Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 30: Kara meeting Raven

Her eyes opened abruptly. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were clenched shut. Drops of sweat ran down her forehead. It was always a shock the first few times around, but she would get used to it. With this kind of training, she would be formidable in no time at all, even her hand-to-hand combat would improve in leaps and bounds.

I had figured that would be the best training for her. Image training was a great meditation technique to improve her mental and her combat skills. One could practice fighting at one's limits with almost no side effects even if one died.

The only disadvantage was the fact that one needed a training partner and that it didn't really train the body, but we could train in the gravity chambers which would remedy that.

I probably would want to show her the chamber soon before she accidentally killed herself by unknowingly activating my settings. Before that, though I should give her some time to get used to image training.

I was quite excited to train with Raven. She was arguably the best training partner I could currently train with. She wasn't a natural telepath like the Martian Manhunter, but her empathetic affinity made up for that. Her empathic abilities gave image training a surprising effect on the emotional spectrum that I hadn't felt when training with the martian.

Just the glimpse at her ability to learn and adapt during the training, not to mention the vast source of her psychic energy, made me realize that her potential was almost frightening. She could easily be more formidable than her brothers could ever hope to be and that was without any dimensions to boost her.

In fact, I thought that the dimension might be more of a shackle to her. If she decided to control all her potential, she would be much more than anything that dimension could offer.

It would take time, however, she was still inexperienced, but if she could express her might to its fullest, then there would be no need to worry about Trigon being able to enter this dimension. She alone would be enough to stop him.

Of course, I hadn't met Trigon yet, but from what I knew of the cartoon she should be able to content with him at the very least. I rotated my shoulder. It was still sore from my gravity training last night. Raven seemed to have picked up on it.

"W-want a massage?" She asked hesitantly. "In Azarath I learned some ways to relax one's body if you want to..." She added after she saw my surprised expression.

I nodded at that and was about to sit on the floor in front of the couch, but she directed me to lie on the couch while saying that it would give her better access to my entire back.

Not thinking much of it, I laid face down on the couch. I felt her mount my lower back and I shivered slightly when I felt her powers crawl on my skin through my shirt. It moved my muscles in a weird pattern and I felt my muscles melt under her touch.

All the tension from training left my muscles, it was almost orgasmic. She slowly went lower and swept away every uneasiness that I had felt. She hesitated before moving on to my hamstrings and then to my feet.

After my backside felt completely relaxed, I unconsciously turned around. It wasn't until I felt her hands covered in darkness massaging my chest and shoulders that I opened my eyes. She was leaning over me. Our eyes locked and her cheeks slightly reddened before she reconcentrated on massaging me.

I closed my eyes to avoid any awkward eye contact and found myself thinking about my situation. Though that seemed to be a bad idea as it was making me panic the more I thought about it. My childhood crush was living in my house and was now massaging me.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have offered her a place with me. Maybe I should have just organized her an apartment..., but when I thought about how happy she had been- it felt like I had made the right choice.

As long as I didn't make a move on her it should be fine, right? ...I mean I have platonic relationships with two other attractive females... Kara would be so mad once she heard about my new roommate... Sigh. This wouldn't end well.

She finished with massaging my hand and I could guess that she would have to either move on to my face or legs. Kara had been away for a while, so I was backed up, which made me want to avoid any unnecessary accidents. In the end, I spoke up, preventing her from continuing this massage.

I quickly thought of a reason to get out of this predicament, "You know I have a similar massaging technique." I said while quickly standing up. I mainly said it to get out of the massage but I wasn't lying about having said technique.

A body scan meditation coupled with ki was wondrous to relax once muscles. If it wasn't so tedious to do it on myself I would do it more than just once a week. I had already used it on others, so I knew for a fact that it felt as good as her technique.

She was startled by me speaking up all of the sudden. I picked her up and placed her on the couch. I was about to massage her back but noticed that her cloak was in the way.

"Ah, of course only if you want to." I barely added before the cloak vanished.

"It's okay."

My jaw clenched slightly. Why did she have to wear a leotard? I should have just gone to sleep... Just. Just focus on the task. The ki gathered in my hands and I gently pressed on her back. She yelped probably at my suddenly unusually warm hands.

There were some - read a lot of -  knots in her back muscle. Probably because of that poor excuse of a bed in her hideout. I felt her knots quickly loosen after I put some work into them.

"...More to the right~" W-was her tone slightly sexual? No- she was just enjoying a good massage. I would have to stop soon before I bricked up. Just think about something else, like the possibility of me becoming a Super Saiyan soon...That did not help.

"Hmm~" She seemed to realize what sound she made as she turned red before she bashfully pressed her face into the pillow...

"AHEM!" A fake cough sounded out. I looked up behind me to find Kara with a bag in hand which she forcefully dropped to the ground.


"Oh, hey long time no see..." Nathan said nonchalantly before stepping away from a young woman in a leotard on the couch. His poker face was almost perfect, but she already knew the tell-tales. He was on edge.

The young woman sat up and shyly looked at her with a red face and her heart rate went up. It was obvious that she was embarrassed to be found like this... or she was aroused.  The woman seemed to recognize her too.

"Perfect timing. You have to experience it for yourself. She is really good." What now? She froze in disbelief as he looked at Nathan who regarded her unnaturally neutrally. He was up to something, she could feel it. In a blur, he sat her down in front of the woman who seemed to be as surprised as she was.

"Go ahead. Do your massage thing!" Nathan said now with a smile on his face. Was he for serious? Kara didn't know if she should be throwing a tantrum or not. She had initially come here with an apology on her lips, but now she wasn't sure how to react anymore.

She thought he was still digesting the previous event. She felt bad for not being with him here. She just needed some time for herself and not be reminded by the surroundings of what she did.

After the talk with Nathan, she knew that if she doubted herself, it might make him feel like she was blaming him as well, so although she felt guilty about it, she used the excuse of helping a friend to stay out of this city for a while. Him pulling another girl was not what she had hoped for.

After being sat down she stared at the nonchalant Nathan before feeling something touch her shoulder and she instantly felt how her muscles melt under the touch of the girl behind her. The feeling extended down her back and made her feel like she was in heaven.

"Kara, it had been a while. You seem tense, just relax for a moment, okay?"

The massage and his voice reminded her of what Nathan sometimes did to make her lose her mind. Usually, he would do it somewhere else than her back, but this was nice for a change. She indulged in the memory of previous experiences which in turn transformed the back massage into a full-body experience. Her toes curled up and her thighs clenched together.

She could feel her body vibrate slightly. Her voice came out involuntarily as she got lightheaded. Thankfully the feeling on her back vanished just after she finished. Her eyes lazily opened up to see a shocked Shallot, making her remember who had been massaging her.

She hurriedly stood up, but her legs turned into jelly, not being able to support her as she crashed into Nathan. He reacted quickly and helped her sit on the couch.

She glanced at the woman next to her who was avoiding eye contact. Her face was bright red and her own face heated up as well at the thought of what happened just now.

"Right... This is Raven. She will be living with me from now on." Nathan told Kara with finality. She wondered what had happened in just 4 days. She glanced over to Raven.

'A young beauty and to top it off she was Nathan's type. No wonder, he had a hard-on. Fuck. I can't believe this...' Kara was still mad at Nathan for straight-up telling her what his type was. Shouldn't the boyfriend tell his girlfriend that she was his type?? Kara did not look like a big tidied goth girl at all! She was almost the complete opposite, except her boobs which were decently sized!

No. Her Nathan wouldn't just approach someone normal even if it was someone his type, she couldn't be an ordinary big tidied goth girl, right? Wait, was that a gem on her forehead?

"You two probably want to catch up. I am going upst-" Raven hurriedly began but was interrupted when Nathan hushed her. He pulled out the in-ear bud and put it inside his ear.

She could hear what the Justice League were saying and knew that this wasn't something he could decline. As expected he stopped the communication after saying he would be there in a second. He vanished for a moment before returning to the spot with his full hero suit on, which meant his armor and scouter.

"I have to go, an emergency call from the Watchtower... Kara, be nice to her and Raven... good luck." He left after saying that. Why was she the one reminded to be nice? She wasn't the one stealing anyone's boyfriend!

A sigh escaped her after staring at the spot where he vanished. The timing couldn't be any worse. She just wanted to make it up to him, but now he had to leave. Well, at least it would give her time to figure out what this... girl wanted from her boyfriend.

She stretched her hand out to Raven who blankly looked at it before accepting the handshake, "So, Raven, huh? I am Supergirl, but I guess you can call me Kara... You made one hell of a first impression." 'but don't think that will save you.' Kara added mentally.

Her expression was still normal or innocent as some would say, but the words that could flow out of her mouth nowadays could be as dirty as she wanted. This was the perfect time to use what she had learned from Black Cat.

The slutty facial expressions didn't suit her, but she was verbally armed to make any girl lose confidence in herself and back away from her man.

Raven nodded at her, "I heard a lot about you. You are an inspiration for many young women. I too thought you are admirable."

"...Thanks-" Great, she was using compliments to deflect any malice she had for her, but she shouldn't have used that compliment. She had read in the newspaper all too often. 'Supergirl and Wonder Woman showing the world what women could do.' She couldn't bring herself to be happy about it.

She wasn't the hero all thought her to be, not truly. She was just a normal teenage girl, at least that was how she felt. Even when her own cousin talked about his sense of responsibility and being a symbol of hope for the people, she couldn't help but suspect that he expected her to be more.

Even though she was already running around in her suit saving people. She didn't know if she had it in herself to stand in the face of death as Shallot did. After all, there were few things in this world that could actually harm her and most things would rather aim at her cousin. "-but sometimes I don't think that is a good thing. To be an 'inspiration', I mean.

From time to time I feel pressured with all the expectations the people have for me, you know? The people don't know who I really am and I am not comfortable that people interpret my every action as the goodness in personification."

Not to mention what did it mean to be an inspiration? Was she truly helping the people with that? Or was she inspiring young women to act in false bravado? Inspiring them to be heroes even though it would be a death sentence for them. There was a reason why she could do the things that she did. She was one of the few Kryptonians left. Immensely powerful without having to acquire it, much to Nathan's chagrin.

Though she shouldn't dump her troubles on her, Kara thought, she had been too tense right now and after the sudden relaxation, she felt comfortable to just release all her stress, especially after her usual source of relaxation had left just now. Maybe she felt a bit too comfortable, having already forgotten that she wanted to make Raven feel uncomfortable with Felicia's lessons.

"Oh, I- sorry..." Raven was startled by the sudden revelation and looked at Kara who blankly looked ahead while having a sad smile on her face.

Maybe it was just to expel the somber atmosphere, but Raven responded with something she held close to her heart as she shook her head, "... I know a thing or two about people having 'expectations' of you... I can only speak for myself, but I am glad that I got to know of your deeds.

I have struggled a lot to come to terms with what my life means, but you helped me realize that I couldn't continue to hide and run away. I had to stand my ground and fight if I wanted to live my own life. People will interpret your action and words however they like. In the end, you live your life for yourself and not for anyone else..."

With surprise written on her face, Kara turned towards Raven, who looked at her hand. Raven seemed lost in thought and even though her expression almost hadn't changed, she looked incredibly lonely. Kara felt that even though Raven spoke to her, her words weren't truly directed at her.

"...I- Wow...I am happy that I could help you..." She was a bit overwhelmed and didn't know what to say, so she just went with the first thing that came to her mind, "...I hope that you can keep fighting and that you are able to live your life, however you want to, though can I give you some advice?"

Raven perked up, "Find people that will help you. Life is already difficult enough and it will only be harder without friends." Kara advised Raven but the situation was reversed. Now she felt like she was addressing herself and not Raven.

Raven smiled as she looked to the side as she seemed to remember something, "You know Nathan said the same thing. I should find friends and something to do. There is only so much time I can spend reading books and meditating before I socially 'wither' away."

Kara chuckled slightly, "Makes sense, he said something similar to me and I found it to be valuable advice, though I am still struggling"

"You? You struggle to find friends?" Raven looked at her in disbelief.

Kara pointed at herself, "Alien remember? I don't really have childhood friends, so I have to consciously go out there and find people to befriend."

"Ah right-" Raven began and Kara knew to what conclusion she came. What happened to her home planet wasn't a secret to the public. Still, her lips thinned slightly as she thought about it. It wasn't that long ago when she lost everyone she knew and her entire culture, but nowadays she could take it a lot better.

Raven picked up on her mood as she started to apologize, but Kara waved her off. The two fell into silence. If it weren't for the somber themes, this scenario was rather chuckle-worthy. They had barely met and were already dumping some heavy emotional topics onto each other. Kara started speaking again, "What about you, where do you come from?"

"I- A place called Azarath, but it has already been a while since I left... I am not sure if I will ever return." Raven didn't elaborate as she seemingly looked into the far distance. Kara hesitated to question her further about it since it was clearly a sensitive topic.

"I see... Nathan decided to take you in because you had nowhere to go?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, that was one reason. I also asked him to help me fight a demon..." She didn't continue, but it cleared some questions Kara had. Though some new questions popped up in her mind.

The past event of her being possessed by that demon was still fresh in her mind and now Raven might be targeted by a demon. She couldn't help but feel bad for her. She now knew why Nathan decided to take her in.

"No wonder he took you in. You triggered his protective instinct while stimulating his desire to battle." Kara sighed out helplessly, "He sometimes just can't help it." She said that but in her mind, she too had already made up that she needed to protect Raven.

"His protective instinct? It doesn't seem that way, with what he had been saying over the days. It seemed that he was more eager to throw me at them to deal with them myself."

Kara cracked a smile. "Yeah, I could see that. In his words, it would be more harmful if he tried to 'shelter' his loved ones from all dangers than it was to toughen them up.

No matter how much he tried he would never be able to protect everyone all the time, so instead of letting his loved ones remain weak, he would try his best to make them stronger, so they could contend against any danger themselves if they need to."

"Makes sense..."

"Yeah, he will probably expose you to danger in a controlled manner, so once he isn't around you could deal with anything yourself."

Kara saw how Raven thought about her words. Raven seemed to agree to the notion of putting getting stronger above being protected. Kara knew the expression Raven made just now. She was eager to train... Hopefully, she wouldn't turn out to be a training maniac like Nathan.

"With that mentality... No wonder he trains every night as if he is obsessed. So, he is someone that is worried if one wasn't strong enough, huh?" Raven shook her head amused.

Kara snickering at that, "Well, that is one reason, but he just likes to push himself to new 'heights'. Most of the people he surrounds himself with are rather strong and don't need his protection.

He mostly does it for himself. It was also the reason he had agreed to join the Justice League because it would give him the opportunity to fight some strong bad guys, oh and because of the free food, I guess."

"Doesn't really sound heroic." Raven frowned at the thought.

To which Kara giggled, "Yeah. He is sometimes anything but heroic or 'morally aligned', but I think that makes him a better person than most heroes." Raven looked confused, which Kara could relate to.

"As long as you stick around. You will see what I mean." Kara playfully winked at her.

Raven scratched her head before sighing, "It had been only 4 days and I already saw so many sides of him. When I first met him I hadn't even considered that he might be able to sit in one place for hours, but here he was, having an entire library of books that he apparently had read while also meditating in his free time. Now you are saying he sometimes isn't heroic while being a hero?"

Kara laughed at her distress, "Not only not heroic, but he could be a dick to the civilians. Though that hadn't decreased his popularity with the city. Quite the opposite actually. The people love him for being 'real' or something.

He is a man with multiple facets, sometimes a hypocrite too. One of the more shoking revelations was to find out that he liked to cook and bake as well. Though with him being a glutton it made sense that he knew how to make his meals more appetizing. He sometimes teaches me how to as well..."

Her words lured out a groan out of Raven, "Don't remind me. It took me hours to make a simple waffle even though he laid out a recipe!"

"Pfft. I get that." Kara laughed when she remembered how she too struggled with the simplest meals. Fortunately, she had improved a lot.

"What's up with him so generous as well?" Raven spoke out again, "The moment he knew I hadn't a home, he invited me to his place, then proceeds to let me have an entire room for myself, especially after knowing who I was-"

Raven said with a frown but she didn't seem to be dissatisfied just genuinely confused that Nathan would help her out.

Kara couldn't help but smugly smile, after all that was her man, how could she feel bad about hearing someone praise him like that? Though she wondered how Raven managed to get past that little wall Nathan built up against strangers.

Although he might feel inclined to guide her to a place to crash, he wouldn't invite her to live in his home permanently. He wasn't someone that showed his kindness easily apart from being a hero. It was something she realized by being around him.

Even though he had been very welcoming to her in the beginning as well, other people with tragic backgrounds didn't enjoy that unconditional generosity. Was it because they were girls? ...No, there were girls that he had helped as a hero would too, but not like a friend as he did with Kara or Raven.

Maybe it was because this unassuming girl was also incredibly strong? Not that looks decided how strong one was. She herself was unassuming. Kara filed the possible reasons for Nathan being uncharacteristically helpful into the back of her mind.

"Not to mention doing all that while controlling this savage side of his." Raven mostly spoke to herself now but Kara easily picked it up with her super-hearing.

"You saw that side of him already? He can be wild sometimes, especially fights and... in other things."

"Yeah, we had to fight and he let loose. Not something I could forget..." Raven answered easily. Over the span of their conversation she had eased up a lot and was conversing much more freely with Kara.

Maybe it was the heavy topics right at the start of the conversation, but she felt like they could talk about anything with Kara. Kara was the same, which was why she didn't think much as she kept answering automatically.

Kara sighed slightly when she heard her speak about his savage side. She leaned into the couch while dreamily responding "Unforgettable and sexy as well."

"Indeed. That contrast of his kindness and his controlled aggressiveness..." Raven answered before her mouth fell shut with a snap.

Kara gasped as she turned towards her in surprise. "Finally someone gets it!" Kara spoke out as if she had found a kindred spirit. "It is not his strength or body that makes him attractive! It is more than that. It is how he behaves and cares about you. How he would face the entire world for you while controlling even the most savage side of himself!"

Raven nodded hesitantly at that, thinking about her own circumstances. Even when the entire Justice League rejected her plead, Nathan was ready to give her a helping hand. As well as how he had avoided her while he charged at her as he felt that boundless rage...

Kara took Raven's hands into hers, startling the young half-demon. "We have so much to talk about!" Kara stared into Raven's eyes as if she wanted to peer at her soul.

"Eh?" Raven was confused, but Kara didn't care. Although Maxima and Felicia had befriended Nathan and her as well, their main motivation for a deeper relationship could be boiled down to Nathan's physical appearance and strength. Now she finally found someone that appreciated Nathan for the right reasons.

Kara pulled Raven into her embrace and Raven couldn't do anything against her. Kara was just too strong for her, so Raven just let her. Not to mention Kara's enthusiasm towards Raven felt incredibly welcoming.

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