Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 3 – Chapter 10

❖ 10 ❖

“Understood, I'll eliminate her,” Radiata coldly spoke, taking a fighting stance and getting ready to rush in to attack Hisoka, who let out a loud, panicked cry.

“Wahhh! Pleasedon’tpleasedoooon’t!”

“My sincerest apologies. I bear you no ill will.”

“Cool it, cool it!” I shouted, dashing over to Radiata and lowering her knife. “Don't kill her, dumbass! I get that you're jumpy, but you've gotta stay calm.”

“I don't. If she means to threaten the prosperity of Hell, then-”

“Look at her,” I yelled, pointing at the crybaby cowering behind me. “You seriously think she's planning on doing something like that?!”

“Mama, Papa, Big Sis! I'm sorry I haven't visited home in a while, but I’ll always love youuuu…” Hisoka wailed as she curled into the fetal position.

“...You should know better than anyone that the fiercest predators know when to hide their fangs,” Radiata responded, somehow holding firm in her convictions.

“Right, but she showed us her fangs and then tossed them away! She could've crushed me the way she was before, there'd be no reason for her to put on some kinda innocent act now!”

Radiata sighed.

“You're far too trusting, My Lord. Your lackadaisical attitude is the whole reason we're in this situation, and-”

“No the fuck it's not!” I barked. “Believe me, I'd love nothing more than a good reason to feel pathetic, but she said she saw Suzume take my body. I know I've been a little too chatty, and I promise I'll cool it, but this one's on The King herself.”

Radiata grimaced, but backed off. She was endlessly devoted to Suzume, and it must've hurt to have to accept that she'd screwed up, but she stopped that from getting in the way of her better judgment, all the same. She clearly wasn't ready to stay her blade, but she didn't look like she was about to attack at a moment's notice anymore.

“...We'll hear her out for the time being, but if I sense even a hint of foul play, I'll attack. I'm doing this for your safety too, I'll have you know.

I breathed a heavy, deeply relieved sigh. It looked like I wasn't about to have a murder on my hands, after all.

“Thanks, Radiata!” I grinned, hugging her tight.

“My Lord, please compose yourself…” Radiata said, her voice quivering.

“I know we've argued a bunch, but thanks for looking out for me, seriously. I'd be a wreck if I didn't have you here with me,” I told her, and I meant every word. I just got the feeling that she really needed to hear something like that.

“... It's only right for a maid to give her all for the one she serves…” Radiata said, blushing as she pulled away from me. I know this wasn't the right time, but I was starting to find her attitude seriously cute.

…Maybe that was just some lingering attachment to Yamada talking, though.

I nodded and smiled, then turned back to face the weepy, uhh…guard, apparently.

Though I'll be real, it was kinda hard to see her guarding anything as she was now. Maybe she'd cry so hard that any intruders would feel bad and go home. Honestly, I went from feeling like she was about to put all of Hell at risk to dealing with a damn near maternal urge to protect her, so…shit, it'd probably work.

Not that I could totally lower my own guard, though. Whatever Hisoka might be like, she knew something she absolutely shouldn't, and navigating that was bound to be tricky.

“So, Hisoka, you hear all that? Radiata's not gonna do anything. She's a little on-edge at the moment, but she's nice, I think!”

“My Lord…” Radiata let out an irritated growl, though I simply laughed it off.

“Don't worry. As long as you're not plotting regicide, you're good.”

“Never, I swear!” she cried.

“Ahaha, thank you! Oh, and no tricks about how it's not actually kingslaying ‘cuz I'm in here, OK?”

Hisoka nodded vigorously, taking my joke deadly seriously.

“I'm still a guard, I think, so I'll protect you with everything I have, My Lord!” Hisoka declared, wiping away her tears on her now ludicrously oversized sleeve. “Umm, should I still call you that?”

“I'd tell you to call me whatever you like, but it's become pretty clear that I've gotta be more careful, so…please do, ahaha…” I chuckled.

“Thank you for exercising some caution,” Radiata said, as she surveyed the rest of the room.

“Can we fetch Hisoka some clothes? She's swimming in this uniform.”

“Even if it takes me but a moment, that we’ve already allowed a security breach of this nature tells me that leaving you two alone would go terribly.”

“Hey, c'mon! She-”

“I-it's OK, My Lord! I've got a backup!” Hisoka smiled, reaching into a satchel she'd carried that was almost as big as she was, before pulling out a tracksuit. “I never return to my usual size on the job, but it never hurts to be prepared. Ah, I’ve got snacks and drinks too, if either of you need anything!” she offered confidently, looking like a proudly adorable squirrel as she presented me with a small selection of snacks.

“Oh, thanks!” I smiled, taking a cracker from her, before turning around to let her change clothes. “You can change size anytime, then?”

“Mmm, mostly, ahaha. Sometimes it's hard to stay big, but I always do my best,” she said, her expression turning lovably bashful. “I'm jealous of succubi. Being able to change clothes with just a thought sounds so nice…”

“Mmm, I kinda miss it too,” I nodded, adjusting my irritatingly tight dress. “Having other people change them against my consent is pretty good too though! One time, my partner stripped me of everything but a collar in public, and-”

“My Lord, stay on topic,” Radiata sighed, gesturing at Hisoka's bright red, deeply flustered expression.

“Ahahaha, right,” I laughed, rubbing the back of my head. “So you, uhh, you saw everything that happened with me and Suzume, huh?”

Hisoka retreated into herself a little, scrunching up as though she hoped she might shrink small enough to not be perceived at all, but it didn’t work. She might be pint-sized, but she’d never be microscopic. Her shy little nod was still more than enough for me to see.

I gave her a gentle smile. I wasn’t sure how to handle this, but with how panicked she was, a light touch seemed like the best bet.

“Could you tell me why you were in here, then? Radiata makes it sound like everyone should’ve been dismissed.”

Hisoka turned bright red, and began twiddling her thumbs as she averted her eyes.

“I wasn’t dismissed…”

“You said that you weren’t dismissed today. You mean to tell me that the same thing happened last night, hm?” Radiata interrogated her, her tone harsh and cold.

“I-I do…”

“Ridiculous. You mean to imply, what, that your captain simply didn’t notice you here? That she forgot to dismiss you?”

“I-I mean…” Hisoka’s voice quavered. “None of you noticed me here either…”

Radiata and I were frozen solid.

Dammit, how were we meant to argue with that? She was right, is the thing! If she’d been there the whole time, then yeah, we really hadn’t noticed her! Not me, not Radiata, and not even King Suzume herself.

So…fuck, I guess we didn’t have much of a leg to stand on, then.

“...Ah, but don’t feel bad! Nobody notices me! It’s a good quality for a nurikabe to have!” Hisoka loudly assured us, before her expression turned even gloomier. “...That’s what everyone always tells, anyway…”


A few hours before Rina was brought in to meet Lord Suzume, Hisoka was nearing the end of her shift.

“Guards, at attention!” Hisoka’s captain called.

“Yes Ma’am!” Hisoka, and the 3 other guards who she was deployed with, loudly answered, standing at attention with their spears at their sides.

“Fine work today, Lord Suzume’s safety was assured once again thanks to all of you,” the captain said, gesturing towards the throne, where Suzume was being escorted to dinner by her personal attendant, Radiata. Hisoka couldn’t help but smile proudly, pleased that she’d done a good job yet again. Yes, it had been another day with precisely zero threats, but that didn’t matter. Even times of peace called for vigilance. She wanted to protect the realm she loved so dearly, and ensure that each and every person within it could leave happily and worry-free.

“I will call your name. Once I’ve heard your response, you’re free to leave for the night. Go home, be with your loved ones, and enjoy this time off, before we meet here again at the crack of dawn to once again protect Lord Suzume.”

This, of course, was when Hisoka’s smile began to fade. She had a feeling she knew exactly how this would go. There were four, in her deployment, and yet…

“Sasahara, Collins, Zaizenji! You are all dismissed! Enjoy your evenings.”

“Mighty kind of you, enjoy yers too,” Sasahara smiled, yawning softly. “Ya’ll gonna go fishin’?”

“Nuh-uh, I’m spending all night with Sis!” Collins cheerily answered. “Let’s go watch a movie together tomorrow, though! Squad’s night out.”

“Oh, that sounds delightful!” Zaizenji said, eagerly taking Sasahara’s hand. “You’ll join us too, won’t you, Mei?”

“Excuse me, Captain…” Hisoka tried to speak, though nobody heard her.

“Hey now, no first names on the job!” the captain laughed, instantly relaxing as she went to join the group. “At least wait until I’ve thrown back a few rounds. Man, I’m parched!”

“Ya damn boozehound,” Sasahara laughed, before pulling Zaizenji in for a gentle embrace.

“Wait, please!” Hisoka tried to call again, to no avail. “Everyone…I-I’m still here, you know?”

Hisoka kept calling for them, raising her voice as loud as she could, but as her confidence rapidly dwindled, that meant she was barely speaking above a whisper. She could feel her body start to shrink, though she held it back, determined to stand firm.

“Hello? …Can I leave too?”

It was no use. Hisoka watched from her spot as her squadmates and her captain left the throne room, their friendly chatter echoing through the halls, before vanishing entirely.

“Y-you didn’t dismiss me, Captain…” Hisoka whispered, unnoticed by all yet again.

Every single night went like this. She liked her squad, she really did, but after just a few days on the job, they’d struggled to notice she was there at all, and now it was a miracle if they remembered she even existed. It wasn’t their fault, of course. Her nature as a nurikabe meant that she simply blended into the scenery to most people, but when you coupled that with her tremendous anxiety, it meant she’d become a girl with so little presence, it was as though she just wasn’t there at all.

She’d been hired because she was a nurikabe, she knew that. There was no more effective guard than someone who could become an impenetrable wall at will, but with how much misfortune it had brought her, she wasn’t sure she saw it as much of a boon.

She couldn’t leave, though. She’d tried, but every time she did, she wondered if she had, in fact, been noticed all this time, telling herself that her being left alone wasn’t an oversight, she’d just been selected to guard this post all through the night. Sure, she hadn’t seen her paychecks in a while, but that was entirely because she hadn’t gone home. She was sure that when she did, she’d have been compensated in full for every last 24 hour shift she’d been working lately, and she’d be able to brag about it to her parents, who’d be so very proud of her for working so hard.

So, Hisoka simply did what she’d done every night and got comfortable. All while remaining vigilant, of course. There’d be guards posted throughout the castle, but the throne room was empty, save for her. If any threats showed up, she alone would have to defend them.

At least, that’s what she told herself to make herself feel better, but she knew as well as anyone that nothing would happen. There was no value in the throne room if the king wasn’t present.

Reaching into her satchel, Hisoka took out a sleeve of crackers, her favorite emergency snack. They were dry and mostly tasted of salt, but when she often spent weeks in the same spot, they were exactly what she needed to tough out even the longest stretches of going totally unnoticed.

Tomorrow will be different, she told herself.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk to the Captain at the start of our shift, and…I’ll remind her that I’m here, just in case. And then, when she calls on everyone at the end of the day, she’ll say my name, and they’ll invite me to a movie with them, and we’ll all have a great time together. They’ll see me as a dedicated comrade-in-arms, I’m sure of it!

Hisoka chuckled softly, cheering herself up as best she could. It was going to be another quiet, lonely night, but she’d stay optimistic. She always did.

So imagine her surprise when, hours later, the throne room’s doors burst open, and in sauntered the Demon King herself, accompanied by Radiata, as always.

“Lord Suzume…?” Hisoka muttered, in a voice quiet enough to be heard by nobody. Quickly, Hisoka straightened up, put away her snacks, and stood at attention, ready to protect her king.

Wait a second, is that…a succubus on Radiata’s back?! Is she tied up?! What’s happening?!

Radiata placed the succubus on the floor before the throne, and but a few seconds later, they rolled around, and let out a dorky laugh.


“Oh? To laugh in the face of defeat takes no small degree of courage. Your hidden might is on clear display, Rina Saeki,” Lord Suzume said, wearing a cocky smirk.

I-I really shouldn’t be here!

Hisoka knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she shouldn’t see whatever she was about to witness.

“But you didn’t leave?” Radiata asked.

“You didn’t notice me standing there, sure, but…but if I tried to open a door…”

“Radiata probably would’ve cut you down right there,” I sighed, looking up at the maid, who said nothing in response. “See, no denial!”

“I’m simply being cautious,” she spat.

“So I was s-stuck there the whole time, watching as she convinced you to go along with her deal without telling you what it really meant, and then…t-took your body.”

“See?!” I looked back at Radiata. “She thinks Suzume wasn’t clear either!”

“...Skill issue.”

“Did Shizuku teach you that?!” I balked.

“It matters not,” she said, going back to her usual formality. “Still, while your story certainly lines up, you and Rina Saeki may well have been in conversation without me noticing. For all I know, she fed you this info.”

“Oh my god, Radiata,” I said, burying my face in my hands. I got that she needed to explore every possibility, but fuck.

“U-umm, well… About that…”


Hisoka squeaked as Suzume picked herself up off the floor, and gazed down at the body she now possessed.

“Kukuku!” Suzume cackled, in a voice that couldn’t possess even a hundredth of the power the king normally wielded. “Behold, Radiata! A successful soul transfer! Rina Saeki’s very existence now belongs to me!”

“...Fine work, My Lord,” Radiata said, giving a respectful bow, though her expression looked even more muted than usual, to Hisoka. “You’ve acclimated to her body with remarkable speed. I expect even a being as powerful as Rina Saeki will need the night to recover,” she noted, looking down at the slumbering King’s body sprawled on the floor, before gently shifting her into a more comfortable position.

“Awww, you’re a sweetie!” I said, shooting Radiata a smirk.

“I would choose your words very carefully if I were in your position, Rina Saeki…” Radiata growled, gripping her knife so tightly that I expected it to shatter.

“R-right, my bad…”


“A fine body, is it not? I cannot fully sense its power just yet, but I’m sure that in time, I will…h-huh?”

Radiata raised an eyebrow, as Suzume’s face turned bright red.

“My Lord, is something the matter?”

“N-no, I’m perfectly fine!” she insisted, though her legs looked to be shaking. “I-I was merely caught off guard by the intensity of her s-senses! Y-yes, that’s all, I- nnn~!” she groaned, before falling against Radiata and-


“Alright, stop right there. I trust you. You were present,” Radiata hurriedly cut Hisoka off, while the legs on her back began to awkwardly stiffen.

I know what’s going on here…

I wore the broadest smirk that’s ever graced my or Suzume’s face.

“Ohhhh? But I haven’t heard the full story! Hisoka’s being so brave in telling us everything, you don’t want her to stop now, do you?”

“Rina Saeki, I swear, I’ll-”

“Bet Suzume’s face was really flushed, huh?”

Radiata looked ready to explode, and suddenly went completely quiet.

“You were saying, Hisoka?”


“R-Radiata, there’s- nnn~! It’s so strong~!” she moaned, gripping onto Radiata’s dress so tightly that she almost tore right through it.

L-Lord Suzume?!

Hisoka nearly bolted to help, but quickly thought better and stayed in place, though she reduced her view of the situation down to a shy peek through her fingers.

“Lord Suzume, what’s happening? Can I help?!”

“I-inside me…” she breathed, reaching a hand down to the hem of Rina’s skirt and shyly raising it, showing her maid the panties Rina had been wearing. “She’s w-wearing something, isn’t shE~!?” Suzume asked, buckling as she barely held it together.

Radiata only caught the briefest glimpse of her underwear, but even so, she knew exactly what she’d just seen.

“M-My Lord, please forgive me for what I’m about to say to you.”

“Don’t worRHY~!” Suzume cried, nearly collapsing from the pleasure. “As long as you can- Nnha~! S-stop this, Radiata!”

Radiata was clearly torn, but clenched her fists, and gave Suzume her answer, loud and clear.

“Rina Saeki was wearing a vibrator when you switched with her, Lord Suzume!” she said, bowing deeply so that Suzume wouldn’t have to see her face.

“A vibrator?! Wh-why in Hell was she- fwah~! -wearing that while we conversed?!”

“I-it’s likely she’d been wearing it all day. I’m sorry, Lord Suzume, her perversion runs deeper than my investigation revealed.”

“It’s fhine~!” she half-shouted, half moaned. “Just get it out of me, Radiata~! It’s getting stronger!”

Try as she might, Hisoka simply couldn’t cover her eyes.


“Ahahahahaha! Did you do it?! Did you get it out of her?!” I asked, doubling over with laughter.

“I am a professional, and was more than prepared to do so!” Radiata said, though her voice was extremely shaky.

“U-umm, Suzume ended up…doing things herself…” Hisoka spoke up. “As soon as Radiata went to help, well…”


“Ahhhhn~!” Suzume loudly moaned, collapsing into Radiata’s embrace as the pleasure became too much to bear.

“My Lord…d-do you need some privacy?”

“N-no, stay with me, please…” Suzume squeaked, evidently too weak from it all to even lift herself up. “P-put me on my throne, please…”

“But, My Lord, you-”

“It’s fine, Radiata…” she breathed. “I just need a seat…”

And so, Hisoka watched as Rina’s body took the throne. With her lower body concealed by the armrests, she couldn’t see what happened next, but judging by the wet sounds that filled the air, it was easy to guess.

Radiata held the king’s hand all the while, though her head was turned as far away from Suzume as her neck would allow.

“D-do you need me to dispose of that, My Lord?”

“P-please…” Suzume grumbled, handing her maid the slick, sticky vibrator. Radiata had a strange expression on her face as she looked down at it, but shook her head, and rushed to get rid of it as quickly as possible.


“Y’know, that was created with my magic, and it runs on my desire, so if it was getting stronger, then-MMPH!”

In an instant, I was thrown to the floor, with my limbs bound in impossibly strong, tight webbing, able to do little else but look up at the pair as they continued their conversation.

“Ignore her, Hisoka, we’re talking now.”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Hisoka mumbled shyly. “That’s umm, the end of the story, though. I’m sorry it was so embarrassing, but I hope it’s good enough as proof that I was there…”

“Regrettably, it is,” Radiata saighed. “Forgive me for doubting you. Tensions have been high lately.”

Oh, so you’ll apologize for being mean to her…

I let out a grumble, though it was completely ignored.

“It’s OK. I’ve been on edge too, ehehe…” she laughed, though I was getting the feeling that little Hisoka was never not on-edge, at least when she was small.

“So, why tell us? I don’t intend to give you ideas, but with your knowledge of events, you could topple the kingdom of Hell effortlessly and claim it for yourself.”

“That’s…weird,” she answered frankly. “I don’t want that, I’d never want that… Do normal demons dream of that stuff? Taking down kings?”

Even Radiata couldn’t help but laugh at her earnestly baffled response.

“You’d be surprised, but I suppose that’s far from everyone’s predilection,” she admitted. “Still, it’s highly sensitive information, so if you do have anything planned, then I’m afraid I cannot let you leave this room.”

“I-I don’t, really! I love this job, I don’t want to jeopardize that! But…I saw what I saw, and I’ve seen how hard you and umm, Lord Rina are working, and I just can’t keep this secret locked up. I needed to talk to you!”

“‘Lord Rina’…” Radiata groaned, glaring at me as I let out a muffled laugh. “I assume you want her unharmed, yes?”

I nodded and gave her the best “Mhmm!” my restraints would allow.

“Then we’ll both choose to trust you, Hisoka. You shall go unharmed. Frankly, you coming forth with this information is commendable. Were Lord Suzume here, she would surely admire your honesty.”

“Ohhhh, gosh…” the nurikabe let out a deeply relieved sigh, before falling to her knees and wiping tears from her eyes. “I-I don’t think it’s anything noble like that, I just couldn’t keep it in… I’d have felt sick if I tried…”

“Mph mhmhmfmhp, mhmhmhmm hm!” I tried to tell her, though, well, my bindings.

Radiata let out another sigh, and in the blink of an eye, a knife rushed past my cheek.

“Wha?! Wh-what the hell’s that for?! You could’ve-”

“You wanted to speak, now you can,” Radiata said, as I only now noticed that the web covering my mouth had fallen to the floor. My cheek…didn’t hurt at all, actually, but the psychological damage she was intent to deal out at every possible turn was going to kill me, one of these days.

“Hisoka, don’t dress it up badly. You did the right thing, really,” I smiled up at her. Shit, I must’ve looked pathetic. A king, tied up on the floor in front of one of her very own guards. I was in no position to give a pep talk, but it seemed to make Hisoka happy, at least. “You feeling sick just means you’ve got a really strong conscience, you can be proud of that.”

Her eyes lit up, and she wiped the last of her tears away as she flashed me a giddy smile.

God, girl, if you knew what a mutt you were dealing with…

“Thank you, Lord Rina, you’re so sweet!” she said, rushing over to…pet me?! 

Oh no, oh no, this is dangerous.

A loud, yapping cry left my lips as her fingers ran through my hair.

“W-wan! Wan wan wan!” I barked, letting all my cares fade away.

“You like that a lot, huh? You want more, girl?” she asked, petting me vigorously before scritching my ears.

“Ohhhh…wan wan~!” I barked more, rubbing my cheek against her palm and.

“C-cease this at once!” Radiata yelled. “Don’t forget the body you carry. We’ve let things slip too far as is, so from now on, I expect full dedication to your role, Lord Suzume. Hisoka, you are to ensure she plays her part to perfection, understand?”

“U-understood…” Hisoka shyly mumbled, pulling her hand away from me. Ohhh, I needed to feel that again, that was so good… “I-I’ll try, but there’s only so much I can do. I’m just a regular guard, so addressing the king on the job is-”

“Incorrect,” Radiata cut her off. “You are to become a member of Lord Suzume’s retinue, a second private attendant, much like myself. You will serve as her shadow, and ensure that none see through our ruse. Do I make myself clear?”

“B-but, that’s a promotion, right?! I can’t-”

“Make no mistake, I’m giving you this position so that I can keep you close. You’ll be staying in the castle for the time being, in private quarters just across from mine. If I catch wind of anything underhanded, well…” she reached down and picked up her knife, cutting me free before stowing her blade away. “You understand, I’m sure.”

“Y-yes Ma’am!” she said, before returning to her previous massive size, and proudly held her spear at her side. “You have my word, I shall serve with every fiber of my being. If I must give my life to protect Suzume’s secret, then I shall do so without hesitation,” Hisoka confidently declared, stripped of any of the anxiety that plagued her tiny self.

“Don’t go throwing your life away for me, I’m not worth it,” I chuckled, getting back up to my feet, fumbling around for a while as my brain struggled with talons yet again. Thankfully, Hisoka took me by the hand, and steadied me. “We’ve all been thrown into this mess, so let’s just make the most of it. I’m happy to have you onboard, Hisoka. I’ve needed another friendly face so badly.”

“I alone am plenty,” Radiata scoffed. “And I’ve not been thrown into anything. Lord Suzume would never do something so callous.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, before letting out a loud yawn. “Guh, all this stress has wiped me out though, lemme tell you. I need to get to bed.”

“Indeed you do. Lord Suzume has always made a point to sleep for eight hours a night, and I don't intend to let you break that cycle now.”

“I get…about four most nights? Maybe five? Kinda depends on how turned on my partners are, so-”

“You will get eight, Lord Suzume,” Radiata ordered. 

I swallowed, it was clear that she wanted me to get back into character.

“But of course, Radiata. One cannot rule without ample rest.”

“You’re good at this…” Hisoka muttered, clearly impressed by how quickly I'd put on my act. I shouldn't have felt proud but, well, I kinda did.

Mm, I'm an amazing king, right? Absolutely incredible? That's right, I am!

“We’d best leave the throne room for tonight, then,” Radiata said, turning to do exactly that while prompting the two of us to walk alongside her. “Hisoka, I shall bathe Lord Suzume in her room.”

Wait, really?!

I couldn't help but feel a little dizzy at the thought. A maid as gorgeous as Radiata bathing me, rubbing every inch of me with all those arms…


“Should I stand guard then, Ma’am?”

“No, best not. Do you know where my quarters are?”

“I do.”

“Good, go wait for me there. When we’ve finished, I’ll assist you in clearing out the room you’ll be staying in. I trust you have no need to venture outside the castle tonight?”

“Indeed. It's rare that I get to go home at all these days, so…” Hisoka muttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Perfect,” Radiata nodded, completely barrelling over Hisoka’s awkwardness. “Then we’ll part ways here, for the time being. I’m placing a great deal of trust in you by allowing you to be alone right now, so please see that you don’t break that, Hisoka.”

“Yes Ma’am,” she nodded, smiling proudly. “Have a wonderful night’s rest, Lord Suzume,” Hisoka bowed, before turning to leave.

“And you as well, Hisoka. I look forward to many fruitful days under your protection.”

Though she kept at a slow, steady pace, likely to preserve the stoicism she showed in her larger form, she couldn’t stop herself from letting out an adorable giggle in response, as a giddy “Eheehee!” soon filled the castle’s halls.

“She’s a sweet girl, don’t you think?” I asked Radiata, as she escorted me to my room, shutting the door behind us to ensure nobody else might hear us.

“...She is. I’ll be vigilant around her. If there’s even the slightest chance she could subvert My Lord’s plans, then I will take action, but…”

“You just can’t see her that way?”

“Curiously, I can’t,” Radiata sighed. “I get the distinct impression that she’d be a terrible liar.”

I chuckled a little, seeing Radiata’s sweet side come out, even in her distinctly mean-sounding way, was incredibly charming. I kinda hoped that having Hisoka around might soften her up, overall.

“I feel much the same, the poor thing would probably tear up if she so much as tried to do something bad. She’d look precious, though,” I chuckled. In my role as Suzume, I couldn’t be quite as playful as I wanted to, but well, I did my best to assert myself as much as I could within those confines. “Now, you were to bathe me, then? My, Radiata, does your lust know no bounds?”

“I am planning nothing untoward,” she said, raising her voice just a little too loud to sound authentic. “It’s you who can’t be trusted. If I leave you alone to tend to something like bathing, who knows what you might do?”

“With my own body?” I smirked, running a finger over the length of my hips. “Why Radiata, I should think what I do in private to be my own business, no?”

“R-Rina Saeki, you-”

“Lord Suzume,” I teased. “You told me to burn that into my soul, remember?” I said, slowly lowering part of my clothes off of my shoulder, giving Radiata a peek at Suzume’s gorgeous skin.

“I, well...”

God, it was so cute.

Radiata, ever steely-eyed and annoyed, suddenly looked deeply flustered, like an awkward schoolgirl. I wanted to keep teasing, but I couldn’t hold in a loud laugh at the sight.

“Ahaha, you’re so cute!” I grinned. “Sorry, sorry. I’ll cool it,” I winked, before shutting my eyes tight for her. “Go ahead and blindfold me, I’ll be good. Promise.”

Radiata let out a loud, heavy sigh, and did as I said, blindfolding me before stripping me of my clothes.

“I know I broke character again,” I told her, as she took my hand and walked me through to the bath. “I’ll keep it to inside this room though, OK? I at least want some space to be me. Outside of here, though, I swear I’ll do such a good job that even you’ll have a hard time telling who’s really in here.”

Radiata paused for a moment, and tightened her grip on my hand. 

“A foolish notion.”

Her words were cold, yet hardly unfeeling. There was an intensity behind them that told me just how much she resented the words I’d uttered.


I held her hand tightly in return, and gave her a small nod. I could only wonder what kind of expression she was wearing.

Got it, You’ll be the one person I can never fool, then.

The bath was luxurious. I knew I was tired, but I don’t think I fully understood just how hard the fatigue had been dragging me down til I let myself sink into the waters. All the stress of one of the craziest days in my life, well, didn’t melt away, but receded just a little, letting me properly relax for the first time since I’d woken up in this body.

And yet, the peace that came with it also reminded me of just how absurd this whole situation was. I was so, so very far away from my home and my loved ones, forbidden from contacting any of them, and living a life that was as far removed from my own as you could hope to get.

I’d do my best. I’d play the role to perfection, but…guh, it felt like shit when I thought about it all.

“Is something the matter? You’ve been unnaturally quiet,” Radiata asked, as she washed my back.

“A little lonely, I guess? It hit me how far away from everyone I am, ahaha…”

“Mm…” Radiata hummed. I…got the feeling she didn’t want to agree with me any more strongly than that, lest she say something disparaging about Suzume. “If you ever need to confide in me about such things, I’ll listen.”

I smiled softly.

“Thanks, Radiata. I’ll do that. Don’t force yourself, though,” I said, turning back to face her. I couldn’t see her, though I hoped my smile might show that her words meant something to me. “You’ve been a huge help today, even if you are a jerk to me.”

I stuck out my tongue, and heard a soft chuckle.

“I could say the same of you,” she said, her tone just a little warmer than it was before. “My worst fears didn’t come to pass at all thanks to your efforts.”

“And you got a cute little assistant. Lucky you,” I laughed, before letting out another yawn, as she got back to scrubbing. “You always do these things for Suzume?”

“Perhaps not always, at least not with much regularity these days. I’ve certainly tended to her countless times over the years, however. I’m well-versed in My Lord’s beauty routines, so she’s always felt comfortable relying on me,” she said, running a hand up the length of my arm, before she suddenly froze.

“Radiata? You good?”

She stayed quiet. I felt her lean in closer, smooshing her chest against me as she scrutinized…something about me before running a few of her arachnid legs over my skin, feeling as much of it as she could.

“Hya~!” I squeaked. “Th-that tickles, be careful!”

“My apologies…” she said, her voice coming out oddly strained and distressed.

“Ah, I get it. Did it leave a bruise when I fell out of bed this morning? Shit, hopefully nobody noticed.”

“...No,” she said, recoiling her legs and getting back to cleaning me normally.  “It’s nothing, just a trick of the light. Besides, My Lord is too strong to get bruised.”

“Ahaha, that so?” I laughed, letting myself relax again. “With how you talk about her, it’s a wonder you’re worried about anyone usurping her. She sounds unstoppable.”

“I’d agree, though her family has always made it clear to her and I that complacency is a silent killer. We must always remain vigilant and tireless in our efforts, lest the people of Hell suffer for it.”

“Sure, and I bet the people appreciate how hard she works, I just can't help but wonder if being on-edge all the time isn't…bad for you two, y'know?”

“We've made it this far with no issue, I can't see why that would change now. We just have to keep going as we always have,” Radiata answered, as she rinsed and dried me off.

I didn't say anything back, but, well…

Are you really happy with that, Radiata?

I couldn't help but wonder if her faith was really that unshakeable, or if she was just trying to convince herself that nothing would ever go wrong.

To me though, it felt like I’d been dealing with a Radiata who was already beginning to struggle, and considering how bratty Suzume had been with me, well…

Look, I know why I rebounded and became a brat, is all. Sometimes, unchangingly keeping on is the worst thing anyone can do.

As Radiata dressed me once again, I let out a loud, distinctly graceless yawn. Guh, I was wiped.

My blindfold was removed, and I looked at Radiata with a broad grin.

“Not worried about me doing anything untoward in bed, h-uhhhh?” I said, before yawning yet again.

Radiata chuckled, suddenly looking tremendously smug.

“You’re too tired to even try. Perhaps tomorrow I'll monitor you more closely, but for today, the night is all yours,” she said.

“Ohh, dangerous to trust a succubus to hold back, y'know?”

“I'll take my chances,” she smirked, before turning and heading for the door. “Besides, I don't see any succubi here. Do you, Lord Suzume?”

“Ahahaha! Guess not!” I let out a loud, hearty laugh, before flashing her a smile. “See you tomorrow, Radiata. Sleep well.”

“Why thank you,” she nodded. “To you as well, Lord Suzume. Pleasant dreams.”

Radiata curtsied, shot me a smile that…seemed oddly concerned to me, and left, shutting the door behind me and giving me my first moment of privacy since that morning.

Y'know, maybe I was just looking for something to hold onto, but…I swear she was warmer to me after I told her I felt lonely. For just a second, it felt like we weren't maid and forced mistress. It was like I was out at lunch with my friend Yamada again.

Puah, it's fuckin’ hot in here though…

Or shit, maybe it was just the air that was warmer. Quite literally, I mean. Despite my bath, I'd started to feel kinda sweaty already.

“What's up, did the AC break?” I asked, getting back up to my feet and beelining for the bathroom. And no, despite it all, it wasn't to do anything dirty. I just wanted to wipe myself clean again and call it a night.

But as I took a hand towel from beside the bathroom mirror and toweled off my face, I looked back at my reflection and froze, more than a little confused by what I was seeing.

Do I look…older?

Maybe it was the nightgown I was wearing, or just the fatigue of the day showing on my face, but I swear I looked older. Suzume was…what, early-to-mid 20s, maybe? Beautiful, but with a youthfulness that I couldn't help but find kinda cute.

But right now, if I saw her, I'd almost say she looked kinda…cougary? Mature, with a figure that I swear looked fuller and sexier. God, her boobs seemed so fat and squeezable. I could just-

C'mon now…

I let out a sigh, and quickly shook my head.

You're just seeing things, dummy. The stress is getting to me, that's all. 

I put the towel away, and turned around, not indulging whatever horny hallucination I was having.

Suzume's for sure older than me, but there's no way that'll show after a single workday. This is just my inner brat coming out. I miss Haqua, so I want someone MILFy to have fun with.

God, I'm a dumb mutt.

Dismissing any concern, I wobbled back on increasingly unsteady legs, and practically collapsed onto Suzume's wonderful bed. Despite my efforts to clean up though, I still felt gross. If anything, it was getting even hotter here.

Fuck, am I seriously this turned on? I feel like I'm about to melt…

It was ridiculous, I'm a stupid horny wreck on a good day, but I like to think I don't let it mess me up this badly. Now though, it felt like my body was aching for it, threatening to drop if I didn't do something about these feelings.

What happened? Radiata pushed her boobs into your back and suddenly you're a wreck, is that it? Guh…

Radiata trusted me to not do anything, and…despite being me, I intended to keep that promise. I crawled under the covers, and shut my eyes tight, eager to fall asleep.

And yet the heat only continued to build.

“Nn~...” I moaned, clamping my thighs shut to try and stem the slutty tide I'd been caught in. It was no good though, all I could think about was how slick and squishy they felt as they rubbed together.

Fu~ck. This is bad…

I raised a finger to my lips and bit it harshly, hoping that might pull me out of this horny stupor, to no avail. I needed to get off so, so badly.

Sorry, Radiata, I’ve gotta!

I sincerely felt as though I was about to die if I didn’t. Screw my libido, this needed to happen, or there was no way I could rule in Suzume’s stead. Both she and Radiata had to understand that.

But fuck, if I didn’t enjoy the feeling of my fingers caressing my lips as they slipped beneath Suzume’s silky, elegant panties. I’d been more than a little thrown off by the downy feathers I’d seen on her crotch in the morning, but now they felt amazingly sensitive, coated in a thin layer of my- or was it her lust?

Whoever’s it was, it needed to be sated. That was that. I didn’t waste another second before shoving a pair of fingers deep inside me.

“Ah~!” I moaned, before quickly covering my mouth with my free hand. I was sure nobody could hear me in here, there was no way a king would let her private quarters be anything but, well, completely private, but still, I felt like I needed to hide myself away, like a teenager scared of getting caught.

Turns out inhibitions aren’t so bad when they make something dirty feel so much more exciting. My shyness was a spice that elevated the flavor of my aching need.

Still, resolving to hold back my moans with everything I had, I moved my free hand down to that wonderful chest. It had looked so very soft and squishy, and to my delight, that was exactly the case. These boobs had a great deal of weight behind them, lending them a vitality that made them so much fun to squeeze. I was sure they’d been small and perky that morning, but that absolutely wasn’t the impression they gave me now. I couldn’t say why, but they felt, to me, like a perfect, heavy handful, tipped with the loveliest, puffiest, most sensitive nipples. Fit for a king, really.

I couldn’t even miss my nipple rings, she was sensitive enough that she didn’t need them at all.

“Mmmf~!” I moaned, biting my lip hard as my finger grazed my clit. I couldn’t believe how much this was draining me, it felt incredible, but with every gasping breath I took, I felt weaker and weaker, hotter and hotter. It was like I was back with Haqua for the very first time, a human yet to embrace her brattier side.

Did I make Mio feel like this when we had our first time…?

I flicked my nipples, and another loud, throaty moan left my lips, intensely satisfied, yet unshakably shy about the clandestine act. I kept picturing all the people I’d seen today, who regarded me with broad, happy smiles. They were so happy to see their king, but did any of them realize just how dirty her body could feel? Just how much it yearned for this, as though it had never known another’s touch?

Shit, maybe it hadn’t. Maybe it wasn’t just me and Suzume really was pent up, that’d explain how well it was hitting.

Not that I was in a position to really understand that as I flicked my clit, my mind and vision both began to burn at the edges, growing blurry and indistinct as I gave myself up to these feelings. I know I’ve been a succubus for a while, but I swear, even as a human, I was better at holding in. Now, I was struggling just to keep myself awake.

“Is something wrong? Her body’s-nn~! OK, right?”

All I could do was tend to these feelings. It was helping…somewhat, at least. If nothing else, it was serving as ample distraction, as I pictured Haqua, Mio, and Iori all surrounding me, caressing this body and showing me just how wonderful it could really be.

Being surrounded by them would explain the heat, at least… I thought, wiping some sweat from my brow as I shoved another finger in my pussy. If none of the others would be here to bully me, then I’d have to do it myself. I’d have to make myself feel small and pathetic, where everything else in this life told me that I deserved the utmost respect. 

This body simply couldn’t feel pleasure the same way mine did, but that hardly made it disappointing. It could be teased, all the same, and that humiliation was just as important to me as any physical sensation. I pinched my clit between my fingers, squeezing it firmly even as my body shuddered like crazy for it. I thought of what Haqua might say to me if she saw me now, if she’d deride me for making even a king look like a desperate, needy bitch.

I pictured those words being whispered into my ears, and it was far, far too much to bear.

I could see it all now, Haqua taunting me and showing me just how much punishment I can take; Mio grinning as she told me all about what a cute little birdie I am, teasing my tailfeathers; and Iori stuffing me full with her tail, embracing me so tightly, yet so gently.


I let out a loud, breathless cry, not even caring who heard me, as my body reached a sudden, wondrous climax. I gripped the sheets tightly, and felt the last of my strength ebbing away.

And all the while, I could feel that heat blazing hotter and hotter, threatening to turn me to ash.

No way, that…that wasn’t enough?

I’d thought that getting off would fix it, that it’d stem whatever weakness I was dealing with and clear my increasingly muddled thoughts, but no. The release had been incredible, it had kept me going longer than I otherwise would’ve managed, but I felt thoroughly drained. I was so hot, and so deeply exhausted, that I couldn’t do a thing to stop whatever I was dealing with.

“Ha…Haqua…” I moaned softly, as my grip on the sheets relaxed. “Mio, Iori, Rhody… I miss you all so much…”

My vision faded away entirely, as all I knew was consumed in flame.

And yet, at the last second, I had a funny realization.

It doesn’t burn at all… It’s…it’s actually kind of comforting…

Despite all that heat, I felt my lips curl into a smile, as I gave myself up to that feeling.

I had a feeling I’d sleep incredibly well that night.

What's gonna happen to our mutt? I hope you all like Hisoka, she was a lot of fun to write!

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