Justice in the One Piece World

F to Pay Respects to Whitebeard

Chapter 42




Whitebeard lost it. As he rampaged across MarineFord killing Marines left and right, I signaled to Sengoku.



Me: Sis and I are going down there. Also, I’m bringing the corpse to them as well.



Diana: The sins of the father are not to be carried by the sons. You broke that already; let them at least have a proper funeral with his body. He’s already dead.



Ace did his part by looking as dead and staying silent as possible.



When Sengoku nodded I grabbed Ace by his arm and jumped off the platform while Ace lay limp, quickly followed by Sis using Geppo.



As we flew I spoke a few words to him.



Me: The sins of the father must not be carried by the son. Ace, you aren’t exactly innocent for your crimes as a Pirate, but there are greater evils out there. You know what I’m talking about right? Big Mom, Kaido, Doflamingo as well as the other big forces in the New World. Take your brother and bring them down. Rally them all for Justice, not for any one flag but the ideal itself for Justice. Understand me?



He tensed his muscle to show that he heard me.



Me: Ace… if they find out that you’re still alive before this war is over, that means my career and life is over as well. You got that? The person who saved you is the doctor at the Whitebeard Pirates, not me. Stay silent for a couple of years at least. Otherwise Sengoku’s going to have my head, Ok?



As Ace faintly tensed his muscle to show that he understood, I threw his body as far away as possible, towards the Whitebeard Pirates’ ship.



Once I checked that he crashed onto the ship, I dropped down to see sis already starting to engage Whitebeard.



Me: I can save Ace and all, but I can’t have you renew the age of Piracy. That’ll just create more enemies for all of us.






As sis punched Whitebeard, he got pushed back, but that was the time he needed to say his speech. He planted his Halberd into the ground before speaking.



Whitebeard: What I’m about to tell you now…!! Is my Final Captain’s Order! Listen Carefully Whitebeard Pirates



Whitebeard, like Garp, was also holding in his tears at the thought of losing their sons, right before his eyes.






With that, he started to overcharge his Devil Fruit to the maximum before letting loose, directly at the ground.



Whitebeard: I’m a remnant of my era…!! There ain’t no ship that will carry me out to the next one!! GO ON YOU BASTARDSS!!!



That was our signal, Sis and I jumped down in front of Whitebeard as the all the Pirates started retreating.



Diana: It pains me that I need to kill you Edward Newgate. You are a man I truly respect. If I wasn’t so focused on Justice, I might’ve become part of your family…in a different life.



Whitebeard: Gurarara… perhaps, in a different life. But kill me heh? We’ll see.



With that, both of us charged at him. I instantly teleporting to his left, the hand that wasn’t gripping a weapon while sis used her Aura Projection.



Despite his old age, sickness, and countless injuries, Whitebeard truly lived up to his name. Too sick and old to dodge our slashes or rays, but he tanked them all. He stood as he received each attack, ignoring his injuries as he punched and swung his own blade.



Yet, just as Shiki canceled out my gravity powers, sis held together everything he shook. The air no longer cracked, the ground no longer shook, and reality held itself as his wounds simply got worse.



But as the Marineford’s smoke got lower, everyone spotted the true enemy as he revealed himself.



Blackbeard: Zehahaha!!!



Whitebeard: You son of a Bitch… Marines, I have one favor to ask of you, not as Whitebeard but as a father.



He looked at us before lowing his blade, trusting that we wouldn’t strike him. We didn’t move, after all, this was important. We needed to make sure Blackbeard has a seed of doubt of whether he really was going to be the Pirate King. The man Roger would be waiting for.



Diana: Make it quick, just say a few words then it’s back to talking with our blades.



Whitebeard nodded in thanks before turning to Blackbeard, who was taunting Sengoku with his words.



Whitebeard: TEACH! You are the only scum I would never call my son. You broke the one and only Ironclad rule on my ship…! You killed your Nakama!



As Blackbeard started laughing at his words that didn’t affect him one bit, Whitebeard smiled as his next words struck a bullet into Blackbeard.



Whitebeard: Then let me tell you a secret Teach… You’re not one of them… The men Roger is waiting for, that’s not you. One day…



That was enough, it was getting dangerously close, I signaled sis who nodded in understanding. With Whitebeard just standing there, Sis ran in from the right while I teleported to his left. Yin and Yang, clad in the strongest haki we could muster stabbed through Whitebeard’s heart from either side of him. We didn’t stop there as we pulled the blade down with the help of gravity and cut through his lungs, making his physically unable to speak anymore.



Diana: I respect you Edward Newgate, but the age of Piracy must come to an end. There will no final words about the Will of D or the One Piece.



Whitebeard looked shocked at what had just happened, but perhaps in understanding or simply too tired, Whitebeard closed his eyes and died standing.



I then felt one last fruit chance from inside my pocket which I quickly sent into the Inventory before anyone saw.



The World saw the death of Whitebeard, live on every Den Den Mushi that was reconnected (by me).






Blackbeard: Wha…he’s dead? Zehahaha!!!



Diana: I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you Blackbeard, you’re next!



The 2 of us charged his crew and increased the gravity to 50g for an instant, right before we attacked. 2 of his new crew mates were dead as our blades severed their heads from their shoulders.



I then jumped directly towards Blackbeard who was trying to do something with his Devil Fruit.



Instead of using electricity, gravity, or anything, I just clad my blade in Haki and sliced his shoulder, followed his hand, then kicked him away.



Me: Logia can’t defend against Haki. But it looks like your fruit is a little more complicated than that.



As I saw the Whitebeard pirates retreating with Akainu right at their tails, I put up a smile as I tried something new.



I grabbed their center of mass as if it was a ball, a non-existent thing in the real world and threw them all right towards Akainu. It was really the gravity pulling them but it felt as if they jumped right towards the scariest Marine Admiral



Blackbeard: SHITT~!!



Akainu, who just noticed the Blackbeard pirates flying, or rather pushed towards him gathered more magma on his hands.



Akainu: I won’t let scum like you get away from here alive…!!!



While that may have hold true for the Whitebeard Pirates, at the moment Law arrived with his submarine and took Luffy before sailing off.



With our job pretty much done, sis and I jumped back up onto the execution platform where Sengoku still was.



Diana: Well, things went kind of messy but this was all kind of expected. We won. Ace is dead, Whitebeard is dead, their pirate crew is done for as well as most of his allies. That’s what counts.



Sengoku: You girls did well out here today. Part of the reason for our Victory was due to you two. You showed strength equal to that of an Admiral. The War is almost over, and it is a complete victory!



Complete Victory it might be… but now it was just a slaughter. As the Marines started to round up what was left of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Pacifists blowing up the ships that were trying to escape, as well as Admiral Akainu becoming bloodthirsty for the blood of Pirates.



Koby: That’s enough!!! No more fighting! Let’s stop this already!! This is a waste of lives!!!



As Akainu prepared to kill Coby by punching through him, the man we were waiting for arrived.






There was a small exchange as the Red Hair Pirates landed on the HQ, challenging everyone to a fight if they so wished. Honestly, I wanted to see how strong that man really was…but now was not the time.



Sengoku: Fine…I’ll take responsibility.



Shanks: I apologize.



Sengoku: *humpf* THIS WAR, IS FINISHED!!!



And it was thus recorded in the World as a complete Victory for the Marines…only leading to a shocking discovery a few years later.

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