Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 55: Blackout

"I didn't know Saiyans could breathe in space." Shayera commented as we repaired the spaceship that we had borrowed from the Watchtower. It wasn't the best that the Justice League had to offer, but it would do for a trip. At least that was what we thought before something randomly combusted.

We could have taken the Javelin to travel where Shayera wanted to take me, but that would mean that the Justice League wouldn't have it available on earth. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal to not have it around. Heck, it probably was away more often than not.

There were some missions in outer space as we didn't solely help around on earth, so when a team had a mission, not on earth, then the Javelin was away for an extended period of time. Still, the Javelin was the best for high-speed travel, but it also was the one that was best suited for most environmental things, which made it important for other things than just high-speed travel.

So, it wouldn't be a big deal to take the Javelin with us if it was a mission, but we only wanted to spend some free time and therefore it wasn't too appropriate to waste the Justice League's - read Batman's - funds. Not that I didn't waste our funds by eating the food with my clone and with this spaceship, but those weren't as impactful.

"We can't. It's because I have this that I can hold on without air in space." I said as I pulled out my amulet from underneath my undersuit to show her. She took a double take as she scrutinized the hawk-shaped amulet I got from that bird man on Arva, the planet I arrived on.

"Can I take a closer look?" She asked after replacing the last fried wire and closing the hatch. She reached out and placed it on her palm to look at it. "Where did you get this?" She turned it around and carefully rubbed over its surface with her thumb.

"From a guy called Fal-Tal. He kind of tried to steal my body, so I killed him and took this as my trophy." She looked at it for a moment longer before she let go and we went back inside to continue our journey deeper into space.

"The name Fal-Tal is given to the head of the race called Kalvar, but a guy being called that way is unusual. The Kalvar is a matriarchy, at least it had been for a while. A guy ruling their race hasn't happened for several thousand years. Back then, the Thanagarians had some conflict with them and after we waged war against them, few outside of their original star system were left alive..."

"I think that checks out. He said that he had been hibernating and the ship that he was in looked ancient as well, so he might have stuck in that ship for a long time."

She rubbed her chin in thought before nodding. "Possibly. Still, you probably shouldn't flaunt it around. Even though I doubt they still have a lot of allies, but the nth metal of that amulet is valuable, regardless. Did he say something else?"

I nodded, "Thought that the nth metal amulet might invite some trouble... He just told me about a mission, but I don't know any specifics."

"A mission, huh?" She frowned slightly but didn't say anything further. We continued on with our journey.

This was a brief part of our conversation until our destination, but it made me think about the Ankh that should still be inside my attack ball.

I hadn't thought about it until now. Back then, I had noticed that I could somewhat interact with it telepathically, but back when I first landed on earth, I had focused on my more conventional training methods and completely forgot about it. I should probably see if I could gain anything from it. Fal-Tal at least had wanted to use it to swap bodies, so it might give me a surprise and reveal that it had some other functions.

It didn't take us long until we arrived on the planet. From space, I could already see that it was technology advanced. Considering that Shayera had said that it was a hub planet, it wasn't surprising that it had at least advanced to an interstellar civilization.

We parked our spaceship in something akin to an airport with several different-looking spaceships filling the area. After leaving it there, we flew through the air before we landed on a street in the middle of the city.

It looked like one of those cyber punk style cities, just with a lot of different aliens running around. Just a look around revealed several dozen of different aliens. Flying cars occupied the air, and some even flew like we did. There was even a ten meter tall creature that looked like a rotten reptile with wings flying through the air.

It was a bizarre sight, but what really shocked me were the heights of the individual life forces. They were at the very least Raditz level and went as high as King Vegeta's level. Some individuals even surpassed that.

Although their life force paled a lot compared to my strength being thousands of times higher, this was just a random planet Shayera brought me to. Well, considering that they wouldn't be able to use it, making them a lot weaker than they appeared to be. She didn't hesitate and just walked on to a door with a neon sign above it. I could already hear the loud music coming from within.

When we stepped inside, a crowd of dancing aliens immediately greeted Shayera. Shayera waved her hand and enthusiastically greeted back. I tilted my head out of a way of a flying mug, which shattered behind me.

In the middle of this establishment, several alien stripper could be seen, giving a show for the drunk aliens below them.

We walked through the rowdy crowd and Shayera greeted a lot of them individually. It seemed like she had made some friends with the regulars here. We reached what appeared to be the bar with spinning lights illuminating the surroundings. An epileptic certainly wouldn't have a good time here.

We sat down and Shayera ordered something. We almost instantly got our drinks with purple foam. He set the mugs on the counter in front of us and some foam spilled over and I could hear it sizzle on the counter.

Shayera took one and directly downed one before giving off one mighty burp. I grabbed the other mug and looked inside to find some worms wriggling inside my drink.

"Come one, Shallot. Drink up! Blurp really hits the spot!"

I shrugged and started downing it. It didn't taste good, but I had worse.

"Keep them coming!" Shayera called out to the bartender before turning to me with a mischievous smile on her face. "Only one thing left for a great night."

She then picked up her mace before walking to the biggest and toughest looking alien around before swinging it casually at their knee. The probably 4 meter big alien knelt and clutched the spot where Shayera had hit him before giving off a painful grunt.

Shayera acted casually as she turned around and handed me her mace. The alien turned around, looking at us furiously. Shayera pointed at me before giving me a pat on the shoulder as she went back to the bar to drink another Blurp.

The alien shoulder-checked me into the nearest table, destroying it and sending the mugs flying only for them to cover me with Blurp. The alien straddled me before he pummeled me into the ground.

While I was getting punched in the face, I looked around and saw the entire bar break out into a giant bar fight. It was a strange sight, especially since most of them had a smile on their face as if it was a fun activity to get into a fight and I suppose...it was.

I stopped the aliens punch before I retaliated with a punch in his stomach, sending him into another group that was fighting. I stood up and cracked my fingers before I looked at the one nearest to me and went at him, knocking him out swiftly. Of course, I held back considerably, as I didn't want to kill anyone here for a bit of fun.

I weaved my way through the crowd and started pummeling anyone that dared to get close to me. A big part of the crowd noticed me beating a good part of them and started to target me as I practically danced through their attacks.

There were many that looked at me in awe as I made my way through them and casually knocked them silly. What was usually a terrifying sight for most, seemed to just impress the people here. Maybe it could be compared to dancing to them? And I was the guy that busted out these insane moves?

I couldn't care less about what the reason for their enjoyment they got from getting beaten up. I would just enjoy beating them up! In the distance, I saw Shayera do the same with relish.

The entire atmosphere really hyped me up and, with increased fervor, I rushed into the crowd and started hammering away. In this tough and dense crowd, I was also hit a couple of times, but there was no one here that could match me.

Suddenly, I could hear a shout from behind me before I was pushed and dragged across the floor with momentum. A fist slammed into my face and I quickly stopped the next one to hit me. I looked at the grinning Shayera, who decided to use her wings after I stopped her fists.

With a hip thrust, I send her into the air before I jumped up and karate chopped her into several chairs and tables. I didn't go too hard or else I would not only destroy the bar but also the vibe of this little party. Shayera was clutching her head as she leaned against a broken piece of table.

I softly landed on the ground and noticed that the surroundings had grown silent. It took several moments before someone shouted out, "He beat Wings!"

Suddenly, a group picked me up to throw me in the air as the others cheered and whistled, celebrating my victory. It was only the beginning of the night, but afterwards I would leave as a legend. The one that ate, drank the most, and was the strongest. It was a fun night, truly.


I held my head and groaned slightly as I held my head. Having a blackout was never pleasant and something that I had avoided since becoming a Saiyan. I could get drunk just fine, my body could handle it and I could get drunk not too differently from humans. Just the amount needed was a bit more, but that wasn't why I avoided getting drunk.

A drunk Saiyan was just someone with too much power to not accidentally break something or someone. Not to mention the poor decisions one would choose to do with their inhibitions down.

I looked around and found myself in my bed before I noticed a body lying next to me underneath my sheets. I almost hesitantly lowered the sheets to look at the person lying next to me, fearing that it was Shayera before I remembered that the life force was someone else's. Kara was roused awake at me, patting her head in relief. "Morning."

"Good morning." I said before telling her to go back to sleep. I stood up and looked through the clothes that were tossed to the floor and found that everything was still there. Not having lost anything after a long night of partying could be said to be the biggest success of the night.

I glanced at the pile of clothes on top of the chair in front of my desk. I noticed something which made me approach the folded clothes and grabbed onto the corner of one piece of the pile. When I pulled it out of the pile, black-purple lingerie revealed itself out of the bunch. Lingerie that was unfortunately familiar to me, but only because I had seen it in several dreams for several days. I couldn't see Raven around, but I was already fearing the worst.

My eyes moved back to the lying form of Kara, seeing that she had gone back to sleep. As quiet as I could, I moved out of my room before I headed to Raven's room. It was a pretty bad timing, especially after all I said to Kara two days ago. I was about to knock on her door when I saw the lingerie still in my hands. With my telekinetic powers, I moved them back into my room before knocking on Raven's door.

She was an early riser, so I didn't have to wait long until she let me in. I stepped inside and closed the door before I turned to her, "Hey, yesterday- were we- I mean, are you alright? What happened yesterday?"

She frowned slightly before she nodded slowly. "I am fine. Understandably, you would want to know what had happened... I didn't see any issues with how we did it. Of course, you might disagree, but for me it was really nice. I mean, more than nice. Although it was rather intense, after all, this was the real first time and I think the first truly connected us."

My heart was slowly dropping to my stomach. Did I really do it after having too much to drink?! Now my exclamation of only needing Kara seemed to be nothing than facade. I really was scum.

"Yeah. I felt accepted. You know one of the team, despite everything and I supposed if we wanted to continue, it had to be done at one point. After we finished, the clean-up was probably the only bad thing of the entire night even if the emotional build-up, the anxiousness and excitement, wasn't something I could get used to easily." She contemplated, but overall seemed rather happy about the entire ordeal.

"Right. And you sure, you are alright? I mean, it was rather sudden and I am not sure if I could forgive myself if you are hurt by this? Not to mention how it will be going forward." She raised an eyebrow at my questions and seemed confused.

"As I said, I am fine. I wasn't injured or anything. Everything was smooth-sail and I think we will be able to handle any other future villain."

I clapped my hands, "Alright, that's good to hear..." Something seemed off with her answers. "Ehm. What exactly happened yesterday?"

"Oh, it was just Cinderblock, a gigantic monster of living concrete rampaging in the outskirts of the city. We don't know what his objective was, but we were able to capture and turn him in before he could demolish that neighborhood."

"I see. Good work. Right... you feel you connected with the Teen Titans team, and this was the first time you finally faced a proper villain or at least someone with powers."

"That's what I've been saying?" She frowned slightly as I stiffly smiled at her.

"Anyway, good work on your mission." I said, giving her a thumbs up as I slowly backed out of the room.

I then went back into my room, where I could find a naked Kara, hugging the bed sheet between her legs, giving me an enticing sight that I would usually capitalize on, but I was a bit stressed out. With a gentle nudge, I woke her up before asking her, "Why is the lingerie of Raven's dream character on the chair?"

"Hm?" Kara sounded out as she rubbed her eyes before yawning. I telekinetically pulled out the piece and presented it to her. She took it and turned it over, her eyes half-lidded, clearly still half asleep. It took her a moment before she arrived to her answer.

"Right. I bought this because I thought it would be funny to tease Rae with it. *Yawn*" She pushed it back into my hands before falling headfirst into the pillow again. No wonder it was so neatly folded, it probably was a newly bought piece.

Good thing nothing happened.


Although I wanted to go back to mastering Super Saiyan, after I realized I couldn't sense Shayera's life force on earth, I was worried that something might have happened to her after the night.

A blackout really was never pleasant. I quickly entered the Watchtower and headed for the monitors that would show the recordings of the cameras and those of our positions through the locator inside our communication devices.

It didn't take long before I had a picture of what happened. Hawkgirl and I came back to the Watchtower in the early night, around 2 am, drunkenly at that before we gorged on the food storage, though it appeared that Hawkgirl was less drunk, probably more used to it and could tolerate more.

At some point, we both retreated into her room and it wasn't until an hour later that I exited her room and left for my home while she stayed in her room. She had left in the early morning just a few dozen minutes ago, so I supposed she was fine, but the time I had spent in her room was problematic. Raven would have been bad, but Hawkgirl? Kara barely had gotten to know her. This was objectively a worse scenario.

I hoped I was wrong and personally felt that nothing happened, but the evidence was incriminating. It didn't leave me a choice. I had to talk with Hawkgirl to know what had happened.

Too bad I didn't know where she went as she had left the earth. I could only wait for a signal from the Watchtower if the sensors detect her again. I set it up to ping my communicator and made my way back home.

It was then when I was stopped by Wonder Woman. As far as I remembered, her shift wasn't until Monday. Since it was still the weekend, Superman and Green Lantern should be on patrol duty today, with Martian Manhunter being on monitor duty.

J'onn often took over monitor duty, even though he would spend more and more time on earth trying to integrate into society. I believed he found himself a part-time job as a cashier, which honestly wouldn't be my first take as a carrier choice. Diana visited him from time to time and they were rather close since they both had the outsider status, though they both tackled it differently.

Either way, it wasn't surprising to see her in the Watchtower. Probably had gone up with J'onn when he took over the shift.

"Just the Saiyan I was looking for." Diana smiled slightly, to which I raised an eyebrow.

"You were looking for me?"

"Yes. I wanted to find someone to spar with. How about it? You think you are down for it?" She said as she rested her hand the sword on her hip. Her lasso was on the other side of her hip, underneath the shield that had donned her other arm. She looked ready to ride into war.

I looked at the watch and found it to be too early to do anything. My main body was entertaining Kara and Raven while another clone made exceptional progress with the new gods, bringing the success date closer. Probably another 2 weeks should be all I needed, and they were under my control.

"Sure, why not?" I said as I rotated my shoulder and headed to the training hall of the Watchtower with the Amazonian at my side.

When we were inside, I shortly warmed up my joints and got my heart to pump faster with some dynamic stretches and shadow boxing. I could see Diana do the same until we both were ready. Although she said nothing, I decided to use strength that should be equal to hers.

With that in mind, we took on our stances. She had her sword drawn and rested on top of her shield, pointing the tip at me. It seemed she would be on the cautious side. She probably would not hold back. Usually, she would refrain from using weapons, but it seemed this was hardly a normal spar.

Her stance was rather defensive, so I decided to give her the advantage and pushed myself off the ground as I shot towards her. My right arm shot forward, heading right for her head.

In response, she raised her shield to meet my fist while lowering her center of gravity, using the angle to deflect my punch. At the same time, she slashed down with her sword. My momentum carried me forward, making it almost impossible for me to dodge if I moved now.

Good thing I didn't need to dodge. I raised my left finger, my erratic aura covering it protectively. The sword met my finger and was repelled as if it had met another sword. I could easily feel the sharpness of the sword with a single clash and it colored me surprised. It was probably one of those atom splitter swords that could theoretically cut through anything, an edge that could only be countered by something like magic and apparently my ki.

I applauded her quickness as she directly used the momentum of the repel to draw an arc with her sword to redirect it back to my neck.

However, I wasn't giving her any freebies. I had already retracted my right arm and chopped at her neck.

She used the edge of her shield to block my attack while I blocked her sword by pinching the blade with my other hand. I couldn't help but smirk at her surprise. Before she could react, I opened my right hand and grabbed the edge of her shield. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening as my leg raised before extending like a whip at her face.

She had barely leaned back before my kick hit her in the face. The force was so great that she was sent flying, leaving behind her sword even with the tight grip she had on it. She only kept her shield because it was strapped to her arm and since I didn't want to rip her arm off, I let go.

With several bounces over the ground, she adjusted herself mid-tumble to slide over the ground in a wide stance close to the ground with her hand touching the hard-light tiles of the training room.

Her moment had hardly stopped when I was already in arm's reach with my right loaded for a punch. She saw this and quickly took up the most stable stance she could and raised her shield just fast enough to meet my fist.

The clash resounded like a boom and was akin to an explosion. My clothes fluttered and I probably would have been sent flying if I hadn't dispersed the shock wave with my ki. The tiles on the ground cracked underneath the pressure of the shock wave. Some pieces broke off and were sent flying.

In the middle of this, I continued to move. With my kick lashing out, I knocked her shield out of her hand. Concentrated on disarming her, I hadn't noticed the kick to my standing leg, forcing me down a knee before she punched me in the face. My positioning was awkward so I couldn't disperse by turning with the punch. Instead, I let the force carry my entire body into the air.

Her skill was far from being amateurish, and her strength was misleading. She felt like she was only as strong as half a fury, but she dealt punches that exceeded theirs. Not that she was close to that of this clone, even if it was only a third of my base.

I flipped around and flew above her as I looked down at her. A long golden rope was connecting us. She had wrapped it around her arm and pulled on it, redirecting me into the ground. The ground was cracked open, embedding me into it.

Just after I sat up, I felt myself being pulled out of the hole. Not having time to unwrap me, I stomped the ground, piercing my leg into it. I held my ground before pulling at the rope with by kicking my tied leg backward. With a surprised shout, I saw Diana uncontrollably flying at me, giving me just enough time to hit her with a spinning backfist.

Her face was hit by my fist with full force. She was deflected at a 90-degree angle, the momentum of her being pulled towards me redirected into sending her flying. I steadied myself as the rope was pulled taut before Diana flopped to the ground.

I directly jumped at her as she groaned, needing to take a moment to reorganize herself. She propped herself up before wiping away the blood leaking out of her nose, smearing it over the right side of her face. It gave me enough time to end the battle.

I could knock her out or just pin her to the ground, but as I saw the rope wrapped around her arm, an idea came to my mind. With her lasso in my hand, I bent down and went to work. She resisted for a moment, but after already tying up her arms, she was barely able to resist.

I only stopped after her arms were tied to her back and her legs tied up individually, bent at the knee. The lasso ended in the middle of her back, making it easy to lift her up.

She wriggled slightly after I set her down on the floor with her face up. "Untie me."

I couldn't help but smirk, "What, you don't got any escape skills?" I had tied her up in a way that could give her the opportunity to get free if she dislocated her shoulder, giving her enough wriggle room for her to dislocate her thumb and then get out of it.

She glared at me. "No, I don't. Now untie me!" To be fair, even though I knew how to do it theoretically, doing it practically was a whole other subject, so it might just have been too hard to escape from it. Probably tied it too tight.

"As far as I am concerned, we are still sparring and you haven't admitted defeat yet." I poked her cheek.

"I give up, you win! Now untie me!"

"Alright. " I shrugged, figuring that I went a bit too far. As I stared at the knot on her back, she looked at the door.

"Hurry up!" I rolled my eyes at her exclamation. One was rarely interrupted during training, so I continued leisurely, even with her urging. Her breathing sped up as she hurriedly helped to untie herself.

As soon as I was done, she sat up and, as if it was timed, the door opened and Batman walked inside. He squinted slightly as he looked at us. "Diana, I need you for a reconnaissance mission on an island near Themyscira."

She nodded, with cheeks being slightly reddened. "Lead the way." Batman regarded me for a moment before turning to exit the room with Diana, who sent a glare over her shoulder.

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