Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 3 – Chapter 15

❖ 15 ❖

Iori Kizaki had watched as the pair fled from the inn, rushing so quickly that neither of them so much as took a look back at her. Though she’d never seen either of the girls before, there was something to how frantic Lily had been that was achingly familiar.

Indeed, no matter what body she was in, she’d always recognize the kouhai who’d stolen her heart.

“Yuuki,” Iori called, fully-aware that the gyaru was watching her from a little ways away. “You knew that was Rina, didn’t you?”

“Ahaha, that obvious, huh?” Yuuki asked, stepping out from her hiding spot and greeting her with a cocky smirk. “Gotta say, figured you wouldn’t have noticed. Or well, I guess I hoped Rhody might've distracted you enough to take your mind off of things, ehehe…”

“C’mon, bestie, you know me better than that, right?” Iori chuckled. “I won’t say that Rhody wasn’t intense, but I dunno, call it lover’s intuition. I got the feeling that was her the moment I laid eyes on her.”

“Was it when she got all dopey in Rhody’s arms?”

“...Look, I won’t say that didn’t help.”

“And if you knew,” Yuuki started, embracing Iori from behind and running a hand up the length of her hip, giggling as Iori started to shiver a little from her delicate touch, “then why didn’t you say anything, huh?”

“It’s Rina,” Iori laughed, like that said it all. “She’s been getting wrapped up in all kinds of things lately. I’m sure she’d tell me if she could, but…well, she didn’t say a thing, so whatever this is has to be pretty big. Besides…”

Iori thought back on Rina’s smile. She’d been putting on an act, sure, but there was clear emotion behind it that was impossible not to notice.

“She’s having fun, I can tell.”

Yuuki laughed, and kissed Iori on the cheek.

“She misses you tons, y’know? We went to visit her the other day, and your girl got soooo weepy thinking about all of you.”

“I miss her, too…” Iori said, sighing wistfully.

“But that’s how I know you’re dead-on. She’s doing way better now, and you’d better believe that when that girl gets back to you, she’s gonna hold you so damn close and never eeeever let go. Bet she’ll be the one begging you for a kid next,” Yuuki cackled. “Or would that be a puppy?”

“Rina? No way,” Iori laughed. “Could you imagine? The kid’d probably be the one raising her.”

“Ah, she’s more dependable than you think,” Yuuki assured her. “Y’know she’s a king now, right?”

Iori paused for a moment, smiling a little as she watched a train leave town from the window.

And then Yuuki’s words sunk in.

“What?! She’s a king?!” she cried.

“Kyahahaha~! Priceless, Iocchi~! Oh, I’m keeping these foreeever~!” Yuuki cackled, saving a photo of her bestie’s completely shocked expression.

“No, no, you can’t just leave that unexplained! How can she be a king?!”

“Looootsa hard work,” Yuuki giggled. “And a stolen body, of course.”

“W-wait, so then the girl I’ve been groping on the way to work lately…?”

“Mm! You were getting a clawful of the King of Hell! Pretty amazing treasure you nabbed, Iocchi~!”

Iori buried her face in her hands, sighing deeply as Yuuki headed for a nearby vending machine and ordered a trio of drinks.

“Look, I know I said she seemed to be having fun, but…she’s still doing OK, right? She’s handling things alright?” Iori asked, following after her as they headed for their room.

“She misses you a ton. Poor girl got weepy thinking about all of you-”

“Shit…should I go after her?”

“-but she’s keeping her head held high and doing her best every day. She knows she’ll get back to all of you soon, so just treat her right when she does, ‘K? Sides, if she was really desperate, she’d have spilled it all to you, trust me.”

“Yeah, you’re not wrong, I think she’s pretty done with grinning and bearing it,” Iori said, smiling sympathetically. “Just don’t tell Rhody, OK? It’d break her heart.”

“Got it~!” Yuuki grinned, kissing Iori on the cheek. “Love ya, bestie. Soz for keeping that a secret.”

“Love you too, Yuuki. And don’t worry, I’m glad Rina’s had you to talk to, if anything,”

“Ehehe, yeah, we’re tight~!” Yuuki giggled, as the two reached their room, putting the conversation to bed before they headed inside.

“Waaaaas everythiiiiing ooooookaaaaay?” Rhody asked, briefly sitting up before sinking right back into the massage chair she’d insisted was her best friend when they first checked in. “Youuuu twooooo were-”

“Let’s just lower this a little,” Iori chuckled, turning the chair’s strength down before Iori tossed her a drink.

“Coffee. Super sweet for you, Rhody. We had to scramble out after our dip and couldn't get coffee milk, so I figured this’d be a nice way to make up for things.”

“Oh, thank you!” Rhody smiled happily, cracking open the can, taking a massive sip, and letting out the most blissful sigh. “It’s perfect…”

“The manager just asked me to double check something with our booking info, that’s all,” Iori explained. “Yuuki wrote our nicknames instead of our actual names, so…”

“Tehe~!” Iori giggled, rapping her knuckles against the top of her head and sticking out her tongue.

“Oh, phew. I was worried the way I got in the hotspring scared you off…” she said, blushing intensely. “I’m so sorry for earlier, you two. I just saw those little sweethearts, and I, umm… It was hard to hold back, so…”

“You’re perfectly fine, sweetie,” Iori smiled, gently kissing the top of her head before flopping onto the bed. “I’m definitely not ready for that now, but…maybe one day, OK?”

“Ehehe, I’m not ready either. It was just my excitement getting the better of me, I promise,” Rhody giggled, letting out an endlessly relieved sigh.

“‘Sides, I thought it was super cute, Rhody!” Iori grinned. “You’re adorbs when alllll that love you’ve got inside comes spilling out, y’know?”

“D-don’t say it like thaaaaat!” she blushed, hiding her face behind her hands.

“Ehehe, yeah? You’re not normally this shy, Rhody! What’s up?”

“N-nothing, nothing, I swear!” Rhody lied to the best of her ability, which, well…it was Rhody. The best she could do was crumble.

“Nothing, huh?” Iori asked, sitting up and grinning at the sight of her fiancée’s adorably flustered face. “Nothing at all? Rea~lly?”

“I-Iori?!” Rhody gasped, her heart pounding as Iori drew ever closer to her, til she was close enough for her hot breath to tickle at her neck.

“Y’know, Iocchi, I think I’ve figured it out,” Yuuki said, flashing her bestie a cocky smirk.

“Oh yeah?”

“Mm, about all that stuff Rhody was saying about having kids…”

“Oooh, I think I know where you’re going with this,” Iori chuckled.

“I-I don’t!” Rhody cried, burying her face in the loose shirt she’d taken from Iori’s luggage, only to grow extremely distressed at just how dizzy her fiancée’s scent was making her.

“See, I think it’s not being a mommy that gets you really fired up,” Yuuki cooed.

“It’s the babymaking,” Iori said, whispering in her ear.

“Nna~!” Rhody gasped, clamping her legs tightly shut as her belly started to flutter. “I-it’s not! It’s not, really, so-”

“Come on now, Rhody,” Yuuki teased.

“You’ll be honest with us, won’t you?” Iori picked up the baton.

“There’s like, noooothing cuter than a girl embracing all of her feelings, no matter how dirty they might be…”

“And if my sweetheart’s just desperate to get fucked,” Iori chuckled, really letting that last syllable lick at Rhody’s soul, “then we’d better indulge her, don’t you think, Yuuki?”

“Mm, we’ll make her feel so good,” Yuuki grinned, holding up a pair of fingers and making a plunging motion with them, getting a loud moan out of Rhody at the mere thought of what she was suggesting.


“If only she’d be honest,” Iori chuckled, leaning down to kiss Rhody’s cheek.


“Hmm? You’ve gotta be louder than that, sweetie,” Iori cooed, gazing deeply into her beautiful eyes.

“P-please…” she tried again.

“Please what?” Yuuki giggled.

“Please fuck me!” Rhody cried, clutching their hands tightly. “I need you both so badly, so…”

“Understood,” Iori grinned, before scooping Rhody up into her arms like a princess.

“I-Iori?!” Rhody asked, burning up as Iori gently laid her back down on the bed, before peeling off the painfully tight thong she’d worn.

“Wow, look at this,” Iori laughed, before giving the thong a long, slow lick, letting Rhody watch as her tongue was coated in her thick, sticky juices. “Already so wet, such a precious girl…”

“Mm, she’s adorbs…” Yuuki giggled, crawling onto the bed and reaching an arm beneath Rhody’s shirt, squeezing her wonderfully soft, fat chest, letting her fingers send pleasant, chilly shivers down Rhody’s spine. “She’d be such a good mommy, she’s already got the figure for it, don’t you think?”

“Mmm, so soft and lovable…” Iori teased, slowly spreading Rhody’s legs and kissing her way up her plump thighs.

“Wehhhh, y-you two are so lovely…” Rhody sobbed, twitching and squeaking as Iori’s lips drew ever closer to her own, not that she was given much time to process it before Yuuki leaned in close and kissed her deeply, the extreme warmth of a Helldrake meeting its perfect match in Yuuki’s icy chill, making both girls shudder with pleasure as their tongues danced around one another.

“Because we’ve got someone even lovelier right by our side,” Iori chuckled, letting her hot breath tickle Rhody’s puffy lips. Rhody twitched, squeezing her thighs together, but Iori was undeterred, letting her fiancée’s boundless softness remind her of what a wonderful treat she had in front of her. “And she deserves to feel incredible.”

“Wasting no time, Iori spread Rhody’s lips, and plunged her long, forked tongue up inside her, eagerly lapping up every drop of her warm juices as though it were ambrosia, the amusement it brought her rivaled only by Rhody’s increasingly loud, vulgar moans.

“Ioriii~!” Rhody cried, her words snuffed out as Yuuki kissed her that much deeper. She squirted vigorously, already overwhelmed by everything they were doing for her, but she knew that this was only the beginning. Yuuki would do anything to have fun, and Iori’s appetite was truly insatiable. Once she started eating, she’d greedily devour everything she could, taking in as much of Rhody’s lust as her body could handle.

“Ehehe, gosh, you’re a cutie, Rhody~!” Yuuki giggled, stripping off her panties before grinding up against Rhody’s thigh, leaving a trail of her juices in her wake. “A real catch. Curvy, gentle, and suuuper sweet. You’re a real treat, y’know?”

“Ah~! Y-Yuuki…” Rhody gasped, fumbling with her fingers as she gently tried to caress the yuki-onna’s perky tits. Yuuki giggled at first, but took her hand in her own after a while, guiding her fingers to her nipples. 

“Show me just how excited you are, huh cutie?”

She was painfully embarrassed. Next to these two, her confidence was sorely lacking. She didn’t have the slightest idea if she could make either of them feel anywhere near as good as they made her feel.

But even so, she wanted to try. She wanted them to know that she adored them both.

My life’s better because you two are in it, so…so I want you to feel good, too!

Mustering every bit of courage she had, Rhody’s hand dropped down between Yuuki’s legs, while her tail wormed its way behind Iori’s butt, letting the tip gently tickle her plump cheeks.

Both Iori and Yuuki gasped, fully aware of what she was about to do, yet stunned that Rhody, of all people, would be the one to try it.

And not a moment later, her hand and tail moved in sync, her fingers filling Yuuki’s tight, needy pussy while her tail plunged itself inside Iori’s teardrop ass.

“Ah, fuck~!” Iori gasped, her body wracked with pleasure.

“Nnn, Rhody~!” Yuuki cried, shaking and shuddering with sheer ecstasy. Both girls did everything they could to keep up, but in that moment, they were slaves to Rhody’s rhythm, both of them going limp as Rhody toyed with them, showing them a strength she’d never fully revealed.

Ufufu~! I did it! Rhody thought, her proud, girlish giggle an ill-fit for how hard she was making Iori and Yuuki cum.

“Rhody, fuck, you’re the best…” Iori breathed, desperately holding onto what little composure she had as she flicked Rhody’s clit with her tongue, glad to see that her fiancée was still very much her, judging by the adorable, cutesy squeaks it got out of her.

“But we’re here to make you feel good, remem- Ahn~! -ber?” Yuuki tried to tease, her gasping moans completely undercutting her.

“It’s…it’s no fair if we don’t all feel amazing!” Rhody cried, redoubling her efforts to make them squirm, “You’re precious to me, and I want you to feel that, inside and out!”

Yet still, for all the determination she showed, it all came grinding to a halt as Yuuki reached down, and pinched her nipples between her fingers, feeling them stiffen at the sudden cold.

“Ahn~!” Rhody moaned, as a sudden jolt left her stunned for long enough to let the gyaru really have some fun.

“And we do, thanks to you,” Yuuki giggled. “But if you’re so excited to give us a good time, how’s about you give us something ex~tra tasty, hmm?”

She focused all her magic on her fingers, and stimulated Rhody’s breasts in a way they’d never been before.

“After all, every good mommy’s got plenty of milk, right?”

“M-milk?! B-but- but…ohhhh…” Rhody gasped, as her nipples suddenly began to feel painfully stiff.

“Oh, there’s a delicious smell coming from your chest, Rhody…” Iori chuckled, pulling away from her pussy and working her way up past Rhody’s cushy tummy, letting her eyes linger on her nipples.

They were so puffy, so desperate for release.

As Yuuki joined her at her side, she and Iori exchanged a smile, before knowing exactly what to do.

Eagerly, both girls wrapped their lips around one of Rhody’s nipples, and started sucking.

“Ah?! G-girls, you…you…ohhhhh gosh…” Rhody squeaked, desperately biting her finger as she felt something begin to flow through her.

And not a moment later, Iori and Yuuki were rewarded with delicious, creamy milk, straight from Rhody’s wonderful boobs.

I-I’m lactating?! Y-Yuuki did this to me?! B-but…but it feels so goooood!

Rhody felt like she was melting, but she cradled both girls as tightly as she could, encouraging them to drink as deeply as possible while they grinded up against her, really delighting in every inch of Rhody’s wonderfully soft, motherly figure.

You're so tasty, Rhody…

Crap, this is like, way too delish~! I’m gonna get addicted to you, Rhody~!

Both girls were completely taken. Yuuki'd had enough partners that she felt like she’d experienced just about everything sex had to offer, while Iori had been around Rina more than enough to lay with her when Mio had made her lactate. Drinking from another woman’s breasts was hardly an uncommon occurrence to either of them.

And yet, it wasn’t the same with Rhody. Drinking from her, they felt their very souls nourished, satisfying them in a way little else could, and that only served to make them greedier, sucking and biting at Rhody’s nipples desperately. They’d have stayed like that for days if they could.

But that wasn’t enough, was it?

They couldn’t just drink from her and let that be that. They’d made a promise to satisfy her deeply, and they both intended to keep it.

Reaching a thick claw down between her legs, Iori plunged her fingers deep inside Rhody’s pussy, stirring her up vigorously and chuckling at the way she shook and twitched, her body desperately trying not to drown in the pleasure. At the same time, Yuuki pulled herself up from Rhody’s chest and slowly clambered on top of her before squatting right over her face, shoving her pussy down on Rhody’s mouth.

“You were super yummy, but I’m pretty good too, don’t you- Nnn~! -think?” Yuuki asked, twitching as Rhody’s long, thick tongue wrapped around her clit, warming her up from the inside and making her body shudder like crazy. For as gentle as Rhody was, she was proving that she could be a real beast in bed, and the feeling of her claws eagerly squeezing and kneading the yuki-onna’s tight butt only hammered that fact in that much further.

“Does it feel good, Rhody?” Iori asked, popping her head free of her fiancée’s mountainous bosom to watch her wriggling beneath Yuuki’s ass. She did her best to give a nod, but could barely manage more than a slight bob of her head, coupled with an adorably shy, flustered moan.


“Good girl,” Iori cooed, moving her finger that little bit faster as a reward for her honesty. “No matter what, Rhody, I’ll always be here for you, OK? And as long as we’re together,” she leaned in close, whispering in her ear, “I’ll always make you cum like crazy.”

“Mmphuah~! Ioriii, Yuukiii~!”

That, it seemed, was too much for the poor sweetie, who came so hard and so loud that the vibrations made Yuuki jolt up off of her, letting out an adorable, surprised little squeak of her own.

“I love you, I love all of you sho mhuch…” she gasped, slurring as her body struggled to come down from everything they’d done to her.

“Looks like she needs some air, huh?” Yuuki giggled.

“But you don’t, do you?” Iori asked, taking Yuuki into her arms and planting her down on her lap, letting her bestie’s tight pussy squish right up against Iori’s own. “Because fuck, I need you so much, Yuuki.”

“Oooh, bestie, the feeling’s mutual,” Yuuki grinned, grabbing her phone before going in to kiss Iori vigorously, taking a selfie of their shared bliss as they tasted everything each other had to offer.

Iori’s movements were slow and sensual, grinding against Yuuki with a deliberate, steady pace that she knew would drive any woman wild. Yuuki, however, moved with all the desperate energy of a rabbit in heat, rubbing up against Iori so harshly that it left the cocky helldrake breathless.

Neither girl could believe how far they’d come. From the clearly hurting human who’d die if Yuuki touched her too much, to a powerful, confident dragon who so readily stepped up to not just taking in Rhody, but finally made good on feelings that had been festering within her for decades. Now, she didn’t need to hold back a thing around anyone, Yuuki included. Her chill couldn’t harm her any longer, so she was free to do everything she wanted to with her.

And right now, that meant scissoring her eagerly and passionately, letting her flame lick at Yuuki while her chill made her spine tingle.

“Fuck, Yuuki…”

“Iocchi…” Both girls moaned, gasping for air as they stayed on the offensive, both girls determined to blow each other’s minds at any costs. They’d quietly begun to see it as a duel, a contest to see who could make the other finish first.

Yet just as the floodgates were about to burst.

“I-I’m not sitting by! I can still make you both feel amazing!”

“Rhody?!” Iori turned her head, before Rhody scooped the pair up into her arms, and shoved their heads against her chest.


“Hmmph?!” both girls moaned, completely flustered as their mouths were greeted once more by the wonderful taste of her milk.

“Keep going, you two,” she cooed, gently petting both girls. “Do everything you can for each other, of course, but drink every last drop, OK?”

Her voice was soft and calm, spoken with all the warmth of a mother, yet filled with a lust so deep it was a miracle she hadn’t turned into a succubus.

“Drink, and take me in, sweethearts…” she gently whispered, making both girls twitch, completely interrupting any kind of rhythm they might have had with one another.

Yet still, they kept on going, doing everything Rhody asked without question, all while their pussies grinded against each other with increasing intensity.

And soon, try as they might to win their little contest, both girls realized they couldn’t take anything more, and their loud cries sounded out together to fill the tiny, snow capped village.


“Huehhh, good thing the folks are out…” Hisoka’s sister mumbled, blushing shyly as she stood outside the door with a trayful of snacks. She’d not meant to listen in, but, well, once she’d heard a little bit, it proved extremely hard to tear herself away.

But now, as their moans reached a crescendo, she found herself hurriedly backing away, eager to not let her presence be known.

“...I’ll give this to them later,” she said, stashing the snacks away in a fridge, trying desperately to swallow her own bashfulness. “Something tells me they’re full…”


“Rhody, fuck…” Iori moaned. “You were amazing…”

“And soooo delish…” Yuuki said, wrapping her arms around the comfy helldrake between her and her bestie. “Maybe we should start bottling your milk, we can sell it as a local delicacy.”

“Nooo…” Rhody squeaked, shoving her face into Iori’s chest. “Don’t tell anyone else…”

“We won’t, Yuuki’s just teasing,” Iori chuckled, kissing the top of Rhody’s head. “It was tasty though. Might have to get some more sometime…”

“The way you sucked felt so good…” Rhody shyly admitted.

“Ehehe, glad you both appreciated my little trick,” Yuuki winked. “Always works like a charm. I did it to Wakaba once and she got so mad. She was crazy leaky~!”

“Oh gosh, Wakaba's chest doing that…” Rhody gulped, clearly excited. “And if you could do that to Iori-”

“Let's not get ahead of ourselves!” Iori hastily interrupted. “Maybe one day, but…”

“Cu~te,” Yuuki grinned, before blowing Iori a kiss. “Haaaah, I'm glad you invited me along. This trip’s been so fun!”

“We're glad you're here too, Yuuki,” Rhody smiled. “I've met so many wonderful people lately, ufufu! My parents seemed so happy…” she said, giggling to herself.

Iori gently squeezed her hand, thinking back on the start of the day. She had, in truth, been worried about visiting Rhody's parents' graves with her, and she was stunned that Rhody asked Yuuki to accompany them all the while. She was sure that Rhody would break down in tears, unable to handle seeing her parents for the first time in so long.

But she handled it beautifully. She cried, yes, but Iori could see so much strength and warmth behind those tears. She vividly recalled the sight of Rhody smiling before their graves, leaving an offering of food before speaking with them, introducing Iori and Yuuki both as the women who brought her happiness.

“It must be strange, ehehe. The last time I was here, I was so miserable, but now I'm introducing you to my fiancée and one of my best friends and telling you all about how good life is. I-I sometimes worry I'm dreaming, that I'll wake up alone again, but visiting you both now with these two by my side…”

Iori held Rhody close, as her eyes welled up with tears.

“I know that I've found a life that makes me truly happy, and…I'm proud you can see me like this, Mama, Papa. And…and while I might not visit for a little while…”

Iori clutched Rhody's hand tightly, just as she's done then.

“I know that you're always watching over me. And I can finally tell you that neither of you have anything to worry about. Because I'm not alone, not anymore. And I never will be again.”

Iori let out a small sniffle, and Rhody pulled back to face her.

“Is everything alright, sweetie?”

“Mm,” Iori said, hugging Rhody and Yuuki. “Just…reminiscing, is all.”

Everyone's lives had changed so much lately, and even now, as Rina found herself ruling over an entire realm, it was clear that they'd keep changing for a while yet…

“Got a lot to look back on fondly, huh?” Yuuki asked, smiling softly.

“And a whole lot more to look forward to,” Iori smiled back.

…But Iori wasn't worried about where any of it might lead. Change would have terrified her in the past, but she could face it head-on, without any doubts whatsoever. She was confident that no matter what, she'd always be surrounded by people who loved her, and who she loved in turn.

“Thank you both for being in my life,” Iori said, her eyes brimming over with tears.

“Oh, don't you cry, Iori! I-if you do that- I…I…wehhhhhh…”

“Ahaha, both of you are helpless!” Yuuki giggled, getting more than a little misty-eyed herself, as she leaned into Rhody and Iori's embrace. “Gosh, what am I ever gonna do with you?”

Iori couldn't wait to get home, to shower Rina, Mio, and Haqua in love and affection, to thank all of them so profusely for helping her turn her life around.

But for now, all she wanted was to lay back and relax, basking in the warmth—and chill—that only these two could provide.

Sorry for the missed week! Life has been...really hectic lately, ahaha! I'm OK though, and think the worst of it is now far behind me. My partner and I are doing great, and eager to get back to things. Take another pervert chapter as my apology for the delay, I wanted to write more with these three, so really, this is a bit of an offshoot from everything else, but I had a lot of fun writing it!

Take care for now! I'll be back again with a new chapter next week, and that's a promise!

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