Justice in the One Piece World

Hello ??

Chapter 44



We noticed something in our inventory that we didn’t put before. I found a letter in mine that was addressed to both of us.



Dear Kara and Diana



Hey girls, It’s me, ??


It was pretty fun watching you put people in prison, Kick Kid into Impel Down, running around the World bringing Justice. But you know what’s coming right? In a year’s time, the World will be very different.


With that Bomb Haired dude resigning, Aokiji and Sakazuki will fight for the position. You know how this will end and I will make sure it ends in Sakazuki’s victory no matter what you do, so don’t even try it.


You might be wondering, why I’m doing this to the World and you. In a way, I’m manipulating your sense of Justice and to be honest, I’m not even ashamed of it. Sakazuki’s rise to Fleet Admiral will make you two resign or defect. I’m sure of it. You know why? Because he’s going to to give you orders that the Justice of yours will never allow.


The powers I gave you two are supposed to raze the World, screw up something to the point it can’t be turned back. Now, everything’s almost the way it is back in Canon…except Ace.


While I’m not ashamed, I’m still a bit sorry. This life was meant to be sort of an apology for your tragic past. That’s why I’ll offer you a deal. You’ve asked for broken amounts of power and broken amounts of power you got. Yet, the territory you’ll be heading into next will be the 3 Emperors. Your Powers, however strong, will eventually be defeated if they decide to go full against you on a 1v1 Fight; to note, you will win though if you have enough time, you both can literally give them cancer. If you want to fight the likes of them, you’ll need power, fast. Here’s the deal.


You’ve got exactly 66 Devil Fruits in your Inventory. I’ll take all of them in exchange for 2 New Ones I just created. A Devil Fruit for each of you that will allow you to overpower anything in your path. Deal?


If you agree to the deal, put the letter back in your Inventory. If not, just burn it or something; but I’ll let you know, just because you refuse the deal doesn’t mean the previously explained events aren’t going to happen.


Good luck and I’ll see you girls again when both of you are dead.



P.S: May the Plot Armor be with you. (It will, cause I’m your friend)





Diana: Doesn’t leave much of a choice does he?



Me: We’ve looked over all the Devil Fruits. We don’t need them.



Diana: I meant our future. It’s true we wouldn’t enjoy working for Sakazuki, that’s why we tried to keep Sengoku in office. We were also rooting for Aokiji once he was recommended…but looks like we can’t face God.

Let’s give it up. At this point, the only thing we can do is prepare for what is to come.



Me: yeah… doesn’t really leave a choice. Actually, I think we both knew this was going to happen, didn’t we?



Diana: If Sakazuki takes office, we leave the Marines. As simple as that; we can’t work for a man who believe so blindly in Absolute Justice. There’s more emotion in Kuma than that man, seriously.



We sighed at our imminent future.



Me: What do we do then? After we leave the Marines.



Diana: Don’t forget the possibility that we might be kicked out instead. Honestly, I want to avoid being Pirates for as long as possible. It’ll be annoying to have the World Government on our tails constantly.



Me: So we stay in the Marines as long as possible before we leave. Then Bounty hunting like before?



Diana: We’ll inevitably become Pirates. Sakazuki’s going to order some messed up shit like God said. He knows we’re going to disobey his direct orders. Where would that leave us? Piracy or jail. I’d choose the option where we have some amount of freedom.



Me: Why don’t we resign before that happens?



Suddenly a letter appeared right in front of our eyes



Don’t Even think about Resigning. I’ll blow up the World if you do

Sincerely, ??



Diana: God damn it God. Did you really have to do that? Did you really have to pull out that card?



Me: … is this what you do to your friends you introverted god? But sis, if it’s going to happen anyway, this is our best shot.



Diana: Fine, we’ll accept your deal. We don’t want to work for Sakazuki anyway. I’d better apologize to dad though, he’s already joined the Marines. What would he say if he finds that his two twin daughters became pirates? Or rather lawbreakers to be more precise.



Me: I feel as if he’s going to understand our decision. It’s dad we’re talking about. He may be a doting father but he also understands what is necessary.



With that, we put the letters back into the inventory and felt the dozens of Devil Fruits disappear…and be replaced by 2.



One was a pure white melon with barely any swirls or patterns. This was had a note with my name on it, saying that this one was for me.



The other one was the opposite of the first. Pitch black with swirls and patterns covering the entire fruit. Like mine, it had a note with sis’s name on it.



Diana: Better we eat it now and have time to practice than eat it later and barely know how to use it. Hah… I hate the pain that comes with this though… together?



Me: Together



We took a bite and for the next few minutes, we rolled around in pain. It seems like each time we eat a fruit, it gets easier. The first time I fainted, the second time I held on for a pretty long time before doing so. This time…it was just really painful. Like having my period for the first time but just slightly more painful.



Instinctively, I felt a change in me. Physically, I felt myself grow so much stronger. So strong that comparing me now to a few minutes ago would be comparing a child to a full grown man. My eyesight and other senses got sharper as I could hear and see things I never thought possible. Time itself got slower as my processing power of the brain went fast enough to compare it to activating my second fruit, which I haven’t activated yet. If this was what we got right after eating our fruits…what could we do in the future? Once we’ve trained these powers.



I looked towards my sister who seemed like she was experiencing the same thing. She looked at me and nodded. Realizing what the true nature of the fruit really was, and how the strength was just a bonus…



Diana: God made Devil Fruits are scary huh…



She said that as her eyes…our eyes changed.



Me: Sis, you have the Sharingan



Diana: I know. I can feel it. Why do I think you got the better end of the deal? You’ve got the Rinnegan.

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