Just My Luck-(rewrite)

Chapter 4

“Nii-san!” marigold called, Arashi broken from his thoughts went towards her, seeing if she found something.

“You find something?” Arashi asked.

“His diary.” Marigold answers and passes the diary to Arashi.

Arashi eyebrow twitched, “you making fun of me or something?” he inwardly thought and looked at marigold who had a sly smile on her face.

“Ha Ha. Very funny, I should call you clown D. marigold.” Arashi said while giving the diary back to marigold.

“I understand the clown, but why the D.” marigold asked Arashi, confused. She saw that Arashi had his lips tightened as if he was trying hard not to laugh. Which made her even more confused.

Well, it won’t be the first time he would laugh at something weird. Last time he laughed when I said that I didn’t find wood. Though…due to him laughing he got beaten up. Marigold wondering on why he laughed gradually fell down, her thoughts wandered back to the past. Anger and a little bit of confusion

Arashi seeing the angry confused frown on marigold inwardly sighed. He patted her head.

“So, what did you find?” Arashi asked hoping to break her out of her thoughts.

“Huh? Oh yeah.” Marigold finding her bearings once again, started explaining what she found.

“The dead persons names is -was Spec D. Gardner, according to his diary he was a member of the world government, he believed in the justice of the world government-“

Arashi hearing this scoffed inwardly. Justice? Justice is probably the middle names of those celestial man-child’s.

“-he was also a devil fruit eater; he had eaten the hollow-hollow fruit. Due to this fruit and his skills, he got promoted, after the promotion he learned about the true face of the world government, “I thought that I was a savior who would bring this world salvation, but unknowingly I become the reason that others seek salivation. I believed them, thinking that they were respectable enforcers of justice. They weren’t, those fuckers are merely dogs who would bark if those celestial bastards said so”, that was what he had written after he found out about it.

He thought that he could dismantle the world government from the inside out, thus he faked allegiance to the celestial dragons, and became a member of CP5, he learned many skills from them, like a martial art called the six powers – which fortunately for us, have been written down by him – anyway, after a few months in the CP5 where he had to do many things that he wished he didn’t, he finally reached his breaking point. Though he had not written what this incident was, this incident made him unable to stay a single second in Cipher pol.”

By then, Hancock alongside Sandersonia had arrived in the living room, Hancock was dragging a boar by the tusks while walking over to Arashi and marigold.  

He killed the entire CP5, stole devil fruits, and other valuables. And also he crucified a celestial dragon in the middle of saboady.” Marigold had a bone chilling smile while she spoke about the crucified celestial dragons. And Arashi was wondering if he could also get to do something like that.

His gritted his teeth in anger, remembering the day the celestial dragons tore of his wings.

“If I was him, I would’ve done a bloody eagle.” Arashi muttered.

The boa sisters, due to their proximity heard his muttering. Sandersonia, being the curious child, she was asked Arashi.

“what’s a bloody eagle, nii-san?” Sandersonia tilted her head in confusion, Hancock and marigold also looked at Arashi in curiosity.

Arashi lost in his thoughts answered without thinking.

“The victims were placed in a prone position, their ribs severed from the spine with a sharp tool, and their lungs pulled through the opening to create a pair of "wings", also the instances that this method was recorded, it was done to members of the royal families.” Arashi explained the methods with detail, he eyes gaining a crazed luster to them.

Sandersonia took a step away from Arashi while hearing Arashi, one of the nicest people she knew, the madness emitting from his eyes made her afraid, she wasn’t concerned about the celestial dragons, rather she was concerned about Arashi, who she considers as her brother.

Hancock and marigold also had thoughts similar to their little sister, though Hancock too had a crazed smile on her face when she heard about the bloody eagle.

Hehe, I wonder If I could ever get the chance to do that. Hancock’s smile grew wider and more bloodthirsty just by imagining the celestial dragons suffering.

“Muhahahahaha.” Hancock and Arashi laughed out.

Marigold sweat dropped seeing the oldest two laughing like lunatics.

“hahaha.” Sandersonia joined them even though she had no idea why they were laughing.

Arashi cleared his throat and spoke, “ahem. You may continue.”

“Sigh. Anyway, after he killed the celestial dragon, he became wanted and gained a bounty of 800 million berries.”


“-with the help of the revolutionary army he escaped. A month later, he heard news that his hometown was destroyed, thus he came there, and hid. Occasionally when some pirates or merchants came, he would use his devil fruit to scare them.”

Hancock, who wasn’t there when marigold started talking was confused, “what was his devil fruit?”

“Hollow-hollow fruit.” Arashi replied.

“he scared the people who would come to this island using the hollow-hollow fruit-“

“How?” Sandersonia asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

“The major strength of the fruit, as demonstrated by Perona, is that it gives its user the ability to produce ghosts known as Hollows, these hollows could also make a person very negative, to the point that they would kill themselves.”

Tsk. Hancock clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.  Why is it much better than my devil fruit? Why did those bubble-brained monkeys made me eat something as stupid as the love-love fruit? Didn’t those bastards have a much better fruit than this? If I had eaten something like the hollow-hollow fruit I could’ve made them kill themselves.

“According to him, marines, pirates who seeks wealth, people who are evil will be killed by the remnant hollows he created.”

Magic? Does one piece have magic? Is this island somehow covered by some kind of barrier that will identify the people entering it.

“Awakening.” Qlee, mentally spoke to Arashi.



Rumble. The rumbling of stomach interrupted marigold, Sandersonia sheepishly rubbed the back of her head and spoke out in a voice filled with hunger.

“Can we eat while you tell what you found out? Please big sister.” Sandersonia used puppy dog eyes.

“Sure.” it was super effective.

Arashi and the boa sisters searched for the kitchen. They searched throughout the ground floor, opening doors one by one. Finally, after dozens of minutes, they found the kitchen area.

The moment they opened the door to the kitchen, their eyes turned lifeless.

Cobwebs covered the room, bugs patrolled the floor, rusty pans and pots scattered across the floor.

Arashi who witnessed the kitchen, calmed down. disappointed but not surprised, if Hancock did not bring back the boar, we would have probably eaten the bugs. Arashi lampooned intentionally.

Mother would have had a seizure if she this kitchen, she was the self-proclaimed queen of the kitchen. Heh, I remember that time when dad tried to cook something in the kitchen to surprise mom. He got his butt kicked after mom saw the remains of the kitchen. Who knew that using holy lightning to cook was a bad idea. Arashi reminisced about his past.

After a few seconds of reminiscing he called out the boa sisters.

“Sigh. Make a fire outside, ill search the kitchen for some useful items.” Arashi instructed the three.

He broke the cobwebs by waving his hands, bugs scattered in fear when he came closer.

He picked up pan and pot after pan and pot, analyzing their condition, after repeating it half a dozen times, he found a huge pan that was only rusted on the outside, he picked it up, alongside a few porcelain plates, which fortunately have not shattered, the he picked up some knives that were neither dull or rusted.

Adjusting them so that they wouldn’t fall, he left the kitchen.

Arriving outside, he saw that a small fire has been lit, Sandersonia tending to it. he passed her and went towards Hancock and marigold, and gave them the knife he got from the kitchen. Marigold accepted the knife and inspected it a bit, before she started skinning the boar.

They bled the boar and poured all of its blood in a small hole that had been dug up.

Arashi did wonder how Hancock killed it, without a weapon. Her devil fruit while powerful was not that useful against animals.

did she kill it by using punches or kicks? I forgot, while a child, Hancock is undoubtedly a member of kuja tribe, a tribe filled with woman, they are probably trained at a young age.

The tusks of the boar, were separated and given to Hancock. Hancock seeing Arashi’s confusion answered his unasked question.

“The tusk could be used to make a weapon.”

Arashi accepted It with a nod, though he did become somewhat insecure.

Marigold continued skinning the boar and separating the inedible parts of the boar with practiced ease.

Hancock sharped sticks and sticked pieces of meat that marigold gave her. Sandersonia tended the fire, making sure it wasn’t extinguished.

Arashi stared at them, feeling useless.

“Sigh. Don’t try to compare yourself. You’re a human from modern times, there is no way for you to learn about the wild.” Qlee placated her pathetic host, not because she cared but due to the fact that those with inferiority complexes were too troublesome.

Though he knew that what Qlee said was true, he couldn’t help with the idea of him being useless.

If I were to suddenly disappear, nothing would happen to them. hell, they would probably thrive. My existence in this world simply made their escape sooner. Arashi’s self-depreciating comment made him sullen.

The day passed, and evening arrived.

The four former slaves sat around the fire, all four of them devouring the meat in front of them. they devoured the meal like greedy barbarians, making sure that not even a single piece went to waste.

Tears welled up in their eyes, Sandersonia sobbed while eating.

They were slaves, slaves are only given food once every 3-4 days. The lucky ones are the ones who are able to eat their masters’ leftovers as long as they acted like dogs.

Was it degrading? Yes, yes it was. Do they care? No, no they do not. For them, who only get a single loaf a bread every 3-4 days, eating the leftovers of a meal of a celestial dragon was the greatest pleasure. It did not matter if they had to bark like dogs, it didn’t matter if they had to lick the foot from the ground. Pride meant nothing in front of overwhelming hunger.

They sobbed while eating. It was far from the greatest food they have eaten, but it was the piece of meat they ate without degrading themselves.

The sun has set, and the moon has risen. The sea of stars filled the night sky.

Laid on the ground was some bedsheets and blankets. The bonfire still burning brightly.

They did not sleep inside the mansion, due to how cold, dusty it was. So they opted to bring some bedsheets and blankets so they could lie down near the fire.

Arashi was staring at the sky, his eyes reflected the nigh-infinite stars that littered the night sky.

He heard the sound of footsteps approaching him, they placed a couple of bedsheets on each side of him and laid down.

The boa sisters joined Arashi in his star gazing.

Hancock stared at the stars then back to her brother, unfortunately not by blood, who was engrossed at star gazing.

Waiting for a couple of silence, Hancock talked to him, using a phrase that he taught her.

“a berry for your thoughts?” hearing the phrase made Arashi curl his lips slightly, he sighed and started speaking, his voice filled with sadness.

“It just that I found how useless I was? Even if I never existed you three would survive, no, you three would thrive.”

The boa sisters did not question on how he knew that, they learned long ago that he could see the future. He promised them that they would be saved when Hancock was about sixteen, though they somehow escaped sooner than expected.

Hancock thought hard on what to say, but she opted to speak her heart.

“Do you remember when we first met?” Hancock turned and stared at the sky.

A smile filled nostalgia plastered on her face. The three boa sisters surround the son of Baraqiel.


Chapter 04 done.

Did anyone else watch the one piece live action series, I only watched episode one. Was I the only one who was slight pissed of the slight differences between the live action and the anime?

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