Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 3 – Chapter 12

❖ 12 ❖

“Work, huh?”

Suzume sighed, as she admired her reflection in the mirror, dressed in a suit that she’d summoned onto her body.

I look like a kid playing dressup…

Rina Saeki was undeniably an adult, but her extremely youthful appearance made her look more than a little ridiculous. As a phoenix who’d died and been reborn countless times, she was no stranger to occasionally looking childish, but well, for Rina, this wasn’t temporary, it couldn’t be handwaved away in a day or two, she was just always this teensy.

Well, it’s not as extreme as when I’m reborn. Rina still looks adult, in a sense…barely.

She certainly doesn’t look her age, though. You’d never know that she’s older than Mio…

Still, I have no doubt that I look far more mature in her body than she ever does! Suzume thought, straightening out her glasses and smiling at her reflection. No matter what size I am, my aura tells people that I’m to be treated with the utmost respect and revere-

“Awww, are you admiring yourself in the mirror? How cute~!” Mio’s bubbly voice called, before the blossom-pink succubus threw her arms around Suzume, pressing her massive chest into her back. “Ehehe, your suits always make you look so adorable, sen~pai!” she said, giggling happily as she eagerly kissed her on the cheek.

Yet clearly, Mio is blind to that aura… Suzume sighed, before smiling to herself.

And there could be no surer sign that I’m playing my part perfectly!

“I’m not sure if ‘adorable’ is the right look for the workplace, but if you’re happy…” Suzume replied, unconsciously nestling into Mio’s embrace a little, as she showered her with more kisses.

“Ohoho? You wanna look more mature, is that it? You miss your old look, Rina?” Mio grinned.

From when she was human? Bah, there’s no way Rina could feel anything but contempt for such a weak body. Not when she’s flowing with such power…

…Now if only I were attuned enough to feel that power for myself… Suzume thought, still utterly convinced that Rina was anything but a loser dog.

“Hey now, I’m not saying that. Looking a little more adult might not be too bad, but-”

“Ah, then I know exactly what to do!” Mio grinned, before eagerly clamping her hands down on Suzume’s pert little titties, squeezing and rubbing them through her suit.

“H-hey! Mio! Not now, I’ve gotta…got…ta… M-mmu~…” Suzume felt her thoughts slowing down, and she stifled a throaty moan as a strange weight suddenly filled her chest. Her eyes cast downward to Mio’s hands, where she was shocked to see her clothes being pushed outward, rapidly growing increasingly strained by a bust that was becoming far, far too big to be contained.


Suzume was well aware that succubi could change their bodies to suit the tastes of those around them, but she herself hadn’t willed anything of the sort into being. So why then, was this happening to her?

She didn’t get a chance to answer that question before the buttons on her blouse popped right off, and a pair of massive, fat boobs dripping with milk burst forth. Their immense weight caught the poor demon king so off-guard that they might have pulled her straight to the floor were Mio not so enthusiastically holding them up.

“Moo?!” Suzume tried to yell in protest, only for a flustered, adorable sounding moo to leave her throat. “Moo?! Moo moo! Moooo!”

“Ehehe, my moo cow’s ex~tra excited today, isn’t she? Nobody’ll ever think you’re a kid with udders like these! And you’re so~ milky!” Mio cooed, before firmly squeezing her chest, sending milk spurting out of her.

Th-this is ridiculous! I-I can’t be reduced to some sort of cow! I’m a king, no matter what body I inhabit, and-

“Moooo~!” she mooed even louder as Mio firmly tugged on her nipple rings. The poor shortstack succubus dropped to her knees, too weak to stand as she helplessly watched yet more milk trickle out of her ridiculously puffy nipples.

“Ehehe, you’re soooo cute this morning, Rina~! Gosh gosh gosh~!” Mio squealed, before pulling out a phone and taking a photo of the demon king’s somehow only second most shameful moment thus far. Were she a little less worn, she might have protested, but as things stood, all she could do was sit there with her udders out, like the milk cow she’d become.

I…I suppose there’re worse fates than being a cow…

“Mooo…” she gently mooed, as her mind emptied of all other thought.

“She is, but we’d best see her off to work now, don’t you think? Iori and Rhody are waiting for her.”

At the haughty sound of Haqua’s voice, Suzume let out a loud gasp as the weight dragging her down suddenly vanished entirely, and her massive chest returned to its teensy, petite size, leaking only a few pitiful drops of milk before stopping entirely.

Wh-what was I just doing?! Did I really just resign myself to…to that?!

With her cheeks burning, Suzume quickly covered her chest and did her best to fend off any stray moos she felt encroaching from the corners of her mind.

“On your feet, dear. Iori and Rhody are ready to go.”

“...Thanks,” Suzume quietly mumbled, as she unknowingly willed her clothes to fit once more.

“Ehehe, you were so milky. You must’ve needed that so badly…” Mio lovingly sighed, before giving Suzume a warm kiss on the top of her head. “Well, we’ll have even more fun when you’re back! Have a great day at work, Rina! I love you!”

“Love you too…” Suzume mumbled, feeling more than a little guilty in the face of such sincere warmth. “Have a great day, Mio.”

“I will~! Thanks!” Mio grinned, before heading into her writing room and shutting the door behind her.

“You made an awful mess indeed, nothing some magic can’t wash away though,” Haqua smirked, looking down at the puddles on the floor. “You’re quite the slut, dear, letting out so very much…” she teased, knowing that Suzume was too focused on playing Rina to argue.

Especially when her words sent such a pleasant tingle down her spine.

A-a slut… Oh my…

Suzume bit her lip, looking down at the milk on the floor for a moment, before heading for the entryway. Faintly, she could hear Rhody and Iori talking about some sort of trip they were planning on taking. Before she could join them, however…

“A moment, dear?” Haqua started, pulling Suzume into a gentle hug.

“Haqua? What’s up?” she asked, somewhat shakily, as she peeked out through Haqua’s lovely cleavage. 

“I can’t say goodbye to my partner?” Haqua teased, hugging Suzume a little tighter. “Concerned about the milk, dear? Don’t fret, I can clean it in a heartbeat.”

“N-no! It’s a lot of mess, but-”

Haqua leaned in close, and whispered in her ear.

“Not sure why your body changed? Succubi can do that, you know?”

“I know that!” Suzume brattily half-whispered, half-shouted. “It just seems inconvenient that that can happen to a succubus anytime…” Suzume pouted.

“It can’t,” Haqua shrugged. “We’re not built as playthings, you know? If our hearts don’t accept something on some level, our bodies won’t change in the slightest, and even then, you can usually resist it if you’re particularly insistent. Mio’s strong enough to break through even the toughest resistance, but with how quickly you changed, it seems clear to me that-”

“Th-that can’t be true!” Suzume insisted. “There’s no way someone like me-”

“Wants to be a sleepy, milky little slut~?” Haqua asked, chuckling as Suzume started to swoon.

“W-wan wan…” she weakly barked, bracing against Haqua for support.

“Case in point…”

“...F-fine, but that’s entirely Rina Saeki’s brain doing this to me, that’s all.”

“But of course, dear,” Haqua chuckled, patting her head.

“Why are you telling me this, anyway?” Suzume asked. “Just trying to make me squirm?”

“Perish the thought! I can do that without any pretense,” Haqua grinned. “I just thought to give you a heads-up, as it were, in case that body starts changing again.”

“It won’t,” she insisted.

“Why, what an odd thing for you to say, Rina!” Haqua teased. “But I suppose you’re just a bit cranky this morning, hmm?”

“I’m not cranky!” Suzume grumbled, feeling incredibly childish for it. “I’m just…I’m going to work, nothing’ll happen. That’s all.”

“A lot can happen in the workplace…” Haqua chuckled.

She’s…she’s just trying to tease you, keep it together.

“Well thanks, I suppose,” Suzume said, earning a pat on the head in response. “I should get going now. Umm…I can text you if I need to, right?” she asked, as they headed for the entryway together.

“But of course! Mommy’s always here if her sweetie needs some help,” Haqua said, in full view of Rhody and Iori both.

“M-mommy…” Suzume squeaked, shocked by how much she enjoyed Haqua’s sudden change in mood.

“Ufufu, I’d love a daughter as cute as you, Rina,” Rhody giggled.

“What if they start barking?” Iori joked, much to Suzume’s chagrin.

“Awww, that’s precious too,” Rhody cooed, gently taking Suzume by the hand. “See you later, Haqua. We’ll stay over again tonight, if that’s OK!”

“But of course, you’re always welcome,” Haqua smiled. “Take good care of my mutt, if you’d please.”

“Mm, she’s in good hands,” Iori smirked, reaching down and giving Suzume’s butt a firm slap.

“Ah~!” Suzume moaned. “I-Iori…”

“Wow, that one really got you, huh?” Iori grinned, chuckling to herself. “You’re so adorable.”

“So I hear…” Suzume grumbled.

She meant it when she’d said that she didn’t expect anything to happen at work. Sure, the abrupt changes to her body hadn’t felt…bad, necessarily, but still, she was confident that she’d be able to maintain some degree of formality in the workplace. After all, Radiata had spied on Rina for quite some time, and she’d never reported anything like that happening in the office.

But well, with how handsy everyone in Rina’s life seemed to be…

Suzume shuddered, more excited by the prospect of getting fucked in the office than she cared to admit.

I’ll be careful, Suzume told herself. 

I’m a king. A proud phoenix. No matter how well I play the part of a succubus, I’ll never truly live like one.

She kept her head held high, full of renewed confidence. She would face the workday head-on, and triumph over it. 

After all, a workday couldn’t possibly take down a king as mighty as her.

Suzume stared at the computer in front of her, more dumbfounded than she’d ever been in her life.

She had ruled over an entire realm for centuries, guided armies to victory after victory, and in the wake of it all, brought untold peace and prosperity to all of her people. She knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there was nobody in any realm as capable as her.

And yet, as she tried to process the information on her screen and decipher what, exactly, she was meant to do with any of it, her eyes glazed over, and she felt like a complete and utter moron.

Th-this is impossible! This must be some sort of trick, or trial! Something laid by Rina Saeki herself in a bid to make me give up on living as- no, my investigation into the bounties of the human realm. Did she foresee that I would exchange our bodies? Perhaps she’s contacted those around me and informed them of my deception, and now they’re snaring me in their trap! No, but Radiata would never allow such an oversight. Gah, whatever the case, I can’t let this ensnare me!

Determined as she was to get through this ordeal, Suzume’s mind began to wander, all the same, distracted by the conversation Rhody and Iori were having right by her side.

“You’re sure it’s OK if Yuuki comes with us, Rhody? I’m more than happy if it’s just the two of us.” Iori asked.

“Nonsense. She’s family too,” Rhody insisted. “If she hadn’t taken you out to go shopping, we wouldn’t be together right now, so…I want to show her just how grateful I am for all of that, ehehe…”

Iori wore a warm, gentle smile, and took Rhody’s hand in her own.

“You’re the best, Rhody. We’ll make it a wonderful trip, I know it.”

Rhody’s heart fluttered as she wrapped Iori up in a tight, loving hug. As they broke it off, however, both women looked right at Suzume.

Oh no, are they onto me?! Do they know I’m struggling?!

“Rina, sweetie, are you sure you don’t want to come with? You’re more than welcome to, if you’d like? You’re such an important part of Iori’s life, after all…”

“Mm, you won’t be intruding or anything like that. I know you’ve said you want this to just be our thing, but It’ll be a chance to celebrate what I’ve got with both of you.”

“And if you liked my cooking, you’ll be in for such a treat! I’ll take you to my favorite restaurant, they make such incredible hoarder’s coinpurse, ohhh…” Rhody sighed, drooling slightly at the thought.

A trip back to Hell, is it? And…a rather intimate one at that. I probably shouldn’t agree, but…hoarder’s coinpurse…

Suzume shook her head. She couldn’t let her temptation get the better of her.

No, I just got to this realm. Returning to Hell would only be inviting trouble. I need to stay focused.

“Nah, you girls enjoy it. Take lots of pictures, maybe bring back a souvenir or two, and I’ll be more than happy,” Suzume smiled, giving the most Rina-like answer she could, even while her stomach loudly grumbled over her denial of one of her favorite foods.

“Really? It’ll be so nice to have you with us, and-”

“Oooh, planning a trip?” came a loud, peppy voice from behind Suzume, as Shizuku rushed up behind the group and eagerly hugged the pint-sized Demon King, lifting her right out of her chair.

“H-hey! Lemme down, I’m working!” Suzume cried. She’d heard about Shizuku, the human who seemed perfectly aware of the existence of demons. Still, she hadn’t expected her to be anywhere near this…forward.

“Ehehe, fiiine,” Shizuku grinned, patting Suzume on the head, before facing Iori and Rhody. “So where’s everyone headed? Somewhere nice?”

“My hometown,” Rhody gently smiled. “I want to take Iori to my parents' graves, and ummm…we thought we’d use the time off to spend a little holiday together, get in some quality time now that we’ve settled in together. It’s silly, but I thought my parents might like it if they saw us having fun together…”

“Awww, that’s so cute! You’re going with them, Rina?”

Certainly not after what Rhody just said, no.

“Nah, I just wouldn’t feel right being around for something like that,” Suzume answered,

“But Yuuki’s coming too, so you don’t have anything to be shy about. You’ll love the hot springs, really…” Rhody said, her words coming out small and sweet.

“I know, I know, and it means a lot to me that you want me around, really, but I just think it’d get kinda overwhelming for you, Rhody. Take Iori to meet your parents first. I’ll come along next time,” Suzume smiled, giving the most sincere smile she could. She dearly hoped that sounded in keeping with what Rina herself would say.

“You’re a sweetheart, Rina,” Iori smiled. “We’ll take a trip of our own together soon too, then, just you and I.”

Suzume’s heart pounded as she looked up at Iori’s dashingly handsome expression, culling any response she’d give down to little more than a tiny nod, as Iori’s phone started to buzz.

“Ah, that’s Yuuki right now. Mind coming with me to my office, Rhody? I know she wanted to double check some things with you.”

“Oh, of course!” Rhody nodded, flashing Suzume and Shizuku a small wave as she and Iori headed off together. “We’ll be back soon!”

“Maan, that sounds good…” Shizuku sighed, taking a seat at her desk. “Let’s go to a hot spring together, Senpai.”

“With me, huh?”

“Mmm! I like you, Senpai! You’re really down to earth, I bet we’d have a blast together. Hell, let’s go right now!” 

“Not while we’re working,” Suzume sighed.

“You’ve gotta do some actual work to be working, dummy,” Shizuku teased, pointing at Suzume’s screen. “I don’t think you’ve typed a word all day. Having a rough time?”

“N-no,” she loudly insisted. “I’m just, just uhhh…”

“Your benevolent kouhai’ll lend a hand,” Shizuku chuckled, leaning in and typing up everything Suzume needed with no trouble at all, while Suzume watched intently, hoping it might help her in the days ahead. “You’re a little out of it, hearing about Rhody and Iori’s trip, right? Feeling left out?”

“I turned them down, remember?”

“Because you’re being all considerate, I get it. Still doesn’t mean you can’t feel lonely,” Shizuku smiled. “And I don’t think anyone’d blame you for not being able to focus on work through all that.”

Suzume let out a relieved sigh. Somehow, it seemed she’d lucked into a perfect excuse for her struggles.

“...Yeah, fine, you got me,” Suzume falsely relented. “That obvious, huh?”

“Painfully,” Shizuku laughed, cheerily. “But it’s OK. I know what’ll fix you right up. Something that'll rea~lly get your heart pounding…” she said, licking her lips hungrily.

“...And what's that?” Suzume swallowed, bracing for her chest to start growing and leaking any moment now. She was sure that Shizuku would pin her down and tease her, just like practically everybody else she'd met seemed ready to do at the drop of a hat.

But instead, much to her surprise, Shizuku merely took her by the hand, and smiled broadly.

“We're going to a family restaurant, Senpai!”


“Please enjoy!” a waitress smiled down at Shizuku and the thoroughly baffled Demon King seated across from her.

“We will, thanks!” Shizuku winked as the waitress turned to leave, before eagerly digging into her hamburg steak. “Mmm, that's the stuff!” she cried, happily pressing a hand to her cheek. “Eat up, Senpai!”

Suzume felt like she'd barely had a second to blink. She'd met all kinds of people in her time as king, and few compared to the veritable hurricane of a kouhai who'd dragged her out of work before she even knew what was happening. Sure, Shizuku wasn't doing anything untoward to her, or taking things in an even slightly dirty direction, but the king felt flustered all the same, like absolutely anything could happen with Shizuku at the wheel.

This is no time to be confused. All she's doing is treating you to a meal, there's no reason to turn your nose up at that, Suzume told herself.

Besides, it smells delicious…

Drooling over her plate of thoroughly ordinary pasta, Suzume picked up a fork and dug in, letting out a blissful sigh as she swallowed her first bite.

It was cheap, dime-a-dozen stuff, and yet that was exactly why it hit as well as it did, satisfying the Demon King in a way even the finest feast never could.

“Ohhh, it really is good…”

“Right?! Everyone I know turns their nose up at the humble family restaurant, but it's an institution for a reason! They're the backbone of our society, the glue holding us all together!” Shizuku declared, before taking another bite of her food and washing it down with a sip of soda. “And their food's delish, too! Fit for a king!” she laughed, winking at Suzume.

With anyone else, she'd take that as a teasing jest, a sign that someone was onto her, but with Shizuku, in a setting this comfy and relaxed, she took it as little more than the simple turn of phrase it really was, letting her worries melt away with every delicious bite. In but a moment, she'd devoured an entire plate, sighing happily as she leaned back in her chair.

“I wish I had more…” she smiled. “That really hit the spot…”

“Then order more, dummy! It's cheap,” Shizuku said, flagging down a waitress and doing exactly that, getting each of them another plate of food and a pair of tall, creamy parfaits. “No need to hold back here, especially when you're low! Eat your cares away, and you'll feel better in no time!”

“I already do,” Suzume smiled, though in truth, she never felt all that bad in the first place. “But if you insist…” she said, already getting started on her second serving.

“Glad to see someone else really gets it! I come to places like this whenever I'm feeling a little gloomy, ahaha,” Shizuku said, scrolling through an art feed on her phone as she ate.

“Any particular reason why?”

“Hmm,” she hummed. “I was pretty uptight back in high school, I guess?”

“I don’t follow…” Suzume said, catching a glimpse of some particularly risque art on Shizuku’s screen, but choosing to say nothing.

“I was the head of the student council and the disciplinary committee, I’ll have you know,” she grinned. “My parents heaped a lot of expectations on me, so I tried living as perfectly as possible at all times. I was pretty good at it, too!”

“...Wouldn’t take you for the type, honestly.”

“Ahahaha, that a dig, Senpai?”

“No, no,” Suzume shook her head. “You just seem very free-spirited and bubbly, and when I think about the kind of girl you just described, well…”

“You picture someone pretty uptight?”

“...I didn’t say that.”

Shizuku let out a loud, raucous laugh.

“You’d be right to! I was suuuuper stiff and dull. A real no-fun-allowed type, y’know? I lived by an insanely strict routine, and all my free time was spent studying or bettering myself ‘til I just…broke from that. Totally threw in the towel. If Adri hadn’t accidentally pulled me into Hell, you’d be talking with a very different me today. I think she helped me get some of my motivation back, while making sure I was living for me, above all else.”

She’s been to Hell, then?! I suppose that shouldn’t come as a surprise…

And wait, Adri? As in Est Vir Sida?! She pulled you into Hell? That’s…awfully clumsy, coming from her…

“I’m not sure I get the connection to family restaurants, though.”

“Well, when you’re an uptight, prim and proper type, and the pressure’s really starting to get to you, then you…?”

Well, I wouldn’t know…


“Crack!” Shizuku said, laughing at Suzume’s answer. “You’re the queen of burnout, you should know that just as well as I do.”

“Ahaha…” Suzume laughed, not wanting to say anything compromising.

“So when my routine started to get the better of me, I rebelled by sneaking into…well, this exact restaurant, ahaha, juuuuust outta the way enough from my school that nobody I knew would see me. Not exactly hardcore, I get that, but it was the most I could really manage at the time. It wound up becoming something of an oasis to me, in the end. A place where I was just free from any and all expectations.”

Suzume smiled softly at that, feeling surprisingly touched by the sweetness of her story.

“Well that’s great. I’m glad you had that, Shizuku.”

“Right? I wasn’t exactly doing anything crazy, I just ate some junk food, but man, did it hit. Still does, honestly,” she said, before eating a spoonful of her parfait and letting out the most delighted squeak. “So when you looked stuck in a rut, I just knew this’d do the trick! Looks like I was right on the money, too.”

Suzume chuckled. Sure, she couldn’t say she’d been feeling bad today, but she was surprised by just how good of a mood she’d found herself in now. Maybe there really was something to these restaurants. Or maybe it was just how…friendly the conversation was. People were always nice to her, she was a king, after all, but there was always a bit of distance that she never could bridge. She’d never really be anyone else’s friends, not when she ruled over everyone and everything.

That struck her with a bit of melancholy, all told, though she was pulled out of it by a particularly lusty giggle, looking up to see Shizuku really zooming in on an image on her phone.

“Ohhhh wow, that’s a good one…” Shizuku said, mumbling in a voice that was just a little too loud to be sneaky.

“From a prim and proper type to the kind of girl who looks at pornography in public. This place really does help you loosen up!” Suzume teased.

“‘Pornography’, she says!” Shizuku giggled. “Listen to you! You sound so stiff, Senpai! Trying to act all cool and formal for me, is that it?”

“I-I’m not!” Suzume stammered.

“Good good, because there’s no way I could see you as ‘cool’,” she snickered. “But that’s OK, I like you best as a little dork.”

Suzume grumbled, but didn’t really have it in her to argue. This kind of light ribbing was fun, honestly. Nobody ever did that with her when she was on the throne. Besides, it was a good reminder to relax herself, and sink a little deeper into her role.

“Fine, well, you’re looking at titty pics in public. That sound better?”

“It does, and I am!” Shizuku grinned, sliding her phone closer to Suzume, revealing countless pictures of-

“Nuns?” Suzume asked, swallowing a little at the sight of a particularly voluptuous nun getting felt up through her habit.

“Ehehe…” Shizuku bashfully rubbed her neck. “I’ve got a type, and sorry it’s not dogs. You’d look cute in a habit though! Real bratty…”

“Wan?!” Suzume barked in surprise, stifling the noise once she noticed more than a few eyes on her.

“Mm, good girl,” Shizuku said, gently petting her head before getting back to looking at art. 

“Grr…” Suzume growled, more than a little annoyed by how good that felt.

“There’s this super talented artist I’ve been following forever, they draw the softest nuns, all of their work is soooo good, Senpai…” she sighed lovingly, showing Suzume all manner of tall, buxom, pure-looking women in habits in all kinds of dirty situations. From shyly masturbating in a confessional, to getting absolutely railed by their fellow sisters. If it involved a nun, Shizuku seemed to be into it, no matter what.

“Is it the habits that do it for you?”

“It’s a little embarrassing to say, but…” Shizuku bit her lip. “Ah what the hell, you’re a succubus, you’ll get it,” she said, taking a deep breath, before declaring exactly what drove her so wild.

“I really like the idea of something pure getting nice and tainted, ehehe…” she laughed lustily. “Pure girls who are secretly just drenched in lust, indulging something they feel like they absolutely shouldn’t, but it just feels so good…”

Suzume swallowed, her heart starting to pound as she gazed at the images with Shizuku.

“And it’s even better when they’re nice and big, tall and soft. Like a mommy GF, y’know? Habits are like, meant to be the least sexy thing imaginable, but they’re just so curvy that they can’t hide a thing in them, ass and boobs so huge that they’re always on full display, the habit only making the sight of them that much more tempting. Guh, if I could get someone like Haqua to wear one, I’d just die…” Shizuku said, getting visibly hot and bothered, while Suzume just nodded along, the lust practically flowing off of her kouhai making her feel dizzy.

“B-but maybe we shouldn’t get too into this now, ehehe…” Shizuku bashfully said, slipping her phone away and returning to eating her parfait.

“It’s OK. I don’t mind at all,” Suzume assured her.

“Well, some of us still have inhibitions,” Shizuku giggled, sticking out her tongue before going completely silent.

If she was trying to hide how horny she’d become, it was no good, especially to a succubus. Suzume was more than aware of the light sweat on her brow, and how her hand was shaking a little as she tried to eat. In fact, she was so shaky that she didn’t seem to notice at all as a blob of cream stuck to her cheek.

Suzume would have said something, or maybe even just handed her a napkin, but as she looked at Shizuku visibly struggling with her own feelings, she felt something well up within her. A desire to help a little more directly than she otherwise might have.

“Oh dear, you made a bit of a mess…” Suzume said, slowly leaning forward and wiping it off with her finger.

“M-my bad! I’m a little distracted, I guess,” Shizuku laughed.

“It’s nothing to apologize for,” Suzume said, in a surprisingly sweet, gentle tone, before licking the cream off her finger. As she realized what she’d done, however, she began to blush, and pressed a hand to her cheek bashfully. “Oh my… I wasn’t thinking clearly at all. Maybe we’re both a bit distracted, ufufu…”

Shizuku eyed Suzume curiously for a moment, but shook her head, mumbling something to herself about getting her mind out of the gutter.

“Hmm? Is something the matter, Shizuku?”  Suzume asked, tilting her head somewhat curiously.

“I’m fine, I'm fine,” Shizuku assured her. “Just a bit surprised by how sweet that was…”

“Poor thing, the parfait isn't to your tastes? Maybe we'll order something else then, as a treat.”

“N-no, the parfait's great!”

“But you said it was too sweet…” Suzume replied, with the most adorably confused look on her face.

“Not the parfait,” Shizuku said, clearing her throat. “I'm talking about you, Rina. You're being really adorable…”

To any onlookers, it would seem as those Suzume had completely shut down, steam billowing out of her ears as her cheeks burned hotter than they ever had before.

“A-adorable, you say? Oh my, oh my. That's, ummm…it's such a lovely compliment, but…”

Her head felt like it was about to explode. She didn't know what had come over her, but Shizuku's words were hitting extremely hard. All it took was a simple compliment, and she'd grown so hot and bothered that her chest felt tight and constrained.

Wait, but why is this getting me so flustered? Haqua's said all manner of…of… oh my, Haqua's said a great deal of unspeakable things… And Mio, well, she likened me to a cow, and oh dear, oh dear!

Her borrowed succubi inhibitions, or lack thereof, had made everything far easier to handle than it might've been otherwise, but now, that didn't matter in the slightest. Just trying to think back on everything everyone had said and done to her was making her head spin, the blush in her cheeks growing deeper and hotter by the second.

And the more she thought about it, the more she realized it wasn't just her chest that felt strained and tight, it was all of her. She felt warm and sweaty, and her clothes began to harshly dig into her skin, as though she were wearing a suit several sizes too small for her.

Oh my…

Blushing like crazy, she looked down at her lap, and let out a dismayingly loud gasp at the sight of her thighs swelling before her very eyes, crammed tight into a skirt that looked increasingly naughty on her.

She shut her eyes tight, as her mind began to race.

Is my body changing?! S-surely not, I’d never do anything so debauched in public!

She felt strangely excited thinking about it, her breathing growing heavier at the mere thought that someone might see her in such a compromising position.

I-it must be my eyes playing tricks on me, that’s all!

“Shit, Rina, you OK? You look ready to pass out.”

“Ah!” Suzume yelped, reminded that Shizuku had been watching her all this time. “I-I'm perfectly fine, dear. There's no need to swear, in any case,” she very gently scolded, wearing the warmest smile she could and hoping it didn't betray just how worked up she really was.

Wait, did I really just scold her for swearing? It's dreadfully uncouth, but-

Suzume bit her lip as hard as she could. This was affecting far more than just her body.

“Sorry?” Shizuku said, every bit as confused as Suzume was. “But really, you don't look so good, y'know? Maybe I should take you home. Getting some rest might do you some good.”

“I'll be just fine, really. I only need a-”


There was a harsh tearing sound, and suddenly the Demon King noticed that her legs felt far less restricted than they had a moment earlier.

Not that that brought her any relief, of course.

Oh dear, oh dear!

Slowly, she looked back down, and was greeted by the sight of her plump, full thighs tearing right through her skirt.

“Eep!” she squeaked, squishing her thighs together as though it might somehow make them smaller, only to be confronted with how soft they’d become.

M-my body is changing! But it can’t, not here! Th-that would be so…so…vulgar

“‘Eep’?” Shizuku repeated, caught off guard by how girlish her outburst had been. Much to Suzume’s relief, however, it seemed she hadn’t heard what just happened to her clothes.

“J-just a moment, Shizuku! I-I just need to go and water the flowers!” she bashfully declared, standing up from her seat.

“Wait, Rina! If you just tell me what’s wrong, I-”

“N-no time! I’ll be back shortly!” She cried, hurriedly pulling her suit jacket down as low as it could go and sprinting to the bathroom, her heart torn between wanting nobody to look at her, and needing everybody to stare.

And as she did, Shizuku watched her go, noting the striking amount of wiggle in Suzume’s hips, and the unfortunate tear at her butt, giving her kouhai an eyeful of the thong she’d unthinkingly willed up that morning.

“Damn, Senpai…” Shizuku whispered, with more than a hint of lust in her voice. “Was your butt always this sexy…?”

As soon as she made it to the bathroom, Suzume did a quick sweep for anyone else, and was intensely relieved to find that she was alone. She’d been too caught up in getting to a hiding spot to pay it much mind, but she’d been certain that her body had changed more in the sprint over here. What clothes hadn’t torn apart felt unbearably tight now, and she had an odd sense of vertigo, convinced that the floor looked oddly distant to her now. Stumbling slightly, she braced against the bathroom counter, panting heavily as she gazed back at her reflection.

“I-is that me?!” she gasped, unable to even recognize the woman in the mirror.

It was undoubtedly Rina Saeki…in a sense, anyway. While the Rina Saeki Suzume looked like a particularly rambunctious brat, the beauty she saw gazing back at her now couldn’t possibly be described in such terms. She was mature, tall and leggy, with thick, full thighs and hips so wide and luscious that there was simply no way to describe them other than ‘childbearing’. They were comforting to simply gaze upon, even if the mere thought made the Demon King want to melt. Her chest, too, was tenting out in a way that may well have put her display from earlier in the day to shame, making her blouse so tight that she had trouble even breathing.

But it wasn’t just her figure that had abandoned Rina Saeki’s usual brattiness, but her very presence itself. Her face looked older, yet it undeniably wasn’t anything one might call aged. It was as though she were a young mother, filled with a warmth, innocence, and purity that was as far from Rina Saeki’s usual attitude as humanly possible, an impression that was only enhanced as her hair turned a blonde as warm as sunshine itself while it billowed out behind her, growing thick and fluffy as it spilled down past her butt.

Her body continued to change as she watched, growing taller, softer, and curvier by the second, and the poor girl let out a small, soft whimper. 


She knew what would happen. Just like with Mio, her clothes would completely give in. The buttons on her blouse would fly right off, leaving her fully exposed. Even now, they grew tighter and tighter still. She shut her eyes, feeling her suit strain harder and harder against her skin until…nothing but intense relief washed over her, and she realized she wasn’t constricted at all.

Hm? D-did something happen?

She was almost too scared to look. It felt as though something had flowed down her, wrapping her up in a gentle, loving hug, but…she couldn’t quite tell what. She couldn’t feel her suit on her body at all anymore, but it definitely didn’t feel as though she was nude…

B-but I can’t turn away if I am. I…I just need to check…

So with no shortage of trepidation, she opened her eyes, and let out another gasp, her face locked in an adorable O shape as she gazed in the mirror.

“A habit…?” she muttered, almost in awe as she looked at the silky, flowing garments that now covered her.

“Wh-what on earth?!” she squeaked. “A-am I a nun…?

It was, unmistakably, a nun’s habit. A long, black, flowing robe that stopped just short of touching the floor, while a gorgeous, white coif trailed down from atop her head, reaching past her shoulders.

Yet, for all the ways it resembled the traditional garb, it most certainly wasn’t an exact match. It was curiously fluttery and ornate in a way habits never were, and her arms were covered in sleek, skintight black gloves that reached all the way past her elbow. Most curiously, for as loose as it should have been, there wasn’t a thing it could actually do to hide just how generous her figure had become, showing off the swell and curve of her bust like nothing else could, while her squishy, full buttcheeks left a massive bump in the back of the habit, only hidden away by her ridiculously long, fluffy locks.

She looked, for all the world, like one of the women in the art pieces Shizuku so adored, a perversion of a holy woman, just waiting to get fu-

“N-no, surely not!” Suzume cried, tugging at her garments, trying in vain to get them to properly hide her ample curves, like having them on display at all was somehow wrong. “Oh, why was I cursed with such a lascivous body…” she squeaked, feeling equal parts petrified and breathless.

“No, wait, that isn’t the issue in the slightest!” she cried, clasping her hands together in shock. “I shouldn’t be a nun! I know Shizuku likes them, but even if she wanted a nun here, my body shouldn’t just…just…”

Suzume swallowed, looking back at the ridiculously beautiful sweetie in the mirror. As she did, her mind went back to Haqua’s words from earlier in the day, about just what it meant for a succubus to transform.

Some part of her, deep inside her soul, had already accepted this, as though her heart itself yearned to become some pure, innocent angel of a woman.

Th-that’s ridiculous! That simply can’t be true! I can’t be a nun, I just can’t be!

Yet as she stared at herself in the mirror, she only felt increasingly content and at peace with the idea, like there really was something right about this to her.

“B-but if Shizuku likes it, then maybe…”

Yet even as her heart and soul settled into this with surprising ease, she couldn’t fully calm down, after all…

“My body’s so…so impure…!” she squeaked, bashfully grabbing at the decidedly demonic horns that still stuck out of her forehead. As her hair grew, her bangs lengthened considerably, as though they were trying to cover up her horns entirely, though it hadn’t mattered in the slightest, they were still there, marring any kind of purity she strove for. And for as long and flowing as her habit was, behind her still sat a pair of scraggly wings and a sinuous tail, wiggling about shyly above her butt.

She was the very king of hell, and yet, with just a stray desire, Shizuku had made her shy about every single thing that marked her as a demon.

“I-I can’t let anyone see me like this!” she declared, heading for one of the bathroom stalls.


Suzume stopped dead in her tracks at the voice that called out to her.

Shizuku, it seemed, had followed after her.

I forgot to lock the door!!! Suzume thought, feeling ready to melt away entirely.

She refused to turn around, though she gave a small squeak of a response.

“Shizuku, sweetie, you shouldn’t interrupt people when they’re using the bathroom, it’s rather-”

Suddenly, Shizuku stormed towards Suzume, and firmly grabbed her by the hand.

“Shizuku?!” Suzume gasped, as she was walked towards one of the bathroom stalls and lowered down onto a closed toilet seat. All the while, her kouhai's gaze was downcast, her expression kept out of sight, hiding away her feelings, yet giving her a surprisingly intense aura.

“Dear, i-is something the matter? I'm sorry I ran away, but…hm?”

Suzume paused, as a bubbly giggle left her kouhai's throat.



Suzume felt like little more than a tiny rabbit, gazing up at a fierce lion.

“It’s you, it's really you!” Shizuku eagerly cried, grinning before sweeping her senpai up into a tight hug, before running her hands over her hips. “Ohhhh fuck, Rina, you're so sexy… This is unreal! I thought you were changing, but shit, you turned out so perfect…” she cooed, as she caressed her thighs through her habit, delighting in every little squeak and moan that left the nun’s lips.

“Ah! Sh-Shizuku, you can't touch me like that, that's so-”

“Exciting, don't you think?” Shizuku whispered, sending a tingle down her spine. “You changed just for me, didn't you? Adri’s done the same before, but fuck, right now you're exactly my type…”

“Wh-whatever I am, I'm not the kind of girl who'd do whatever you're thinking of… I wouldn't dare do anything so uncouth…” Suzume protested.

“Mm, mm! Just like that! It's extra hot when a sister insists that she's not like that, before revealing exactly what kinda girl she is. Ohh, you really are perfect!”

“I-I…” Suzume stammered, unsure how to respond.

“Ehehe, I'm fangirling a little hard, huh? You want someone who'll be a little more serious, don't you?”

Suzume simply bit her lip, as Shizuku's finger traced the curve of her breast, before pressing a fingernail into her nipple, forcing an adorable moan out of her.

“Then don't worry, you became everything I want, so I'll be exactly what you need,” she whispered, as she straddled her senpai. She cleared her throat, pushed back her hair, and looked down at her with a fire in her eyes.

She's so handsome… Suzume thought, squeezing her legs together shyly.

“And what you need,” she said, speaking in a lower, more confident tone. “Is a woman who's seen what a dirty girl you really are…”

“I-I'm not…” Suzume protested, before a finger came to rest on her inner thigh.

“Oh? Lying, are we? That's a sin, you know? Can you imagine what would happen if others saw a woman like you sinning?”

Her words set off a feeling of intense shame within her, reverberating down to her very core and making her feel dizzy. Her nipples stiffened painfully against her habit, poking through the fabric for Shizuku to see.

“Such a pervert,” she smirked. “I've barely even touched you, and your body's just begging for it,” she said, before giving her nipple a firm flick.


“And such loud moans, too! Mm, no matter how you look at it, you're a slut, aren't you? I bet you can't wait for someone to walk in on us…”

“Ahhmph~!” Suzume squealed, stifling her own cry with her mouth, before Shizuku slowly pulled it away.

“Getting embarrassed? Funny, that,” Shizuku said, lifting Suzume's habit and running a finger up the length of her leg, gently tickling the sensitive nerves in her inner thighs, knowing it was driving her wild. “You always look so embarrassed when you're happiest. I saw you last night, you know? Grinding against one of the pews after dark, staining it in your lust,” she purred, giggling as her fingers reached a sticky, wet patch of skin.

Suzume's eyes widened, as a vivid memory of the scene Shizuku described rushed into her mind. Shizuku was just a human, without an ounce of magical ability, and yet, Suzume's heart and soul rushed to make her desires reality.

“Y-you saw that?!” Suzume gasped, blushing furiously as she averted her eyes.

“I’ve seen every naughty thing you've tried to hide, you know? Poor girl, you get so pent up every day, you must have been aching for release, just like you are now…” Shizuku said, before moving her fingers straight toward Rina's crotch. For a moment, she closed her legs tightly, but soon, she relented, spreading them in anticipation of the release she so desperately craved. Shizuku giggled, then plunged her fingers inside, eagerly caressing the walls of her senpai’s dripping pussy.

“Ah~! Shizuku…” she squeaked, gasping for breath.

“And now you're getting fingerbanged in our own private confessional. You didn't even wear any underwear. What a naughty sister,” Shizuku cooed.

She knew, of course, that it wasn't anything of the sort. But calling it one gave it a power over Suzume, a sense that she was in a holy place, and she was defiling it with her feelings.

“We can't…” she moaned, “someone might see…”

“And then e~veryone would know what a slutty sister you are,” Shizuku said, squeezing her boob firmly. “But don't worry, that's exactly what makes you so beautiful,” she said, whispering into Suzume's ear, letting her hot breath tickle her skin. “A holy woman who's just so sinful…”

“N-no~!” She cried, as her juices gushed out from her lips, absolutely coating Shizuku's hand. “I'm not! I'm not sinful at all~!” she pouted, letting out another moan as Shizuku's fingers absolutely stirred her up.

“Careful, you're gonna make such a mess of your lovely habit…” Shizuku grinned, taking Suzume by the hand and guiding her fingers down into her kouhai's skirt, pressing them up against her absolutely soaked panties. “You're making a mess of me, too… It's so frustrating, my body needs you. You won't leave me hanging, will you? You'll help get these naughty feelings out of me?”

Suzume felt her heart pound as she gave a small nod, before slowly, and painfully shyly rubbing Shizuku's crotch. Despite her bashfulness, her fingers moved with an expert precision, like she knew exactly which buttons to push to make Shizuku really feel good, getting her to let out such deeply satisfied moans…

“Mm~! Yeah, keep going…” she said, pulling her panties down for Suzume to stick her gloved fingers up inside her, slowly and cautiously teasing her swollen clit, prompting Shizuku herself to go far harder on fingering her nun in turn.

There was something so firm, so decisive to her every movement. She was a woman who knew exactly what she wanted, and wasted no time in getting it. It just so happened that what she wanted most of all was to make a nun cum as messily and loudly as possible.

And despite it all, despite her newly gentle heart telling her that it was a naughty thought, it only made Suzume think one thing: Shizuku was dashing. The very picture of a hunk, making her feel everything her body yearned for and so much more.

“So you're not sinful, huh? Not even a little? Then why are you squeezing those udders like that, hm?” she asked, looking down at Suzume's free hand, doing exactly as she described.


“I-I didn't even notice! I didn't mean to, really, I just felt so frustrated, and-”

“Had to indulge…?” she asked, licking the tip of her pointy ear, making her curves shudder with pleasure.

“Ah~n!” Suzume gasped, as yet more lust spilled out of her.

“And if you're not absolutely stained with sin, then what are these?” she asked, grabbing one of her horns, filling her last word with so much mirth that the embarrassment nearly stopped Suzume's heart. “You think a pure, devout girl would have such naughty horns?”

Yet another moan, as Shizuku lifted her skirt and began to buck her hips, grinding her pussy against Suzume's crotch.

“Ababababa…” she cutely babbled, her mind absolutely fraying from how sensitive her horns felt to the touch. It was as though they were natural handlebars, just begging for a girl like Shizuku to grab them and ride her.

“Cute~,” Shizuku let out a throaty chuckle. “Your body's just drenched in sin, from horn…” she cooed, letting go only to reach behind her back, touching something that send an incredible shiver down Suzume's spine. “...to your slutty tail. It's like you're a fallen angel, always stained in your true feelings…”

“N-no, I- Ahhh~n!” Suzume moaned, as Shizuku gave her tail a firm, harsh tug, pulling the tip up to her lips and licking and sucking on it, teasing the needy nun to no end. “Ffhuck, Shizuku…” she moaned, feeling ready to burst at the pleasure. 

“There's no need to swear, dear,” Shizuku teased, letting out a soft chuckle as she pulled open her blouse, unhooked her bra, and pushed Suzume's tail right up in her cleavage, engulfing it in softness. “But don't hide away. Show me your real feelings, Rina…”

She flashed Suzume a confident, dashing smirk, grabbed both of her breasts, and slowly, gently started moving them up and down, rubbing her tail with ever-increasing vigor.

“Sh-Shizuku…” she moaned again, barely hanging on. “Y-you can’t, I’ll feed on you…”

In truth, she already knew that she was. She was feeling ever more invigorated, bursting with energy like she’d just had the greatest sleep of her life.

“You act like I’ve never been with a succubus before,” Shizuku chuckled. “Eat your fill. I can handle it.”

That had to be bravado. Even if she only slept with succubi on rare occasion, the experience would undeniably leave her worn for days. Suzume was sure that if she finished, she’d be carrying Shizuku out.

And yet, as she looked up at her kouhai’s reassuring smile, she couldn’t help but believe her. There was a strength behind her eyes that told her that she really could, in fact, handle it. And that only made her heart pound that much louder.

So Shizuku continued, licking at the tip of her tail while it was smothered between her wonderfully soft breasts. It felt like nothing Suzume had ever known. She was treating her like a toy, and yet, she didn't fight that at all. It was embarrassing, it was impure, it was sinful. And yet, she wanted it so badly. She wanted to be used. She could pull her tail out at any moment, she could claim herself to be the pure, sweet girl she'd seemingly been made into, or even the noble king she knew herself to be, and stop feeding on her right this instant, and yet she didn't. 

She was Shizuku's slutty mess of a nun, and that was all she needed to be.

Her tail twitched and shuddered as she let out countless moans and gasps, trying desperately not to make enough noise for everyone in the restaurant to hear. Shizuku was incredibly good at what she was doing, moving with a practiced ease that made it clear that she knew exactly what made succubi tick. She knew exactly what to do with the weight, size, and supple texture of her boobs to really make Suzume squirm in delight, and smiled gleefully at every dirty sound that left her lips. 

Shizuku gave her tail another long, slow lick, taking her time and really savoring the delicious treat that she’d been given. She knew, from the ever-present blush on her face and the shy smile that refused to leave Suzume’s face, that she was driving her completely wild, satisfying her on a level that few others could hope to reach. Her desires had brought her exactly the kind of nun she had fantasized over, it just wouldn’t do for her to leave her wanting. Yet Shizuku also knew how to use that yearning to her advantage, as she pulled away and was rewarded by the cutest, neediest cry she’d heard yet.

“N-no, don’t go…” Suzume gasped, weakly reaching out to grab Shizuku’s hand.

“Oh, does my nun want more? Does she need more…?”

Suzume went to answer, though Shizuku silenced her with a finger to her lips.

“Lying’s a sin, you know?”

Suzume nearly exploded, but slowly gave a small, shy nod. Shizuku let out a lusty, hungry chuckle, and crouched down in front of her, before lifting the front of her habit.

“Wah?! Shizuku!”

“Ooh, these legs are so sexy. Fuck, the sight of legs in a habit is such a turn-on, you have no idea!” Shizuku cried, briefly ditching her cool, composed demeanor as she rubbed up against Suzume’s thighs.

“I-it’s so shameless…”

“Mm, it’s the best, isn’t it? Getting under a habit’s always been a dream of mine…” Shizuku sighed, lovingly, before dropping back to her suave voice  “But that’s not what’s really important here, is it? Not when I’ve got such a wonderful treat in front of me…” she chuckled, moving deeper and deeper in until she was mere inches away from her pussy, gently breathing on her absolutely drenched lips.

“Nnah~!” Suzume cried, clamping her legs together and squishing Shizuku’s head between them, though the feeling of her muffled laughter vibrating against her skin made it even harder to stay calm.

“Playing hard to get, or just pushing me in deeper?” Shizuku asked, before leaning in closer and giving her pussy a long, slow lick, coating her tongue in her juices. Suzume had never bit her lip quite so hard, doing everything she could to keep the sound low even as her mind was turned to mush, rocked so hard by pleasure that any coherent thought left her completely. Shizuku knew that her nun was close to finishing, and that she herself was reaching her own limit, growing tired from just how much Suzume had fed from her. She’d handle it, of course, but there was no better time to bring things to a head.

So she spread Suzume’s chubby lips and plunged her tongue inside, licking and teasing her clit as firmly as she could, while she reached a hand down between her own legs and desperately fingered herself, eager to release all these wonderful feelings her nun had given her.

She could feel Suzume clenching, she knew that she was holding on with everything she could, desperately trying not to let these wonderful feelings come to a close, yet Shizuku kept on licking with increasing enthusiasm, not giving her even a moment to rest. 

“R-Rina~!” Shizuku cried.

“Shizukuuu~!” Suzume gasped, as the pair realized they could hold back nothing more. Shame spilled out from the decidedly impure nun, and Shizuku gladly drank every last drop.

I don’t taste emotions the way you might, Shizuku thought, as Suzume’s juices slid down her throat.

But there’s nothing tastier than you right now, Senpai…

Shizuku felt her head lolling as she stained her thighs in her own lust, but she held on tight. She promised that she could handle it, and she intended to prove that. So as her nun slouched back against the seat, thoroughly spent, Shizuku pulled herself out from her habit, stood up straight, and offered Suzume the coolest smile she could.

“Thanks, Senpai. You were incredible.”

“I’m so impure…” she mumbled, covering her face shyly.

“Ehehe, guess I am then too, huh?” she said, wiping herself and Suzume off before she tried, and failed to lift Suzume to her feet. “Too worn, Senpai? Someone might come looking for us if we take too long.”

“I-I can’t…” she weakly moaned.

“This was meant to drain me, y’know that?” she asked, stifling a small yawn before giving lifting her another effort. She managed to get her up to her feet, but it was obvious that even that was proving too much for the nun, who would’ve surely toppled had Shizuku not been there to support her. “Y’know, not that I’ll say no to more nun time, but if you’re this worn, you wanna change back? You’re so much bigger this way, I could carry you on my back if you were runty again. And your habit’s, well…”

It was stained and creased, and a trail of her juices still trickled down her inner thighs. It was proof of just how thoroughly she’d been pleasured, of course, but not the sort of state anyone respectable would be caught dead in.

Though right now, there wasn’t a thing about Suzume that was even close to respectable.

After a few moments of silence, Suzume let out another bashful squeak, and turned her head as far away from Shizuku as she could.

“I-I can’t…” she whispered.

“You…can’t? You realize everyone’ll see you if I take you out like this, right? Everyone’ll know that you just got railed, too. There’s no…hiding…” Shizuku went silent for a spell, as the truth dawned on her, before letting out a deeply amused snort. “Ohhhh wow, you want to be seen, huh Senpai? Is my nun such a dirty girl that she wants the whole world to know what an impure slut she is, hm?”

“S-stoooop…” Suzume moaned, though her body and garments staying exactly as they were made it extremely evident how she really felt: she was desperate to be seen like this, her very being cried out for it.

“Ahaha, you want a collar and a leash, too, huh? I could walk you around like my mutt and-”

Not a moment later, a collar appeared beneath the nun’s habit, while a lead trailed out from beneath it into Shizuku’s hand, lifting the bottom of her habit just enough to make her really squirm.

“D-don’t say stuff like that, you’ll make it worse!”

“You perv~!” Shizuku cackled. “OK, if you want it that badly, then no talking, either. Only barking. Impure girls don’t get to use words.”

“W-wait, Shizuku, you- Wan! Wan wan wan! Waaahn!” she tried to protest, only for her heart and soul to lock in everything Shizuku suggested, turning her into nothing more than a desperate, needy mess of a nun.

“You’re welcome~,” Shizuku winked, laughing to herself as she proudly walked her doggie out of the bathroom, eagerly awaiting the stares her pet would get.

All the eyes in Hell couldn’t compare to the disbelieving looks she was catching in just a single family restaurant.

Waaaaaaan… Suzume whimpered, even her thoughts turning to barks as she was confronted with dozens of shocked, disbelieving eyes. Yet that sight only made her that much wetter, desperate to show everyone just how sinful she’d been.

It was going to be a long, long walk home.

“Well now, this is quite the surprise,” Haqua said, greeting Shizuku and Suzume with a highly amused smirk. “You walked her through the entire city, like this?”

“Mhmm! We even walked past a police station, you know? I tried to hurry her, but our girl here was so excited to tempt fate,” Shizuku boasted.

“Wan wan…” Suzume said, still too caught up in her own lust to actually speak.

“Awww, who’s a good doggie?” Mio giggled, reaching up to scratch Suzume’s ear. “It’s nice having you be so tall for a change, Rina~! Means there’s more of you to tease…”

“And so much more for everyone to see, isn’t that right?” Shizuku grinned, pulling her down with the leash to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek, before letting out a loud, exhausted yawn.

“Oh my, after what you described, I’m surprised you’re still standing. You’re almost as resilient as Mio was, dear,” Haqua smiled, ushering Shizuku and Suzume inside to let one of them rest on the couch, while the other was forced to squat on the floor, blushing furiously all the while.

“Trying to train myself to be better at holding out with Adri,” Shizuku smiled. “Even if I stay a human, I want to be the best lover I can be, ahaha…”

“Awww, you’re such a heartthrob,” Mio giggled, petting her doggie nun happily. “Bet you had tons of fun, huh Rina?”

“W-wan!” she barked, her excitable, deeply flustered tone making it extremely clear how she felt, even as she bashfully tried to shake her head.

“And if I said we could have more fun, all of us together, I bet you’d just hate that, wouldn’t you?” Haqua cooed, shooting Suzume a teasing smirk.

As much as Suzume wanted to deny it, she knew she couldn’t. There was no way any part of her could be dishonest, not like this.

She let out a desperate whimper, and weakly pawed at Haqua.

“Think you have it in you to go just one more time, Shizuku? Your nun looks like she needs it.”

“I’ll need a break from sex for weeks…” Shizuku groaned, before smiling. “But if it’s for my depraved beast here, then, well…” Shizuku eagerly squeezed her butt through her habit, firmly kneading her soft, plump flesh. “I think I can go the extra mile, just this once. But only if she’ll let me hear that sinful voice again.”

Suzume let out a loud, deeply embarrassed gasp, as Shizuku delivered a firm slap.

“Ahn~! Shizukuuuuuu…” she moaned, buckling onto her hands and knees as the three encroached on her, ready to take her to more depraved depths than ever before.

She pondered her subjects, wondering just what they’d think of their king if they saw her now.

And her lips curled into an intensely flustered, painfully horny smile.

Sorry for the slight delay this week! My partner was very sick and I was tending to her all day! In exchange, take a very long, extremely perverted chapter. Things are a little stressful lately irl, so there's a chance I might be a little late with future chapters, but if that happens, I'll let you know as quickly as possible, and I don't expect delays of more than a few days at most.

Anyway, this chapter was actually my partner's idea! She thought something focused on a very different fetish from what normally comes up here would be a lot of fun, and I agreed, so I really went for it. I had a lot of fun writing it, and making Shizuku a bit more standout as a result. I hope you enjoy it too!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.