Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 101

Page 101

After all, a little carelessness can be a big international problem.

Liu Qiyun, the head of the foreign affairs department, is preparing for an upcoming press conference for the world, and many foreign journalists will come.

This is an important opportunity to let the world know about China, and Liu Qiyun dare not make any negligence.

“Jingle Bell.…”

At this moment, the phone rang, and this is the only place in China with fixed telephone lines so far.

After all, the telegraph did not work very well when it came to external communication.

Liu Qiyun answered the phone habitually.

“Leader, there is a call from Xiangjiang…”


Hearing this, Liu Qiyun was a little surprised.

At present, the relationship between the mainland and Hong Kong is the most urgent need to be dealt with, and because of this, the Hong Kong officials representing Great Britain rarely contact China.

And now, a phone call actually came to him?

“Come here…”

Liu Qiyun frowned, waiting for the call to be transferred.

Soon, the voice of Ruilke, Chief Secretary of Xiangjiang, came over the phone.

“Dear Mr. Liu…”

Subsequently, according to the wishes of the Hong Kong Governor, Ruelke accused several mainlanders of wanton behavior in Hong Kong, which has caused very serious impact.

Moreover, in order to increase the severity, Rilke even claimed that if this matter is not handled properly, it will seriously affect the exchanges between the two countries.

Liu Qiyun frowned suspiciously, and asked for some details.

Rilke exaggerated, and was about to call the actions of several people a terrorist attack.

In fact, this is nothing more than a small calculus of the Hong Kong Governor, to put pressure on Huaxia, and then send those few people back.

In this way, they can search for treasure without knowing it.

Since they are not sure how much Huaxia knows about the treasure, Rilke doesn’t say a word about it.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Qiyun didn’t dare to have any delay, and immediately began to investigate the matter through the telegram.

He must at least know who these people from the past in China are before he can take the next step.

Liu Qiyun quickly sent this matter to various war zones by telegram.

Taking the theater as a unit and conducting separate investigations should minimize the time required.

After all, Rilke’s attitude is very tough, demanding a reasonable explanation and solution in the shortest possible time.

However, although it is said that it is in each theater, the most important thing is to send this telegram to the southern theater.

After all, the jurisdiction of the Southern Theater is the closest to Xiangjiang.

As long as a breakthrough can be made in the southern theater, the rest of the theater need not be involved.

But at this time, in the Southern Theater Command, when the document presented the telegram, Commander-in-Chief Hu Haisheng was very puzzled.

After reading the telegram, the commander of the southern theater immediately called Zhou Zexun, the political commissar of the theater.

“Old Zhou, look, this is the information sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs…”

Zhou Zexun took the telegram and looked at it, and then he showed a surprised expression:

“What do you mean? How many mainlanders are making trouble in Hong Kong?”

Hu Haisheng shook his head suspiciously:

“I don’t know. The foreign exchange department just said that the British government is putting pressure on them. The shortest way is to check who these people are.”

After speaking, Hu Haisheng sighed:

“Great Britain is also really interesting, at this time you remember to follow the rules?

Before so many mainlanders disappeared in Xiangjiang for no apparent reason, didn’t they give no answer until now? ”

Zhou Zexun heard the words and sighed with a smile:

“Old Hu, we can just say these words behind closed doors, but don’t say it outside, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble.”

Hu Haisheng waved his hand:

“Of course I know, I’m just saying it because there’s no one else.

Since it is the foreign exchange department who has spoken, then arrange for the subordinate military region to go to various docks to check.

If it is a formal way, there must be records.

But if it is illegal, we have nothing to do.

Who made Great Britain always reluctant to cooperate with the mainland, there is this loophole.

Originally our country, but we have to watch them make trouble there!

snort! ”

When he said this, Hu Haisheng’s tone was a little indignant.

Zhou Zexun, who heard these words, just smiled, but didn’t say anything more.

In fact, in his heart, or in the hearts of all Chinese people, he thinks so.

Xiangjiang’s return to Zulong’s embrace is doomed, Zulong is inseparable, and everyone is part of Huaxia!Without a doubt!

But now they have to wait patiently.

Some emotions are naturally normal.

Soon, the command of the war zone was issued, and the Hubei Military Region, Hunan Military Region, Guangdong Military Region, Guangxi Military Region, and Hainan Military Region responded to the call and began to investigate and sort out the information of personnel going to Xiangjiang through regular channels.

After all, everyone’s clues are limited now, so a carpet search is undoubtedly the most effective method.

The 70s are nothing compared to the 21st century.

In later generations, there is a vision and a big data network. If you want to check the whereabouts of a person, you can do it in minutes. However, in the 70s, technology and networks were not developed, which made this actually very difficult.

(Li Haozhao) With the in-depth investigation, various military regions have also collected personnel information and sent them to the theater.

Civilian units in the war zone have almost never been so busy.

Not only do they have to compare the information, but they also need to confirm that there is no return information, and the information of the personnel still staying in Xiangjiang, which is undoubtedly a big project.

Finally, after the hard work of each military region, a list of ten people who have no information on their return has finally been compiled.

When the identity list of these ten people appeared in front of Hu Haisheng, he frowned:

“¨〃Ten people…the goal is still too big. According to the instructions of the Ministry of External Affairs, we have to find five people from these ten people.

Now, hurry up and get the results in the shortest possible time. ”

A new order was issued, and a number of military vehicles drove out of the military area, and began to investigate each person on the ten-person list one by one.

During the gradual screening process, people are gradually excluded from the list.

When the new list was sorted and submitted to Hu Haisheng, Hu Haisheng’s brows did not relax because of this list.

“What’s the matter, why are there still seven people?”

Hu Haisheng felt very puzzled, such an investigation result was something he never thought of…

Chapter 106: The superior is so stupid, you are so awesome 543

Regarding Hu Haisheng’s question, the soldier in charge of the investigation said with some embarrassment:

“Head, three of the three on this list are alone and there is no family to provide information.

Moreover, it has been a year since they went to Xiangjiang, and there is no record of returning this year.

So, there is nothing to check…”

Hu Haisheng frowned and thought, this is not unusual.

It’s just that it’s just catching up with this matter, and it will be a little tricky…

After a while, Hu Haisheng nodded and then asked:

“What about the remaining four?”

The soldier heard the words and said somewhat complicatedly:

“These four people are even more strange. There are two people whose information cannot be found, and the information of one person shows that he has just returned to China.

The remaining one is even more strange. His files show that he had previously served in the Kunlun Mountains Garrison Area.

But recently, for some unknown reason, I was stripped of my military rank…”


Hu Haisheng looked at the soldier suspiciously:

“That is to say, this Hu Bayi is from the Western Theater?”

The soldier nodded and said meaningfully:

“And the chief, there is something very strange. According to the data, these three people went to Xiangjiang at the same time as Hu Bayi!”

Hu Haisheng looked at the political commissar beside him suspiciously:

“How is this going?”

Zhou Zexun shook his head, looking puzzled:

“It’s really strange, it stands to reason that soldiers serving in the service cannot go to Hong Kong.

But before they went, these 537 Hu Bayi were indeed removed from their ranks. Is this a coincidence? ”

Hu Haisheng analyzed and said:

“It sounds like it’s intentional, but what’s the point?”

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