Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 194

Page 194

“Wenjin, since ancient times, it is often a small number of people who have mastered the truth.

This means that when you choose to stand on the side of the truth, you must take a different path from most people.

Holding on to the truth comes with a price, before and now.

What you hold in your heart is what you think is the truth. Although I don’t know what kind of team the 543 exploration team is.

But if you can be so determined, you must know a little more about this team.

I’m willing to give it a try, and I’m taking this opportunity to teach you another lesson.

Stick to the truth, sometimes you need to do something that is not in line with the rules…”

After speaking, Professor Wu gently pushed the radio station on the table forward.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wenjin was startled at first, but then she understood.

A little surprise flashed in her eyes, but Professor Wu’s eyes were a little firm.

The two did not speak, and they seemed to have said a thousand words in eye contact.

Under Professor Wu’s gaze, Chen Wenjin slowly came to the radio station, and gave Professor Wu a somewhat uncertain look.

Professor Wu nodded lightly, and this move also gave Chen Wenjin great support.

Immediately, Chen Wenjin sat down and started sending telegrams again.

Only this time, the telegram was not sent to the Central Theater.


at the same time.

In the Kunlun Mountains garrison area, the wind and snow are swaying all year round, and the place is covered with a layer of silver clothes, which is cold but not disappointing.

The Kunlun Mountains in the distance are still towering, like a giant, watching from a distance the soldiers who are training in an orderly manner in the station.

The slogan resounded throughout the entire station. Kunlun was very deserted in the distance, but the station was very popular.

In such a scene, the clerk hurriedly walked across the training ground with a telegram in his hand, causing many soldiers to turn their heads to watch, wondering what emergency happened.

The clerk also hurried to Chu Jian’s office.

“Reporting to the head, we have received a telegram…”

Chu Jian raised his head with some doubts and glanced at the document:

“Is there any new instruction from the superior chief?”

The clerk shook his head dignifiedly:

“The head of the report, it was not sent by the head of the superior, you should check it out for yourself…”

Chu Jian nodded and took the telegram, but after just a few glances, a solemn expression appeared on his face.

At this moment, Wang Zhiguo, who got the news, rushed over in a hurry.

After he signaled the document to leave, he looked at Chu Jian and said:

“Captain Chu, what happened?”

Chu Jian nodded slowly and said solemnly:

“This is a telegram from the resident responsible for the archaeological operation of Mount Li.

The telegram stated that the current situation of the archaeological team is very critical, so they want to seek the help of the 543 exploration team. ”

· · · · Flowers · · ·

Wang Zhiguo was a little surprised when he heard the words:

“But shouldn’t this kind of telegram be sent directly to the war zone?

According to the normal process, the team responsible for the exploration of Mount Li should contact the Central Theater.

If the Central Theater agrees to this, it will then contact the Western Theater.

Then this name is conveyed step by step, and finally it will be passed on to us.

Why is this telegram sent directly to us inexplicably now? ”

Chu Jian’s eyes landed on the signature at the bottom of the telegram.

The three words Chen Wenjin actually answered Wang Zhiguo’s doubts in a sense.

Chu Jian knew that the person in charge of the Lishan exploration operation was Professor Wu.

Therefore, normally, the signature of this telegram should be Professor Wu himself.

At this time, the inscription on the telegram was Chen Wenjin’s name. Through this, Chu Jian had already guessed something.

“I think the head of the central theater should have received the telegram…


Moreover, the head of the Western Theater Command has been contacted. ”

When he said these words, Chu Jian’s tone was somewhat meaningful.

He has probably guessed that the attitude of the two chiefs towards this matter must be denied.

Therefore, he will receive this unruly telegram.

But this also reflects from the side that the current situation of the Lishan inspection team is very critical.

Otherwise, Chen Wenjin would not take the risk and put the treasure on the 543 exploration team that she did not know.

Looking at the expression on Chu Jian’s face, Wang Zhiguo said uneasy:

“Headmaster Chu, this matter cannot be easily decided.

After all, we are only a garrison team, and we do not have the right to dispatch and exercise alone. Once we dispatch troops to participate in the operation, it is a big crime! ”

Wang Zhiguo’s words came to Chu Jian’s ears, which didn’t seem to have caused him much burden.

It just made him suddenly feel a little emotional: it is better to have his own special military region, otherwise, in a similar situation, it is indeed impossible to dispatch in time.

But once there is the 543 Special Military Region, things like this are easier to handle now, and they can be dispatched directly because they have the right to be dispatched independently.

Then looked up at Wang Zhiguo, Chu Jian said slowly:

“Don’t worry, Political Commissar Wang, I know what I know…

However, the torrential rains in Xi’an continued, and landslides continued to occur, causing heavy losses to the people.

Now that we’ve received help, we certainly can’t just sit here, do nothing, or even ignore their pleas. ”


Wang Zhiguo was anxious to say something, but Chu Jian did not give him the opportunity:

“Okay, Political Commissar Wang…

Help me convene the 543 exploration team, all members of the meeting! ”

Looking at Chu Jian’s firm eyes, Wang Zhiguo sighed deeply.

How could he not know that no one has the ability to change Chu Jian’s decision.

Not long after, Hu Bayi brought the entire exploration team to Chu Jian’s office.

Chu Jian did not speak, but handed the telegram sent by Chen Wenjin to Hu Bayi.

Hu Bayi and a few people looked at it, and then showed a solemn expression… Nai.

Chapter 185: The application report that surprised all parties

From the telegram, this was a regular support operation.

However, the 543 exploration team is not a conventional exploration and survey team. It stands to reason that other professional rescue teams should be found for this kind of support operation.

Therefore, Hu Bayi asked a little puzzled:

“Sir, this matter…

Shouldn’t it be within our scope of action? ”

Chu Jian nodded unsurprisingly, and then he handed the second telegram on the table to Hu Bayi:

“Look at this again…”

After taking over the telegram again, the team members came together one after another.

In this telegram, it is Chen Wenjin’s description of the strange things that have happened in the past few days.

It was foggy in the middle of the night, and the white fog did not dissipate in the torrential rain.

And the strange sound that can’t tell whether it is crying or the wind is heard almost every night.

At the same time, Chen Wenjin highlighted the inexplicable footprints and the strange figures she saw that night.

This telegram took the whole thing to a new level.

Looking at Hu Bayi and the others, Chu Jian asked slowly:

“Do you still think this matter has nothing to do with us?”

“[-]” Hu Bayi said solemnly:

“Chief, do you mean that these things involve the realm of supernatural beings, not coincidences?”

When he asked these words, Pan Zi obviously frowned.

supernatural realm…

Hearing these words in the army was really abrupt.

Moreover, the accident happened in Shaanxi, where his old military region was located.Although Xi’an has not been to Xi’an several times, he is very fond of Shaanxi.

Chu Jian nodded meaningfully:

“There are no coincidences in this world.

Everything that happens has a reason.

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