Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 47: Awake

Raven created a barrier around the two. Although she didn't think that anyone was spying on them, she didn't want to take a chance.

"In his dream, I saw something. Another world." Raven paused for a moment to see how Kara reacted and, as she expected, Kara tensed up. Kara looked at Raven with widened eyes before they smoothed out again, trying to appear unperturbed.

"What do you mean?" She asked, seemingly casual, as if she was indifferent. If it was anyone else, they might have been convinced, but this only confirmed Raven's guess that Kara already knew about it. Kara would never be indifferent about what she saw in Nathan's mind. At the very least, she would be curious.

"You know what I mean... Nathan is not from here." Raven emphasized the here by pointing around them. Obviously, she didn't mean the planet Almerac, but Raven knew she didn't need to specify that. Raven didn't see a change in Kara's expression, but even without it, she would know how she truly felt inside.

Kara didn't feel confused or surprised. She was anxious because Raven now knew Nathan's secret. Raven could understand why she felt that way. Such a secret was not meant to be announced to the world. The ramification would be astronomical. However, this was just too important for her, not to mention if what she saw was the truth, it would change her life, her future.

"Hmm, I...I don't know what you saw... It's probably a weird dream or something. We should wait until Nathan wakes up." Kara tried to dismiss the conversation while her eyes determinedly met Raven's gaze as if her averting her eyes would prove Raven right.

"Just hear me out. All I ask of you is support when I ask Nathan. We both know how much your opinion means to him." Raven had no intention of delaying this conversation. Maybe it would have been better to talk with them together when Nathan was awake, but Raven felt anxious that this would be a missed opportunity. She needed Kara in her corner.

"Rae, this...I really don't feel comfortable talking about whatever you think you saw. Even if you ask me, I won't share his secrets." Kara said, and Raven knew she would remain steadfast on that. She could understand where Kara was coming from.

"I know Nathan is a reincarnator." Raven started. Reincarnation wasn't something completely foreign to the world. She had even read some similar novels in Nathan's collection, which in hindsight made some sense why he was interested in scientific or mythological reincarnation theories when everything else was leaning more towards time and space theories or martial arts books and novels.

"He died in prison and was reincarnated as a Saiyan..." She didn't know many details. Hell, she couldn't even say that she knew a lot. Her knowledge was a summary at best. The brief moment in his mind only gave her broad strokes of views into his life, but there was one thing she was sure of. "The world, no, the universe he was in as a human. It had nothing supernatural." Although she couldn't be sure, she was convinced that was the case.

The only supernatural things were in the many horror movies that Nathan had consumed in his past or the other TV series he had seen. She skipped over this trivial information and had focused on his impression of his daily life and the news in the media, but nothing indicated something extraordinary. Maybe she had missed something. She had spent too little time in his memories, but she was fairly sure there wasn't anything supernatural.

Kara frowned at that. She was confused and Raven couldn't fault her for not understanding why that information was so important to her. What it would mean for her? To Raven, it was a topic that she had thought about constantly, for years now. It had been on her mind since she was a child. In the back of her mind, ticking like a countdown of her life.

"I believe that universe is devoid of magic or anything else mystical. That world is similar to ours, just without its weirdness."

Although there was almost a daily occurrence of alien attacks, mystical and supernatural beings running amok, or some fantastical technology that was used to rob a bank, there were still some people that didn't believe in magic.

So, like here, it might be Nathan's bias. Just because Nathan didn't know anything supernatural in his past life, didn't mean it didn't exist. She had to admit, she would only know for sure if she visited that world.

"I think the universe doesn't allow for such things to exist, which means Trigon won't be able to invade that universe." She wasn't sure if her conclusion was correct and could tell that it might be far-fetched, but in a world like this...if a demon could have invaded it then such a place would have been long doomed. There were no magical beings that could contend against an invasion.

Kara's frown eased as she heard that, and a glint of understanding appeared in her eyes.

Raven continued, "If I can enter that universe, I will be free." Even if it would mean she would have to give up on her powers and any chance to return to Azarath... not that much was left of it. She would make that decision in a heartbeat, "So, I beg you. When you go there, take me with you."


Kara was unsure how to answer her plea. She knew how terrified Raven was of her father and she could understand why after having been possessed by one of his underlings, but if her hypothesis was true, wouldn't that mean that they couldn't enter that universe either? Nathan would be devastated if he knew he couldn't enter his past universe after finding out how to reach it. He had been...working towards that goal since the moment he had reached earth.

She wasn't too clear about the inner workings of magic or the supernatural either, much less how Nathan's past universe was built like. It was entirely possible that he only had a limited view of the world, so who was to say that there was no magic?

If she wasn't correct, then they could enter just fine, but if Raven was correct, then wouldn't they have to give up anything that would make them supernatural or magical in that universe? How would they be able to accomplish that?

She was a Kryptonian, while Nate was a Saiyan and Raven a half-demon. How would they be able to enter that universe if their very nature was not permitted entry? She couldn't help but think that Raven's idea was feasible.

She wanted to ask Raven about that, but when she saw the glimmer of hope in her eyes, she couldn't bring herself to utter the words despite having already opened her mouth to speak.

Raven picked up on it as she smiled bitterly, "I had heard about a spell that can change the body. I know it might not work out in the end and I don't even know it yet, but at the very least, I want to try."

A spell that changed them...? Kara internally shook her head. She wasn't convinced that a simple spell would be the solution, after all, wouldn't the several times more powerful Trigon do the same?

Kara couldn't help but feel like Raven was like Nathan in that regard. Although usually intelligent to see such obvious flaws, they willfully ignored the potential flaws or accept them hoping these theoretical problems in their attempts won't become reality.

Their mind was clouded with hope. They aren't able to distance themselves from the idea because of how much it meant to her. Kara could. She wasn't as attached to their ideas and hopes; she was only attached to them and therefore would support the two to achieve their goals. And if they failed...she would be there too.

"If what you said is true and I am not saying that this reincarnation thingy holds truth to it. Just hypothetical, you have my support, but you obviously will need to talk with Nathan and-"

She couldn't finish what she wanted to say before she was dragged into a hug by Raven. Raven wasn't often that open with her emotions, so Kara knew how much her support meant to her.

"Thank you." Kara heard Raven whisper into her nape.

"Of course." Kara soothed her, rubbing her back until Raven broke the hug again. The slight smile on Raven suited her more than her previous anxious look, Kara thought.

"So, what did you witness in his mind? Do you know... everything?" Kara asked cautiously, as they sat down at the table next to Nathan's bed. She was really curious how she viewed all that cartoon stuff, wait was that confirmation that magic was real? Wouldn't the fact that the two worlds are so similar be a sign that the supernatural existed there as well? Kara put that thought in the back of her mind.

"Well, yes, but actually no. There was a lot of information and most of it I couldn't digest, or more specifically, I had to ignore most. Only the emotional perspective was easier for me to pick up on. His more recent experiences are more vivid. I know how he feels every time he sees something supernatural or magical in nature. Even advanced technology is something that he geeks or awes over in wonder, even though he doesn't show it. Especially for some people he met over the months he had been on this earth.

His gravity chamber, for example, is something that the general populace - well, the well-read side at least - is aware of and only the scientific side is excited about. He, however, feels a child-like excitement towards it. As if it was something that shouldn't exist or something that he had previously only imagined about."

"Oh, right! He is really into his little newly improved 'Hyperbole Time Chamber' or whatever. He certainly had put a lot of effort into recreating it, especially since in the past he...never mind." Kara quickly took a sip from the steaming tea that Raven had conjured up when she realized that neither his not-so-legal actions nor the origin of his idea to bring his training area into fruition was something that she should mention or even hint towards.

What if Raven knew nothing about it? She glanced at her magical friend who only raised an eyebrow at her demeanor.

She sighed out. "I don't want to talk about his past. It's his story to tell."

"I understand." Raven nodded at that before looking over towards Nathan, who was still peacefully sleeping.


It took another two days before he finally awoke. His hazy eyes opened, still dazed from his sleep. He tried to lift his head to look around but because he was still injured. He grimaced and grunted from the pain down his spine, from the movement. The noise alerted Kara, who was forced to rest her eyes by Raven. Her head shot up before she rose to stand up.

The blanket over her shoulder that hadn't been there before she closed her eyes fell to the floor, taking a glass with it on the way down. The shattering glass alerted Raven, who was getting something to snack on down the hall. She abandoned the vending machine and teleported into Nathan's room. She saw Nathan awake and a shocked Kara, whose eyes started tearing up.

Nathan grunted as he propped himself up to lean his back against the bed's headpiece. "Did I miss anything?" Kara bawled her eyes out as she carefully but yearningly hugged him. He froze up slightly before absentmindedly rubbing Kara's back in an effort to calm her.

"I am fine." He whispered before continuing to assure Kara that he wouldn't die anytime soon. It took a moment for Kara to gather herself again before she released the hug. Raven was already expecting what would happen from her bubbling feelings and she was justified in feeling that way.

Kara got up while Nathan looked at her, puzzled, before a crisp smack sounded out. The room was now completely silent with only the machines that Nathan was hooked up on, making some beeping noise.

Nathan had a vague red handprint on his cheek. Kara had slapped Nathan across the face. "You selfish asshole! You giant prick, dumb bastard. Fucking suicidal Saiyan dimwit!! Y-you-you...I thought I would lose you too..." Tears were streaming down Kara's face, while she tried to wipe her eyes dry in vain.

Nathan had the decency to look ashamed and guilty. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to his chest, hugging her strongly even when she resisted and tried to break free. He stubbornly held on.

"I am sorry." He said while he held her close to him. He didn't need to say anything more for now. There was a lot to talk about between the two, but for now, Nathan just had to make her feel that he was still with her. That he was still alive. The emotions in this room were heavy, and Raven could barely take it any longer. It was almost too overwhelming.

She would have left if it weren't for Kara, dragging her into a hug at some point. It was clear that Kara wanted to have the people she was closest to her make their presence clear.

Her grip was like a vice, making Raven unable to resist. Not that she wanted to. It was just that the position was awkward, with Nathan lying on the bed while Kara was leaning onto him from the bed's edge. One arm was around Nathan's torso while the other was around Raven's neck, making her half kneel, half bend next to the bed. Worse was that Kara fell asleep in such a position.


"Are you absolutely sure?" The woman asked her subordinate once again. The man had looked over the data for the 5th time already, but he could understand why her Queen was asking again and again.

"Your majesty, there is no doubt. These are the remains of Apokolips. We even found the DNA of Parademons and that of a new god."

Maxima paced down behind her diligent subordinates. Entire teams had been sent out to gather samples of the supposed battlefield. The scientists had hunched over the data for 3 days straight and the result was increasingly evident. Apokolips was gone.

'Did he really do it? Did he kill Darkseid?' She asked herself. Although all the evidence pointed in the same direction, she wasn't able to believe it. Darkseid was one of the or maybe even the single most powerful individual this universe had seen. He had conquered thousands of worlds, those that were able to resist his invasions, were only able to do so with the help of the new gods of New Genesis.

His name brought fear and despair. Even the galactic patrol, the Green Lanterns, had a known truce with him, generally turning a blind eye to his actions. Darkseid was only restrained by other gods that were as old as he was. He could be considered the most fearful existence the universe had to offer. He was that terrible.

But now he had been slain. A single person, not only defeated Apokolips' elite, but brought the fight towards Apokolips, destroyed it, and killed its master. A feat meant to be impossible, done by the person she wanted to marry. Someone that only came to conflict with Darkseid because Maxima had called for his aid.

She had always known that he was strong, but this was something else. The slayer of Darkseid lying in her hospital bed being nursed back to health. Maxima wanted to believe this, that this dark force had been eradicated, but she knew not to get her hopes up.

"Eradicate everything found in that star field. I want every stone, every piece of metal, flesh, or anything else to be destroyed. Destroy everything in the lab as well. Nothing is allowed to remain." There were many ways to bring back the dead, but that was all she could do for now. Even the appearance of a clone of Darkseid would only bring trouble, and she wanted nothing to do with it.

She couldn't lie that the idea of trying to control something like a clone of Darkseid was tempting, but these were forces that were beyond her. They weren't easy to control and every misstep would spell doom not only for her but for her entire race. Besides, she was friends with the man that had killed Darkseid. What use was a defeated, uncontrollable newly born new god?

The subordinate hesitated for a moment when he heard the order because, for scientists, an opportunity to study the remains of a new god or even the remains of Apokolips would lead to ground-breaking discoveries. The temptation was immense, but having grown up with the stories of Darkseid and his underlings made him wake up from his fantasies.

Maxima shortly left after ordering some of her most loyal guards to see through the eradication process to disallow the occurrence of any misshapes.

She made her way through the hall towards her office where a mountain of paperwork was waiting for her, while she wondered how to best approach Nathan. She needed to make him her husband. The flames of desire in her were burning as high as never. Her mind imagining the probably most powerful existence in the universe throwing her into her bed and having his way with her. No. On the throne for her subordinate to see how she would claim him...

The images flashing through her mind made her hesitate whether she should have some alone time as she watched his sleeping form before she suddenly got an emergency notice. She looked at the message before storming out of the building and towards the hospital.

It took her a few minutes to find the room. The idiotic doctors had decided to move his room after they were sure he would be fine without informing her. She rushed into the room, instantly noticing the shards of a cup on the floor. A heavily blushing nurse was standing next to the bed while checking Nathan's data on the computer. Her eyes flickered towards the scene in the bed.

Three people had cuddled together. Nathan on the left, Kara in the middle, and Raven on the right. It looked like Nathan and Raven were the parents with Kara, the child being cuddled in the middle. Well, it would have looked like that if it weren't for the provocative sight.

Nathan was cupping Kara's right boob, and quite strongly at that. Kara was blushing and biting her lips while grabbing onto Raven's buttocks, who was slightly frowning, though Maxima wasn't sure if it was because she disliked it. Did Kara even realize that she wasn't holding onto Nathan right now?

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should wake them up to prevent this naughty view of their savior from being seen by her people, ignoring the fact that she was fantasizing about such a scene just moments before. Why didn't the nurse wake them up? Wasn't he still injured? Wouldn't this complicate his injuries or something?

'Whatever.' She thought before she decided the three would need the rest. She sent out the nurse, drew the curtains, and told the nurse to not disturb them for the time being.

"You owe me, Kara." Maxima whispered.  She looked at Raven for a moment, wondering how she managed to get into the same bed. Kara had been denying access to Nathan's bed for months now, but this new girl that showed up just a week ago was already cuddling up with them.

She would have to try harder in the future. Maybe she could use Raven as an excuse to make a move on her own... She closed the door of the room. With the closed door, it would at least hamper the silent moans they made in their sleep.


"Where am I?" Raven muttered as she looked at the somewhat familiar hall. It was quite dark. At the end of the hallway, she saw a window showing a dark environment only illuminated by the starlight. It was already night.

She turned around and looked at the room from which she came out. It took her a moment to realize that it was her room in Nathan's house. 'Since when are we back...We should still be on Almerca.' Raven thought before turning towards Nathan's closed-door from which giggling could be heard.

After approaching it she was about to knock before she suddenly appeared inside. She glanced towards the bed on which a half-naked Kara was straddling Nathan. Her mind went blank for a moment. The scene reminded her of the time when she unintentionally peeped at them.

Before she could leave, her appearance was noticed by the two. They turned towards her and Raven froze for a moment. Kara suddenly appeared in front of her as if she was teleporting before she dragged Raven towards the bed.

Kara threw her onto the bed while Nathan watched on with a raised eyebrow. Kara giggled like a lecherous pervert as she muttered, "Best dream ever."

Her words made Raven realize Kara wasn't just a dream character of her. After concentrating on it, she realized Kara had somehow entered her dream. She stealthily looked at Nathan, who looked shocked by Kara's words. 'That's a first. A dream character announcing the dream. Never heard of such a method to go lucid...'

Nathan didn't move his lips, and just watched Kara, slightly confused. Raven slowly realized that the connection with Nathan was the strongest. It didn't take her long to figure out that it must have something to do with her having entered his dream and connecting with his mind previously.

Did she accidentally create a backdoor to his dreams? But why was Kara dragged into the dream as well? Before she could ponder on this topic any longer, Kara had already jumped onto the bed before pinning Raven to the bed.

"Look at you Raven, putting some effort into it." Kara said with a grin on her face as she pulled on the suspender belt before she let it snap back at Raven's skin. She could feel the sting on her skin. It didn't feel like it would in reality. It was much more muffled.

"Kara, wait it's not how you think it- Mhmmh-" Raven's lips were sealed with Kara's while still being pinned to the bed. A few moments passed with Raven trying to struggle out of Kara's grasp, but like a dream tended to be, she was helpless against Kara.

Kara raised her head again, making Raven finally able to take a breather. Kara looked at her amused. "You know that you can breathe while kissing, right?" She said, before licking up the saliva that had dripped onto Raven's chin.

Still having pinned Raven to the bed, Kara looked at Nathan, who had dazedly watched their make-out session. "What are you still watching? Go get the ropes and help me tie her up."

'...Oh boy. Am I sexually frustrated? When was the last time I had a wet dream? But...I can't complain...' Nathan thought as some ropes magically appeared in his hands before he tied Raven's hands to the bed's headpiece.

"Guys, we really shouldn't do this." Raven plead but it seemed only to fuel Kara's desire.

"Even in a dream, you are the same... Sorry, I can't let this opportunity go. Who knows when I can dream of this again?" Kara's pants disappeared, revealing her dripping pussy to her. Without hesitation, Kara turned around with her back towards Raven. She placed her thighs around Raven's face before sitting down, muffling any protest Raven could have uttered.

Kara shuttered slightly before she rubbed her crotch across Raven's face. Her face flushed red and from time to time she had to stop as her legs trembled. She had to support herself by grabbing Raven's tits.

"Wh-at are you w-waiting for? Fuck her! R-ruin her as you did me! I want to watch~" Kara moaned out as she looked at Nathan who was sitting dazedly watching with a tent in his pants.

"Eh? Right!" Woken up by her command, he lost his pants and grabbed onto Raven's legs before pushing them towards her stomach. Kara instantly grabbed onto Raven's feet.

Nathan ripped apart her dream lingerie, revealing a patch of purple hair. If he wasn't fully erect before, he was now. He started rubbing it against Raven's dripping wet pussy.

Raven gulped slightly, partly because of anticipation, but mostly to prevent herself from drowning in Kara's love juices. She felt Nathan slowly fill her until he reached her womb.

At first, she thought it was the end of it, but he kept pushing further inwards, and she was glad that it was just a dream otherwise, it would have been painful.

She couldn't extract herself from the dream anymore. Nathan's power had already made her an integral part of the dream while suppressing her. She only hoped to tell them they weren't dream characters, but with Kara sitting on her face, it made it impossible to accomplish...

It was only a dream. Since she couldn't escape, there was no harm done by enjoying herself a bit, right?

Nathan's pace increased and every once in a while Raven shuddered heavily, her toes curled up. As Nathan was rutting away and making a mess out of her insides, Kara was watching while drooling. Occasionally, reaching out to press down on Raven's stomach.

Kara's lower lips smashed onto Raven's lips. At one point, Raven opened her mouth to moan in pleasure, giving Kara better access. "Use your tongue more, Rae." Kara said affectionately before turning around to push Raven's head harder against her crotch. The blonde pubes that she usually shaved tickled Raven's nose.

It only took Kara a minute to cum, squirting in Raven's mouth, who had no choice but to swallow. Kara looked behind her to continue to watch Nathan, who was lining up with Raven's backdoor. Raven's muffled protests fell on deaf ears.

"This is way better than watching it on screen." Nathan's ears perked up at that and looked at Kara with a puzzled look on his face.

"Do you still watch porn?"

Kara rolled her eyes. "Of course! When you train and I got nothing to do, I rub one out on our videos."

"Our videos??"

Kara chuckled, "Well, not that you know of them. I record them with my phone when we are doing it. I know when you usually come out of your chamber, so I set it up beforehand."

Nathan was shocked for a moment. "Kar, you have a problem."

"Yes, because of you. Now go Super Saiyan in her ass!" He shook his head before spitting on his cock to help with slipping into Raven's tight hole. It gripped him like a vice and he could feel Raven trying to actively relax it, but with little preparation, she was struggling a bit.

After he had finally hilted his cock inside her, it started squeezing him strongly as she moaned loudly. Her body went weak, but the couple seemed insatiable. For the entire night and several dream days, the three fucked like rabbits.


Raven groggily opened her eyes before her memories came back to her. Her face flushed red. A hand reached down and found that her leotard was soaked through at the bottom. She extracted herself out of Kara's grasp and turned around to look at the two cuddling perverts before cleaning up her clothes and the bed with a spell of hers.

She sat down at the table, conjuring a book even though she wasn't in the mood to read. A content sigh left her as she watched the two before shaking her head and waited for the two to wake up.

It only took an additional minute before Kara and Nathan woke up. Kara had a big smile on her face while clinging to Nathan. She didn't seem any different from before, just more relaxed. Raven wouldn't have guessed that Kara had such a dream, especially with the things she had done and said to her...

Despite all, she didn't show anything on the surface, even her emotions showed nothing unusual. It made her wonder, was it the first time that Kara thought about her in that way? Forcing her to have sex with Nathan? She had noticed that she had turned horny mid-conversation, but that was usually when Nathan became a topic...

Nathan, on the other hand, seemed subtly off, showing almost no difference, but the few blank looks made it clear that thoughts were wandering.

The only silver lining was that she was pretty sure both thought that it was a dream. Well, it was a dream, just a dream with the three connected. Something that she would remain dead silent about, but what she couldn't remain silent about was her only hope.

She adjusted her mood and erased all her previous thoughts. This was too important to think about unnecessary things. "Nathan, there is something I need to tell and ask of you. But before that, I will tell you what happened when you left for Apokolips. When your telepathic connection was cut..."

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