Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 177

Page 177

“The chief’s attitude was beyond my expectations.

At that time, because of uncertainty about the result, it was not sent together.

Why don’t you send a telegram to the chief?Pathfinder? ”

Zhao Chun nodded thoughtfully:

“It’s okay to give it a try, so that you can test the chief’s attitude towards this.”

After making up his mind, Commander Wei immediately called telegraph soldiers and sent the telegram to the war zone.

Soon, however, the war zone responded.

This application was rejected!

This result was actually expected by the two of them.

Commander Wei sighed helplessly:

“This matter is getting more and more bizarre. The higher-level chief did not investigate the matter, but he did not approve the development of the 543 Exploration Team.

What the hell is going on here? ”

Of course the two did not know that Chen Dong and Yang Jianjun had the same view on the matter.

Now that Heung Kong has withdrawn the accusation, and even the Independent Commission Against Corruption has taken the initiative to express its gratitude, it is better to reduce the big issues to the small ones.

Just turn a blind eye to this matter.

As for the 543 Exploration Team and the Kunlun Guard Corps, they were really curious, so they decided to pay attention to it silently and make plans.

But for Commander Wei, this result is actually not bad.

He had never thought about it before, that the higher-level chief would not investigate this matter in depth.

Although the application was rejected, at least the current situation was preserved. Such a result is already rare.

After adjusting his mentality, Commander Wei looked at Zhao Chun and said:

“This Captain Chu Jian is really an expert, he must have known something in advance, and he was so calm at that time.

Before the commendation meeting tomorrow, let’s have a meeting.

Ask what the hell is going on. ”

Zhao Chun nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Commander Wei and asked:

“Old Wei, I believe you won’t see the wrong person.

However, these things are, in my opinion, quite bizarre.

The attitude of the superiors is also very vague, maybe they are just watching.

After that, when it comes to Captain Chu Jian and that team, it is better to be cautious.

It’s too sensitive now, don’t touch the mold…”

Commander Wei nodded solemnly:

“Don’t worry, I have a plan…”

The response from the war zone was a big stone in Commander Wei’s heart to the ground, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Although there are still doubts in his head, as long as Chu Jian and others arrive at the military area tomorrow morning, everything will be answered.

And now, the entire provincial military region has also been prepared.

The auditorium has been sorted out, and the arrangements for tomorrow’s commendation meeting have also been finalized.

At this time, not only Commander Wei and Zhao Chun, but several other ministers were also waiting for the arrival of Chu Jian and others…

Chapter 170: Pan Zi!welcome!General Assembly!

Early the next morning, two rows of soldiers were already lined up at the entrance of the provincial military region, and a red carpet had been placed at the entrance of the auditorium.

Soldiers clean the auditorium one last time.

At this time, all the propaganda teams and the soldiers who participated in the performance of the commendation meeting are also going through the final rehearsal.

Two rows of soldiers stood solemnly on both sides of the military area, waiting for the arrival of Chu Jian and others.

Everything is ready, all the ministers are in Commander Wei’s office at this time, and everyone has to act together.

At this time, on the playground, a soldier who looked very strong looked at the busy scene around him with some curiosity.

He grabbed a soldier and asked:

“Comrade, is there any activity here?”

The soldier who was pulled gave him a strange look:

“Who are you? Did you just come here? You don’t even know that the commendation meeting is going to be held?”

The sturdy, dark-skinned soldier smiled heartily, and then pointed to the logo on his military uniform on his chest:

“Comrade, just call me Pan Zi.

I am from the Central Theater Command, and this time I came to your military region to send some documents.

Looking at this scene, the momentum is not small. ”

The soldier suddenly smiled proudly and said in awe:

“Of course, today is going to hold a commendation meeting for the 543 exploration team in the Kunlun Garrison Area. These people are very mysterious. I heard that they are not ordinary. They are even more powerful than the special soldiers! And you can see that the chief attaches great importance to this.

You came just in time, and you can watch it lively in a while. ”

Pan Zi nodded lightly when he heard the words, and then rushed to the office building not far away with the bag in his hand.

Since all the energy of the commander and others was at the commendation meeting at this time, these documents were temporarily accepted by the clerk.

But the soldier named Pan Zi was quite stubborn, and he would not leave unless he was ordered by the superior.

No way, the clerk had to temporarily put him to rest, and promised to notify Commander Wei of the matter as soon as the commendation meeting ended.

Pan Zi just gave up.


At the same time, with the sound of a vehicle whistle, Chu Jian and all members of the 543 exploration team drove into the provincial military area in a military vehicle.

Looking at the soldiers standing on both sides outside the window, with neat uniforms, solemn scenes, and saluting soldiers, Wu Sangou was obviously very excited:

“I didn’t expect it. I had to walk around when I saw a soldier before, but now they are saluting and welcoming me.”

When Hu Bayi heard the words, he immediately poured a basin of cold water:

“What does it mean to greet you? Do people know who you are? This is obviously to greet the chief, okay?”

Hearing this, Wu Sangou was not angry, and waved his hand indifferently:

“It’s alright, it’s all right, I came with the chief anyway. To greet his old man is to greet us.”

Yang Xueli smiled and looked at Wu Sangou:

“Is our chief so old?”

Several people laughed, and even Zhang Qilin’s always stern face showed a little smile at this time.

The little fox was lying in front of the window and looked out curiously. This scene was also very strange to the soldiers who greeted him outside.

Why did the 543 exploration team come with a little fox, and it looked weird.

The soldiers were puzzled, but after all, it was an important occasion, so there was no discussion about it.

When the military car slowly stopped downstairs of the office building, Commander Wei and the ministers walked to the door one after another, and looked at Chu Jian who got out of the car with a smile on his face.

After saluting each other, Commander Wei looked at Chu Jian and said with a smile:

“Headmaster Chu, how is it? I didn’t lie to you, all these things have been arranged for you in just three days.”

Chu Jian smiled and nodded:

“The chief is worried.”

With that said, Chu Jian looked at the ministers standing behind Commander Wei:

“Several old leaders, long time no see.”

The Minister of Armed Forces came forward and patted Chu Jian on the shoulder:

“You kid, you’re getting stronger and stronger.

Remember when you first joined the army?Thin as a pole.

Look at it now, this is what it looks like to be the head of the team. ”

Although Chu Jian is a traverser, he is the one who has directly traversed into the parallel world. Nothing has changed, but his identity has changed.

Of course he knew that when he first enlisted in the army, he was not favored.

The old leaders in front of them continued to encourage them to become the head of the regiment themselves.

The Minister of Political Affairs walked to Chu Jian with a smile and held Chu Jian’s hand:

“Good boy, I knew you would definitely have something to do.

When I was still in the old military region, I was worried about your weak body and what would happen! ”

The memory in Chu Jian’s mind emerged, he smiled and nodded:

“I remember that every time you had a meal in the cafeteria, you quietly stuffed me with an extra egg!”


Amidst the laughter, Chu Jian became the core, and was surrounded by him and walked into the office building.

Zhang Qilin and the others followed behind with a smile, and they felt very warm looking at the few people who had no air at this time.

Wu Sangou approached Hu Bayi in a low voice and said:

“Have we heard the dark history of the chief?”

Hu Bayi glared at Wu Sangou and said jokingly:

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