Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 152

Page 152

Chu Jian glanced at the time, and then said:

“I’ll give them some more tasks.

When will the treasures be delivered?I need a specific time. ”

Minister Zhang thought about it and said:

“Commander Wei’s order is for expedited delivery, so it will be delivered around 9 o’clock tonight.”

Chu Jian nodded when he heard the words, then turned to look at Zhang Qilin and the others:

“Then our final time will be at twelve o’clock tomorrow night.

Before that, we have to do all the preparatory work, make no mistakes! ”


Under the puzzled eyes of Commander Wei and Minister Zhang, Zhang Qilin turned and left the office.

“What are you going to do at twelve o’clock tomorrow night?”

Regarding Commander Wei’s inquiry, Chu Jian said meaningfully:

“Sir, as I said, it is not an easy thing to welcome back to China and join (Li Zhao’s).

You can’t understand it yet, but tomorrow night at twelve o’clock, everything will be known.

The efforts of the provincial military will also come in handy.

The return of the national fortune and the changes in the national situation, everyone in our provincial military region will have a share of the credit!

Then you will understand, everything I said before…”

Although Commander Wei had some doubts in his heart, he did not ask any further questions.

It’s been so long anyway, so what’s the harm in waiting another day?

Just before leaving, Commander Wei left a sentence:

“Commander Chu, the provincial military region is waiting for your good news!”

Watching the two leave, Chu Jian did not speak, but his eyes were full of identification.

Chu Jian’s heart was actually a little uneasy about the matter of welcoming back the fortune of the country this time.

Although the team members have improved a lot in strength now, they have to face the inverse scales of Beihai Ancestral Dragon.

The last time Human King Ling put them to the greatest test was their xinxing, so this time it was a complete review of their strength.

Beihai Ancestral Dragon, which opened up a country of return to the ruins, its strength is even more unfathomable.

With these concerns, Chu Jian entered the system mall.

What remains in his mind at this time is a simple and strong formation…

Slash the Dragon Formation!


[p: At [*] in the morning, five chapters will be published at once!As long as there is monthly ticket support, there will be updates during the day! ].

Chapter 149: Everything is ready, please ask God tonight (six more)

The delivery time of the Mingbao was exactly as Minister Zhang had estimated. At nine o’clock, the military vehicle stopped on time in the playground of the Kunlun Mountains Garrison Area.

Except for the fragile porcelain treasures, the other treasures are all packed in sacks, and they are completely invisible.

But the soldiers who carried them were careful, and they knew very well that the random treasures contained in these bags were of extraordinary value.

Because the first reason for the formation of Mingbao is that the age is long enough.

Only when the essence of heaven and earth is absorbed enough can it be deposited in the treasure and combine with the yin to make it a treasure.

If it wasn’t for the military, it would have been acquired at a low price in the name of grandeur.

If you want to collect all these treasures, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to replace them.

It has to be said that this is the benefit of relying on state institutions.

Chu Jian instructed the soldiers to carefully send these Ming treasures to the back mountain.

Even if it was acquired at a low price, the amount added up was not a small amount, so Commander Wei felt a little distressed when he saw it.

“Leader Chu, what should I do with these things after they are used up?”

Commander Wei’s original intention was that after these Ming treasures are used up, they can all be recovered, and then returned to each family as they are.

In this way, the military has nothing to lose.

Naturally, the inquiries from the superiors were rounded off.

Hearing this, Chu Jian guessed what Commander Wei was thinking, and then said:

“Don’t worry, chief, if you still have the undamaged Ming treasure after using it, you can take it with you.”

Hearing this, Commander Wei felt a little strange, but he didn’t take it to heart, just nodded.

After the treasures were sent to the back mountain, Chu Jian signaled all the soldiers to leave. At this time, Zhang Qilin and others were waiting at the back mountain.

After seeing Mingbao, Zhang Qilin and the others quickly took out their shovels, started digging holes in various fixed positions, and buried Mingbao inside.

570 After burying some of the Ming treasures, other Ming treasures were placed in different positions by Chu Jian.

Commander Wei and Minister Zhang, although they were a little puzzled by this, they could also see that the treasures seemed to form a circle.

In doubt, Commander Wei asked:

“Captain Chu, what are you doing? Why can’t I understand it?”

As Chu Jian watched the team members move, he said slowly:

“Head, they are now arranging the formation, and there will be a god-invitation ceremony here at 12 o’clock tomorrow.”

When he heard the words ‘God-invitation ceremony’, a picture suddenly appeared in Commander Wei’s mind:

A lot of people were wearing weird clothes, shaking their heads and jumping around, chattering.

This thing has been characterized as the dregs of the old society from a very early time.

Commander Wei immediately looked at Chu Jian in surprise and said:

“Captain Chu, do you want to dance the gods?”

Commander Wei’s tone was filled with shock and even a little anger.

He absolutely does not allow this kind of thing, and it still happens in the military region?But now, he is helping them do such absurd things instead.

If this matter spreads out, no one can hold back, and they all have to follow the bad luck together!

Chu Jian was still very calm, and patiently said:

“Chief, of course it’s not what you think. It’s all feudal superstition, the product of folk tinkering, and it’s useless. How can I do this kind of ridiculous behavior?”

Commander Wei’s expression softened a little, and he wondered, “Then what you said, please God…”

“It’s a little complicated. Asking God is not a big god, but an ancient ritual. Please wait patiently for the specific situation. Tomorrow, everything will be known for yourself.”

Chu Jian said so, and Commander Wei had to suppress all these doubts in his heart.

As he said before, he had already boarded Chu Jian’s pirate ship, and it was not that easy to think about getting off.

Especially now, Commander Wei has begun to regret a little, because he found that this ship is really a bit pit…


It is not unreasonable for Commander Wei to be so cautious. After all, the entire provincial military region is secretly helping Chu Jian. Of course, it is not easy to say that: taking the blame.

Within the provincial department, countless pairs of eyes were watching the development of the situation, worried about whether Chu Jian would be able to overcome this difficulty.

Although it was late at night, in an office, several ministers of the provincial military department were sitting on the sofa, and everyone’s faces were a little solemn.

“Little Chu, it’s really not easy to get to the present step by step.

According to the transfer, he went to the Kunlun Mountains Garrison Area, and he didn’t complain at all, but now he has this matter…”

The Minister of Armed Forces said with a sad face.

The Minister of Military Affairs, who was sitting next to him, nodded:

“Everyone outside thinks that this time the operation is to check and collect the treasures of the tomb of the King of Han and Ma.

But we all know that this is helping Chu Jian.

Although we don’t know what he wants to do, we can do our best, and the rest is up to Chu Jian himself. ”

A lieutenant colonel said thoughtfully:

“According to Chu Jian’s rights, as the head of the regiment, he can indeed form a class team within the regiment.

But the intention and existence of this team are both a problem, and it involves a series of troubles. Even if Commander Wei is willing to accommodate, some give opportunities, but after all, there is still the theater inspectorate watching.

Especially now that the incident in Xiangjiang is extremely important, involving international issues, the war zone is very angry, and the impression of the Kunlun garrison is also very bad.

Therefore, Commander Wei is actually helping him by investigating him. Otherwise, if the investigation is too easy, the war zone will directly intervene. According to what Chu Jian is currently involved in, once the war zone takes action… then there will be no mediation. There is room! ”

All the leaders here are the core figures of the provincial military regions, and they are also people who care about Chu Jian.

Some were Chu Jian’s old bosses, and some were Chu Jian’s old acquaintances.

After the reform of the military region, their positions have also undergone some transfers.

As for what Chu Jian was involved in, they were also actively inquiring.

Although the specifics are not clear, at least the establishment of this 543 exploration team and the archives, private action to Xiangjiang is still known.

But everyone is willing to believe that there must be some reason why Chu Jian must do this.

Therefore, Commander Wei’s aggressive (cfcb) investigation is actually subtly reducing the big things to the small ones.

Now that they can help everything they can, there is nothing else they can do except worry.

We can only hope that Chu Jian can handle this matter properly, so that he can give Commander Wei, to the provincial military region, and a rhetoric to deal with the war zone!

At the same time, it did not live up to everyone’s recent worries.

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