was on the larger side, and she was an expert with it, but Iori's was a whole other level of thick. I wouldn't have called myself a size queen or anything, but seeing it slowly sway behind her, thwopping against the bed got my heart all aflutter.

Of course, none of this was helped by the fact that it felt like I had a space heater on top of me. There was a warmth radiating from her body that was all-encompassing, but there was more to it than just heat. It was…beastial? There was something imposing and regal about it as well, but there was also something primal about it, something very predator-and-prey, and I knew very firmly where I stood in that equation.

Honestly, I fucking loved it. I could stay pinned by her all day. All week. Hell, gimme a month!

But none of that's important, really. What's important is what happened to Iori.

Seriously, what the hell had turned my boss into a dragon?! And, god damn, how had it found a way to make her even sexier?!

"What…what happened, Iori?"

You'll be unsurprised to hear that the lust was very clear in my voice.

"Another image change," she chuckled, and I caught a glimpse of her sharpened teeth as she leaned in to kiss my neck. "This one's beyond my control, but allow me this much, Rina. Just this last indulgence, to break me free of all my doubt and indecision, to help me cross a bridge I've never been able to. You'll accept that, won't you Rina?"

She looked at me expectantly, but she hardly needed to.

I’d accept her no matter what, but I certainly wasn’t about to turn her down like this. Especially not when she showed me such a determined, beautiful smile.

I looked up at her with a smile of my own, eyes brimming over with tears.

“We’re moving forward now, you got that? No getting stuck in the past, no acting like we don’t deserve each other, nothing. B-because even if I forgot it for a while, I love you too, Iori. So-mmph!?”

I tried to act cool, but was swiftly silenced by Iori kissing me again, plunging her longer, slightly pointed tongue deep inside my mouth,

 Fuck me, it felt good.

I don’t know how she’d become so dextrous with it, but it was like she knew exactly what she had to do to make me feel incredible, and executed on it all flawlessly and effortlessly. I’d dealt with Haqua and Mio, but neither of them had the mastery over something as seemingly simple as kisses that Iori now seemed to.

Or maybe she always did. Truth be told, her tongue was making it extremely hard to think. So I stopped and kissed her back, flailing around in her mouth to try and match the elegant dance she’d pulled me into. If I couldn’t match her talent, I’d at least show her just how much spirit I really had. 

Her body felt so, so hot against mine, like I was sitting right by a fireplace, warming me to my core. And yet, I never felt like I was at risk of getting burned. I just knew, somehow, that I was safe in her arms—even as she grabbed my butt with a huge clawed hand and absolutely kneaded the hell outta my cheeks.

Lemme tell you, that touch immediately made it clear just how fiery Iori truly was.

"You're so fucking cute, Rina…" she moaned as she leaned close to my chest, effortlessly tearing open my nightgown and tugging down my panties with a single claw, exposing every inch of my body to her warmth. "It was so unfair, you know?" Iori asked me, before pulling me into her chest, stuffing my face between her fuller breasts.

"Mmhaf whas?" I tried to ask her what was unfair, but well, dragon girl titty.

"You became so adorable, so tiny and defenseless, with a body just begging to be caressed and hugged and pampered," she cooed, gently teasing my lips with her fingers.


Most people would call me a brat with a body begging to be bullied and fucked, but even now, Iori was extremely sweet at heart.

"But despite looking so dainty, that couldn't be further from the truth. If I'd tried to do anything with a cutie like you when I was human, you'd end up draining me, wouldn't you? Weaken me, maybe even kill me if we went too far…"

Despite the seriousness of what she was saying, she didn't let up, teasing me, threatening to slip one of her larger fingers inside my desperately needy, dripping pussy.

"It worried me so much, you know? Even though I've wanted to tell you how I feel for so long, part of me never stopped thinking about how it could harm me."

I briefly pulled my head out of her chest, just to mutter a breathy "I'm sorry, Iori…"

"No more apologies, Rina. Don't do any of that," she said, smiling down at me confidently, tender even as she teased my body like crazy. "I love that body too. I love what being a succubus has done for you. I'm not chasing a ghost, Rina. I've loved you since high school and I've always thought you were gorgeous, but all the ways you've changed are all part of what makes you wonderful today…"

And again, she kissed me, caressing my body lovingly as she did, as if to show me how deeply she adored every inch of it.

I-it was nice, extremely nice, honestly.

But I knew that I could do something that would truly, truly satisfy her. That I could make this moment just a little more special, and show her that she hadn’t missed out on anything. That while she wasn’t chasing a ghost, things aren’t quite as irreversibly different as she might think.

So, for the very first time.


“Rina, you…you feel bigger…”

I tapped into my power totally willingly and allowed my body to take a different shape. My figure blossomed, growing taller and shapelier as it looked to pass through years of time in seconds. But that wasn’t really it. If anything, I was going backward. My thighs swelled and my breasts rounded and filled with weight, taking on a maturity that my bratty self had entirely thrown away.

“Aahhh~!” I moaned, my voice dropping from a high-pitched cry to a deep, sultry moan. I could tell by the stunned look on Iori’s face that my own appearance was becoming extremely familiar to her.

But beyond all that, I started to feel…calmer, more measured. And…shit, kinda tired. This wasn’t just a physical change, my entire being was transforming. When I was done, panting like crazy from everything that had just happened, I knew that the woman that lay beneath Iori was none other than…well, Rina Saeki, the burnt out, tired OL who was this close to summoning an actual demon into her life.

Well, kinda. I was that Rina, if she’d been born as a succubus. My skin was still crimson, and my wings, horns, and tail for sure weren’t going anywhere. At least, not with how limited my own powers still seemed to be.

I just hoped Iori would like it, all the same.

“Rina, you…you’re…” she cupped a hand to my cheek, in too much disbelief to even think about teasing me.

“Iori.” I breathed, forgetting just how…cool I used to sound. “Take me. Let’s show each other what we’ve been holding onto all this time, OK?”

She looked down at me for a moment, as if unsure of herself, but she threw that away pretty fast, and gave me a nod and a warm smile…before plunging a finger deep between my lips.

"Ahn~!" I cried, shocked by the suddenness of it all, yet vibrating with pleasure from her touch. Her claws looked so big and sharp, yet she maneuvered them like an expert, stuffing me full and teasing my clit just firmly enough to make it beg for more. 

And despite all that, despite how brash and forward she was being, I could only think of it as tender. She was showing me all of her love while taking great pains to not push me too hard. I didn't have a limit as a succubus, she could go as all out as she wants, but she wanted her love to come out ahead of her lust, and it was clear she was succeeding.

"I looked up to you, you know? I still do. I'm your senpai, and yet," with her free hand, she slapped my cheeks firmly, savoring the fullness and weight they'd picked up, "I could only ever see you as more mature than me."

"But you're-ahh~!-taller now than I've ever been," I chuckled, licking my lips as I admired her figure. She had curves to die for, and an incredible firmness to her body that made it irresistible. No matter how much more mature I'd suddenly become, I felt like a teenager now, salivating over how perfect she really was. "Stronger, too, but that's always been true."

"No. I've been weak, but I'll be strong now. I won't ever hold my feelings back again. Senpai’ll show you just how capable she really is," she smiled, before leaning down to lick my my nipples with her longer tongue, teasing them with her teeth. 

Fuck, it felt incredible.

She'd barely been a dragon for any time at all, as far as I could tell, yet she already knew how to make full use of everything her body had to offer.

At least, I hoped that was the case, as my eyes wandered over her tail and my mind filled with all sorts of incredible thoughts.

Fuck, stuff me full. Just use me, Iori.

I wasn't sure, but it felt like I'd reverted to my previous libido, too. Not nearly as strong, but infinitely more desperate to get fucked after years of overwork. Every single touch felt like the first time I'd ever been touched. I had to double check that I hadn't accidentally made myself my teenage self again, Iori doing this to that version of me would probably kill me, though.

Still, I wasn't about to let our tails go to waste, so I moved mine right up to her pussy, and teased her lips, coating the tip in her juices.

"Almost every night-hnn~!" she buckled slightly, as I gently slid my tail inside her. "I've dreamed about you. Little succubus you between my legs. Human you caressing me tightly… but nothing's ever gone like th-issSSS~"

"Oh, maybe you're a snake, not a dragon," I teased, running the very tip of my tail against her clit.

"Hah!" Iori scoffed, her eyebrows narrowing as she began to move faster, teasing and bullying my clit just a little harder.

"FuhHCK, you're good~!" I cried. Turns out Iori’s much prouder than I thought, a valuable thing to know if I ever want her to bully me like crazy.

"We've come so far, you and I, yet we've stayed nearby for all of it. No matter how much things change," she grinned, and moved that big, strong looking tail to my side, "my love for you won't ever fade."

"That's righ-fuuuhhck~! Mess me up! I’ll be your slut, Iori…"

Turns out I still had the incredible capacity to sound pathetic, no matter how cool and burned out I'd made myself seem. But believe me, there's no cool way to take a tail like hers in the ass. It was so, so full, yet moved with all the care and tenderness she'd shown all this time.

“I’d never call you something so harsh,” Iori smiled, gently kissing me on the cheek. “You’re like a goddess to me, Rina. My light…”

I started blushing like crazy. How the hell was I meant to withstand a compliment that sweet?

“I…I don’t deserve that, Iori. Doesn’t matter what did I, I forgot about you, and-”

“Shh,” she smiled, before kissing me lovingly. “You said it yourself, no more apologies, no more feeling bad for ourselves.”I nodded, and kissed her back. She felt so incredibly warm. Her flame would always be there to comfort me, I knew it.

Gently, she began to caress and tease my chest. I’d gotten so used to being almost totally flat that seeing my nipple rings on my old proportions got me more than a little hot and bothered. They were heavier than they were even when Mio made me her cow, but that only made them more fun to hold, feeling Iori’s fingers just sink right into my soft flesh.

“I…I love you so much, Senpai…” I moaned, eagerly caressing her own body. Her butt felt so full now, with just enough muscle beneath its round, squishy surface to give it a texture I couldn’t get enough of. I suppose it had to be, just to hold up that amazing tail And her breasts, too, were just incredible, though they weren’t holding anything but her ego up, her pride on full display as I looked at her puffy nipples. I’d always been in awe of her incredible bust, even when we weren’t close, but now that it was on top of me, fuck. I couldn’t hold myself back from leaning in and sucking on it, like it might help me get just a little bit of her warmth within me. 

And all the while, I plunged my tail in and out of her, our embrace constantly shot through by shocks of pleasure. It was enough to make me and my temporarily burned-out mind weep.

“You’re so precious, Rina,” she cooed, as she returned to gently fingering me. “Now that I’m a helldrake, I don’t have to worry about being drained… I can indulge in all of you without worry. With you alone, I have a- Nnnnnh~! A…a more wonderful hoard…”

It was so cute, hearing her try to be so suave even as she shuddered with pleasure.

“I’m a treasure, huh?” I lightly teased.

“Mm, my treasure,” she whispered into my ear, her hot breath on my ear making me feel so good that I damn near came right then and there. This was dangerous, dragons- er, helldrakes are strong. “And there isn’t an inch of you I don’t want to admire, Rina… I could gaze at you for hours..”

If I’d still been my usual self, I’m confident I’d have melted right then and there. Just turned into a puddle of lust, a slime girl who can’t even keep her shape. I’d had so much more intense things said to me, but something about the way she said them, how they carried so much warmth, threatened to completely undo me.

“Hearts,” she giggled, gazing into my eyes as she quickened her pace with her finger. “Your eyes changed shape for me, did you know that?”

“It-ah~! It happens… Figured I was too tired to look that horny with my body like this, though…”

“No, no, your lust is overflowing, Rina. I want to bask in all of it, drink it all in.”

“Down, girl, I’m the succubus here,” I teased, pulling out my tail and lightly slapping her butt with it.

“Mm, I know you are, and I want to taste you. I want to see just how delicious my succubus can get,” she chuckled, kissing me before picking herself up and moving around. I’m going to be honest, I felt very empty without her tail stuffing me. Fuck, I wanted it back in so badly…

But I didn’t have to wait long for her to continue, as she stood above me, and dropped her pussy right on top of my face.


“Drink up,” she chuckled, and I felt her lowering her head between my thighs.

Not a second later, I felt her tongue plunging deep within me, rubbing my walls and clit eagerly. I braced and wrapped my arms over her thighs, holding on with everything I had as she made me squirm, my body just barely able to handle her technique. I had to match it though. She’d asked me to drink, and I refused to let her down.

“Ah~!” she moaned, as my tongue brushed her clit and her juices began to coat my tongue. All her desire, all her longing, all the nights she’d spent alone pleasuring herself to the thought of us together like this, I took it all in. It was rich, thick, and I absolutely couldn’t get enough. Without even meaning to, I quickened my pace, and was rewarded with the surprisingly adorable gasps of a proud dragon.

“Rinahh~!” she cried, her head pulling out from my crotch as her muscles began to tense. I could tell she was getting closer, so I kept on going. Yes, I wanted to make her feel good, but beyond that, every drop of her was so very warm, nourishing. Like a hot cup of coffee on a snowy morning, bringing life to my tired body. I could only hope she was as taken with my own tas-

“Hyah~?!” I moaned, as she dove back between my thighs and worked her tongue once again. She moved with a renewed vigor, her tongue’s pace quickening without losing the fine control she’d shown all this time. For all the tenderness beneath it, it felt now as if she was bullying my clit.

It was like a challenge. Like she took me bringing her closer to climax and said “not without you!” Even her juices were filled with a newfound passion, an intensity that overrode everything else.

And fuck, it was working. I felt like I was starting to get drunk off of her, losing all reason as she drove my body and soul completely wild. Maybe it was the tired OL in me speaking, but even I, a succubus, a demon with a body made just for sex, couldn’t hope to match that. I’d never known a Helldrake before then, but immediately, I knew that they were a force to be reckoned with.

And the fact that I was loved by one so deeply felt incredible. I couldn’t let her down, I’d give her everything I have.

I’d show her the true value of her treasure, even if that treasure was too much of a desperate wreck to even think straight.

All I could do was lick while I squeezed and caressed her huge dragon butt. Wet, loud smacking sounds filled the room. They’d fade, in time, but as the two of us quickened our pace, they only grew louder and messier, as sure a sign as any of the feelings that had always been burning between us.

And those feelings would linger long, long after this moment had ended. That much was clear as day when her licking started to grow erratic and frantic. I was getting sloppier too, losing my strength. I could feel it, my body begging for release as our embrace tightened.


She tried to speak, but gave up in no time at all, redoubling her efforts, I let out a small chuckle, but kept on pushing with everything I had.

And soon, everything turned white, and a pair of loud, deeply satisfied moans filled the manor.


We lay there for a while, too tired to move at all.

But that was OK, we didn’t need to move. Not now. Not for a while.

It was clear there was a lot we’d have to unpack once things had calmed. No matter what, things would be different now, possibly for good. But it was hard to feel like that mattered.

After all, we had each other.

My polycule had grown. It was nowhere near the size of Adri’s, and it likely never would be, but it was every bit as full of love.

"Hey, Iori?" I asked, as she held me close from behind. In due time, I'd feel so much smaller in her arms again, but I wanted to let this change linger for just a while longer.


"I'm jealous of how many glow-ups you keep getting, you know? You were adorable in high school, gorgeous when I first saw you at work, stunning when you cut and dyed your hair, and now…shit, this is a bigger change, but it's no fair! Save some for the rest of us!"

"You're in no position to complain, Miss Succubus," she teased, resting her hand on my chest. "But I'm glad you like it. I'm a knockout, right?"

She'd gotten cocky, but that was good to hear. She deserved it.

"Mm, from horn to tail," I nodded, nestling in against her lovely, warm chest.

She chuckled, happy with the compliment.

"But y'know," I started, "there're still some gaps for me. Some memories of our time together that are still locked away. All my feelings are there, but…fill me in, OK? Take as long as you need, I wanna hear about it all."

"Oh, I've got some embarrassing ones, you know? Like when that beautiful Finnish exchange student flirted with you and you didn't pick up on any of it. When it hit you after she moved back you turned even redder than you are right now, you know?"

"How do you know I wasn’t just saving myself for you, huh?" I laughed. 

“There were a few points where you asked me if I noticed how cute her butt was. I had a feeling someone was down bad.”

“Ahaha, guess I’ve always been a mutt, huh?” I scratched my cheek. "But yeah, spare nothing. Tell me everything."

I let out a deep, loving sigh, and turned to gaze into her eyes.

"Memory lane isn't a half-bad walk when I'm holding your hand."

She chuckled, then gently nibbled the tip of my ear.


"Love you, Senpai."

"Just Iori. You remember that, right?"

I grinned, then gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Got it, darling."

And she accused me of turning red. Dragon's pride or no, she's weak to pet names!


“Well now, I expected to see you two in bed, but I can’t say I expected it to look quite like this.”

I opened my eyes to see…a faceful of dragon titty, but I heard Haqua’s voice, which seemed roughly as important right now.

And, most importantly, I still felt tired, so I was definitely still transformed.

“Five more minutes…”

…Though apparently I wasn’t anywhere near as tired as Iori, going by that grumble.

“Rina’s all cool again~! I kinda missed that look, Sen~pai!” Mio giggled.

“But like, if we’re being real, that’s not what any of us are really checking out, huh?” Yuuki asked, clearly holding back a giddy giggle. “So this is what a room smells like after a helldrake fucks, huh?”

Instantly, the titty was lifted off of my face, and Iori indignantly glared at the gyaru.

“Hey! Are you implying I smell?!”

“Oh, that's what gets you outta bed now, Iocchi? Someone challenging that dragon’s pride?”

“I’d take no offense, Iori. It’s an intoxicating scent,” Haqua chuckled. “Rina’s desperation is thick in the air, but there’s a great deal of sincerity coming from you, too, even if it is laced with a touch of arrogance. Though I’ve certainly no intention to tease you about that. I don’t intend to be a hypocrite.”

“Desperation, huh?” I grumbled, though nobody noticed or cared. Good to know that no matter the form I take, I’m inherently easy to dismiss as background noise. Real virtue for a mutt, honestly.

“But Iori, you normally get super shy about sex. When we walked in, I expected a lot of ‘Kya~! Omigosh~!’, y’know?”

“You have an oddly cutesy view of me in your head, huh?” Iori furrowed her brow.

“Well not anymore~! Check out this bod!” Yuuki grinned, leaping onto the bed and hefting up Iori’s chest for the world to see.


“Oh, there’s a bit of that bashfulness,” Mio giggled.

“Yuuki, what are you-?!”

“Showing everyone how amazing you are~!” Yuuki grinned, immediately making Iori shut up and smile to herself.

“Wow…you’re easier than I thought, Iori,” I chuckled.

“Behind these gorgeous titties lies a beating dragon’s heart, and a raging dragon’s soul~!” Yuuki cried, deliberately speaking as overdramatically as possible. “Transmogrified forever more, my bestie has been bestowed with beauty and a crazy thick tail!”


“That’s a compliment!”

“...Then I guess it’s fine.”

“Overtaken by a helldrake’s engagement ring, I hear. Fascinating, and it really has made your soul burn. It’s almost too bright to gaze at. But don’t worry, dear,” Haqua chuckled, leaning forward and caressing Iori’s cheek. “No matter how much you change, you won’t be able to keep a single secret from me.”

“Oh, that sounds like you’re testing me,” Iori grinned, looking up at Haqua with an almost hungry glint in her eye.

A-am I imagining things, or…?

“Perhaps, I’m just dying to know what you’re capable of now, Iori.”

No, no, these two are definitely about to fuck.

“H-hey! Not that I mind being a distant last place, but you know I’m still here, right? Just…letting you know before you get started.”

“Oh, we know you’re here~!” Mio grinned, willing away her clothes and eagerly diving into bed, slowly wrapping her tail high up my thigh, teasing me with the tip. “And you look soooo sexy right now, Rina… Ehehe, there’s just no way I can hold back around you now…”

“But we came here to celebrate you two finally stepping forward together.”

“And there’s just no way I’m letting Iocchi outta bed without a suuuuper thorough inspection, y’know? Gotta see just how much my bestie’s got going on now,” Yuuki smirked.

“And you’re cool with this, Iori?!”

“Of course she is! A proud dragon like her would surely never back down from something like this, now would she?” Haqua asked, grabbing Iori’s hand and planting it on her chest.

“Ah! That’s cheating, Haqua! You’re just preying on her pride.”

“No no,” Iori chuckled. “Nobody’s preying on anything but me. I’ll show my treasure just how strong I really am,” she cooed, looking into Haqua’s eyes before pouncing on her.

“Ehehe, see? Iori’s going for it, so let’s all have fun, Rina! I’ve missed this body way too much to not have my way with it!”

Mio plunged her tail inside me before I could say anything in response. Not that I’d turn her away, of course.

“And I wanna see what the girl my bestie’s been crushing on all this time is really like,” Yuuki smirked, running an icy finger over my nipple, sending pleasure shooting down my spine. “Show me a good time, ‘k cutie?”

“Nn~! Y-you got it!” I cried through my moans, as Yuuki wrapped her lips around my own.

Before I’d fallen asleep the night before, I’d wondered how to tell Haqua and Mio about my relationship with Iori. I didn’t think they’d reject it at all, but I’d understand if they found it sudden, all the same.

But, as I fully gave myself up to the orgy that sprang up around me, I knew that I’d never had a thing to worry about at all. Demons, as it turns out, are the most understanding, welcoming people you could ever hope to deal with.


And fuck, they know how to really make a girl squirm.

I’m so glad I’m a succubus~!

It’d be hours and hours before any of us even thought about leaving that bed. What a perfect start to my new relationship.

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