Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 18

Page 18

“You don’t have to worry about this. If you can build it, someone can use it.”

The old man nodded, looked at the blueprint and said:

“Okay, leader, we’ll start work immediately.

It’s just that this knife is different from any of the previous ones. I don’t know what name it has? ”

Chu Jian nodded lightly and said seriously:

“It’s called, Black Gold Ancient Knife!”


“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

In the military district after nightfall, there were still bursts of beating sounds from the rear playground.

The sound was extremely penetrating, and spread almost throughout the military region, echoing at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains.

Zhang Qilin heard the voice first, opened the door suspiciously and walked out.

However, soon, the two doors next to them also opened, and Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou came out in confusion.

“What’s that sound?”

Hu Bayi looked into the distance suspiciously, it was the playground, and there were faint sparks.

Wu Sangou didn’t know where the news came from:

“I heard that the chief found someone to invite craftsmen today, and built a forging bench or something in the back playground.

Looking at this battle, it seems to be building something. ”

Hu Ba wondered for a while: “The army has military factories and arsenals, and if they build things, they also make weapons such as firearms. They rarely make cold weapons, and they are all made by machine tools and mechanized assembly lines, not to mention using such wild ways to build them. What’s going on here?”

Hu Bayi was very puzzled, but he knew that there was no military factory in the station.

This is also normal, a remote station, only one regiment is stationed, how can it be equipped with a military factory.

But if the head of the regiment wants to build what kind of equipment, he can report it to the domestic military factory, why should he make it himself?

The knocking sound not only attracted the attention of the three of them. At this time, in the rest area of the investigation team that was isolated separately, Chen Wenjin walked out of the door wearing a coat.

The rest of the investigation team members also came out curiously, and were very curious about the source of this voice.

“Little Li, go and see what the sound is.”

However, just as Chen Wenjin finished speaking, a figure came in from outside:

“You don’t need to go, I’ve already seen it, it was a few craftsmen hired by Captain Chu Jian, who were building something overnight.

There are guards stationed there, and it seems that random access is not allowed. ”


Hearing this, some team members were not happy:

“Captain Chu Jian has been procrastinating again and again, he just doesn’t let us go to investigate, and he finds craftsmen to build things himself?

What’s going on. ”

Chen Wenjin also frowned, thought for a moment and said:

“Can’t wait any longer, this Captain Chu Jian is very strange and doesn’t know what he wants to do.

Tomorrow, I’ll go ask when we can leave, Dr. Li and the others are in a bad situation right now, and there will be all harm and no benefit if they wait. ”

After making up his mind, as if he didn’t want everyone to gather together again to become more impetuous, Chen Wenjin motioned for everyone to disperse.

But with this tinkling percussion, who can sleep?Almost stayed up all night.

Then three consecutive days passed, and Chen Wenjin approached Chu Jian several times to ask when to leave.

There is always only one response from Chu Jian: “It will be soon, it will be soon.”

It was this attitude that made the whole investigation team feel more and more depressed.

At this time, as usual, the investigation may have been completed and Dr. Li and the scientific research team have been found.

The result is now better, staying in this security area every day, listening to the jingling sound every day, is almost fragile.

Finally, at this day’s discussion meeting, Chen Wenjin made up his mind:

“Tomorrow, no matter what happens tomorrow, we’re going to go.

If Captain Chu Jian still refuses, then we will immediately report the situation here.

Whether he sends or not, we must act, and we must not delay any longer! ”

With the team leader’s words, the members of the investigation team quickly sorted out their things and waited for the arrival of tomorrow.

at the same time.

Not only the investigation team and others, but also the officers in the regiment in the past few days are also confused.

I can’t figure out what the newly appointed head of the team is tinkering with?

Just a few days ago, I trained three strange soldiers and awarded them with honors, which has already made a lot of noise.

Now I have applied for military funds to build things overnight.

What is this trying to do?

This new head is really unpredictable, and it looks more like… nonsense!

It’s just that that night, the tinkling banging sound did not come.


In the dark of night, Chu Jian followed the old man’s apprentice to the forging table. At this time, the old man looked at Chu Jian excitedly and said:

“Leader, all the knives, umbrellas, and armour you asked for have been made.”

Chu Jian sighed helplessly and said:

“Old gentleman, let you build it in the shortest time. I didn’t expect it to be five days.”

The old man immediately explained:

“Leader, you don’t know, the drawings and forging methods you gave me are too complicated.

There are many forging steps. First, we need to make embryos, then hot forging, shoveling, filing, grinding, quenching, tempering, preliminary repairing, intensive repairing and other dozens of processes. This is what my apprentices and I did not sleep until day and night.

You also know that these three things are not ordinary things, especially this umbrella, which is also involved in the activity mechanism, and failed a few times before the finished product. ”

Chu Jian nodded and then asked:

“So now, has it been done?”

The old man sighed in excitement:

“Yes, it has been completed, and before dawn, you can see the finished product.

But the leader, everything else is easy to say, that is, the knife is too heavy to be used. ”

Chu Jian smiled and waved his hand:

“This knife is not an ordinary thing, and naturally it needs extraordinary people to use it.”.

Chapter [*]: Getting equipment and sending weapons

Now that everything has been forged, Chu Jian did not delay, and looked back at the document:

“Go and inform Zhang Qilin and the others that they will gather at the gathering place tomorrow morning.

At the same time, go tell the investigation team and leave tomorrow. ”

The clerk nodded and quickly disappeared into the night.


Originally, the investigation team had decided to leave the next day, but unexpectedly, they got the news in the middle of the night.

This is in line with the intention of the investigation team, at least not to make the relationship between the two sides too stiff.

But after so many days of delay, the investigation team’s resentment towards Chu Jian is still very strong.

Early in the morning, Chen Wenjin brought the team to the assembly place and saw the three Zhang Qilin who were waiting here early.

The members of the investigation team looked at the three people in front of them, obviously not paying much attention.

“Hello, I’m the leader of the investigation team, Chen Wenjin.

Are you the one arranged by the head of Chu to cooperate with our investigation? ”

Hu Ba nodded a little, gave a salute and said:

“Leader Chen, we are instructed by the leader to cooperate with all actions of the investigation team.”

Chen Wenjin nodded politely and said nothing more.

There is obviously some estrangement between the two sides, and anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that it is clearly two independent small teams coming together.

Zhuge Qing didn’t even look at a few people, so he made it clear that he didn’t take these three people seriously at all.

The good thing is to cooperate with all the actions of the investigation team, but to put it directly, it is to follow the errands and lead the way.

At this moment, Hu Bayi and the others saw Chu Jian’s document running over, and Chen Wenjin and the others naturally noticed it, and they all looked here, thinking that the document had brought some new instructions.

However, the document came directly to Hu Bayi and the others:

“Captain Chu has an order to order all members of the 543 Exploration Team to go to the rear playground to collect equipment!”

The three looked at each other, obviously a little surprised. They never thought that this operation would be equipped with equipment?

Seeing the three people leaving with the document, Chen Wenjin and the others didn’t really care.

It is nothing more than the conventional weapons equipped with some troops, such as firearms, etc., nothing worth noting.


the other side.


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