Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 58

Page 58

But Wu Changfeng shook his head blankly:

“Sir, I really don’t know about this.”

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin took over the conversation

“Chief, although Captain Chu Jian didn’t say it, during the operation, the members of the exploration team did.

The goal and mission of their team is to…”

Speaking of which, Chen Wenjin hesitated, and the commander asked with some doubts:

“What is it?”

Chen Wenjin looked at the commander, only then did she gather up her courage and said word by word:

“Slaying the demon, protecting the country’s fortune, suppressing the dragon veins…”

“What a mess!”

Sure enough, after hearing these words, the commander was slightly angry:

“Team Leader Chen, you are responsible for every word you say!”

The commander obviously did not believe that the words were spoken by a regiment commander, or a regiment commander who was one of the few high-level intellectuals in the military.

But at this time Chen Wenjin said very seriously:

“Chief, what I said is true, this is indeed what the members of the 543 exploration team said…”

Wu Changfeng also looked at Chen Wenjin in disbelief at this time:

“Team Leader Chen, they… really said that?”

· · · · Flowers · · ·

Chen Wenjin nodded:

“I always thought you knew about this, Captain Wu, so I never said it.

In the ruins at that time, when we were scattered, they said that they were going to carry out the order of the head of Chu, go to kill the monsters, and protect the country’s luck! ”

Wu Changfeng was speechless for a while, this news was really unbelievable to him.

No wonder how he asked at the beginning, but the head of Chu didn’t say anything. He only told himself that he would know later. Now that he thinks about it, Wu Changfeng finally understands what Chu Jian means.

What did he say about the demon beheading?Because even if he said it at the time, he would definitely not believe it, and he would react more intensely.

Just like now, Wu Changfeng was stunned.

Chu Jian’s strange order, turned out to be for slaying demons?

Isn’t this Arabian Nights!


The commander looked at Chen Wenjin for a few seconds, and then put his eyes on the two reports on the table.

Chen Wenjin’s words made him feel a little incomprehensible.

This sounds a little too outrageous.

Then, the commander seemed to remember something and looked at Wu Changfeng:

“Commander Wu, a few days ago, a soldier was unconscious and sent to the military hospital.

How is this going?The military doctor said it was overly frightened, so what happened? ”

Wu Changfeng opened his mouth, but he didn’t know how to speak.

But after all, the commander himself asked, and he really didn’t dare to hide anything.

So, Wu Changfeng briefly recounted what happened that night in a few words.

Of course, Wu Changfeng only said what he knew, but what he didn’t know was that he didn’t even say inferences.

Because he knew that this would definitely have a big impact on Chu Jian.

Therefore, he tried to speak as little as possible, so that the impact of Chu Jian’s affairs could be as small as possible.

But it is clear that even though Wu Changfeng has already expressed it very rigorously, the commander is still a little annoyed after hearing the words. He stared at Wu Changfeng and asked:

“What? Chu Jiantuan grew up to set up a stage in the middle of the night and invited someone to sing?

Simply ridiculous! ”

The commander said angrily:

“What is he in the military region? He also invites people to sing? Does he think he is a warlord!”

If this hat is buckled on the head, Chu Jian will be in big trouble, Wu Changfeng quickly explained:

“Chief, it’s not singing, just setting up a stage and inviting a musical group.

But I didn’t really sing the opera, and I didn’t let the soldiers go to the play, just went out and circled the mountains.

I don’t know what happened after that, but the head of Chu ordered that no one come out to see it.

I didn’t know until the next day that one of the soldiers… was in a coma…”


The commander slapped the table, and both Chen Wenjin and Wu Changfeng didn’t dare to make a sound.

The majesty of the commander-in-chief of the provincial army is something that no one can bear.

Chapter 69: Expand 543, recruit new members (13 more)

The commander photographed one of the reports in front of Wu Changfeng:

“Captain Wu and Chief Chen mentioned in the first report that a furnace was set up in the military area, and craftsmen were invited to build it.

Before this incident, Chu Jian had just applied for military expenses. Where was the money spent? ”

Wu Changfeng heard the words, of course he knew that the commander had already guessed where the money was going from the report, how could he hide it?

“Commander… Captain Chu Jian… I hired craftsmen for military expenses… I also bought a lot of rare metals…”

“No reason!”

Hearing the words, the commander stood up abruptly and glared angrily.

The commander was really angry this time. He looked at Wu Changfeng and his voice became much louder:

“Chu Jian is so bold, when he applied for military funding, he said it was the construction of the garrison, and I also felt that an intellectual was transferred and the conditions were difficult.

As a result, he embezzled military funds and did these deeds! ”

Seeing this, Wu Changfeng quickly stood up and said seriously:

“Commander, although I have known each other for a long time with Captain Chu Jian, I can see how he is.

Although he behaved unexpectedly and unpredictably, I can guarantee that he is definitely not a person who is embezzled and bribery, let alone embezzling military expenses alone!

Maybe there is another reason? ”

“Captain Wu!”

The commander stared at Wu Changfeng and said “five two three”:

“You should be clear that military spending is no small matter, and any spending must be justified.

He applied for military funds, and I granted him the money. Did I just let him spend so freely?

Not only was it not used to improve the internal environment of the military region, but it also made these useless efforts.

What did he build and spend so much military money on? ”

Speaking, the commander looked directly at Chen Wenjin and said solemnly:

“Xiao Chen, tell me about this!”


When Chen Wenjin heard the words, she hesitated:

“Header Chu… he made equipment for the three members of the 543 Exploration Team.

A knife, a telescopic umbrella, an armor, and a chest…”

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t matter, the commander was even more angry after he finished speaking.

“Chu Jian is the commander of the garrison, but General Fei spends his time in such a place.

Not to mention whether it is useful or not to build a team, and even a blatant waste of military resources.

This matter must be thoroughly investigated! ”

In the commander’s anger, Chen Wenjin thought for a while, and then corrected it seriously: “Chief, the purpose of this team’s existence is indeed a bit difficult to understand, but their abilities are indeed possible. After all, this time Dr. Li and others can be found, Thanks to them.

As for Commander Chu’s actions, although I can’t understand it, the equipment he built has indeed come in handy in rescue operations…”

“Okay, stop talking!”

The commander waved his hand and said solemnly: “What is it, whether Commander Chu has violated the rules and disciplines, I will personally send someone to the station to investigate, you go back first.”

After a while, Chen Wenjin and Wu Changfeng, who had been questioned, left the commander’s office.

After coming out, the two looked at each other and sighed.

They must truthfully report what they saw and heard, and know that this will definitely affect Chu Jian.

But with public office, they are helpless, let alone hide it, otherwise, once things are covered up, it may be even worse.Therefore, we can only report in a way that reduces the impact as much as possible, but obviously the effect is not large.

The commander’s anger was seen by the two, and they couldn’t help but worry about Chu Jian.

After leaving the office building, Wu Changfeng sighed:

“Headmaster Chu… what did he think?

I never knew that his purpose of forming that team was so absurd! ”

At this time, both of them had mixed emotions in their hearts, both for Chu Jian and the Kunlun Garrison Area…

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