Just My Luck-(rewrite)

Chapter 10

The pink haired girl opened her eyes, her big round eyes staring directly at an unfamiliar ceiling. Looking around she realized that she was in an empty bedroom.

Where am i? don’t tell me that they brought me back. The girl thought to herself.

She looked around the room and realized that the windows did not have any bars like the one she had in her room.

She got out of the bed, and slowly walked to window, she made sure she wouldn’t make any noice, so as not to alert her captures.  

The pink haired girl tried to push the latch lock open, but it wouldn’t budge. She was far too weak, and the lock was far too rusty for her to push it open easily.

The door to the bedroom opened and Sandersonia stepped into the room, only to tilt her head in confusion at the sight of the pink haired girl trying her best to open the window.

Sandersonia asked the girl who was yet not aware of her presence.

“If you want fresh air, I can open it for you?”

Hearing the voice of Sandersonia, the pink haired girl who didn’t know that someone was here, she jumped back in fright, hearing the unknown voice.

“Ahhhh.” she screamed and fell.

“So, what’s your name pinky?” Hancock asked the little girl who was stuffing her mouth with the meat skewers.

“My mhame ish pheroma.” Perona replied while eating.

Hancock, the sister with the shortest temper, felt her eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

“Don’t speak with food in your mouth, you dumbass.” Hancock smacked her head.

“Owie!” The pink haired girl held her head in pain, tears already flowing down her eyes.

“Why’d you hit me; I was eating! You don’t hit a person when their eating.”

“Tough luck, now if you don’t stop crying imma hit you again, this time with more force.”

The little girl reined back her tears, while constantly sniffing her nose.

“Better. Now tell me, what’s your name?

“My name is Perona.” The little girl who identified as Perona spoke.

At that moment Arashi entered the dining room.

“Well, Perona, could you tell us why you were alone in the boat?” Arashi asked, his tone much gentler than Hancock’s which made Perona calm down.

“I….” Perona muttered, her words inaudible to the occupants in the room.

Hancock felt her annoyance rising.

“Listen, you better speak up or els-mmhh mmhmm mmhhm” Hancock couldn’t continue her words since Arashi covered her mouth with his hand.

“Could you please speak up, I wasn’t able to hear what you said.” Arashi asked perona, his voice calm and gentle. All the while Hancock was struggling to rip his hand off her mouth. She tried licking his palm and even biting it, but his hand wouldn’t budge.

Perona still didn’t speak up. Which made Arashi sigh inwardly.

Come on, speak up! I want to know why someone that was supposed to be taken in by Gecko Moria’s crew ended up in this island.

“You can tell us, we won’t judge, even if we find out you’re criminal.” Arashi gave her his charming, award-winning smile.

“Pfft, keep tell yourself that.” Qlee spoke in his head.

Arashi acted as if he didn’t what Qlee said.

“I ran away from home.” Perona finally mustered the courage and told them.

“Is there a reason you ran away?” Arashi asked, his voice still gentle, and Hancock also stopped struggling and was listening curiously.

Perona looked at them, Arashi who had a comforting smile. She felt her suspicions easing up slightly, the fact that the Arashi and the boa sisters were also children/teenagers made her put her guard down.

“I used to be the crown princess of rose kingdom, as an only child my parents loved me to the point of it being overwhelming. But a few years ago, it changed, my mother died. My father was devastated, a few months later my father was forced to remarry, some of the nobles kept complaining about the absence of a queen, so my father got married.” Perona said the last part with such venom that it slightly surprised everyone. Except Arashi who sighed inwardly.

Qlee, I bet a million Berri that it’s the evil step mom cliché.

“Only a fool would take that bet and sadly for you, my dear idiot, I am no fool. That guy is still asleep in his castle.”

“At first I hated her, but she didn’t do anything bad, she loved me as if was her own daughter, a year later I even called her mother.” She spat the last part as if the idea of calling her mother was poison.

So, it is not the evil stepmom trope? This could be interesting.

“Me and my father both loved her, and she loved us too, or so I thought.” She inhaled and exhaled slowly, like she was preparing herself to say the next part.

“Six months later my father suddenly died. I was devasted, when we came back to the castle she suddenly started laughing, I was worried, when I called out to her, she stopped laughing and looked at me, and called me valuable trading goods.”

“She locked me up in a cell, she said that she wouldn’t hurt me because my value would dimmish if she did. I asked her why, then she confessed that she was the one who killed my mother so she could become queen, and then she killed my father so her lover could become king.”

The fuck! That’s some high-level deception.

“Eh, I’ve seen better.” Qlee dismissed it.

“she told me that she was going to present me to a celestial dragon, and that if I was lucky I could even become their concubine-“ Hancock growled, her hair coming alive and started slithering in the air, Marigold was leaking a small amount of miasma which was quickly retrieved by her, and Sandersonia had little green flames dancing around her.

This display left perona stunned. Devil fruit users! All three of them! is he also a devil fruit user. Perona stared at Arashi, Arashi spoke, his gentle and comforting smile long gone.


Perona was startled with the sudden change of the atmosphere, but ignoring it she continued.

“She left, some guards would come to my cell and leave food, if I didn’t eat it, they would force me to eat the food. A few moths later, a couple of guards who were loyal to the previous queen, my mother, broke me out and sneaked me away from the castle. they led me to a small ship, saying that I needed to use it to escape while they would create a distraction. They blew up some warehouses, and I sailed away. I got caught in a storm and most of my valuables were lost in sea, including the food and water, I was drifting the sea for a very long time until I saw land, which brings me here.”

Sandersonia rushed towards perona and hugged her tight.

Arashi chuckled seeing the green haired girl glomp the startled perona. He also released Hancock. She glared at him, which made him ruffle her hair. Which in turn made her glare at him with greater intensity.

“Sonia, let the poor girl eat.” Arashi said to Sandersonia, making the green haired girl, release perona from her glomping.

Perona went back to eating now that they were no longer asking her questions.

Seeing that Arashi and marigold went back to their physical training, while Hancock went back to training her devil fruit.

While leaving he was conversing with Qlee.

Any chance that I could get back the hollow-hollow fruit? I will give you another devil fruit from you list when I find it in exchange.

“Sorry my dear idiot, I don’t usually give things I take, unless it is an emergency or an excellent reason, this is none.”

“I see. I guess it would be great to have a non-devil fruit user on the crew, since they could save us if we were to drown.”

“isn’t it bold to assume that she would join you?”

“All I need is to promise her that I will help her get her revenge, and the rest will just fall in place. Anyway, I have a question.”

“I probably have an answer.”

“How long until I reach the next sequence?”

The 10 arrows according to Qlee was based on a power system from her home universe.

Anyway, the power system started from sequence 9 and ended at sequence 0. Sequence 0s are called true deity.

There are 22 of these pathways, each starting from 9 and ending at 0. Which is why Arashi has 10 arrows on his chest, since one arrow has lit up it indicates that he is the equivalent of sequence 9 and when all ten arrows light up, he would the equivalent of sequence 0 which is also called true deity.

Out of the 22 pathways, the one Qlee has control over is called the wheel of fortune pathway, the pathway that embodies luck and fate.

Currently as he has one arrow lit, he would be a sequence 9: monster.

Two arrows light up, sequence 8: robot

Three arrows light up, sequence 7: lucky one

Four arrows light up, sequence 6: calamity priest

Five arrows light up, sequence 5: winner

Six arrows light up, sequence 4: misfortune mage

Seven arrows light up, sequence 3: chaos walker

Eight arrows light up, sequence 2: soothsayer

Nine arrows light up, sequence 1: snake of mercury

Ten arrows light up, sequence 0: wheel of fortune

Sequence 4 and 3 are called saints, sequence 2 are called grounded angels, sequence 1 are called angels or subsidiary gods and sequence 0 are called true deities.

Each arrow lit, would strengthen his old abilities and grant him new ones.

Anyway, the pathway that Arashi is currently walking on, the wheel of fortune pathway, has a lot of amazing abilities at high levels. According to Qlee, at high levels Arashi could turn people so unlucky that even drinking water could kill them, at high levels he could also trap them in endless loop of fated events.

Arashi salivated when listening to his abilities that he would gain. The ability to control people’s fate, the ability to make someone so unlucky that even drinking water could kill them, etc.…

Arashi had always been unlucky.

In his first life, he died due to a disease that has only appeared six times. His parents did not pay attention to him. even when he was sick and hospitalized, his parents only came to visit him three times during his one year stay in the hospital.

In his second life, he was reborn as the eldest son of Baraqiel and Shuri himejima, had an adorable little sister, and had loving parents. But then one day, he was transported to this world, enslaved by the celestial dragons, had his wings ripped off because said celestial dragon wanted to hang them on her wall, degraded, humiliated, tortured and was broken.

Fate has never been kind to him. thus, the excitement at the prospect of controlling it.

Arashi has walked deeper into the woods, he looked around and realized that he was alone.

“Hey, Qlee I’m feeling lucky, want to go fishing?”

“Let me check…and we are good, we could spin the wheel twice without attracting attention.”

“Spin the wheel? What wheel?”

“didn’t I tell ya, now that we are properly bonded my core ability is strengthened.”

Arashi stared at his right pectoral, the ten radial arrows on it. before sighing and shrugging his shoulders.

“Lets a go.” Arashi spoke in a faux Italian accent.

The ten radial arrows on his right pectoral glowed, Arashi felt a loss of stamina, at least 45% percents of it.

A giant object, that was in the shape of ten arrows in a radial pattern appeared Infront of him. the ten radial arrows started spinning, creating a small breeze.

It spun for exactly 90 seconds, vefore finally slowing down. once it completely stopped, the topmost arrow glowed in green and an created a portal directly above it.

The item fell exited the portal, Arashi moved away from the area.

Arashi observed them. a three-section staff which is connected by three rings in between each joint of the weapon.

“Playful cloud. A special grade cursed tool that does not require the use of a cursed technique, its strength relies on the raw strength of its user. Playful cloud enhances the user’s strength with its cursed energy. This weapons best trait is that it requires little to no use of cursed energy.”

Raw strength? Marigold will be happy with this.

“Round two.”

The ten radial arrows spun again. As before it spun exactly for 90 seconds before finally slowing down.

Another portal fell out of here, this time a book fell.

“Total concentration breathing.” Arashi did not need Qlee’s help since the title was written in Japanese. He picked up the book which was only a few pages thin, and flipped the pages.

The book talked about total concentration breathing and its effects, which Arashi was satisfied with. Others in his shoes would have probably been dissatisfied in not getting a breathing style, but Arashi is not.

Arashi and the boa sisters already have superhuman physiques due to eating devil fruits and also being a half-fallen angel, while this breathing technique will bring people who are human into superhuman levels, it could also bring superhumans into greater levels.

Though there was one thing that Arashi hoped he could get.

“I want to eat a pizza…” Arashi mutter to himself.

-The end.

I have written ten chapters; this is the longest number of chapters i've ever written to a single fic. Hooray for me. (Celebration emoji)

Anyway guys, I hope you’re doing well and taking care of your health.

Since I have written 10 chapters (14 on patron), I thought of doing something special, but honestly there is not a lot I could do.

Also, we have finally passed the 400 followers and 300 favorites mark, lets get past 500 and ill…do something different. Maybe an omake or side story? Or maybe ill release two chapters back-to-back. No clue, but ill do something if we pass 500 followers.

Are there any changes I should make? I would really love if you could give me advice on how to improve, afterall my end goal is to make an original fic that is at least as well known as authors pov and shadow slave. Though I’m pretty sure that won’t happen, but a guy can dream right?

[Anyway, here are some fanfics to read until next chapter.

Legend of the fool.

Type specialist.

Select your race

Deal with the devil

One big magical game.]


Anyway guys, if you like my work consider leaving a review, follow, favorite, add me to your libraries, give me power stones.

I like reading reviews and comments so make sure you do that.

Criticism is always welcomed.

Anyway, advanced chapters can be found on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / Lucinziel


Fatheroftherichnight: expys? Characters from other works can be summoned through the wheel.

Bigguy45: you got good taste.

Zet4: yup, I mean the hollow-hollow fruit was in the island, so I had to make sure to give a reasonable explantion on how perona came to eat it. yeah, I just noticed it, but my computer autocorrects nii into nee.
















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