Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 95

Page 95

Wu Liuqi looked at it and said with some doubts:

“Really or not, is Lei’s nose good?”

The passers-by glanced at Wu Liuqi with some doubts, obviously wondering who he was talking to.

Of course Wu Liuqi was not to be outdone, he straightened his chest and said:

“Look, haven’t you seen Pretty Boy?”

Passers-by completely regarded him as a lunatic, and after spit, he quickened his pace and walked away.

At this time, the little fox just said:

“Just plain spicy, go!”

At this time, Wu Liuqi, although he was puzzled, still quickly walked over there.

It was normal for him to feel a little unbelievable, after all, Yin Yu had not changed at all until now.

Walking on the red light street, almost everywhere, there are people who want to die.

They are skinny, but they are addicted and unable to quit these harmful things.

Some even sold their property and became homeless.

Some coquettishly dressed women stood on the side of the road in broad daylight, winking at men passing by.

They are nothing more than puppets of the capitalists, making money for them.

And here is the Kowloon Walled City, the origin of the famous cyberpunk in the 21st century!

But now, here is the epitome of the big dye vat of Xiangjiang.

Here, some people are drunk with money, and some people are dead on the street.

Opportunities are everywhere here, but if you don’t grasp them well, it will be a disaster.

The Kowloon Peninsula is divided into two parts. This is a three-no-go zone. Inside the fence is a place of lawlessness.

Smuggling, murder, robbery, only you can’t think of it, there’s nothing that can’t be done here.

The Kowloon Walled City is only six acres in size, but it is the most filthy place in the entire Xiangjiang.

Wu Liuqi ignored all this and walked past quickly, as if he was used to it.

On the other hand, the little fox looked a little scared, lowered his body, and almost shrunk into a ball:

“Some people are scarier than ghosts!”

The little fox said softly.

Wu Liuqi sighed and did not comment too much on this.

Just when Wu Liuqi wanted to leave here quickly, the Yin Yu in his hand suddenly began to shine, and at the same time, Wu Liuqi stopped.

He looked beside him, and was surprised to find that this was actually a karaoke hall.

Wu Liuqi tried to bring Yin Yu closer to the gate of the karaoke hall, and Yin Yu reacted even more strongly.

Wu Liuqi said helplessly:

“Jie a ghost can really hide, hiding in a place of right and wrong… ¨. ”

The little fox scratched his ears with his paws and asked uncertainly:

“Are you guys going in?”

Wu Liuqi sighed:

“As a matter of fact, you must go in!”

With that said, Wu Liuqi pushed open the door and walked in.

The lights in the karaoke hall are dim, even if the sun is shining outside, it is still dark after entering here.

There was a strange smell in the air mixed with many flavors.

Rouge, sweat, wine, smoke…

The smells were mixed together for many minutes, and just after a sniff, the little fox’s whole body was fried.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

At this time, several people in the karaoke hall were sitting and drinking together. When they saw Wu Liuqi, one of them shouted unceremoniously.

Wu Liuqi didn’t respond immediately, but looked at the Yinyu in his hand.

From Yin Yu’s reaction, Wu Liuqi understood that the ghost was hiding here.

He looked at those people, smiled and said:

“The cauldron, Wo wants to go around…”

One of the punks looked at the person sitting in the middle:

“Brother Wufly…”

The man called Brother Wu Fly stood up and walked slowly to Wu Liuqi.

The little fox shrank his neck in fear, but Wu Liuqi still smiled.

The rest of the people also gathered around, even beside Brother Wufei.

Brother Wufei pointed at Wu Liuqi, raised his chin slightly, looked arrogant, and said word by word:

“Food! Shit! La! You!”

Wu Liuqi shrugged when he heard the words, glanced at the little fox, and said helplessly:

“It seems that I can only fight…”

When the words fell, Wu Liuqi grabbed Brother Wufei’s wrist before he could react.

With a little force, Wu Liuqi changed the direction of the little gangster’s arm.


The wine bottle that Wu Liuqi picked up at random smashed directly on Brother Wufei’s head.

This sound also attracted the attention of other people in the hall.

Everyone’s first reaction was that someone came to smash the field.

Everyone picked up the guy and walked towards Wu Liuqi…


At this time, on the other side, more and more police officers came forward to stop Zhang Qilin, but he didn’t even give a few people a chance to speak, so he knocked down several police officers by three and five.

A harsh whistle sounded throughout the police station, and the police officers surrounded Zhang Qilin with batons.

But from the beginning to the end, Zhang Qilin didn’t say a word, and in his hands, the policeman could never make the second move.

All the police officers were amazed, they had never encountered such a situation before.

How dare you make a riot at the police station alone?

But the officers didn’t know that such clashes were not just happening at their police station.

In a short period of time, large-scale conflicts broke out in several places in the entire Xiangjiang almost at the same time…

It is no exaggeration to say that it is foreseeable that the mission of the 543 Exploration Team this time is destined to stir up the whole Xiangjiang, and even spread it back to China!


“Jingle bell… Jingle bell…”

The phone of the Xiangjiang General Police Station rang rapidly, and the fat guy quickly answered the phone:

“What? Someone broke into the sub-police station and injured the police officer?”

Lai Luo, who was opposite, raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at the fat guy suspiciously.

“Okay, I get it, I’ll report it right away!”

After hanging up the phone, the fat guy said in surprise:

“Brother Luo, report to the police station that someone broke in and injured the police officer. His facial features are very similar to one of the previous group of mainlanders!”

Lai Luo frowned when he heard the words:

“Break into the police station? What’s the reason?”

The fat guy shook his head:

“They don’t know either, but they just said they can’t stop it and ask for support.”

Although Lai Luo was puzzled at this time, he also knew that the matter was urgent, and immediately nodded:

“Go make arrangements!”

The fat guy nodded, and when he turned to leave, the phone rang again.

The fat guy glanced at Lai Luo, answered the phone again, and then widened his eyes:

“Loko, Eastside shopping mall was attacked, a woman broke in and knocked down the blocking security.

However, it did not snatch anything, but seemed to be looking for something! ”

Lai Luo’s brows furrowed even more:

“¨〃And one of those mainlanders?”

The fat man nodded:

“What the hell is going on here, what are they going to do?”

But as soon as the words came out, the call came again, and the fat guy who got on the phone immediately handed the phone to Lai Luo:

“It’s Brother Hao’s phone…”

Laidlaw took the call:

“Ahao, what’s the matter?”

When Lai Luo hung up the phone after a while, his face was full of doubts.

He looked at the fat man and said:

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