Justice in the One Piece World

End of the Beast Pirates

Chapter 83



A powered down Kaido was like facing a Supernova…at best. He didn’t have the pure physical ability to back him up. He could not move when his body was feeling pain. His movements were slower and sluggish. His ability to tank our attacks went almost straight down to zero. His impenetrable skin was gone…replaced with normal flesh of man.










It was a one sided slaughter as we pummeled Kaido to the ground. This time, he wasn’t even able to resist as his pain nerves reacted. Eventually, Kaido stopped moving. Like always, I took out a single apple next to his unmoving body.



Me: I’m going to end this. Together?



Diana: Together



Our haki enchanted blades cut smoothly through his skin and into his heart and throat respectively as if making fun of our battle the last couple of hours.



The Devil Fruit began to change immediately into a gray fruit which I stored within my inventory before anyone saw. After I did that…I just sat down, tired.



I sensed my beasts taking care of the 3 Commanders as they were starting to run out of Stamina themselves. I’ve canceled their summons and summoned new ones to replace them in the middle once so that set their death sentence in stone.



Me: … we did it.



Diana: We did it…, but what now? There’s no more chapters ahead of us to guide us.



True, for the first time we felt lost. We always had something ahead of us to do. An arc to follow or an event to prevent. I think we knew that this day was coming but the fact that it was simply so far away made it hard for us to imagine it.



Me: We go in blind. As Snoopy said, It take courage to sail in uncharted waters.



Diana: World Conquest?



Me: I guess we do have infinite time…though I’m not that interested in politics or war. If push comes to shove we’ll do it, but I don’t want to do it for no reason.



I stood up and signaled our den den mushi to connect, and gave them a quick 5 second recap.



Spade: You girls are mad…you actually did it.



Me: You’re going to ignore the fact that we did the same to Big Mom?



Sarah: I know they’re both emperors, but it’s just not the same. Big Mom is strong but they’ve always called Kaido the ‘Strongest’



Me: You’re also going to ignore what we did to fight him?



Brown: You girls never made sense anyway. I’d rather not find out to keep myself sane and I think the others agree as well.



*ring* *ring*



Diana: Hello?



Minister: That God you haven’t fought Kaido yet! We need you back quickly! Blackbeard declared war on Safe Haven! I think he’s trying to take over while you’re not here!



Diana: Oh, yeah sure. One small mistake though, fight with Kaido’s over. He’s dead. We’ll make our way back now. Bye



Minister: Heehhh-






Me: Looks like we still have work to do…why are these Emperor’s so set on killing us?



Spade: To be fair, you performed an ‘inspection’ on two emperors knowing that they’re guilty.



Sarah: You denied Blackbeard’s membership to Safe Haven and threatened him as well from what I heard.



Brown: You girls seem dead set on killing Emperors. What is this? Some sort of challenge?



Diana: Might as well be by now. We’ve killed 3, time to make it 4.



Maybe it was because we went all out on Kaido from the start, or found his weakness that we easily exploited quite early in (if you are fighting on equal grounds with an emperor) so we managed to arrive before Blackbeard’s fleet did.



Diana: Evacuate the city, engage all defenses…and get this man a shield.



Prime Minister: Excuse me?



Spade: I don’t need a shield.



Diana: I was just kidding. But make sure you have all the defenses up. Kara, would you please?



Me: On it!



The next second, I levitated the entirety of Safe Haven high up into the sky, almost up to the White Sea.



Me: Now no cannons would be able to reach us. Even using Geppo to come up here would be suicide. They would die of stamina loss before they make it here.



Diana: Remember, we don’t want to risk it. Let’s fight on their ships. Kara and I are going alone.



Spade: You literally just fought Kaido!



Diana: That was a few hours ago. I feel ready for another!



Brown: You girls are hopeless… after this fight you are both going to be quarantined on Doctor’s orders.



Me: I’m fine with that. I think I’ve had enough fighting for a lifetime.



Diana: I hope this is the last Emperor or anyone on that level we have to fight. Even with our power, an emperor like Kaido is no joke.



Me: Sis, remember when Big Mom used the souls of all the inhabitants of Whole Cake into her fist?



Diana: *shudder* I instinctively felt that getting hit by that…even a scratch would mean instead death.



Me: Why don’t we have a move like that?



Diana: You do have a move like that…it’s just that it comes with it’s share of consequences. Also, we still ended up winning. We might not be as specialized as they are, but you have to agree that they had much more time to develop their strengths than we did.



Me: Alright then, I’m sensing a fleet of around 20 large warships. Looks like Blackbeard came prepared. Ready to squash all of them?



With that, the two of us jumped down. We free falled for a while before I caught us and floated our way over to meet the incoming fleet.



Due to their momentum, it looked as if they will continue going anyway so I decided to help them a bit. Simply saying, I put a bit of horizontal gravity the other way and put all of them to a stop.



Teach: Whaa? Why are you here already?!! My broker told me you were still in Wano!



Diana: So you have a broker…ok, we’ll make sure to find him. But before that, are you ready to fight Blackbeard?


Teach: Hey, hey…we can still talk this out right?



Diana: After you brought an entire fleet to destroy Safe Haven while we aren’t there? I think not.



Me: My name is Kara Fujitora, you insulted my honor, Prepare to die!



Diana: Shhh!! Any more of that and we’ll get copyrighted!



Me: Oops, my bad. Alright Blackbeard, you’re still going to die though.

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