Just My Luck-(rewrite)

chapter 2

North blue. Ghost island.

Ghost island, an island that is said to be haunted by ghosts, the spirits of the people who used to live here.

Most people have made this ground forbidden land due to rumors about ghosts, and due to the lack of valuables, no one comes here.

In the island that was said to be filled with ghosts, a dark green light appeared suddenly, the dark green light illuminated the ruins of the town that used to be filled with people.

Once the light receded, four people were present. Arashi alongside the boa sisters, that were holding on to him for dear life.

Arashi cautiously surveyed the area with his gaze, his cautiousness born out of being imprisoned for many years.

The eldest boa sister, Hancock, opened her eyes, she looked at the ruined buildings around her and then she looked at her brother with disbelief.

The other two sisters also opened their eyes simultaneously, they gaze fell on the town that seemed to be ruined due to some unforeseen disaster. While confusion and disbelief were the majority, it was overpowered by the happiness, relief and all other emotions that they felt.

“Nii-san, where are we? How did we come here-“, Hancock’s words were stopped when Arashi placed his hand on her head.

He smiled; it was a smile of filled with fulfilled hope. Tears started falling from his eyes. He looked at the three sisters and uttered the word that he yearned to say, he did not shout but his voice echoed through the ruins.

“We are free.”

His words brought tears to the eyes of the girls. They hugged him and cried on him.

They did not know how they escaped but they trusted him, so they believed his words. No matter how unbelievable it was.

It took dozens of minutes for them to calm down. the three little midgets gained a runny nose due to them crying. So, they had to constantly sniff their nose.

Arashi had an amused smile on his face seeing the three constantly sniffing their nose. After his amusement somewhat died down, he called the three girls.

“Ok. Now that your done covering me with your snot. Let’s go, we are going to search the area, so stay behind me. understand?” the boa sisters nodded their heads.

Arashi and company started investigating the town. they entered houses that were not completely destroyed. Searching for clothes that they could wear. Their current attire was already in tatters, and drenched in blood, sweat, piss and tears.

After another unsuccessful search, Hancock spoke up, her adventurous spirit was blazing to search alone.

“You know, we could search faster if we split up.”

Arashi frowned, while marigold agreed with her older sister, Sandersonia hid behind Arashi showing her thoughts on Hancock’s statement.

Arashi was conflicted. What should I do? I don’t want to leave them alone, but I also need to talk to the earring. I need to find out its motives.

Arashi frowned, he kept weighing his choices.  After several seconds of war against himself he finally came to a decision.

“Alright. Take Mari and Sonia with you. And be careful, if anything happens shout out loud. Alright?”

Hancock smiled in victory. While marigold nodded in seriousness. The only one who seemed to be against it was Sandersonia who shook her head form left to right and hugged Arashi leg like a koala bear.

“c-cant I-I st-sta-stay wi-with y-you?” Sandersonia asked, tears threatening to spill.

Before Arashi could answer her question, marigold grabbed Sandersonia and dragged her away. Marigold gave Arashi a look that seemed to say, ‘I’ll keep them busy’.

Seeing Hancock skipping and marigold dragging a tearful Sandersonia away, Arashi lips couldn’t help but curl up in amusement. Arashi shook his head.

“Looks like marigold will be a pretty good observation haki user in the future.”

“Looks like it.” a feminine voice resounded in his head.

“So, Qlippoth? FYI that’s a bad name, what are you and why did you give me that.”

“Bad! how dare you, you must have been tortured for too long. Qlippoth is an excellent name. on the topics of names, what kind of name is Arashi? Its probably the lamest name in all of existence.

“Anyway, forgetting about your insignificant name-” the earring mocked him.

“Hey, I take offence to that. Arashi means-“ Arashi tried to defend his name. but the earing did not care and simply ignored his pitiful defense.

“Storm. Yeah yeah, I know. now continuing on where I was cut off. I am the shadow of the sefirot created by a great old one who wanted to find a replacement for the sefirot. Though he only made two. Me and my sister. As an avid fanfiction reader, you would have probably heard of her.”

“Really?” Arashi asked in surprise.

“Yes. she is quite famous throughout the multiverse. Her name is Qlippothian castle.”

“Never heard of it.”

Arashi swore he never heard of it, but then the earring dropped a bomb on him.

“Her hosts call her the gamer system.”

“Gamer system!” Arashi felt goosebumps spread all over his skin, and a cold chill passed down his spine.

Though he was secretly happy, if she really is related to the gamer system then that must mean she must be OP as well


“isn’t that too overpowered?”

“no. at least she wasn’t in the beginning. In the beginning she could only give slight knowledge to her hosts. but whenever her hosts die, she absorbs everything they have. Intelligence, strength, luck, power, fate.

“She accumulated power like this for thousands of years before she became what you know now.”

A chill went down his spine. Caution and distrust bloomed in his mind.

“don’t worry. I can’t do that even if I wanted to.”

“So, what can you do?”

“didn’t I already give you all the knowledge needed to use me, or are you so stupid that you forget the stuff that I quite literally, ingrained to your mind.” The earring mocked him once again.

Arashi felt his eyes twitch.

“I know. I simply wanted to hear from you.”

“Fine. My core ability, error wheel, using the ability of door, error and wheel of fortune, I can create a- why am I even wasting time explaining this to you, simply put, using your spirituality I will open a door to different worlds, the quality and quantity of your spirituality will determine the quality and quantity of the rewards, also this ability can not be used consecutively unless you want to be killed by the powerful existences in those worlds.”

“And…” Arashi questioned, thinking that she had more abilities

“that’s it. I only have one core ability.”


“What? Got a problem with me only having one core ability.”

“Nah, wait how did I teleport then?”

“Beyonder characteristics of a traveler. I have an infinite sub-space which can store anything, when my users die, I take every item they gained including beyonder characteristics”

“I see. So, what do you actually want. You don’t expect me to believe that you chose me just because you could, right.”

“no. I want you to kill a certain someone.”


“I’ll tell you if you become a sequence 2 angel.”

“ kay, anyway where are we?”

“a safe island. Which also contains something really important.”

The boa sister entered a huge mansion that was at the center of the town.

“Big sister, i-I am scared.” Sandersonia whispered to marigold who was Infront of her.

“there’s no reason to be scared. From the looks of it this island is abandoned.”

“What if there are g-g-ghosts.”

Hancock hearing what Sandersonia said, denied the existence of ghosts.

“Ghosts. Ghosts don’t exist. Anyway, lets split up, Mari you left and Sonia you go right.”

The boa sisters split up.

Hancock entered what seemed to be the master bedroom. In the corner of the room there was a treasure chest that was covered in dust and cobwebs.

Hancock walked towards it, and cleared the cobwebs. And then opened it.

The inside of the chest was filled with gold and jewelry.

“woah.” Hancock muttered to herself in a daze. She slowly reached out her hands to grab the gold. But before she could grab it,

“ahhhhhhhh!” Sandersonia screamed in dread.

Hancock abandoned the chest without a second thought and rushed to where her youngest sister was.

“Sonia!” Hancock screamed. She met marigold on the way and both rushed towards the place Sandersonia was at.

They entered a living room and found Sandersonia next to a chair, poking at something. Since they came from behind, they could not see what Sandersonia was poking at.

“Sonia! Are you hurt?” marigold rushed towards her youngest sister.

“Oh god!” marigold jumped in fright when she came close to the chair.

Hancock relieved seeing that her youngest sister wasn’t in any danger walked closer in intrigue.

She looked at the chair, though she did get frightened a little bit, she quickly calmed down.

Seated on the chair was a skeleton that seemed to belong to a human. Though unlike her little sisters who were intrigued by the skeleton, her eyes caught something else.

Next to the chair was a small table. The oddest thing was that on top of the table, lying innocently were five fruits.

Though unlike regular fruits, these fruits looked weird. They had spirals drawn all over them, and were suspiciously colorful.

Hancock’s eyes lit up in recognition. She muttered to herself.

“Devil fruits.”

The legendary fruits of the sea, that was considered mere myths. But Hancock who was forcefully fed one by the celestial dragons instantly recognized them.

Seated on the table beside a chair which seated a dead man, was five devil fruits.

Arashi sat atop a fallen pillar and conversed with his earring.

“So, you are telling me, that this island has five extremely powerful devil fruits.”

“Yes. why else do you think I brought us here.”

“Ok. So, what now?”

“Now. you get stronger, and help me kill that bastard.”

“What if I can’t?”

“I’ll just find another host.” The tone she used caused a certain suspicion to bloom in him.

“How many times how you done this.” He asked, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

“You are my 124th user.”

“So how do I get stronger, can I choose a pathway?”

“Not really. I don’t want you to be a beyonder.”


“The will of the original creator.”


“Yeah, so rather than making you a beyonder, I have a method that can remove the will of the beyonder characteristics.”


“Why did we come here?”

“Devil fruits?”

“My somewhat adorable yet stupid host. Tsk tsk.”


“I’m going to inject the beyonder characteristics into a suitable devil fruit. Then using some complicated ritualistic magic that you probably won’t understand, I will remove the will of the characteristics. Thus, freeing you from the law of convergence and making you free from the influence of the original creator.”

“So, does this place have any suitable devil fruits?”

“It had two actually. Both zoan, snake fruit model: ouroboros and monkey-monkey fruit model: baboon.”


Chapter 02 finished.

Give me your thoughts on this chapter. This chapter may be a little bit difficult to understand to those who haven’t read the LoTM so I apologize.

Anyway, sorry for the delay, my mother took me, against my will, on a vacation alongside some of her friends (cries in introvert), so I did not have time to post chapters.

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