Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 91

Page 91

“Dr. Li, please rest.”

Immediately, Minister Zhang got up in disappointment and planned to leave, but as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Dr. Li’s weak voice.

“There are still…”



[p: The seventh update!ask for support].

Chapter 97: Official Discussion on Demons?

“There are still monsters in the ruins!”

Hearing Dr. Li’s sudden words, Minister Zhang suddenly froze in place, and with a slight force on the hand holding the door handle, he closed the door again.

He turned around, walked quickly to the hospital bed, stared at Dr. Li with burning eyes, and asked:

“What did you just say?”

Dr. Li’s eyes were slightly distracted, as if he was recalling something.

It wasn’t until a moment later that he came back to his senses, slowly raised his head, looked at Minister Zhang with a serious expression, and asked a question that made Minister Zhang very puzzled:

“You said, is there really a demon in this world…?”

Hearing this, Minister Zhang frowned.

This is the third time in the past few days that I have heard the words of the monster ~ monster.

The first time was when Captain Chu Jian talked about demons in the middle of the night, the second time was when he came to find his picket to tell the supernatural stories he encountered on the road, and the third time was when Dr. Li in front of him asked-asked.

“Dr. Li, you…”

Minister Zhang just wanted to respond, but saw Dr. Li suddenly shaking his head and saying to himself:

“Impossible…impossible…the materialistic world, where is the monster?”

Minister Zhang looked at Dr. Li suspiciously, not knowing if there was any problem with his mental state at the moment.

“Dr. Li, what happened to you in the ruins?”

Faced with the inquiry, Dr. Li sighed and said helplessly: “You ask me, but I don’t know. I just encountered a lot of strange phenomena in the ruins.”

Minister Zhang frowned and said, “For example…?”

Dr. Li recalled: “Organs, poisonous insects, and… the shadow of a little girl who came and went without a trace!”


Minister Zhang was stunned, “The little girl’s shadow?”

Dr. Li nodded and said with a complicated expression: “Yes, it should be a little girl. She appeared in Kunlun many times, but she couldn’t find it. She appeared sometimes and disappeared quickly.”

Minister Zhang’s frown deepened, and he suddenly thought of the supernatural incident that the pickets claimed to have encountered along the way when the pickets came to him a few nights ago.

Someone asked him for directions, but saw the shadow of a girl, turned to look, but no one was there.

Suddenly hearing Dr. Li’s narration at this moment, it is inevitable that Minister Zhang had some associations.

“Dr. Li, is this little girl the demon you said?”

Dr. Li shook his head and sighed:

“I have no idea.

Demon, it’s just my imagination.

After all, whether it really exists, who can say? ”

Minister Zhang said meaningfully:

“As a scientific researcher, you shouldn’t have such idealistic guesses, but your current words have obviously questioned science and have shaken the belief in identification.”

Dr. Li was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly.

“Kunlun’s trip made me realize that the world is too big to explore in my life.

And treat everything with respect and humility.

If you cannot confidently think that anything can be researched into its essence, that is actually contempt for all things! ”

Minister Zhang nodded and was taught humbly:

“You are right. Since there is no other information, then I will leave first.”

Dr. Li smiled and said, “Since you have come to ask me about these things, although you don’t know what you are investigating, it must be bothering you.

Minister Zhang, you said, are there any demons in this world? ”

Minister Zhang paused for a moment, he wanted to answer ‘no’ directly, but he swallowed it back for some reason.

Is it affected by the events of the past few days?

Minister Zhang thought for a while, but finally sighed and replied helplessly: “I want to get the answer too.”

Dr. Li couldn’t help laughing out loud and joked: “Look, as the leader of the army, you are hesitating now.”

Minister Zhang was speechless and could only say, “If I can get the answer one day, I’ll let you know.”

Dr. Li nodded: “When I recover, I have to thank the young men who saved me. Although I haven’t seen them, I always feel that they may know the answer…”


This is the end of the inquiry.

Afterwards, Minister Zhang went to ask other researchers with deep doubts, and the answers he got were almost the same.

They stated that they went to Kunlun to conduct scientific research on an ancient creature, but during the scientific research, they found a ruin in Kunlun Mountains, but when they investigated deeply, they somehow passed out, and when they woke up, they were already in the hospital. .

What happened in between, no one can tell why.

The only difference is that they didn’t mention ‘demon’.

This made Minister Zhang realize a relatively important issue. Among all the researchers, only Dr. Li mentioned the demon.

Before that, the last person who made this statement was Chu Jian.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is there another secret?

It is because of this that Minister Zhang’s heart became more and more doubtful.

Originally thought they could get some answers from their mouths, but they didn’t expect it, and instead, this investigation involving the depths of the Kunlun Mountains became a lot of doubts.

Why did the entire research team fall into a coma?

What secrets are hidden in the ruins?

In the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, where even a professional scientific research team cannot go deep, how did the temporary 543 team members bring these professors out from the depths?

Minister Zhang’s brows were furrowed. As the investigation deepened, he became more and more curious about this team…

At this time, even Minister Zhang did not dare to think further.

Just like the conversation with Dr. Li just now, he hesitated!


The members of the 543 Exploration Team, which made Minister Zhang curious and Dr. Li wanted to thank, were currently carrying out a arduous task in Xiangjiang, thousands of miles away.

Zhang Qilin and several people came out of the sea, and then pulled Wu Liuqi to start a new operation.

They circled from the rear to the container terminal.

There are many warehouses and makeshift containers parked here to store goods.

There are several cargo ships parked on the dock, and some people are busy carrying goods down from the cargo ship.

Several people hid in the dark and observed the surroundings, while Hu Bayi looked at the compass in his hand and said in a deep voice:

“The direction of the ghost is in that office building…”

Said to be an office building, in fact, it is nothing more than a few rooms built above the warehouse.

This is the place to hand over documents and clerical offices.

Looking at the two men with big arms and round waists standing at the door, Wu Sangou said quietly:

“I don’t think they look like people who can let us in with integrity, what do you think?”

Wu Liuqi shrugged and said contemptuously:

“Lei is a good locomotive, it’s not easy to break into Jili…”

From Wu Liuqi’s words, several people gradually learned that this is actually an important pier under Lai Luo’s control.

First, he is mainly responsible for Hong Kong’s foreign trade, and secondly, he is also helping Lai Luo transport contraband.

The maritime police do not check here, so [*]% of the goods here are contraband.

From this, we can see how strict the prevention here will be.

Yang Xueli frowned slightly, but the situation in front of them made it difficult for several people to move.

There’s nothing wrong with breaking into this place, but once too many people are disturbed, it will cause more trouble.

At that time, it is impossible for them to probe deeply here.

· · · · Flowers · · ·

Just when several people were struggling to find any breakthrough, they suddenly saw a car driving towards this side.

Then, I saw a fat man get out of the car, and soon a middle-aged man ran out of the office building with a smile on his face.

The visitor is really Laidlaw’s assistant, fat man fat man!

He brought Lai Luo’s order and sent people to the sea to investigate.

The middle-aged man wanted to perform well in front of the fat guy, and immediately started to make arrangements.

Watching the ships start to leave the port, although Hu Bayi and the others didn’t know the reason, they quickly realized that this was the breakthrough they were looking for?

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