Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 37: Ambush

The sun shone on my face, waking me up. I should really get some new curtains asap. Maybe install something on the outside, so Kara wouldn't be able to rip it down. I looked down and saw her clinging to my body. She slept peacefully and even had a slight smile on her face. It had only been a week, but after we had that talk she seemed much more relaxed.

I pulled the blanket away and admired her naked body. She was lying half on my body with one leg angled. I pushed a strain of hair behind her ear, so I could see her face better. I rubbed her cheeks and brushed over her glistening lips with my thumb.

My gaze wandered down her figure. Flawless. That was how I would describe her. An 11 out of 10. My hands wandered down her sides, brushing against her sideboob.

Hmm? Are her breasts getting bigger? I cupped her right one the moment I assumed that. She wasn't flat, her breasts were decent, but it seemed like she hadn't stopped growing. As a 17-year-old it shouldn't be strange that she was still growing right?

My little fondling seemed to have woken her up. She rubbed her eyes before looking at me sleepily, "Goo-aahhh mornin'" She yawned as she said that before blindly grabbing towards the blanket, but I quickly threw it to the ground.

"Mou, please I am cold." She pouted as she said that with a straight face. We both knew that she wasn't cold and just wanted a blanket. To be fair, I also didn't like to lie in bed without one either, but I wouldn't give it to her.

"No." I flatly refused her which prompted her to show an exaggerated expression of betrayal.

"Why didst thee betray me??" She put the back of her hand on her forehead as if she was about to faint.

"So, I can admire you." I said as I watched her. She hadn't bothered to cover herself up. It was only after I said it did she blush deeply red before she covered her breasts with one arm while her other hand covered her crotch. I loved how easily she could be flustered by a genuine compliment.

I propped up my head while my eyes did not leave her form, "You know you just made it more than twice as sexy."

"You are such a pervert." She said as her eyes wandered over my body as well. Going from my arms over my chest to my stomach before stopping a bit lower. She tore her eyes away from my tower opting to lock eyes with me.

"Could you stop frustrating me? You know I can't..." I shrugged at her response as if I was the problem that she was getting horny again.

"It is your wish to have me use Ikari." She had requested this every time we now laid together and as a result, she would be too sore the next morning. The gap between our strengths was pretty big and it only showed signs of closing when she decided to join my training.

I don't know if there was an upper limit of solar absorption for a Kryptonian, but she was still growing stronger every day and with how I was pushing her lately, her gains were accelerating.

If I had to guess she was already around the ballpark of 900k soon closing in on a power level of a million. It wasn't accurate since I could feel that she was stronger than that, but that was how much strength she could pull out of her body.

She finally was able to lower her strength as well. Although she couldn't grasp the concept of her life force she could somewhat influence her solar energy inside her body. I wasn't too surprised since she manipulated her energy to literally fire lasers out of her eyes already.

After training with the new gravity for the past week my power level probably sat about 3.7 million.

So, with my normal strength, I was a bit more than 4 times as strong as her but the gap in our strength didn't seem to bother her. Quite the opposite actually. She was turned on the easier I could throw her around in the bedroom, to the point that she wanted me to be 40 times as strong as her with my Ikari State.

Maybe once she was able to close the gap between us completely she would ask me to turn into a Super Saiyan in bed instead. I chuckled slightly at that thought, to which she narrowed her eyes, but she didn't say anything.

"By the way did you manage to borrow Wonder Woman's lasso?"

I rolled my eyes at that, "How can I ask if you don't want her to know what we are using it for? You think she would just hand it over, no questions asked?"

She turned on her stomach and let her face fall into the pillow as she sighed out, "I don't like the Kryptonite cuffs, they make me feel so weak." I slid next to her, squeezing her buttocks. She turned her head towards me as she pressed her rear against my hands. Maybe I should look into strengthening materials with ki, that way I could just use any regular rope instead of a divine one.

I gave her a hard slap, turning her cheek slightly red. She yelped slightly before it turned into a moan. "Alright, enough of that. You are still sore remember?", turning her moan to a groan.

I stood up and was about to freshen up in the bathroom, but I stopped for a moment before I looked at her.

"What?" She asked when she saw me watch her.

"I love you."

"...Hmph. Only because I sucked your dick last night."

"Wow, much comeback, very great, but technically, I fucked your face."

"That is not-" She opened her mouth trying to deny, but she knew I was right, so she opted for glaring at me. I saw the opportunity and pinched her cheek. She angrily slapped my hand away before heading for the bathroom to occupy it before I could, though I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to walk with some extra pep.


We walked downstairs and saw Raven read her book. She only glanced at us, coughing slightly before she began to speak, "I wanted to ask you how I could activate the automatic repair mode of the anti-gravity androids."

She was already using the anti-gravity androids for target practice while I annoyed her with telepathic and telekinetic attacks. The attack mode of these androids was useful for her as well.

With that, I didn't even need to actively pay attention to her training for her to improve daily. While she used the androids and the artificial gravity to toughen up and improve, I could work on improving my techniques.

My cloning technique was already paying off since I could use a clone to fight Kara while I focused on some other technique that I wanted to develop. I wasn't out to get Zenkais while training and I couldn't improve my hand-to-hand combat by a large margin with Kara anyway.

Of course, having a training partner was almost always better, especially so when one was better in one aspect and the other in another, but currently, my expertise outclassed the two girls that had joined my training which might make them improve rapidly, but it wasn't too beneficial for me besides the Zenkai if I lowered my power level.

Speaking of training that would be beneficial to me, I was thinking about getting used to Super Saiyan now that I could enter it at will, but I wasn't handling the power leakage very well.

As soon as I tried to transform I would create a commotion. The gravity chamber would be in shambles if I tried it in there. I also would create a weather phenomenon and resulting unrest in Portland as well. I would have to do it in space.

Of course, I could use my Zenkais to increase my strength which might be helpful with transforming since I wouldn't struggle to raise my strength over the edge to transform, but I also wasn't sure if it helped me truly the transformation itself. Once I had more power I might even struggle more.

"Sure, I will show you, but you just have to turn on the bulgier robot at the shelf A2 and place the broken androids into the basket." Just after I said that I got an emergency call from the Justice League. Was this now a weekly occurrence?

One week after we founded the League, the demons attacked Portland, another week later we had a confrontation with Atlantis, and now another week later Themyscira was almost annihilated by Hades, which I was still pissed about missing, and now another thing popped up.

It was one thing to do some rescues, but world-ending scenarios seemed to be the norm, not that I hadn't known it since this was one dangerous universe. I wasn't sure if I truly hoped for it to be calmer.

On one hand, I got to fight some supervillains, on the other a longer period of nothing happening would be alright with me. I could use some peaceful time to increase my skills in various techniques and transformation while also increasing in strength.

My gravity chamber would only improve in the next few days and weeks, so that was something I could look forward to. Even without any enemies I would become stronger and be able to transform into a Super Saiyan at will without destroying my surroundings.

To be fair with my time-slowing device in development, it was only a matter of time, no pun intended. I would have enough time to grow stronger soon. I had the feeling that a big fight was about to welcome me and I couldn't be too prepared.

I, at least, knew of some fiends that I wouldn't want to encounter currently. Mainly Darkseid and Trigon since they had already shown that they were around, though there were probably a lot more that I didn't know off yet who might be even worse than these two.

Raven seemed to have correctly interpreted my expression as she sighed out and looked towards Kara, "Can you show me how to operate the repair android?"

Kara was eating some noodles at the moment. She only gave a thumbs-up before slurping up the noodles.

"I will try to make it before dinner, but don't wait for me." I said before changing into my battlesuit and scouter. I told them goodbye and made my way towards the Watchtower.

Unfortunately, I couldn't use my clones to do my Justice League duty. Currently, it was too strenuously the further the clone was. I would have to spend more and more concentration on maintaining a clone. If it exceeded the range of a city it would worsen to the point where I had to sit down cross-legged and spent my entire focus on remote controlling my clones.

I had to find a way to remove myself from the equation while still benefitting from its existence. It was currently out of my reach, but I was getting there.

In a blink of an eye, I reached the space station and was smoothly let inside. I immediately sensed who was present. I quickly entered the control center.

"What are the others doing?" I fist-bumped Hawkgirl.

"We couldn't reach Batman or Wonder Woman. The Flash seemed busy handling some villains in his city, he didn't seem right for the job anyway, so he wasn't informed. Zatara is following a lead about Trigon's son, Greed, and we hadn't heard from him since a few hours ago."

"So, what was the emergency again?"

"Well, we send you the message because of a giant asteroid that was heading towards earth. We need to destroy it before it becomes a threat to the planet. Superman and Martian Manhunter are already preparing the ship with some explosives."

"Alright, I will join them then. I assume that you are going to coordinate us from here?"

"Yeah, I will tell you what to do but the previous scans already told us what was necessary to prepare."

I chatted a bit with her about all the details of its trajectory, current location, and the size of it. Apparently, it was already near Saturn and its size was approaching 30 miles in radius. Additionally, we only saw it now because it might only come around every few hundred years.

I headed down to the hangar and found the Martian and the Kryptonian loading up the ships with two 8 meters tall and 4-meter wide explosives. It had four blades on one side, which ought to be the side that would go into the asteroid, while the other side had a giant screen and control panel to start the countdown with.

There were only two and when I arrived they already had them put inside. I went in and prepared the jet/spaceship called the 'Javelin' for take-off.

"I thought you didn't know how to operate it." Superman said surprised as he saw me prepare everything.

"Piloting an aircraft is a useless skill to me, but everything concerning space should be considered seriously." I responded. I didn't know everything about the spaceship, but I knew the most important bits.

"Preparing it for flying through air or water is mostly done the same on this." He said amused while putting something into the shelf underneath the main seat inside the cockpit.

"And I know how to prepare for that as well. Just because I didn't listen during Green Lantern's lessons about flying maneuvers, doesn't mean I don't know the important things. Besides I had read his manuals and they were rather basic, so no harm done missing that particular lesson."

He chuckled slightly but didn't say anything as we all finished up with our little tasks. We strapped in and headed to our rogue asteroid. The spaceship was even capable of FTL speeds, so we reached it rather quickly, in about twenty minutes.

After arriving we checked in with Hawkgirl and after confirming that our communication was still connected, we headed for the ramp. They grabbed their spacesuits and I couldn't help and ask them.

"Do you even need spacesuits?" My question was more directed to the Martian because I wasn't sure how martian physique worked.

I knew that Superman could withstand the harsh conditions of space. Hell, even I could survive in outer space. It wasn't that we could remain in space indefinitely, but as long as we could breathe or hold our breath we would be able to withstand everything else that came with being in outer space.

"The inner valves and chambers inside my air canals are very dense and greatly enhanced compared to ordinary humans, giving me an extended time that I would be able to hold my breath in outer space. Everything else would leave me unaffected, though it doesn't mean I find the conditions pleasant." The Martian answered simply while putting on the spacesuit.

We would only be out for a few minutes but I guess it wasn't that important to start an argument about it and when they were more comfortable with a suit on then I would just let them. I too took a space suit although I even wore the nth-metal amulet that I got from that bird-guy on planet Arva on which I stranded after I transmigrated.

It had the neat ability to let me keep breathing even in space, so I didn't even have to worry about getting my spacesuit torn up.

We flew outside and landed on the asteroid. Stabbed something into it and after analyzing what the asteroid was made of Martian Manhunter read off the elements the rock consisted of. The materials matched with what the Watchtower had initially picked up on, but we sent the data to the Watchtower anyway. All according to protocol.

We then backed off a bit from the asteroid before Superman's voice sounded out in the helmet's built-in speakers, "Ready for the fireworks?"

"You know I could just blow it up with a ki attack." I commented as I watched the sizeable asteroid.

"Well, this is more fun for me." Superman said before pressing on the detonator. I heard a connection coming through from the Watchtower but it was already too late as the explosives activated.

The explosives ignited and it seemed like pressure inside the rock exploded outwards, making me widen my eyes. My perception of time turned the explosion into a crawl, an explosion several magnitudes higher than what the explosives were capable of. This wasn't an explosion to take out a 30-mile asteroid but an explosion to take out a small planet.

My hands rose and my ki churned almost instantly. My strength rose back to its natural state as fast as I could before I pushed my ki out into a screen of pressure in front of us.

Covering the three of us and the Javelin. The metal from the asteroid crashed into my barrier.  Because my ki shield was released so abruptly, it was sloppily made at the edges. A lot of propelled metal pieces tore through it, being diverted only a tiny amount before they brushed against the Javelin.

A bit of force caused by the explosion got through the barrier and I could see how Superman whiplashed while both he and Martian Manhunter were flung into the Javelin tearing through its wings. I should have stuck around closer I realized.

The explosion covered my entire view and apparently surrounded me as I felt the heat from my back. I could hear how the Javelin was moved out of my protective front and into the lingering explosion.

I held on for several moments before everything calmed down again. I glanced around where the asteroid had been but found only small pieces that would burn up in the atmosphere if it ever approached earth. Looking back at the Javelin and the two Leaguers, I saw that they were in a sorry state.

I wasn't sure if we could use the Javelin to fly back to earth, but I could already guess that we would most probably have to carry it back.

Initially, I had assumed that explosive gas was inside the asteroid that we hadn't detected beforehand, but after seeing the giant spaceship of unknown origin and definitely alien, I knew that it was some sort of ploy instead of a natural mishap.

Should have figured as much. It couldn't be easy in this universe, could it? I looked at the two heroes that were out for the count and our damaged ship and knew that it wouldn't be easy to escape and rescue the two at the same time, so I decided to see what they wanted from us.

I played unconscious and waited for the ship to approach us. Maybe this would turn out to be more exciting than an asteroid.


They brought us into a cell with several other creatures. Although it was dark, I could tell that everyone looked different from their next. They were similarly groaning, and all were chained up. There was another thing they all had in common. They were strong. At least their life force was abundant.

I didn't like being chained up at all. If it weren't for the rather normal restraints, I would have already gone on a rampage. However, I refrained from doing so. I hadn't been a hero for half a year yet, but usually, when someone ambushed me, there was someone tougher who was giving the orders. It made me somewhat excited about having someone to fight.

My blood was already boiling at the thought of a little tussle. Besides being excited about a fight, I made a habit of finding out who the mastermind behind ambushes was. Whoever ambushed us was about to have a bad time.

We were flying for a bit before Superman stirred awake. From a ceiling window, I saw two red lizard people observe us or, more specifically, Superman. Superman looked around and first found me.

"You alright, Shallot?"

"Yeah, but I am not sure about Martian Manhunter, but at least his mind seemed to be alright." I said, directing his attention to the unconscious Martian.

Superman straightened himself before trying to snap out of his bounds, but as soon as he put some force into it, he was electrified, leaving him powerless afterward.

I could help him and I was sure he could power through it if he pulled on the cuffs quickly, but from what I have heard we weren't far from our destination, so I didn't mention it.

"They said we will be arriving soon. Something about a War World, do you know something about it?" The two spectators that had observed him spoke about Superman being a Kryptonian and therefore being perfect for this 'War World'.

Superman weakly shook his head.


After getting off the ship, we were guided somewhere underground, at least the surroundings looked like some sort of underground spartan prison cell. There were several people tied up to the walls or in smaller cells.

We were soon separated from each other. It seemed like Superman was to be brought to a normal cell while Martian Manhunter and I were brought somewhere else.

The moment we entered a bigger room, I was hit with a wave of dead and fishy scent. It was almost unbearable with the many rotting corpses. Both of us were thrown to the ground next to a larger water pool. The water was green and murky with corpses lying on the edge of the pool.

After the guards left, a ginormous crocodile jumped out of the pool, swiped a corpse before dragging it deep underwater.

I stood up and looked around. It seemed like Martian Manhunter and I were supposed to be disposed of. Looked like they didn't know much about us.

Another crocodile jumped out of the pool with his mouth wide open. Its numerous sharp teeth, ready to devour us. I could already smell the rotting stench of the countless corpses it had devoured coming out of its mouth.

Like the one before it. It was easily 30 meters long. Its life force would even give a low-class Saiyan a run for their money, but that was about it. It was clear that it was only here as trash disposal.

I slashed down with my hand, creating a blue ki blade. Midair the crocodile divided down the middle and fell on both of our sides. I looked at the lower torso and tail of the creature and found it to be uncut. The ki blade I formed quickly drained my energy, so I cut the energy supply as I dismissed the technique.

I clenched my fist wondering why it was so difficult to maintain it. Although I hadn't put too much effort into improving its efficiency yet, it shouldn't be this consuming. I shook my head. I turned my sights to the corpse and with surprising great difficulties I telekinetically pushed the corpse into the water pool and let it devour by its specimen.

The sight of one of their own getting killed this easily seemed to have made the other crocodile-like creatures afraid as they didn't dare to come close to the edge anymore.

I walked next to the Martian and tapped his cheek - pause - with my backhand, stirring him awake. He looked around confused.

"Wh-what happened? Where are we?" He asked as I propped him up. Superman landed next to us just as we stood up.

"Good, you two are fine." He stated relieved.

"I am not sure, but let's get out of here first. The stench is unbearable. By the way, J'onn are you alright. You seem awfully out of it." His expression lost color and he seemed weak, coupled with his low life force and how he heavily leaned on me something had to be up.

"I feel weak. Something in the atmosphere is sapping my strength."

"I feel the same." I told them as I tensed my muscles. My telekinetic energy seemed to seep out of my grasp and I could only brute force it and use it with my ki in tandem to achieve the intended effect.

It wasn't just psychic energy. I flared up my ki and felt my power rise. I pushed it to strengthen me until it would usually visualize itself around me, but now there was no indication of my ki aura. I could even feel it drain to somewhere close by. I calmed down again.

It wasn't like I got weaker, but it felt like the moment I released my ki, it got drained away. My stamina would be severely affected if I fought now.

My ki attacks would probably be severely consuming, but aside from that, I should be fine. Still, I should probably refrain from flaring up too much. I guess it was the perfect opportunity trying to internalize my energy with no leakage.

It wasn't just Martian Manhunter and me that were weaker, Superman seemed to be affected as well, at least his life force indicated as much. We walked out of the room and into a hallway.

"What way now?" Martian Manhunter asked.

Just as we entered the hallway and he had asked his question, I noticed a light coming at us from the side. I leaned out of the way, letting it impact the wall behind me.

We looked down the hallway from which the attack came from and saw several dozen of floating androids coming our way.

"Not that way." Superman humourlessly answered and we all spun around to run down the other side.

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