Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 150

Page 150

With that said, Chu Jian handed over a few jade pendants.

Minister Zhang took it in his hand, and only felt a chill on the jade pendant.

“This is Yin Jade, after getting close to Ming Treasure, Yin Jade will flicker slightly.

Thus, it can be determined whether it is a Ming treasure or an ordinary antique. ”

Chu Jian’s words made Commander Wei frown.

He naturally didn’t believe in these things, but when Chu Jian spoke at this time, it was really difficult for him to refuse.

After all, Chu Jian claimed that he could witness those things with his own eyes.

After experiencing Zhang Qilin’s incident, the two became more curious.

But what Minister Zhang didn’t expect was that Commander Wei agreed, but said with some distress:

“Headmaster Chu, I can help you.

But what should you do if you have no way to prove it after mobilizing the public?

You should also know that these antiques are very valuable, if I make trouble, I will be accused of corruption and bribery…”

Chu Jian immediately stood up, looked directly at Commander Wei, and said firmly:

“Chief, I can issue a military order for this matter. If the facts are slightly biased from what I said, I am willing to be dealt with by military law, and I will bear all the responsibilities.”

Hearing this, Commander Wei also stood up, gritted his teeth and nodded: “Good boy, I knew that you didn’t hold back your farts well, and you all got me on the head.”

After speaking, Commander Wei couldn’t help laughing: “Then just wait, boy, don’t let me down.”

Then, without fussing, he left Chu Jian’s office with Minister Zhang.

On this journey, Commander Wei walked extremely fast, not giving Minister Zhang a chance to ask questions.

It wasn’t until after returning to his room that Minister Zhang couldn’t help but ask:

“Chief, you just agreed to this matter?”

When Commander Wei heard the words, he sighed deeply:

“You said that if I didn’t believe him… Zhang Qilin’s incident has proved that there are indeed strange people in 543.

But you let me directly believe in the existence of the national fortune and the dragon veins… I think it’s a bit unreal. ”

Sighing, Commander Wei smiled bitterly:

“Who made us dragged onto the pirate ship by him now and can’t get off!

And if we don’t deal with these things well, we can’t make a report in the theater, and we can’t explain it, why don’t we go all the way to the dark!

After all, you can’t really watch that kid Chu Jian get out of his bed, and even be sent to a military court, right? ”

Minister Zhang heard the words and sighed:

“Sir, what do you mean…”

Commander Wei looked at Minister Zhang and said meaningfully:

“Don’t you understand yet? In fact, from the very beginning, we were pulled into the thief boat by Chu Jian, this kid has been waiting for us here, ready to make a fortune for us!

We have been following the rhythm of Chu Jian.

From the waiting at the beginning, to the questioning of every player not long ago, all these things are paving the way for him to speak.

Now we already know that Zhang Qilin is a strange person, and he really lived for nearly 100 years.

So you don’t want to know, are the other things true or false?

If you want to investigate clearly, you have to help him. This is a hole that Chu Jian dug in advance, just wait for us to jump into it!

So we’re already on this boat, we can’t get off…”

Hearing this, Minister Zhang suddenly realized that if it wasn’t for Commander Wei who mentioned it, he would not even realize it.

For a while, Minister Zhang said speechlessly: “Chu Jian, this kid, is so slippery now? Even our two old bosses are cheating? Not a man!”

Commander Wei walked slowly to the window and looked out the window with his hands behind his back:

“With the contact in the past few days, I can understand that Chu Jian is not an ordinary person.

In the face of investigations and even the pressure of higher-level war zones, he remained calm, even taking every step of the way!

If it weren’t for his involvement in these things, the future would be absolutely limitless, a rare talent!

It’s a pity, now it’s a question of whether he can prove his innocence. After all, the war zone has already had an opinion on him. Even if this matter has been fooled, if he wants to continue his promotion in the future, the war zone can’t handle it… ”

Hearing this, Minister Zhang asked uncertainly:

“Then chief, to find the so-called Mingbao, should we help or not?”

Commander Wei looked back at Minister Zhang and said without thinking:

“Help, of course.

If you don’t help, how can you be sure that what he said is true or false?

Immediately send my order and these few pieces of jade to the provincial military region, and the deputy commander will arrange this. ”

Minister Zhang was a little embarrassed:

“Sir, if you do this, it will definitely cause a lot of controversy.

We may even be involved in it, once the war zone is to blame…”

Commander Wei nodded helplessly:

“This is indeed the case, so we need to be more cautious, at least have a reasonable rhetoric.”

Immediately after that seemed to have thought of something, Commander Wei said again:

“After the tomb of King Ma of Han was unearthed, didn’t it find that it had been damaged by tomb robbers?

Let’s just use this as an excuse. The purpose of all the soldiers’ actions this time is to search for treasures that have been lost in the Hanmawangdui.

These treasures are all sold by tomb robbers, and their natural sources are not compliant and legal, and there is nothing wrong with the collection.

Just do it…”

Minister Zhang nodded thoughtfully, and immediately went to make arrangements.

Under Commander Wei’s order for an expedited summons, a guard who followed him quickly set foot on the way back.

Then, as soon as he returned to the provincial military region, he met the deputy commander and informed him of the matter.

Deputy Commander Zhao Chun was very puzzled after learning about the incident, and immediately confirmed with Commander Wei via telegram.

In the reply telegram, Commander Wei only said a few words:

“Follow the command!”

Although Zhao Chun was puzzled, he knew Commander Wei better and knew that he never gave any orders lightly.

Although this thing may seem a bit bizarre, it must have its purpose.

Soon, military vehicles drove out from the provincial military headquarters and began to collect Ming treasures in the province according to the order.

Of course, the reason for the external declaration is also as Commander Wei said: to investigate and find the lost antiques from the tomb of the King of Han and Ma, so as not to be lost overseas.

For a time, military vehicles appeared in antique shops and antique streets in various cities under the provincial and ministerial departments.

The soldiers took the investigation order and entered the antique shop and began to search every antique.

Although the owners of these antique stores clearly knew that the intention of the soldiers of the 570th soldiers was to find the treasures of the tomb of the King Hummer.

But what puzzled them was why these soldiers didn’t check these antiques at all, but moved their targets quickly after holding a piece of jade close to them.

Since Zhao Chun also contacted the newspaper office at the first time, the major newspaper offices also reported on the operation of the provincial military region.

And the newspapers of major newspapers are also appealing, if citizens have recently acquired antiques in their homes.

Please send it for identification as soon as possible, otherwise, once it is found, it will be suspected of hiding national treasures.

This matter can be said to be the biggest thing in recent times. The provincial military department is so drastic, and naturally it has attracted extra attention from the outside world.

Commander Wei, who is far away in the Kunlun Mountains Garrison Area, has been communicating with Zhao Chun by telegram.

Almost every time, Commander Wei will ask if there is something to gain, but Zhao Chun’s response has almost never changed:

“Not found…”

As time went on, Commander Wei became more and more solemn, and he even had some doubts about whether there was such a thing as Mingbao.

What made him even more strange was that Chu Jian’s deeds had become a little suspicious these days. He didn’t see anyone almost every day.

Commander Wei became more and more puzzled, and Minister Zhang was also anxious.

Now that they have been pulled into the water by Chu Jian, such a big action by the provincial army, even if there are high-sounding rhetoric, will inevitably lead to controversy.

Wouldn’t the gain outweigh the loss if everything was in vain at that time?


At the same time, Chu Jian was not worried about this at all.

He was sitting in the office, as if waiting for someone.

“Dong dong dong…”

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Yang Xueli’s voice sounded:

“Chief, are you looking for me?”

Chu Jian raised his head and saw Yang Xueli standing at the door:

“Come on, come in and sit…”

Yang Xueli’s face was full of doubts, obviously he didn’t know why Chu Jian called him suddenly.

Sitting opposite Chu Jian, Yang Xueli asked a little uneasily:

“Chief, what happened?”.

Chapter 148: Pay attention, pay attention to the whole army, kill the dragon! (5 more for subscription)

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