Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 15

Page 15

“This is the arrangement above, we have contacted in advance, and the Kunlun Garrison Corps will send people to assist in the investigation.

After all, that is their resident area. They are more familiar with Kunlun Mountains. It is more convenient to have their people help us and lead the way. ”

In this regard, Zhuge Qing obviously did not care:

“Well, it makes sense, as long as it doesn’t add confusion to our investigation.”

Chen Wenjin glanced at Zhuge Qing and said nothing more.

When she found Zhuge Qing, she was ready to accept Zhuge Qing’s proud character.

Indeed, Zhuge Qing has such a proud capital, not to mention his prominent family background, in this regard, whether it is scientific or folklore, he is a leader, and pride is understandable.


With a whistle, the train entered the dark tunnel, and Chen Wenjin’s thoughts drifted away with the whistle.

Chen Wenjin is also full of curiosity and yearning for the already looming Kunlun Mountains.

Having said that, who would not have infinite reverie about Kunlun Mountain?


A few hours later, the vehicle slowly arrived at the destination. Under the curious gaze of the rest of the passengers, the Langya Special Brigade escorted the investigation team led by Chen Wenjin and got out of the car.

Chu Jian had arranged for several military vehicles to wait here. After receiving the investigation team, he quickly returned to the station.

The other members of the investigation team sitting in the car looked out of the window with novel expressions.

Traffic is not developed these days, and it takes several days to visit Kunlun Mountains, not to mention energy.

If it wasn’t for an accident, I’m afraid most people wouldn’t come here in their entire lives.

The military vehicle drove into the mountain road, as if entering a fairyland, far away from people, like being born in a fairy house.

Zhuge Qing looked out the window and exhaled softly:

“It is worthy of being the ancestor of the mountains, where the dragon veins converge. Grandpa often said that the Kunlun Mountains will not collapse, and the country will not be broken. There is a reason.

The dragon veins converge here, the mountain collapses and the dragon’s head is cut off, and the country does not exist…”

Hearing this, Chen Wenjin said cautiously:

“It’s fine to talk to your own people, but don’t spread it out, it’s very sensitive…”

Zhuge Qing glanced at Chen Wenjin, and then said lazily:

“That’s why I work in the Geological Bureau, but I haven’t joined the system for a long time. There are too many rules and regulations.”

When Chen Wenjin was about to explain a few words, the military vehicle had entered the security area and stopped.

At this time, Chu Jian and Wu Changfeng were standing not far away with a team of guards, welcoming the arrival of the investigation team.

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin could only swallow her words temporarily and get out of the car with the investigation team.

Wu Changfeng, who had already obtained the information of several investigators, hurried forward and said:

“Chen Wenjin, Captain Chen, right? I didn’t expect to be so young…”

Chen Wenjin smiled generously and said:

“Captain Wu, it was said that the top management of the garrison was mobilized. I don’t know who is in charge now?”

Wu Changfeng quickly introduced Chu Jian:

“It’s this one, Chu Jian, Captain Chu.”

Looking at Chen Wenjin, Chu Jian nodded politely:

“Several people, let’s go to the conference room to talk. It’s serious, so please don’t be polite.”

This is in line with Chen Wenjin’s character, so he immediately smiled and nodded, and followed.

A few people came to the conference room and sat down. Chu Jian’s eyes swept across Chen Wenjin and Zhuge Qing without a trace.

Although Chu Jian thought about it, although there are many people in this parallel world who only existed in literary and artistic works in previous lives, he did not expect to see two people in the investigation team all at once.

However, obviously because of the parallel world, their experiences have all changed a bit, and they have even been quite different from the original works.

Chapter 543: Investigative Privileges of the [*] Exploration Team

Chu Jian did not express his thoughts, but quickly returned to normal and said:

“It’s been a lot of hard work for a few of you to come here without hesitation.

I also learned about this not long ago. A scientific research team disappeared in Kunlun Mountain. As the Kunlun Resident Garrison Area, we are also responsible.

So we will definitely cooperate fully in the next investigation. ”

Chen Wenjin nodded, but she didn’t expect that the head of Chu Jian was very approachable, but it was a lot less troublesome in negotiation.

“Leader Chu, according to the information we have now, the last place where Dr. Li and the scientific research team disappeared was in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

So tomorrow morning, we will go to investigate.

Just because we are not familiar with this place, so please find us some guides. ”

Although Chen Wenjin’s words were very vague, anyone could hear them.

What they need is not the cooperation and assistance in the investigation, but they just need a few people from the garrison to lead the way.

Chu Jian can naturally understand this attitude.

After all, there is a specialization in the art industry. In the opinion of Chen Wenjin and others, the garrison will naturally not have professional investigators. After all, it is just a group of big-headed soldiers, not even the special forces.

Chu Jian didn’t explain anything, just nodded:

“This is natural, I have arranged a place for you to rest, please go to rest first.

Tomorrow morning, I will send someone into the mountain with you. ”

With that said, Chu Jian handed over several documents that were beside him:

“After learning that Dr Lee’s team was missing, we immediately set out to gather some information.

There are many disappearance incidents in the hinterland. Some herdsmen’s livestock went missing after entering the hinterland, and some herdsmen searched for traces and entered the hinterland, but never came back.

Guys, I don’t know what’s going on there, so please be careful. ”

Holding the document, Chen Wenjin led the team and followed Wu Changfeng to the rest area in the military area. No one noticed that Chu Jian did not leave the conference room, but instead called Zhang Qilin and others.

This is the first time the three of them have entered the conference room, which is usually the place for high-level research and decision-making.

Sitting in the conference room, the eyes of the three fell on Chu Jian.

“Let’s take a look at these documents first…”

Chu Jian didn’t say much, just pushed the information about the disappearance to the front of the three of them.

The three of them didn’t know what happened, and they picked up the documents on the table with doubts.

After a while, Hu Bayi was the first to say in surprise:

“Missing in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountains?”

Chu Jian nodded:

“That’s right, because of this matter, an investigation team has been dispatched, and they will enter the hinterland of Kunlun Mountains early tomorrow to investigate.

And you also ushered in the first mission since the formation of the 543 exploration team. ”

When the three heard the words, they raised their heads and looked at Chu Jian.

Chu Jianping looked at the three of them and said solemnly:

“Nominally, you are assisting the investigation team in the investigation.

But you can regard this as an independent investigation task, I only have one request, that is, give me an answer in the shortest possible time! ”

Wu Sangou heard the words and said somewhat unexpectedly:

“Chief, the investigation team is here. We are only assisting in the investigation. Will there be great limitations in our actions?”

In response, Chu Jian waved his hand:

“You don’t have to worry about this, you can follow the investigation team when the time comes.

Once you have made any important discovery, if it is contrary to the investigation direction of the investigation team, you can turn passive into active and conduct investigations on your own. This is the greatest privilege I give you.

Any responsibility, I will take it for you! ”

Chu Jian’s remarks gave the three of them a reassurance.

In fact, for the three of them, they still attach great importance to this first mission.

In itself, this is what they like and are good at, but because of the previous reasons, they can’t do it in an open and fair manner.

Hu Bayi is a soldier. Although he has the [*]-character Feng Shui secret technique, he can only observe Kunlun Mountain from a distance in the military area every day, and he has no chance to find out.

Wu Sangou was born in an aristocratic family, but in the end he could only be reduced to a native master, and he could not see the light.

Zhang Qilin has been exploring secrets all his life, and Kunlun Mountain is the top priority. Although the three of them don’t say it, they are looking forward to this action.

Although this exploration mission is not the same as a duel, it is still a mystery after all.

At the same time, after getting along for this period of time, the three of them also lost their previous life.

Although Zhang Qilin doesn’t talk much on weekdays, he is always willing to listen to the chat of the other two, and he will nod his head in response from time to time.

Although Hu Bayi didn’t show it, he was obviously very interested in Wu Sangou’s experience as a Tufuzi, and often chatted with him.

Wu Sangou can finally not have to hide in the dark all day long, and he is willing to tell what he has experienced in the past.

The relationship between the three has become more and more solid as the hell week is tempered.

Although until now, they have believed that most of the Hell Week training is useless, but this does not affect their expectations for tomorrow’s action.

“That chief, do you want to command or lead the team in person for this mission?”

Facing Hu Bayi’s question, Chu Jian shook his head:

“This is your first mission, I won’t lead the team, everything depends on your own ability, and you should be tested and tempered!

If you encounter special and difficult tasks in the future, I will personally lead the team to guide you. “

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