Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 8

❖ 8 ❖

On the day of the Avarice Festival, Iori looked at her reflection with a deeply confused frown, brow furrowed as she tried to puzzle out her current predicament.

“Hey, Mio?”

“What’s up, Iori?” Mio replied, as she put on a pink kimono that Haqua had bought her for the festival. With how much of her bust it showed, it was extremely far from traditional, but that seemed like far less of an issue here than it was on Earth.

Frowning all the while, Iori gently lowered her hands down to her butt, fingers pressing into full, soft flesh.

“It’s…bigger, right? Like…a lot bigger?”

Mio turned her gaze toward Iori, her eyes following her arms slowly downwards. The second she saw what Iori was gesturing to, noting the way her far, far too tight panties squeezed into her skin, a devilish grin spread across her face.

“Oh wow, Iori, you’re even sexier than I realized!” Mio giggled. “What a butt, wowowow~! Killer hips, too~! Have you always had that much going on?! Gosh gosh gosh~!!!”

Her cheeks burned, but Iori couldn’t stop herself from shyly smiling at that, turning her head away to try and save face in front of one of her employees.

“Can’t hide it~! You’re proud, right? Nobody dislikes compliments~!” Mio crept up behind her, gently embracing her from behind and planting a kiss on her cheek.

“I- Look, it’s not a matter of pride, a-and yes, I suppose compliments don’t hurt,” Iori grumbled, trying and failing to wipe the smile from her face. “But it’s much bigger, all of it. My bottom feels so much…fuller. Yuuki bought me so many outfits yesterday, all perfectly tailored to my figure, and now…”

A teasing cackle sounded out from the hallway, and Yuuki rushed into the room, the air immediately cooling around everyone.

“Yuuki?! How did you-?!”

“My ears were burning! I heard my name, and I came running!” she grinned, taking an appraising look at Iori’s butt and loudly gasping. “Oh shit, Iocchi~! That’s crazy~! Like, a top three ass, and I live with a lot of hotties, y’know?”

Iori really hoped that the part of her that wondered who ranked above her wasn’t showing.

“How could this have happened? Was it the crepe? The meat I ate last night? Rina said it was a lot, I should’ve listened to her…”

“Ehehe, you’re fiiine, Iori!” Mio assured her. “My butt got a lot bigger recently too, y’know? It’s OK! It looks good!”

“That’s because yours started supporting a tail, silly,” Iori laughed, reaching a hand out and giving Mio’s butt a playful slap.

All other sound vanished from the room, as the three girls tried to make sense of what had just happened. It was a small gesture, a little teasy and forward, maybe, but nothing that was outlandish for demons.

But for the normally straight-laced, reserved Iori…

“Wow, Iocchi~!” Yuuki whistled.

“I-I’m so sorry, Mio! I-I wasn’t thinking clearly! I really didn’t mean to-”

“Ehehe, it’s fine!” Mio laughed. “Just getting into the spirit of things, right? It’s nice to see you getting so comfy with me, Iori!”

Iori shyly nodded, breathing a small sigh of relief as she did.

Why did I do that?! What came over me… I-I know we’re friends, and I suppose skinship isn’t an issue, but-

No, no. You’re overthinking it, Iori. You’re just flustered because of all this. Just take a deep breath and relax, it’s fine.

“And you’d look cute with a tail too, y’know! Maybe we should ask Haqua or Adri if they’ll make you a succubus!”

“Ooh, yeah, I dig it. You’d be a really sexy demon, Iocchi~!”

“Please, girls. This is concerning…” Iori grumbled.

“Nothing concerning about it!” Yuuki smiled. “You’re just filling out nicely, that’s all. ‘Sides, your tum looks really trim, so like, any weight from the food’s gone into juuuuust the right places~! Maybe your titties’ll get bigger next!” she grinned, while Mio happily clapped and let out a breathless “Oooooh…” beside her.

“Filling out is one thing, but…” she ran a hand on her wider hips, stunned that this could happen overnight. “

“But still, it’s…it’s a problem, isn’t it? All the clothes you bought me don’t fit anymore,” Iori grimaced, demonstrating by trying and failing to pull a pair of tight pants over her broader hips. “They’ll tear like this…”

“You’re exaggerating, you didn’t get that much bigger. That’d be kinda sexy though, lol,” Yuuki stuck out her tongue.

“Yuuki, please, what if this is…some kind of swelling, I don’t know. An allergic reaction, or- Hyan~?!”

Iori let out a flustered, girlish cry as she was caught off guard by the feeling of Yuuki firmly slapping her hands on her butt, before happily squeezing and kneading her cheeks. Her hands were pleasantly cool, almost comforting against her skin.

Yuuki furrowed her brow for a moment, surprised that Iori could withstand her touch, but she said nothing about that. She didn’t want to worry her.

So she smiled again, and spoke cheerfully.

“Cold compress~! Feels good, right?” Yuuki winked, rubbing her hands along the curve of Iori’s hips, before stepping back and giving her an enthusiastic thumbs up. “No swelling, bestie! You’ve just got a top tier ass! Ten out of ten, easy!”

Iori cradled her butt protectively, worried that someone else might pounce on it if this kept up. She hated and loved how good it felt to the touch, though. Pleasantly full, yet undeniably firm. It didn’t feel flabby in the slightest, just perfectly round and wonderfully toned. She couldn’t find it in her to disagree with Yuuki’s review in the slightest.

“And if you’re worried about clothes for tonight, I’ve got you covered, bestie~! How many girls do you think I shop for around here? You could’ve shrunk to the size of a pixie and I’d still have something you’d look fire in. I’ve got something that’ll fit you for the festival, don’t worry!”

With that, Yuuki darted out of the room, barely giving Mio and Iori a moment to contemplate things before rushing in with an outfit in hand.

“Miomio~! Strip her!” Yuuki commanded.

“On it, boss!”

“Wait a moment, Mio, I- Wha?!”

Mio was relentless, practically tearing off Iori’s clothes before she could even comprehend the situation. In what felt like an instant, Iori stood in little more than a bra, and an uncomfortably tight set of panties.

“Girls, please, I can dress myself!” Iori argued.

“Iocchi, you’re really gonna say that right after all this? Who was fussing about tearing their pants like a second ago, huh?”

“Well, I…”

“You heard her, Miomio! Off with the rest of it, too! I’ve got something way hotter in mind!”

“OK~! Hold still, Iori!”

Iori scarcely had a choice. She tried to back up, but in a heartbeat, Mio had unhooked her bra, and was rolling her panties down her thighs, leaving her completely nude in front of the both of them.

“Fuck me, you’re crazy hot, Iocchi~! And you’re gonna look even better after this!” Yuuki exclaimed, following up on Mio’s efforts by rushing her down with a new outfit.

In no time at all, the thoroughly bewildered CEO was staring back at her done up reflection, marveling over the work Yuuki had done for her.

It was, perhaps unsurprisingly, every bit as revealing as the ensemble she’d worn the day before. Much like Mio, Iori found herself in an elegantly-patterned, yet exceedingly revealing fiery-red kimono that left as little as possible to the imagination, the gap between the two extremes making everything about her that much harder to resist. Though it showed an almost absurd amount of cleavage, it was tied tightly in such a way that it drastically enhanced the curve of her bust, making her chest look bigger and fuller. Lower down, her hips were hugged lovingly, looking wider and fuller, while the cut of the kimono stopped just beneath her butt, threatening to show it—and the lacy thong flossed between her cheeks—to the world around her if she wasn’t careful. She should’ve been embarrassed, but something about that sounded so very thrilling to Iori’s flustered mind. 

Maybe she wanted to be seen. If Rina saw just how incredible her butt looked, then-

Iori shook her head, the gorgeous ponytail Yuuki had tied her hair into whipping about behind her.

“Something wrong, bestie? Not into the look?”

“You know that’s not it,” Iori sighed, then smiled. “It looks incredible, Yuuki.”

“It does!” Mio agreed. “Ehehe, I hope you’re ready for more eyes on you, Iori!”

“Oh? You ready to go, Iori?”

Iori stiffened at the sound of Rina’s voice, and slowly turned her head to see her enter the room.

She looked adorable, as always. Wearing a kimono that sat on the border of bratty and sexy, giving Iori and anyone else who might look a perfect view of her petite, yet remarkably alluring figure while still leaving plenty more unseen. It was an outfit that just begged to be peeled off of her, as expected of something chosen by Haqua.

And yet, as Iori looked at her, all she could think about was how precious she found her, an almost maternal urge to protect her welling up within her.

You’re adorable, Rina. 

So very, very lovely…

“Iocchi? You good, you’re kinda spacing out over there!”

Yuuki’s voice pulled Iori out of her brief trance.

“Y-yes, I’m fine. Sorry, I zoned out for a second there…” she smiled bashfully.

But if Iori had zoned out, then Rina had traveled to another universe entirely. She looked completely entranced by Iori, her eyes clouding over as she sized up her figure, practically starting to drool.

She likes it! Iori thought with a grin. Thank you, Yuuki! Your fashion sense keeps on coming through!

Ahaha, and I suppose my fuller endowments don’t hurt…

“Let’s uhh…let’s go festival, huh?” Rina asked, sounding practically drunk on her feelings, barely able to string a coherent sentence together.

I know you wouldn’t get like this if you still had any inhibitions to speak of, Rina, but…

Well, it’s nice to be admired, I suppose.

Iori knew that she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help but want to tease Rina a little at that, and rest a hand atop her head, gently ruffling her wild hair.

“Let’s go have fun, Rina.”


Of all the seven deadly celebrations, none shone brighter than the Avarice Festival. The brilliant lights of the stalls cut through the dark of the crimson night, making the park that played host to the festivities resemble nothing so much as a giant, glistening hoard of gold, nestled within the city’s bosom. Demons cut through the streets, their clothes as radiant as the festival itself, adults and children alike indulging in food and drink all made to resemble treasure, from candy apples that shone like rubies, to taiyaki that carried the most gorgeous golden hues.

The stalls that dotted the streets offered numerous attractions, each and every one themed around the vice that the festival was founded on. Candy carving contests challenged competitors to weigh their greed against the fragility of brittle candy, daring them to cut their losses and be satisfied with their lot, or take on smaller, ever more elaborate shapes, risking it all in the name of a far larger prize. Shooting ranges tasked customers with firing at a sack on a merchant figure’s back, egging them on to tear larger holes through the sack, spilling ever more treasure at the risk of alerting the merchant. Goldfish catching stalls encouraged attendees to push and shove their way into grabbing fish that seemed to be made of actual gold, hoarding it for themselves.

It was a strange sight, Iori thought. Both incredibly similar to the festivals she’d attended when she was younger, yet wildly different in so many little ways. She eyed the small sack of gold coins she was carrying. She, like all other attendees, had been handed it at the entrance, a stipend of sorts that they were pushed into spending on whatever caught their eye, or gambling it at one of the many mini-casinos some stalls contained, housing mainstays like shellgames (themed around finding a mimic among three chests) to blackjack (an apparent representation of the 21 arrows the Demon King had survived during a great war, stating that if another had pierced her body, she would have surely perished).

She had no idea how much value it held outside of the festival grounds, if any at all, but Iori felt nice just carrying it. It had a good weight to it, jingling pleasantly with every step she took. She hadn’t spent a bit of it yet, though, feeling strangely worried about losing out on even a single coin. This deep into the night, that meant that her sack was far, far fatter than that of a certain loser dog, who’d already spent more than half of what she had on a single children’s game.

“One more try!” Rina declared, handing the scylla girl running the stall another coin. “Next one’s gonna go well, I can feel it!”

She couldn’t, in fact, feel it, but she’d come this far, and certainly wouldn’t allow herself to back out now.

“Ma’am, this is your 20th try, are you sure you don’t want one of the other-?”

“No way!” Rina cut her off, pointing at the large, cutesy plush hellhound on the top shelf of the prize rack. “That little cutie’s gonna be mine, got that?! The one next to ‘em, too!”

“They’re almost as big as you, Rina,” Mio giggled.

“Maybe that’s why she’s struggling so hard. She’s desperate for someone who won’t look down on her.”

Rina grit her teeth, slammed her money down on the counter, and dove right into another game, while Iori watched from afar with a small smile. She never really chose to call Rina pathetic as much as her partners did, but she really was adorable when she tried and failed quite this much. It was like she was a little puppy that couldn’t quite figure out where her bed was.

The game in question was fairly simple: A minesweeper-esque treasure hunting game about amassing the biggest hoard of wealth possible in a short time limit while avoiding human heroes who would seek to steal it. Higher scores allowed access to better prizes, but no matter how badly you did, you were bound to get something, which made it tremendously popular with children at the Avarice Festival, who shied away from some of the higher-stakes offerings. Children who, it must be noted, were far better at the game than the fully-grown adult by their side. Maybe they were less dazzled by the presentation than Rina, who’d never seen the ways magic could make even the simplest game more vivid and lifelike. After all, none of them screamed as loudly as Rina did when she first encountered a magical projection of a hero.

"Ugyaaaaah!!!! Th-that knight guy's gonna cut me! He's got a sword, Haqua! Help!"

Which, of course, the kids found nothing short of hilarious, laughing happily while Yuuki recorded and uploaded a clip of the bratty succubus that would undoubtedly go viral in no time.

But after this many attempts, she’d had more than enough time to adjust to what the game could throw at her, and she was still doing an awful job, with nothing to show for her efforts but an ever-growing pile of fake gems, the lowest-ranked prize the game had to offer. The simple truth of it was that she was bad at the game. Terrible, in fact. Absolutely hopeless.

And Haqua, Mio, and Iori all loved her for it. Nobody had it in them to love a loser dog quite like they did.

And so, ten more games went by, and the pile of fake gems grew. Rina held out another fistful of coins, only to have her hand gently lowered by the stall’s clerk.

“Wan-chan over here, huh?” the scylla asked, before grabbing the plush Rina had been aiming for off the shelf and handing it to her. “She’s all yours. I can only give you one of them, but-”

"N-no way! I've gotta win her, fair and square!"

"Well, the game's all about proving that you have a greedy soul," the scylla explained with a smile. "And after this many attempts, all just to get this plushie, I think you've shown that you're greedier than anyone else here. A demon among demons, even if your competence is sorely lacking!"

"W-wan wan…" Rina shyly barked, the clerk's words cutting in just the right way.

"Ohhh, impersonating Wan-chan? Cute! Oh, but she's pretty strong, don't you think? Nobody'd take her seriously if she sounded like that, so you should try to make your barks way less dorky and yappy!"

Rina dropped to one knee, clutching her chest tightly.

"'D-dorky and yappy'..." Rina muttered, letting out a lusty giggle and wiping some drool from the corner of her mouth. "Nobody could take me seriously…"

“My, you have quite the way with words. Keep this up and she might ask for your hand in marriage!” Haqua winked at the clerk.

“All part of the job! She seemed to like how you were speaking to her, so I thought she’d take this if I leaned into things a little bit, ahaha. Turns out she’s very easy.”

“Extremely!” Mio agreed wholeheartedly.

“Say ‘thank you’, sweetie,” Haqua cooed, gently resting a hand atop Rina’s head.

“Haqua! Don’t treat me like a kid in front of everyone! It’s-”

“Awww, is my little darling all cranky? We’ll get you something yummy to eat later, but for now, thank the nice lady for giving you a prize, OK?”

Rina’s cheeks burned, and only grew redder and hotter as she looked up to see the clerk’s expectant eyes upon her. So she sucked up the dregs of her pride, and made sure to give her a very adult, incredibly mature show of thanks.

At least, that was the plan, before Haqua snapped her fingers, and a strange, floaty feeling came over Rina.

“Thank you so much, Miss scylla… You’re the bestest…” she shyly mumbled, taking the plushie into her arms and holding it close.

Gahhhh!!!! What the hell?!?! Why am I acting like a kid now?! What’d you do, Haqua?! Rina screamed on the inside, though her body loved this, getting wet at how pathetic she must’ve seemed.

Had Haqua shrunk her? Made her younger? No, no, her body didn't feel any smaller, but her mind was convinced that she was a kid looking up at a group of adults. ‘Grown-ups’, a part of her wanted to call them, but she mustered up everything she had to not let that slip. She couldn’t, she just couldn’t.

"Aww, well aren't you just the sweetest. Here, take some candy, too!" the scylla giggled, handing Rina a lollipop that she shyly popped into her mouth.

"Thank you…" Rina nodded, unable to act on the fact that she could see Iori out the corner of her eye, desperately clamping her mouth shut to hold back a cackle.

Haqua, you're being a meanie! Rina childishly thought, her knees growing weak as her frustration and pleasure grew in equal measure.

"Ooh, lucky you, Rina!" Mio smiled, before taking Rina's hand in her own. "Should we get going, sweetie? You wanna find a nice spot for the fireworks, right?"

"Uh-huh!" Rina eagerly nodded, her burning cheeks showing exactly how Mio was making her feel. "Bye-bye, Miss scylla!"

"Bye bye, little Rina! Enjoy the festival!" The scylla waved back, watching with a smile as the succubus walked between her two mommy GFs. Iori, for her part, headed her own way, walking towards a food stall where Yuuki and Wakaba were beckoning her over with drinks in hand. Whatever Mio, Haqua, and Rina planned on doing now wasn't her business, Iori told herself. She only hoped the rest of their night would stay as fun as it had been.

Once they'd slipped into a quiet little spot a ways away from the foot traffic of the game stall, Haqua looked down at Rina with a devilish smirk.

"Enjoying the lollipop, sweetie? You look precious licking that, did you know that?"

"Mm! Your mommies love you sooo much, Rina! You're the cutest demon in all of Hell!" Mio grinned, pulling out her phone and snapping a photo of Rina right as her eyes lit up.

"Really?! I'm the cutest?! Ehehe, yeah! I am!" Rina girlishly boasted. "And it's super yummy, and they wrote a joke on the wrapper, too! So-"

Haqua snapped her finger once more, and the floating feeling that had gripped Rina started to fade, gradually bringing full awareness back to the runty succubus. "So…so, uhh…"

"'So'? Use your words, sweetie. You were about to share something adorable with us, no?"

"Mm! Read it out to us, Rina! We wanna hear the joke!" Mio cheerfully encouraged her.

Rina's face grew so hot that she could swear she was about to melt.

“What have I been doing?!” Rina wailed, curling up into a ball and burying her face in the plushie. “What’d you do to me, Haquaaaa?!?!?!” she wailed, desperately hoping that her tail wasn’t wagging behind her, revealing her ever-growing urge to get fucked right then and there. "I- you made me act like a kid in front of everyone, and…and-"

"And you were just adorable!" Haqua winked. "A lovely little sweetie who was so shy about being so bad at the game, but so very happy to finally get her prize. But oh my, judging by the way you’re hugging that toy so tightly, I wonder if some magic’s lingering. I canceled the spell already, you know?"

Rina looked at the plushie in her arms, then clenched her thighs together tightly.

If anyone saw me now, they'd think I'm so pathetic…

A small, lusty canine whine left Rina's throat.

"Ehehe, who knew you'd be so happy like this? Do you want us to be your mommies, Rina, is that it?" Mio asked.

"N-no! I mean, maybe once in a while, but being your pet is way better, and- shit, what am I even saying?! You can't do that in public, Haqua! N-not in front of so many people, anyway!" She argued, then corrected herself as her time at the pool flashed through her mind.

“Can I not, dear? Why, it’s awfully adorable of you to think that you have any say in what I can do, but we all know that if I were to stop teasing you, then you’d just crumble, dear. Reduced to nothing by the lack of-

Haqua was cut off by the sight of the plushie being thrust towards her, its dopey, beady eyes staring right into her own. Haqua paused, looked down at Rina's deeply flustered expression as she held the plushie up, then let out a small chuckle.

"Showing off the fruits of your efforts, dear?"

Rina shyly shook her head.

"She's a gift, Haqua. For you and Mio."

Haqua and Mio glanced at each other, then quickly turned their attention back to Rina.

“A gift, my pet? But you don’t have to do anything like that. You’re my possession, after all, you need never feel obligated to-”

“Doesn’t matter,” Rina cut her off. “I’m not doing this out of obligation or anything, I…I just wanted to get you both something special. Tried to get two of them, but…well, turns out I’m pretty crappy at that game, huh?”

She let out a small, bashful chuckle, then continued.

“But hey, that’s OK! Means you two get to share her and shower her with all your love. It’s…it’s dumb and childish, I get that. Maybe it’s especially silly after everything that happened back there, but you two have done a lot for me, y’know? And I just felt like, even if it’s small and silly, I wanted to give you something to show you both how much I love and appreciate the hell out of you. It’s fine if you don’t even want her, but-”

“Come now, dear. There isn’t anything small or silly about this,” Haqua gently smiled, and took the plushie into her arms. “I love her, and I love the both of you as well. So thank you, truly. Outside of Adri and her wives, I truthfully can’t recall the last time I received a gift of any kind. I’ll be sure to cherish her.”

Rina’s vision began to blur, brimming over with tears as she looked up at her partner’s joyful expression.

“Ehehe, you’re so sweet, Haqua! And you too, Rina! Thank you for the amazing gift!” Mio offered a warm, sincere smile as she pet the plushie’s head. “This little cutie’s adorable! We’ll treat her well, won’t we Haqua?”

“Indeed!” she nodded, smiling confidently. “She’ll make a fine new addition to our family.”

Rina nodded, sniffling slightly as her tears kicked up.

“Aww, are you OK, puppy?” Mio asked, crouching down to Rina’s height.

“I-I’m good, yeah,” Rina nodded. “I can’t even blame Haqua’s magic for making me act like a kid now, ahaha… It’s just…just-”

Haqua crouched down by Rina’s side as well, and gently took her hand in her own. Rina steadied a little, and smiled up at both of her partners.

“I just really fucking love you girls, y’know? I know we’ve been together for a while, but sometimes I remember how bad things were for me before, and…and it’s hard to not get emotional thinking about you two, y’know? So…fuck, I’m just so glad the gift went over well, ahahaha…” she laughed, and wiped a tear from her eye. “Gah, why am I so bad at saying stuff like this?”

Her partners pulled her into a hug, with the plushie she’d earned smooshed between the trio, smiling happily as ever.

“You said everything perfectly, Rina,” Mio smiled. “No matter how tiny you get, you’ll always be the coolest to me, you know? Everything that made me fall in love with you is still there, just cuter and more honest than ever, ehehe…”

“Indeed, Rina. It’s quite a treat hearing you speak so openly. Mio and I are so very lucky to have a pet like you,” Haqua cooed, leaning in and kissing Rina on the cheek.

The hustle and bustle of the festival was hardly stifling, but Haqua suddenly found it a little too loud for her tastes. The quiet beckoned to her, and so, she raised a question with her partners.

“The fireworks aren’t for a little while, but would you two be willing to accompany me somewhere? There’s a spot I’m particularly fond of that has an excellent view. It’s quiet and out of the way, so if you’d rather linger on the festival a while longer, we can stay, but…well, I’d quite like to share this with the both of you.”

The bashful glow on Haqua’s cheeks was a strange, surprising sight, but there was no surer sign of her sincerity. This wasn’t part of some plan to tease Rina, she wasn’t planning some dirty escapade for the three of them. Were the moment a bit less tender, Rina might’ve thought to seize the opportunity to turn the tables on Haqua, use this rare chance to tease her, but…no, she couldn’t bring herself to do anything like that. In that moment, Haqua showed nothing more than an earnest, humble desire to introduce the women she loved to a place she’d always held close to her heart. Neither Rina nor Mio dared to interfere with that.

So Rina wiped the last of her tears, and smiled up at her.

“Lead the way, Haqua.”

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