Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 27

Page 27

“It won’t take long to resist, we have to find a way quickly…”

Chen Wenjin saw it in his eyes, and quietly let someone open the first aid kit, took out the bandages, and walked forward.

However, when she saw Zhang Qilin’s hand, she was really stunned.

There was still blood left on Zhang Qilin’s hand, but there was no wound at all.

Zhuge Qing took a breath in surprise:

“How is this possible? I saw that your hand was cut by a knife just now. Why is the wound gone?”

Zhang Qilin did not give any explanation for this, but just walked straight through the crowd and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou immediately followed, looking at the backs of these three people, the investigation team realized for the first time that these people seemed a little unusual!

Zhuge Qing looked at the backs of the three with a little more thought.

“The person who has been holding the compass is an expert in arithmetic, and the method of compass empathy is superb.

The person carrying the box also seemed to have a lot of knowledge and mastered a lot of ancient methods.

The person with the knife on his back is even more mysterious, these three…”

Zhuge Qing paused thoughtfully, then continued:

“It’s not easy.”

Chen Wenjin also nodded deeply. She always had a strange feeling about these three people, which became stronger and stronger.

These three people are obviously not from a professional background, but they have such professional experience and knowledge.

Involuntarily, Chen Wenjin sounded the name of the team that Chu Jian said at the time.

543 Exploration Team!

What kind of team is this?

Indeed some intriguing ah!

At this time, the three people who walked towards the depths together did not care about the whispers of the people behind.

Hu Bayi and Wu Sansheng were both amazed at the strength Zhang Qilin showed just now.

“Don’t look at being silent and dumb on weekdays, didn’t expect you to be so powerful?”

Wu Sansheng looked at Zhang Qilin curiously and said:

“Why does your blood make those poisonous insects so afraid?”

Zhang Qilin shook his head gently:

“do not know……”

It’s not that Zhang Qilin deliberately concealed it, but that he has been suffering from memory loss, so many things are not clear to him.

Just now, it was just an instinctive reaction etched in his bones.

The two of them didn’t ask any more questions, but the curiosity in their hearts was naturally a little stronger, and they planned to ask the chief when they went back.

I’m not sure that Captain Chu knows!

At this time, looking around, Hu Bayi changed the subject:

“Don’t you think this cave is a bit strange?”



After three in the morning, I finished writing this chapter and went to bed.

I should be working hard…

Just hope that when you wake up, the flowers will exceed [-], the evaluation votes will exceed [-], and you will continue to update when you wake up! .

Chapter [-]: Demon!

Hu Bayi didn’t know, just when he said these words, Zhuge Qing also noticed something in the investigation team that followed up:

“The cave seems to be formed naturally, but this deep road is more like a man-made excavation later.”

Chen Wenjin nodded and touched the wall next to him:

“Even if it was artificially excavated, it was a long time ago.

But what is the purpose, and where does this road lead? ”

With doubts, Chen Wenjin and others couldn’t help but quicken their pace, getting closer and closer to the three people in front.

Hu Bayi took out the compass again at this time, but after looking at it again, he said in surprise:

“The interference here is so strong that the compass is useless?”

Wu Sangou frowned:

“It’s a bit strange. It’s pitch black and you can’t see anything clearly.”

After saying that, Wu Sangou stopped and opened the treasure chest. It was still the first hidden compartment, and soon he took out a flashlight the size of a palm.


As Wu Sangou turned on the flashlight, the eyes of the three of them were as bright as day.

Chen Wenjin and the others looked at the powerful flashlight in Wu Sangou’s hand in surprise, and then looked at the pitiful flashlight in their hand that was twice the size but had a small light source, and looked at each other.

Hu Bayi joked:

“Old Wu, is there anything in this box that you can’t take out?”

Wu Sangou suddenly smiled smugly:

“Let me tell you this, only you can’t think of it, there’s nothing I can’t come up with.”

While talking, Zhang Qilin, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped.

Chen Wenjin and the others saw it, and immediately moved forward anxiously. After some investigation, they all sighed.

“There is no way, I didn’t expect this to be a dead end…”

Zhuge Qing looked back at the direction of the entrance of the cave:

“I can’t go out for the time being. Now I can only wait and see when the poisonous insects recede, and then we will go another way.”

The members of the investigation team were a little discouraged and rested on the spot, and Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou also squatted aside casually.

Zhang Qilin was leaning against the stone wall, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Wenjin thought for a moment, and finally asked Wu Sangou:

“Did you know about this poisonous insect early on?”

For this matter, Chen Wenjin has been brooding.

She checked the handwritten information left by Professor Li just now, and she could confirm that the insect Wu Sangou mentioned and the species that Professor Li investigated were the adult and the juvenile, but the names were different.

Dr. Li studied for so long, and even named this poisonous insect, but he never thought that someone knew about this poisonous insect long ago.

Wu Sangou nodded indifferently:

“In the ten years from 66 to 76, a lot of materials were burned, and the wisdom left by many ancient people was also destroyed.

My family buried all those precious ancient books in the ground so that they could stay.

There are many things recorded in these ancient books that people don’t know at all, and the fire boil poisonous insect is one of them.

This kind of poisonous insect can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty. It is a prehistoric species. It disappeared during the Shang Dynasty. I did not expect that it can still be seen today. ”

Chen Wenjin nodded somewhat complicatedly, and at this time she couldn’t tell how she was feeling now.

Scientists have worked hard to study, and some people even paid the price of their lives, but they are not as well-informed as the person in front of them.

If the scientific research team knew Wu Sangou early, maybe they wouldn’t have to spend so much effort and take so many detours.


A doubt that had been lingering in Chen Wenjin’s heart gave her an idea at this moment.

Soon, Chen Wenjin took out the ball of paper he had picked up in the wastebasket from his pocket and handed it to Wu Sangou:

“This was written by Dr. Li, and I found it in the trash…”

Although Chen Wenjin did not say it explicitly, this attitude is clearly willing to share her findings, which is a kind of recognition for Wu Sangou and several others.

Wu Sangou took the paper ball and opened it to take a look. Hu Bayi, who came over, quickly showed a surprised expression.

“This is impossible, how can there be demons in the world?”

After hearing this, the members of the investigation team looked at the paper curiously, puzzled.

Chen Wenjin sighed softly:

“I also find it very strange, why did Dr. Li write such a paragraph and then throw it away?

In his notes, it was mentioned many times that he saw a girl during the investigation, and it was most likely the demon he suspected.

This is not in line with the professionalism of a scientist, so I feel very incomprehensible. ”

Hu Bayi and Zhang Qilin also shook their heads slightly, apparently disapproving of the idea of a demon.

Wu Sangou handed the paper over and said casually:

“Maybe it was written casually, but didn’t it tear it down and throw it away? Don’t take it seriously…”

Hu Bayi also nodded: “Indeed, I can understand what you said about prehistoric species. As for monsters, it is completely nonsense.”

Chen Wenjin nodded, and when he reached out to pick up the paper, Zhuge Qing’s voice suddenly came:

“do not move!”

The movements of the two stopped in the air, and looked at Zhuge Qing in confusion.

At this moment, Zhuge Qing seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, and approached slowly and solemnly, staring at the piece of paper.

The breathing of several people also slowly solidified, and they all saw that there was a slight floating in the corner of the paper.

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