Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 76: Teen Titans

A/N: I am currently sick af since last week, so there will be no chapters next week. Daddy needs a break. I will be back on the 23rd. See ya.


We flew toward a familiar city, Jump City. Although only Raven and I were heading there, I was pretty sure we were being watched or tracked by the Justice League - read Batman. At least, they gave us the chance to go there alone as they initially wanted to snatch away and keep the Raven of this universe under watch in case Trigon tried something again.

Not a bad plan, considering Raven usually was the reason Trigon attacked, or at least was an important puzzle piece in any plans he had. It took some convincing until they let us handle it. Batman wasn't too pleased, but perhaps it was our performance yesterday with the possessed Wizard Guy or our experience with Trigon that they decided to give us a chance.

Of course, that didn't mean they would wait until we failed or messed something up. Though it was funny to imagine how Batman sat in front of his phone, just waiting for the news to tell him how badly it went. He was probably on the move with the rest of the Justice League, searching for ways to detect or even prevent any possession from happening. There weren't any major threats besides Trigon, a conquering demon after all.

Even though we had woken up at 7 am after our cuddly meet-up with Raven, it was already noon when we almost reached the city. The entire morning was spent at Star Labs for them to get the data about our vibration of cells or whatever they needed to locate another universe through tech.

There was also the possibility of using magic to get to another universe, though I wasn't sure I trusted the magicians here. I wasn't because I didn't know them. It was because I knew them that I wasn't sure if it would be the right call to involve them. The Justice League worked for something of this magnitude, mainly with Constantine and Zatara, not her father but the fishnet-wearing stage magician Zatanna.

I hadn't met her in my universe yet, though I had heard of her sometimes. She wasn't allowed to deal with the magical side of earth or even normal hero business because of her overprotective father. It was for that reason I didn't trust her much. I just knew little of her, though I suspected she would share her hate boner for demons. There was also that little bit about her mind wiping Batman and some other heroes from the comics, though I remembered little about it. I wasn't even sure if remembered it correctly at all.

For now, I would stick with technology that was at least somewhat based on how reality functioned. When I was at Star Labs, I made sure that they would destroy the cells after they got their data, as I wanted to prevent any duplication of my cells. However, if there was someone determined enough, they would find a way to replicate my cells regardless of how incomplete the information they now had.

Was this a problem that there probably was an organization out trying to duplicate me? Not for now, as the majority didn't really know how strong I was, making me an unpopular target, and even if they did, they didn't know I could sense life force.

If I noticed my life force popping up, I will start blasting before asking questions. With that in the back of my mind, we headed for the Titans' tower in Jump City. We had asked for the League to announce our arrival at their place, so we didn't blindside them with our visit and a fight would ensue or something stupid like that.

After flying for 5 minutes, we arrived at the tower's entrance. Unlike the tower of the teen titans in my universe, the island of their headquarter wasn't isolated. It was connected to the city via a bridge. We landed in front of several figures, members of the Titans.

Just with the first look, I could tell that Starfire was older than what I heard she was to be in my universe. Not surprising since the teen titans were around for longer here. They had even dropped the 'teen' of their names and went with Titans.

"Man, you are way more attractive than this world's Raven," I told Raven telepathically, which she quickly responded to.

"Perhaps it is because she looks younger than I? I believe she is 15 or 16 at most... Should I be worried that you find the younger me unattractive? Or should I be worried that you were checking her out? FBI, yeah, this guy right here!"

Her sarcastic voice sounded out and my bow couldn't help but twitch at the last two comments. Couldn't even make a simple compliment, even if it was somewhat inappropriate! Fortunately, she wasn't like one of my exes and wasn't serious when asking about these sorts of things.

"Naw, I didn't say young you were unattractive. I think it is because you are just a lot more beautiful." She wanted to mock argue, but when I telepathically sent over several images of me holding her up in front of the mirror, she quickly shut up. Seemed like I won this round of teasing.

I let my eyes glance over at the other heroes, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy. Superman told me that there were more members, namely Bumblebee and Speedy.

I remember them both from teen titans, though I wasn't sure how essential they were to the team. At least they weren't here to greet us. As for Blue Beetle, I knew jack shit about him. I only remembered that he seemed to have appeared in the later seasons of Young Justice, but since I had only watched the first, I couldn't recall much about him other than from the recounting of friends.

The most obvious thing for me was that they didn't have any Robin leading them. Starfire was currently the team leader, while the former leader, Robin, had become Nightwing and did his own thing in Bludhaven or something like that. Though he was officially still a part-time titan.

They watched us as we watched them, though most of their focus seemed to be on my Raven, who had her face entirely in shadow. She didn't show any other skin, as she was covered by her cape. It wasn't something the Justice League had requested, but we decided to be more covert with our approach.

We didn't want to piss off this univer- fuck it Raven-2 - because we have exposed her. It would only be detrimental if Raven-2 hadn't told them of her demonic origin. At least, the Justice League didn't know she was part demon until we arrived, so we just assumed that it was still a secret.

With all that hassle in mind, I had decided what to do if I found myself in a similar situation in the future. If I ended up in yet another universe, I would make sure to take on some alias for us. I would go with Yamoshi and Raven... What was a good name for a hot demon? Albedo, Sakie, Rias?

When we landed and stood across each other. Raven-2 watched us with narrowed eyes. It was obvious she was highly suspicious of us. It was silent before Starfire welcomed us heartily, but also more collected and mature than I had imagined the Starfire of my universe would have. "Welcome visitors of the different earth! We heard of your stay here and your desire to speak with Raven."

"Yes, you could say that. Our primary goal is to prepare her for Trigon's arrival." Raven-2's eyes widen in shock before her eyes snapped towards Raven.

She gritted her teeth and pointed at Raven. "Trigon, huh? I want her to take off her hood!"

"Are you sure you want to be exposed like this?" I asked, getting her attention again, which made her furrow her eyebrows at me.

"I had already told them after I heard of his minions controlling Weather Wizard," she said tensely before looking back at Raven, "Take. Of. Your. Hood." She enunciated each word.

Raven raised her hands, making the others tense before she pulled off her hood. The magical shadow cast on her face disappeared as well, revealing her face to them. While she did that, I watched Raven-2's expression go from tense to confused.

It was clear Raven's appearance differed from what she had expected, which wasn't too surprising to me since Raven was currently in the midst of turning back human again. Other than the red skin and the glowing red eyes, she was missing the distinct second pair of eyes.

"I have lost control of my demon form and am trying to convert back to my human self, which is why I am currently stuck in a mixture of both like this until I resolved it," Raven answered as she saw Raven-2's confusion.

"Why have you lost control? If you were me, you should have already learned how to control it, right? I have spent enough time in Trigon's realm to control it almost perfectly." She asked, clearly suspecting her of something. Not sure of what, since they should sense that they were similar, right?

"Just because she is also Raven, daughter of the demon Trigon, doesn't mean you two had the same lives. Look, we had defeated our Trigon and are here to teach you what we learned in case you have to do the same and offer our help to team up. That's it," I interjected since I didn't want to waste too much time with explaining. I was sure that Trigon was already making his next move after his first demon had failed this miserably.

Raven-2 was taken aback and somewhat conflicted by what I said before she watched Raven in case she refuted my words, though when Raven said nothing, she couldn't help but be visibly shocked at what we managed to do.

Although he was a universe-conquering demon, he was still her father, and, from the sound of it, she had spent some time with him. Though how knowing we had defeated him didn't ignite her interest or desire to do the same was somewhat puzzling. However, I didn't want to pretend to know what her life was in Trigon's realm.

After having digested the news for a moment, she looked at her worried friends before turning back to us. "I will have to discuss this with my team before we make a decision."

The others were rather silent, even though I had expected for Beast Boy to quip in like he would in the series. I knew little about Blue Beetle and couldn't tell whether him constantly telling his armor off was normal or not. I knew he couldn't control it completely, but why did it seem that his armor was exceedingly hostile to me?

Honestly, I was somewhat disappointed that he had so little control over his machine. It could very well lead to a disaster. I guessed that would be something I needed to keep in mind if a fight broke out.

The only one that participated in the rather meager conversation was Starfire, who nodded at her words to discuss this with the team and asked us to follow them inside the tower and into a waiting room on the ground floor.

We sat there with some tea prepared for us. I sipped it. "Their tea is not that bad, though I would have preferred something to eat," I commented before turning to Raven for the lack of response and finding her deep in thought. It seemed like I had underestimated how much it weighed on her mind.

With my telekinesis, I lifted her out of her seat, causing her to yelp out in surprise before I placed her in my lap. The cloak draped over us. I then caressed her breasts, which caused some agitation on her part. "Stop~" she protested but made no move to stand up and get away from me.

Quite the opposite. Her leotard suddenly disappeared, giving me direct access. I was quite surprised, but when I remembered she was still affected by Lust, I decided to see how far she would go at her horniest. It would be a great benchmark for when she had it in control.

My hands and our bodies were covered by her cloak so no one could see what we were doing besides the rustling and slight movement in her chest area.

I hugged her strongly from behind, one hand mauling her tits, while my other hand drifted downward. As I caressed her body, I kissed her neck, letting my kisses travel up to her cheeks until she turned her face and kissed me. Her lips were soft and smooth, her breath was hot and shallow as she suppressed her moans. I helped her with that by letting my tongue invade her mouth. Her tongue barely resisted, only reciprocating my actions.

"Ahem..." A cough sounded out, wanting to get our intention, and we turned to look at the titans watching us weirdly. Blue Beetle and Beast Boy looked weirded out, probably because they were too young, while Starfire only seemed intrigued. As for Raven-2, one didn't need to be a telepath to know that she was immensely embarrassed and angry.

Her face was blushing red as she glared at us. I could guess that it must be weird to see a sexier and older demon version of yourself making out with someone she didn't know while presenting her actions to her friends out in the open.

"We have decided that it won't hurt for you to prepare her. However, it will be a team effort. We all want to be prepared for Trigon." Starfire explained without addressing the situation and it was only then I realized something. Wouldn't it mean we would have to wait until Trigon attacked before we could take him out?

It should have been obvious since we have come here to help Raven-2 to prepare in case Trigon attacked, but it didn't cross my mind that we might have to wait for quite some time until he eventually attacked. I just hoped he attacked sooner than later.

Of course, this free time would also help me heal and reach my peak again until then, but I was eager to wash away my loss against Trigon, even if it was just another version of him. Well, I didn't exactly lose since me distracting him was the plan, but I wouldn't have survived without Raven's help.

I wouldn't be able to train much either way. There was only my acclimation to this universe's laws that could make me stronger relative to the other denizen of this universe, but that didn't really mean I got actually stronger. It would just mean I reached my full potential in this universe with the strength I had already possessed.

A boost was a boost and it would help me fine-tune my ki control, but I preferred the raw increase of strength. Meh. I guessed you win some; you lose some. I couldn't really wait until the Justice league built me a training chamber that could challenge me in any shape or form. With that in mind, I adjusted my expectation to some downtime or training to train these kids.

From what I remembered of the movies, this event against Trigon happened way before Darkseid, so we still had enough time until then. Considering that Trigon was already sending out his demons in public, we probably wouldn't have to wait for years. Hopefully, it won't be months, but several weeks sounded realistic. Maybe even days if we are lucky. It would be best if we lived in this tower for the time being, which would be fine by me.

Wasn't like we had already gotten used to our apartment and the bedroom's door and the bed itself needed to be repaired, anyway. As I idly thought, I noticed my crotch getting wet. Barely a second had passed during my time I went on a mental tangent, so I just looked at the teenagers.

"Glad you accepted our help. The Justice League is also in the know and is looking for ways to combat him, so they probably will contact us from time to time." I responded to Starfire while noting that Raven didn't put her leotard back on underneath her cloak, so my hands continued to roam.

She had also hardened the cloak, so it wouldn't move. Smart move, though it seemed our actions weren't completely unnoticed. Blue Beetle and Beast Boy didn't notice at all. Starfire neither, though I suspected she suspected it.

Raven-2, however, was already blushing hard while continuing to glare at us. I guessed Raven was turned on by being watched. This little demoness was something else. Even Kara wasn't fine with it when they were strangers. Kara was fine with Raven watching, though...

"We should probably start as soon as possible." Raven's familiar deadpanned voice sounded out as she addressed the group in front of us, but more specifically Raven-2, who grimaced slightly.

"Then let's go." Raven-2 turned around and headed for what I assumed to be their training area? My Raven stood up as if nothing happened underneath her cloak. I almost got a heart attack when she moved and quickly adjusted. Good, that I had forced myself to stay soft, otherwise it would have been difficult to hide. As I subtly went to cover my crotch, I quickly realized that she was already dressed and had even dried up my pants.

Good, since I had just gotten these pants from her. Although I only had the resistant casual clothes from Raven now, Star Labs had already promised to recreate my armor with highly resistant material. I was already looking forward to it since I felt like a bum if I had to fight in this. Also, I didn't want the clothes Raven gifted me to get shredded by my fights.

I got up and followed the crew before Beast Boy turned around. With his hands behind his head and walking backward, he watched me as he spoke up to me. "Sooo, I heard you are a member of the Justice League on your earth?" He asked, but I could see the curiosity of the other members as well and I guessed the interest would be there.

Justice League dealt with the big bad guys and was usually considered the more popular superheroes. Though I remembered that the Teen Titans were sometimes founded before the Justice League. Still, most of the public prestige was laid with the Justice League.

I nodded. "Yes, I am a founder of the Justice League of my universe," I confirmed before Beast Boy started rattling off questions with Blue Beetle joining in. They weren't only questions about being a member of the league, but also about the difference in the leagues.

I was careful only to repeat what I had told the Justice League and what I thought wasn't too relevant in case of an invasion of them, like what we ate or what we did in our free time together. It wasn't much, but they quickly grew disinterested when my answers remained simple as I didn't interact with my League besides work and wouldn't tell them much if it related to anything even slightly important.

As we walked downstairs, I felt a hand intertwine its fingers with mine. I looked at Raven, who was walking beside me with a blush on her face. I rubbed her hand with my thumb and continued to walk with a grin on my face. Raven-2, who had been the only one that refused to look at us until now, looked back at my face before her eyes moved toward my Raven.

She didn't seem embarrassed by our actions anymore. Well, it wasn't anything sexual now. Even so, it seemed more like she was envious.

We stepped inside a hall that looked rather militaristic, with a large light and a weirdly construed machine above us. The ground was differing from the center to the outside while shaping an octagon.

There was a control panel to the side, clearly to control whatever this training hall offered. "So, what can it do?" I asked straightforwardly as I was already aching for a good training session, though I knew I wouldn't get any action as Raven squeezed my hand. It wasn't a sign of her approval. In the past, I probably would have ignored her wants as I had at the beginning of my relationship with Kara, but since then I had grown more patient and understanding. Didn't mean I could get something out of her unwillingness.

It wasn't like I couldn't understand her concerns, but this wasn't the first time I had trained while being injured. However, considering that we are now freshly together, she would have to feel the consequences of preventing me from training. Of course, she had already experienced it last night and Kara had already explained it, but I could dial it up a notch. In fact, every day I didn't train would be harsher for her. I was thinking of a ki leash...

"It can create hard light models to fight against," Starfire answered as she went to the controls and typed away.

I crossed my arms. "How durable?"

"Durable enough to give me a workout." She answered easily as she finished creating 5 robots. "Want to have a go?"

"No, he won't. He is still injured from our fight against our universe's Trigon." Raven's explanation certainly drew their attention, so she continued in more detail, "Just two nights ago, before this world's minions of Trigon possessed Weather Wizard, we fought and defeated our Trigon. We had accidentally entered his realm and we... teamed up with my siblings to take him out. Unsuccessfully, however, as he could escape in the end."

"Could it be that this minion was your world's Trigon and what do you mean by teamed up with your- I mean 'our' siblings?" Raven-2 asked with a frown on her face. Her thought process was understandable since it sounded too much of a coincidence. We had the same suspicion before.

"No, the demon that possessed Weather Wizard didn't give off the same aura as the ones of my universe. My siblings were half-demons and half-human, just like we are, and we were able to use their power to have a shot at Trigon."

"So, what, it's impossible for me to contend against him without the help of my siblings?" Raven-2 asked.

"No, it would be impossible to kill him, but you have two beings that have already fought against him and better help than your siblings ever could be. If you had any siblings, that is." Raven said with confidence and pride in her ability. "This is why we are here." After finishing saying that, she turned to Starfire and asked whether this was the most durable this hard-light model could be.

After giving a positive answer, she turned to me, "Could you train them how to deal with stronger opponents?"

I nodded before smirking at Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, and Starfire, who were uncomfortable with my smile. I wondered why.

"Raven, I will teach every insight, meditation, and spell that will be helpful for you." My Raven told her before they went to a corner of the admittedly rather large hall. After watching them leave, I turned back to the other members of the Titans.

I raised my finger and shot a ki beam at one hard-light puppet, piercing it with ease before it was erased. The beam only sizzled out just before hitting the metal walls at the far end. From the corner of my eyes, I could see how pale the heroes became after my display.

After getting a good estimate of how durable these things were, I turned back to the stunned Titans. "So, first I will have to see how you are going to fare. Who wants to be first?"


They were slow, and more specifically, their acceleration was. How they changed directions and reached their opponent. Beast Boy was only a bit stronger than each animal that he represented, but then again, I hadn't slugged it out with any animal besides some talking gorillas, so he might be a lot stronger in comparison.

The others were alright as well. Blue Beetle had some weaponry, but nothing that was too impressive. Starfire was by far the strongest and most experienced, but nothing that would scale to being able to destroy planets with her blasts. It really homed in how weak this world's heroes were.

Since they were doing well enough to be still alive meant that the villains and foes they contended against were only matching them in strength. Trigon should be easy to take out if we measured him comparatively to the Titans.

My mind was already considering how they could play a part once Trigon attacked with an army of demons, and it was increasingly clear that they could only hold back some normal demons. As for fighting against Trigon would be a pipe dream.

So, this would be what I would focus on, training them with numerous, considerably strong opponents. These hard-light puppets would barely be enough. I guessed it would be the perfect time to train my [Multiform] technique again. This time I wouldn't be using one or two clones, but try to maintain 10 at the same time.

Thinking about that technique made me realize I could create clones that were able of independent actions. Although I didn't get his memories, it shouldn't be that hard to modify the technique to do so, right? Though it wasn't time to experiment with that. Let's see if the clones remained their autonomy if there were many of them first.

I was about to create some clones when I looked at the sprawling Titans on the floor. It had only been two hours of me telekinetically beating them up with the addition of the hard-light puppets. They couldn't be exhausted already, right?

"You good?" I asked and only received some heavy breathing and a thumbs down from Beast Boy. "I guess we will leave it at that for today," I said, much to the relief of the Titans, before I turned to the two cross-legged Ravens floating in front of each other.

During my assessment of the Titans, I had felt the psychic fluctuation and the occasional magical spikes. It clarified that they hadn't been going easy either. Raven-2 was sweating heavily and was clearly already at her limits. After a few moments, her floating stopped, and she crashed onto the floor, exhausted to no end.

Raven extended her legs and stood up from her floating cross-legged position. She glanced at the other Titans. "This will be it for today. Tomorrow we will start with the real training." Her words seemed to be like a death sentence for the teens (and Starfire).

For the next few days, a training montage would be on the to-do list until Trigon arrived. I glanced at Raven, who approached me and I instantly put her on my to-do list as well. I really need to train again. Being bored makes my thoughts wander, I thought as my eyes roamed her body.

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