Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 3 – Chapter 7

❖ 7 ❖

Standing near a tremendously busy crosswalk, a particularly diminutive office worker let out a small, menacing chuckle.


Her face was shrouded in shadow, yet the malicious glint in her eye shone through all the same. Not a single person here understood the brilliance in their midst.


But soon, they’d all understand. She would unpack this realm’s secrets, and soon, bring it under her banner. They would recognize her as their true king, now and forevermore.


Suzume threw her head back, and laughed at the very sky above her. How pathetic it was, before royalty such as herself. Her laugh was a declaration, a show to all who might hear it that they belonged to her, now.

And yet, the people of the city she found herself in did not stop in their tracks, bow, or grovel. Instead, all she got was a few baffled stares, and a small child pointing at her.

“Mama, that lady’s being weird!”


“Don’t look at her, dear. She’s just looking for attention,” the child’s mother protectively pulled them closer, hurrying along with their business.

Suzume’s eyebrow twitched.

Attention?! You think I want attention?!

“Y-you insolent cur! You stand before a king! Show the proper respect, or-”

The mother was long gone by the time Suzume caught herself and clamped her hands over her mouth, their bright red skin—hidden from all humans who saw her—serving as an excellent reminder of her place in this world.

Because here, she wasn’t a king at all.

No, she was Rina Saeki, an unassuming runt of an OL.

Hmph, I forget my own brilliance! No matter, I shall play the role of Rina Saeki to perfection, and uncover each and every secret this realm holds!

She cleared her throat and placed her hands on her hips. Rina was tiny, but that didn’t stop them from feeling shockingly cushy.

Her bottom’s rather nice too, isn’t it? Really soft and squishy, and the way this thong is riding up between-

“Kuh!” Suzume gripped her arm as though she was in tremendous pain, skulking back into the shadows so as to not let anyone bear witness to her struggle. “Rina Saeki’s power is great indeed… A true demon of lust, through and through. I can already feel it tainting my thoughts…”

She took a deep breath, and worked to still herself, reciting mantras that proclaimed the wonder of her being in an attempt to bring herself inner calm. No matter how Suzume herself wanted to dress it up, she’d felt distressingly horny since transplanting her soul into this body, and needed to work to keep her lust at bay, lest it make her work that much harder to focus on.

I shan’t be defeated by this, Rina Saeki! I am a king, and your power holds no sway over me!

She stayed there for a while, letting herself naturally calm down, then began walking through the city, eager to familiarize herself with a realm she would surely bring under her control in no time.

Now then, how best to unravel this realm’s secrets? Something about this dismal place holds sway over Rina Saeki, and I won’t rest until I’ve uncovered it! Should I contact her loved ones? Perhaps they might shed some light on the matter, or-

A delicious scent filled the air, and Suzume found her thoughts grinding to a halt. She looked in the direction of the smell, and found herself gazing at a food stall, with a cook happily serving up portions of takoyaki for dozens of passersby.

Instantly, a smirk spread across Suzume’s face. What a brilliant plan she’d come up with. If anything would guide her to the answers she sought, it would undeniably be hedonism.

She marched to the front of the line, uncaring about the many annoyed customers behind her, and slammed down the money in her purse.

“Ten- no, twenty servings, this instant!”

And soon, she left the stall with the happiest smile on her face, popping takoyaki into her mouth like it was candy, marveling at its flavor.

If I’m to see what makes this realm worthwhile, then I’ll engage in everything that catches my eye! Kukukuku!! All shall fall before me!

And lo, Suzume felled all who stood before her!

Provided, of course, that you define being felled as “having a haughty girl absolutely shower you in money that isn’t hers in exchange for a small mountain of food.” In that field, Suzume was truly unmatched. Once she’d devoured her takoyaki, she rushed for a stall selling melon bread filled with ice cream.

Ohhh, it’s so cold, yet so sweet! Mm, I approve!

Then a curry shop.

Wow! How spicy! Rina Saeki’s tongue’s somewhat weak to the heat, but that just makes it tastier, and this chicken is so juicy and tender!

Then a patissier, where she loaded up on every dessert she could carry.

These cream puffs are scrumptious! And my, this millefeuille is amazing! These macarons are simply splendid, too! Mm! I approve!

What had begun, ostensibly, as an investigation quickly turned into a food tour of Tokyo. Suzume insisted this was all part of achieving her goal, but it was extremely obvious that she'd gotten tremendously sidetracked very quickly.

And she was about to veer even further off course, as she gazed up at the entrance to a large, dimly-lit building, with all kinds of bright screens within, showing countless amusements and delights.

A game center?! Ha! The ones in Hell are far larger than this, and filled with assuredly more exciting entertainment! Why, I-

She quickly cut herself off, and a stray thought crossed her mind, one that she was certain shouldn't ever pop into the head of royalty.

…It looks fun…

She gasped, and clutched her head.

Damn you, Rina Saeki! Your degenerate mind is interfering with my thoughts! I will bring your brain to heel. I must. But, well…

…I've always wanted to visit one…

She was not, of course, being swayed by her brain, but her pride wouldn't allow her to tell herself that. She was a king, she couldn't be seen indulging in such common delights. She considered herself a woman of the people, but even so, her reputation would surely be ruined if her citizens saw their king gaming, of all things.

But here…she wasn't a king at all, was she? None who knew her would see her, and any who did would see nothing but the role she'd given herself: a pint-sized, yet ordinary citizen, with far fewer responsibilities on her shoulders than Suzume dealt with each and every day.

So…why not kick back and game a little while?

With no end of hesitation, Suzume put her hands on her hips, and nodded to herself.

“Mm, this too, is part of my investigation! I must sate all my desires to understand the pleasures of this world. I'm not slacking off at all, so it's perfectly OK!”

She smiled to herself, and stepped inside, looking every bit like an excited child as she gawked at every single machines. She was certain that Hell’s entertainment was grander, but everyone here seemed so earnestly happy, and soon, she joined their ranks, shouting over a fighting game that she just couldn't play even semi-decently.

“Wh-what in Hell?! How dare you attack me?! I'll have you know I can smite you right now, and- gah! You kicked my person's head! A-and now a grab?! No, don't hurt her! Nooooo!” Suzume cried, watching as her character was tossed over her opponent's shoulder, dropping her life down to zero.

Suzume had never tasted defeat before, not once in her life, and yet, as she stared at the screen before her, and realized her opponent was waiting for a rematch, she could only smile.

I like it! This is fun!

“Mm! You'll make a fine opponent! Another round!” she grinned, slamming in more coins and going back for more.

As the hours of her first day on Earth ticked by, and she sampled every single game in the arcade, Suzume found herself smiling broadly, having the time of her life without even realizing it.

And soon, the sun began to set on the city streets, with Suzume admiring the view from a park bench, chuckling as a family of ducks paddled by in a large pond.

“The animals of Earth are quite lovely as well! Radiata would surely love this view…” she smiled, munching on a chocolate bar she'd purchased from a nearby convenience store. She'd nearly run down the contents of Rina's purse, but after such a "productive" day of investigating, Suzume could only smile at how proud Rina would be, knowing that her funds had served a king so well.

She was wrong, of course. Rina would kill her for that, but well, she was predisposed.

So Suzume sat back, watched the view, and let out a loud, delighted sigh.

“Ohh, this was a splendid idea. What a perfect start to my vaca-” she cleared her throat, “my investigation. Mm, even in this pervert’s body, this is going wonderfully!”

That was when Suzume was interrupted by a sweet, yet undeniably startled voice.

“Rina, is that you?!”

“Hm?” Suzume cocked an eyebrow, turning to face whoever called her. She didn't recognize this woman at all, but she had, it seemed, been sighted by one Rhodolite Desco, her glamour having no effect on Suzume's well-trained eye.

“It is you, oh gosh, Rinaaaa!” she cried, rushing towards the woman she thought was her senpai.

A helldrake?! One of Rina's flag bearers?! But wait, I wasn't ready to stop relaxing! I want to have more fu- i-investigate the area some more! Leave me alo-

“Mmph!” Suzume spluttered, as Rhody scooped her up into an extremely tight hug, burying the ruler between her pillowy boobs.

“We were so worried about you!” she said, with tears in her eyes. “When you vanished, we all thought Yamada had done something terrible to you! Ohhh gosh, I'm so so so so happy to see you safe and sound.

“Mmph mmmmmph!!” Suzume tried to yell, though her voice was completely stifled by endlessly squishy titty, the heat emanating from the helldrake making her head swim.

Or at least, that's what she told herself, as she fell victim to the lust her body delighted in.

They're so soft!! Are helldrakes not firmer than this?! Where does she get off being so…so…

Suzume swallowed, stifling her thoughts. Unthinkingly, she nestled into her chest, and let the scent of flowery perfume and sweat fill her mind.

So lovely…

“Ufufu, did you miss me too, Rina?” Rhody giggled, gently petting Suzume's head. “You're so sweet… Don't worry, Mama Rhody's here to pamper you!”

‘Mama’?! H-how disgraceful!

At that, Suzume wriggled herself free, tried and failed to bite down the blush on her crimson cheeks, and gave what she was absolutely certain would be a flawless impression of the demon whose life now belonged to her.

“I-I’m perfectly well! I was merely attending to some highly important and highly confidential business! For work, of course. Yes, for work.”

It was a terrible, terrible impersonation, and yet, to the endlessly kind and sweet Rhody, suspicion never even crossed her mind.

“Oh? Iori gave you some secret assignment? Gosh, that doesn't sound like her, but she's full of surprises, ufufu! The other day, she-”

“F-for Yamada!” Suzume explained. “This was a private matter between Yamada and I. Iori doesn't know of it.”

Suzume swallowed, hoping her lie would be believed. Radiata had briefed her on some of the more important details of Rina's life, and it was beginning to sink in that she was dealing with the fiancée of Iori Kizaki, Rina's partner and employer. Getting them tangled up in a lie would only blow her cover, so she quickly had to pivot.

“Hm?” Rhody blinked, confused for a moment, before smiling warmly. “Awww, Yamada's resignation note was filled with kind words about you. You must have done something really wonderful for her before she had to move, huh? Gosh, I feel bad for suspecting her now, she's a sweet girl…”

“Y-yes. I can't speak of it, but I ensured her last days in To-key-o were pleasant,” Suzume smiled, completely mispronouncing the city's name. “She's doing well even now, I'm certain.”

“Well that's wonderful!” Rhody said, gently petting Rina on the head. “Oh, the others will want to know where you've gone. Mio's been so scared, poor girl. Why don't we go back to your apartment, hm? We'll have something really yummy for dinner, and-”

“Agreed! Lead the way, Rhody!” Suzume grinned, leaping up from the bench and dusting off her hands. She was, in truth, slightly wary of how a meeting with Rina's partners, particularly Haqua might go, but at the promise of good food, those worries were completely quashed, as she began to drool excitedly.

“Ufufu, of course! Stick close, Rina! We don't want to lose you again!”

“Mm! Honor me with a fine feast! I eagerly await what you have on offer!”

“You've got it!”

“Wahhh, Rinaaaa! I was so scaaaared!” Mio wailed, burying the demon king in her cleavage much like Rhody had done before her.

“Mmph…” Suzume weakly protested, sure that yelling would do her no good.

“Neeeever letting go of you! I'm taking good care of my doggie now. No one's vanishing ever again!”


Suzume wasn't sure why, but she felt a pleasant twinge in her belly at that.

“Ahaha, don't worry Mio, we'll all look out for her together. Don't hug her too tight though, she might suffocate,” Iori winked.

“Ah, you're right! Sorry, Rina! Let's go wild later!“ Mio grinned, clapping her hands together in apology.

Suzume was grateful for the moment to breathe, but it didn't last long, as Iori leaned forward to kiss the top of her head, and much like Mio and Rhody before her, buried the king in titty.

W-why in Hell are all of you so stacked?! Suzume wondered, feeling endlessly ticked off at the idea that she might somehow be inadequate.

“There we go. If anyone gets to make you dizzy, it should be me, don't you think?” Iori asked, before licking Suzume's ear with the tip of her long, split tongue.

“Hyan~?!” Suzume yelped, leaping back as her knees began to tremble.

D-did I just let out that…pathetic sound?! Rina Saeki, this humiliation won't stand.

“Geez, Iori, no fair!” Mio childishly pouted. “I thought we were giving her space.”

“Just kidding!” Iori laughed heartily, pulling back and grinning down at the thoroughly flustered king. “Couldn't resist. I figure we've all been burning to tease her a little,” she winked.

I-I'm not one who should be teased, but Rina Saeki seems to enjoy that sort of thing, so…

“I-I missed it too…” Suzume weakly muttered, briefly snuffing out her pride. “So don't feel like you need to hold back.”

“Aww, you're so precious!” Rhody smiled.

“Ehehe, got it! I'll really show you who's boss later!” Mio giggled, licking her lips hungrily.

I-I hadn't expected her partners to be so…forward…

“Why, I don't think we could hold back around you, dear.”

The voice that cut through the chatter in the apartment sent a shiver down Suzume's spine, her tail stiffening with concern.

She had no doubt in her abilities, but if there was anyone who might see through her expert ruse, then it would surely be… 

“Haqua…” she muttered, looking up at the one who'd brought Rina Saeki into demonhood. It had been years since they last spoke, yet Suzume would recognize her sharp, teasing smirk anywhere.

But had she always been quite so…


Suzume buried that thought, though her cheeks turned an even darker red as she looked up at her. Haqua had been her subordinate, yet she couldn't see her that way now. It was surely just Rina’s lingering feelings clouding her thoughts.

“After all, what kind of mistress would I be if I didn't love the sight of my mutt, hm?”

“M-mutt…” Suzume repeated, suddenly feeling so excited that it was a miracle she didn't collapse on the spot.

“Indeed,” Haqua smiled, placing a hand on Suzume's head, gently petting her horns. “My needy, desperate little bitch,” she cooed, in a cold tone that made Suzume's blood run cold.

Suzume bit her lip, and clamped her legs together tightly, painfully aware of how…sticky her thighs were starting to feel.

Rina Saeki, your power is great, but it shall not overtake me! Suzume thought, biting back her growing lust as strongly as she could.

She took a deep breath. For a moment, the whole apartment was quiet, with Suzume completely unaware of why. After all, she couldn't have possibly known that everyone around her was expecting her to bark.

But bark she didn't, and the others were left to simply wonder why.

“How about we have some dinner, hmm? Yuuki brought us some meat from my hometown the other day, so I can make you all some Helldrake cuisine! It'll be quite spicy, but I'm sure you can all handle that, right?” Rhody asked, wearing the most pleasant smile on her face.

“Rhody's an amazing cook, too. We're in for a treat,” Iori smiled, firmly taking her fiancée’s clawed hand in her own.

“That sounds splendid, dear,” Haqua nodded happily.

“Mm, that sounds yummy! My tummy's already rumbling!” Mio grinned. “How about you, Rina? Excited for- huh? Rina?”

The group looked down at Suzume's face, and saw her wearing the absolute dopiest smile, drooling away at the thought of the feast ahead.

“Helldrake cuisine?! Ohhh, how splendid! We can eat hoarder's coinpurse! Plump, soft buns filled to bursting with rich, tender meats! Or perhaps spiced cockatrice gizzard! Hearty and warming on even the coldest nights! Indeed, chef, prepare a fine spread! I simply shan't be satisfied without my fill!” she cried, practically vibrating with excitement.

Helldrake cuisine, while not terribly popular in Hell's capital, was a favorite of Lord Suzume's. The flavors were layered and complex, yet instantly appreciable to all who dined upon it. Indeed, if Suzume had a single regret about her accomplishments in Hell thus far, it would be that she hadn't succeeded in making helldrake cuisine a staple food.

But of course, that didn't matter here. Not only was Suzume's fondness for helldrake cuisine largely unknown to those who now surrounded her, but she wasn't Lord Suzume at all right now. No, she was Rina Saeki, and Rina hadn't so much as seen a helldrake dish in her life.

“R-Rina?” Iori tilted her head, wearing a totally confused expression.


I…made a mistake, didn't I?

“W-well, I-”

Suzume tried to explain herself, though she was cut off by a delighted cry from Rhody.

“Wow, Rina, you really know your stuff, ufufu~!” Rhody laughed proudly. “Have you been studying? Gosh, that's so sweet of you! I'll be sure to do helldrake cuisine justice!”

“That's…not really like you, Rina,” Iori eyed her suspiciously. “Hell, I am a helldrake now, and even I haven't tried the food yet. Where'd you find the time to study up, huh?”

“Mm, you've never even mentioned that to me before, Rina…” Mio hummed. “And you're being so haughty tonight. It’s weird…”

This can't be…

Suzume clenched her fist, her mind racing as she tried to find an excuse.

My act has been perfect, am I really about to be undone by my own refined tastes?! What do I do?! Did Radiata’s briefing tell me anything about this?! Think, Suzume! You cannot allow yourself to be caught, or else-

“Go easy on the poor thing. She's had a busy few days, of course she'd get excited over exotic cuisine,” Haqua chuckled, resting a hand atop Rina's head and gently petting her hair. “Especially when she last had it prepared by me, dears. Isn't that right, Rina?”

Suzume's eyes widened, this was the excuse she'd sought!

“Mm, certainly!” Suzume nodded, not adding anything more, lest Haqua be the one to catch her out. That was a fate worse than death, she was confident.

“By you, Haqua?“ Rhody asked.

“Mhmm. The first meal I ever made for her, in fact! I thought she could use something hearty after her body changed, so I made her a real feast. She loved every bit of it, too. In fact, when Iori introduced you to us, Rhody, I had to hold her back from begging you to cook some for us,” Haqua chuckled. “Honestly, she's such a dreadful little bitch. I can't take her anywhere these days. Though I must say, this newfound pride is quite the treat. It’ll be a delight to tear it to shreds, don’t you think,” Haqua cooed, her tone not matching the harshness of her words in the slights.

T-to shreds?!

Suzume felt herself grow weak once more. She’d never been so insulted before, and yet…she chose to bear it without complaint. She had to, for the sake of her act. She’d already seen it falter, and she wouldn’t allow that again.

And yet, she was surprised by how loud they made her heart pound, making her feel something she couldn’t quite express. She chalked it up to the influence of Rina’s body and left it at that, eager to move the conversation along.

“H-Haqua has the right of it. I’ve craved a meal like this for quite some time. To that end, I'm delighted you'll prepare it for us this evening, Rhodolite. Make it extra spicy!”

Rhody chuckled. “OK, you asked for it!” she smiled.

“I’ll lend a hand,” Iori said, shooting Suzume a gentle smile before following Rhody through to the kitchen.

The mood noticeably lightened, and Suzume breathed out a heavy, relieved sigh.

She’s dined upon helldrake cuisine before, what a relief. Even now, you serve me well, Haqua. If only you could return to my service. I shan’t let my deception falter again, but even so, hiding from you will be challenging…

“Rina, come sit with me!” Mio beckoned her over. “Y’know, I submitted my manuscript while you were out. Resta’s super happy with it!”

“Oh, how delightful!” Suzume said, relaxing as she went to sit by Mio’s side.

As she was sucked into an upbeat conversation, Suzume was blissfully unaware of the eyes on her.

Haqua’s smile had all but faded. Any who gazed into her eyes would be met with nothing but desolation. A harsh, bitter cold that threatened to swallow up all who caught their attention.

My my, what a curious turn of events…

“Haqua, you coming?” Mio called for her. “I wanna tell Rina all about what we got up to while she was gone!”

“Do you now?” Haqua chuckled, and smiled pleasantly, unwilling to let any of her partners see the emotions that she’d been wearing. “I’m surprised you haven’t told Yuuki, quite frankly. She’d surely be delighted.”

“Ohh, I wanna! Maybe next time she’s over, we can do it again!”

“I’ll certainly consider it, dear,” Haqua winked. “We’ll have to show our mutt soon though, I’m sure she’ll just break if we deny her something that wonderful…” she said, pulling her into a gentle hug and petting her hair.

“Ehehehe…” Suzume chuckled, sure that Rina would respond every bit as bashfully. She had a long night ahead of her, but she was determined to get through it, completely undetected.

And if that meant indulging in this much physical affection, well…that was hardly the worst thing she could think of…

Though whether those were her feelings, or her new succubus instincts making her feel that way, Suzume couldn’t truthfully say.

Mm, I’ll indulge in this just as Rina would. My performance is truly masterful, kukukuku… Nobody will ever see through it…

“Ehehe…Rina’s milk is so yummy…” Mio giggled in her sleep, as she held the demon king tightly within her grasp.

Her…milk?! I know that succubi tend to be degenerate, but surely this body doesn’t produce anything like that!

Suzume, moving as much as Mio’s grasp would allow, looked down at her teeny tiny breasts through the shirt she’d worn to bed, gently pressing her hands down on the soft, springy flesh.

“Hn~!” she moaned, stifling the sound as best she could. Tiny though they might have been, they were ridiculously sensitive, and the piercings she wore only made the shiver running down her spine that much stronger. She wished, so badly, that she could rid herself of them.

With no real grasp of the magic that now flowed through her, she had no idea how to conjure up clothing the way a succubus might, but thankfully, this didn’t impede her disguise in the slightest. Given everyone’s reactions, it seemed that Rina Saeki had a habit of sleeping in clothes she owned as a human. Given how comfy the loose shirt was on her teensy frame, she could understand why. And well, as tempting as it was to try and remove the nipple rings, she needed to keep them in for authenticity's sake, all the same. Even if it was humiliating.

The night had, all told, progressed surprisingly well. The food was excellent, nobody saw through her ruse, and the rest of the girls made for surprisingly pleasant company. Yes, she was a stranger within their midst and had to always be on her toes, but she settled into a somewhat relaxed rhythm with all of them with greater ease than she’d anticipated. In fact, from the moment Rhody had laid eyes on her, she’d been treated with a warmth and familiarity that she couldn’t help but find comforting, despite herself.

Shyly, Suzume lifted her head, and saw Iori and Rhody taking up the rest of the bed, forming a veritable cuddle puddle alongside her and Mio. Everyone was so comfortable and at-ease…

And Suzume couldn’t help but smirk.

Kukuku! I’ve garnered everyone’s trust! Nobody suspects a thing! Did you see me, Rina Saeki?! My impression was flawless, and I expect yours to be the same! Don’t even think about disappointing me!

I must say, this has proven to be a fruitful first day in the human realm! I’m no closer to finding what makes it so compelling over the delights that my domain has to offer, but I’ve made great strides! My citizens can take pride in my efforts!

Of course, any one of those citizens would have seen little more than her stuffing her face and goofing off like a child, but clearly they wouldn't understand the truth of the matter. Obviously.

It's funny, though. For all the magicks clearly fortifying this bed, it pales in comparison to my own by every measure. The mattress, the duvet, the pillows, all far below the luxuries I can find in my quarters.

So then why do I find laying here so…wonderful…?

As if to answer her question, Mio let out a particularly dopey giggle and hugged her extra tight, treating the demon king as though she were little more than a dakimakura. Not a moment later, Iori and Rhody joined in, and soon, she was buried under a pile of girls, all pampering her with everything they had.

Th-this sensation…

It all felt so ridiculously warm, so impossibly soft, that Suzume felt liable to melt. Helldrakes rendered the bed an oven unto itself, and Mio’s curves, slick with sweat, only made things that much hotter. She should have felt awful, but instead, she wanted to stay there for as long as possible. What should have been sweltering heat was endlessly comforting warmth.

Suzume felt her eyes growing heavy. Though she'd felt wide awake a moment earlier, she was now ready to fall asleep right then and there. She hadn't felt this relaxed since an incident with a powerful mage in her youth saw her hit with the full force of a powerful sleeping spell, condemning her to a week of incredible rest and even better dreams.

When…was the last time…?

Suzume yawned, and nestled into Mio's grasp.

That I was held like this…?

Another yawn, Suzume could hardly keep her eyes open now. No matter, she would sleep the night away, and come morning, she-


With a loud gasp, Suzume tore her eyes open, seizing the tiny gap in the pile of girls that surrounded her to leap out of bed and land on her feet.

“Puahh…” she sighed, gasping for air. “I-I could have suffocated in there… Such a potent attack…” she whispered, regarding the wonderfully soft girls with a newfound fear and respect.

They almost made me lose sight of my mission. Suzume sighed, and lightly slapped her cheeks. It's my first day in this realm, I cannot afford to let it pass by so frivolously!

She was, of course, entirely ignoring just how frivolous everything about the day has been, but as a king, she was allowed to do such things.

I likely cannot leave Rina Saeki’s abode without attracting attention, but there remains a great deal within these walls that could prove key to my investigation. Namely…

Her mind went straight to one specific target:

Video games!

Haqua was always highly focused, dedicated to her work and little else, and here I find her indulging in games?! She looked so engrossed, it's absurd! I simply must investigate! We have videogames in our realm, Haqua! What could possibly make the ones here so fun?! If they're anything like the ones in the game center, then I have to investigate, posthaste!

With that, Suzume snuck out of the room, with a excited grin on her face. She couldn't wait to have more fun.

…And further her investigation, she supposed.

As she reached the living room and peered at the boxes on the shelf beneath Rina's large TV, Suzume's eyes lit up. The game center had been one thing, but this was an absolute treasure trove! A hoard that even a helldrake would envy!

I-I have to play them all! I simply can't let any of them out of my grasp!

“But which one first?! Oh, it's impossible to decide! They all look so fun!” she cried, hoping her voice didn't reach the bedroom.

“Looking for fun, are we?” came a smooth, sensual voice that whispered into her ears, raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

“Haqua?!” Suzume cried, spinning around and fully expecting to see her former employee standing above her. Without even meaning to, she moved into a fighting stance, ready to take down anyone who might think to do her harm.

Instead, she was greeted by…a doorway, right in the middle of the living room, seemingly connected to nothing.

Instantly, her eyes widened in shock. It wasn’t the portal to Hell. She’d observed that the moment she walked into the apartment. No, this looked…oddly fragmented and hazy, almost dreamlike, meaning…

A doorway to a pocket dimension?! But-

“Then allow me to show you a good time!”

Before she could ponder any part of it, the door opened up, and an arm reached out to pull her inside.

“Hya?!” Suzume cried, unable to gauge a thing as she was whipped through the air. In her own body, she'd have been able to fight back, but while she was still adjusting to Rina's, she was totally helpless, and quickly found herself flipped over onto a bed, where she was quickly cuffed to the posts before she even knew what was happening.

“My, what an adorable sound,” Haqua cooed, as she looked to Suzume with a cocky smirk. “Even a bratty mutt can be cute, who knew?” she asked with a shrug.


“Why yes, it's me!” Haqua chuckled, slowly climbing onto the bed and pinning Suzume beneath her, never letting her amused expression drop for even a moment. “Do you like the room, dear? I built it just for us. A pocket dimension where,” Haqua snapped her fingers, and the door locked with a loud click, “nobody can disturb us. Quite the treat, no?”

Suzume stood firm. She refused to be intimidated, and wouldn't let her act slip for even a moment.

“So it is,” she smiled back, looking from side to side to see the ornate decorations that lined the walls, and the sight of the moon outside the tall, grandiose windows. From here, it looked absolutely massive, as though she could reach out and touch its oddly pink surface from where she lay. Knowing Haqua's talent, that likely wasn't beyond the realm of possibility. “I hardly think you need a chamber like this to do as you wish, though.”

“Quite so,” Haqua loudly laughed. “I haven't wanted for freedom in a great many years, you know? I can do whatever I like, whenever I like. And right now,” she purred, running a fingernail up the length of Suzume's body, bringing it to a halt at her chest. “I like you.

Despite knowing those affections weren't for her, Suzume’s pulse began to quicken, as her breathing grew heavier.

“And I like you, Haqua…” Suzume responded, assuming it to be the response that Rina herself would give.

“Ohhh? Do you, now?” Haqua hummed, looking up to the moon and taking a deep breath, before turning down to face Suzume with a bitter scowl, her voice dropping to a menacing growl. “Is that why you stole Rina's body, pest?”


Suzume's eyes widened in shock, and a single thought crossed her mind.

I-I've been caught?!

On her very first day in the human realm, Lord Suzume had been found out.

And she had no idea just how powerful of a ripple was about to tear right through her life.

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