Justice in the One Piece World

Take a Break!

Chapter 14



After we were done explaining to the King and safety rounded up all rebels who participated (not much) as well as the bounty hunters and Crocodile’s underlings who were soundly beaten by our crew, sis simply picked me up and carried me to the local Marines Base with Smoker looking at us with embarrassed eyes.



It was honestly embarrassing as a Rear Admiral to sit on my sister’s lap and be pat like a pet then entire time. But it looked like no one in my crew seemed to have any idea of letting me sit on my own.



I was trapped between a very firm pair of arms and sitting on sis’s lap. At this point, I already gave up trying to escape. Whenever I tried to escape, she used armament haki on her arms to hold me in place.



Sarah didn’t help me at all and instead just continued to pat me on the head along with Doc. I tried to ask Sarah with the help of my Puppy Eyes technique; it worked…except sis stopped her from freeing me.



Diana: …and that’s pretty much what happened.



Sengoku: It hasn’t even been a month since we created your Unit and you’re already involved with stuff like National Civil unrest and whatnot. You girls are seriously giving me a headache



Me: Hey! It’s not our fault. We were the ones that solved it, not started it. It’s Crocodile’s fault



Next to me, I heard an uncomfortable grunt. Probably Smoker…or him, I wasn’t paying attention to who did that.



Sengoku: Blah, pretty much the same thing. Where is Crocodile now?



Diana: He has 3 Sea Stone cuffs on and is sitting right next to us.



Crocodile: Hello Sengoku.It’s been a while



Sengoku: …WHY IS HE THERE?



Diana: Well, it’s not like he’s a threat right now so we thought it would be okay. In addition, he didn’t seem like the type to cause trouble. He also asked if he could just sit here so I thought why not.



Sengoku: Alright, is Smoker there as well?



Smoker: *grunt*



Sengoku: Same as always huh? Fine then, listen carefully.

For your help in solving this crisis as well as combat prowess, Captain Smoker, you are called back to MarineFord to be promoted to Commodore.



Smoker frowned as if he didn’t want it.



Smoker: I don’t want it. That just means more paperwork for me.



Sengoku: Just shut up and accept it when we give you a promotion. You are to come back immediately!



Me: What about us?



Sengoku: I’m getting there… *sighs* I know of the power each of you sisters have. Through this short time you have shown excelling capability in both combat and leadership. Thus, to Rear Admirals Kara and Diana, you are hereby promoted to Vice Admirals.

Don’t come back to MarineFord now. You guys have a 1 month break. We’ll have the formal stuff ready for you when you get back. But officially you are both now officially Vice Admirals.



Smoker: Why do I have to come back then?



Sengoku: Because you’re not on break!



Crocodile: Why do I have to come back?



Sengoku: Are you fucking kidding me? Crocodile, you’re going to Impel Down and you know it.

Also, before I forget, I’ve also got some promotions for your crew as well. Chief Petty Officer Tashigi; for following around this Smoker brat so well and keeping him from smoking away the Marine budget, you are promoted to Ensign.



Tashigi squealed in the background and then promptly tripped. Causing Smoker to sigh and facepalm.



Sengoku: For the members of your crew Fujitora.

Captain Sarah, you are hereby promoted to Commodore.

Lieutenant Tim, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander

Ensign John, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant. We skipped Lieutenant Junior grade for you. Thought you might appreciate it.

Finally, your Doctor Brown, you were not initially given a rank. As of now you are hereby given the rank Commander.

Alright, that’s it; nothing’s really changed other than you get more pay and authority. Since you guys are part of a special unit we won’t put on more work for you.



Smoker: Lucky… *grunt*



Sengoku: Shut up Smoker. You didn’t listen to orders when we told you to not chase Straw Hat into the Grandline. Do you know how hard it was to find a replacement for Lougetown? You put a literal Choirboy in charge! You bring Crocodile to MarineFord Immediately.



With that, the call went silent.



Diana: Looks like we have a break! Let’s go outside! We’ll look for a place to party!



Smoker just continued to grumble, said our goodbyes and left with his crew and Crocodile in his chains.



The party wasn’t much judging that sis and I weren’t old enough to drink yet. But Tim and John must’ve drunk a least a couple liters of that stuff. How they’re even able to stand up and walk around? Don’t ask me. Some weird anime logic force is behind it probably.



We slept in the Royal Palace that night. Sis didn’t let go of me even then; instead using me as a Hug pillow as she slept soundly. Well, it wasn’t like I didn’t enjoy it so I won’t complain.



We knew the Straw Hats returned when we saw Vivi and that other guy with the giant head… was it Igaram? running into the Palace to meet her dad and then sputtering out something about Crocodile planning to destroy the entire Kingdom and how had a Rebel army backing him.

Look’s like someone’s crew is a full day late. Heh.



Diana: Gather up crew, we’re celebrating one last time before we leave. We’re heading to another island to celebrate. Somewhere we can properly party!



Our crew cheered and headed back to our ship…only to make a detour by Tim and John who asked to stop by a local pub. Since they were in such a good mood, sis and I couldn’t bear to say no to them and agreed.



John: Him and I will take 3 mugs of your strongest stuff while the rest of the adult a mug of beer. A cup of Orange juice for her and a cup of milk for her little sister.



John told the bartender mockingly.



Me: Hey! 140cm is perfectly normal for a 14 year old!



Diana: All of us know that you’re not 140cm tall Kara. *pet* *pet* You’re 138cm. That’s 2 whole centimeters under what you said is normal.



Seriously, why did God have to make me so short? We then promptly sat down and started talking about what we planned to do with our 1 month vacation. Since we were still technically on duty, this would mean that we aren’t really allowed to take off our uniforms and go back to our families for the month. Rather, Sengoku just told us to stay still for a month and don’t start trouble while he takes care of some important business.



Diana: We just have to stay out of trouble and not get involved with anything political.



Me: psst, sis. I think you just off a flag there



Diana: *pets* I just knocked on wood. It’s no longer jinxed.



Hopefully God would just let us enjoy this unofficial vacation. We’ve already got plans of our own to wreck trouble after all. He doesn’t need to give an extra hand in messing up the Storyline.



Also, this raises the question of my sanity. Since coming to this world, I’ve been killing quite a lot of people left and right. I barely felt anything when I killed those pirates, even when it was my first time. Of course, I still feel sick and horrified at the idea of harming innocents but I think this is still beyond the level of just ‘not feeling guilt for killing’ that God promised us. Did he rewire my brain to that of a killer’s or a psychopath? It’s creeping me out how I feel absolutely no sympathy for those trash.



Diana: So anything you want to do? Anywhere you want to visit? We’ve got a flying ship after all and a month to burn through.



Me: We can visit Mock Town, beat up a couple pirates and make some spare change. We can use that as our vacation fee.



In reality, I just wanted to trash the island full of scum. It’d be better to remove some idiots before the Straw Hats arrive. In addition, we wouldn’t have to technically need to use our money for vacation as well. A win-win situation if you ask me.



Me: Of course, we would have to go in anonymous, without anything that show that we are Marines. We’ll just beat up a few, and drag them out with us.



Sarah: I don’t mind. I could always use some extra cash.



John: I’d like to try some Pirate alcohol. Want to see how bad it tastes. I don’t have a problem with it either.



Diana: After that, the nearest island that actually has something sun and a proper shopping center is Water 7



We all looked at John, who just shrugged.



John: I was raised there but I was never wealthy so I never got to experience the high-society stuff. If you guys want to go there, I’ll take you to my favorite restaurants and stuff. Their food isn’t as good as yours



He said while looking and me and sis



John: But damn, they were good. And yeah, they’ve got high society as well so that comes with your shopping, strong liquor and everything.



Me: I’d like to go there.



Sis just smiled and nodded.



*bang* The door of the pub almost broke as it was opened angrily by a familiar swordsman. Followed by a perverted cook and the rest of the crew. Oh? Robin and Chopper is with them. Looks like they’ve already accepted her as part of their crew. She’s quite manipulative in that way really.



Zoro: We came all the way over here and it’s already solved by those Marine Bastards?



Really? Of all the places they could’ve gone to they had to choose this pub and bump into us.



Luffy: Humf! I won’t forgive whoever got Crocodile! I even know how to properly punch him now! I would’ve been able to beat him this time!



I finished my cup of milk and slammed it down on the table, getting some attention…which wasn’t really intimidating since I was sitting on sis’s lap. But when the Straw Hats (except Chopper) recognized who I was, they quickly paled.



Me: That would be me. But you don’t have a right to blame me Luffy. While he posed a threat to your friend’s Kingdom, it was also my duty to protect the peace of the Kingdom.



Nami: …Rear Admiral…?



Oops, I didn’t mean to scare her.



Me: Vice Admiral now, but don’t worry. We’re not going to chase you. We’re technically on vacation so just be careful of the other Marines.



The Straw Hats let out a sigh of relief as Chopper started asking them about who I was…only to fall off his seat and scream in shock as he found out.



Hah… I shouldn’t mess too much with the Straw Hats now. They need to have experience of fighting as the story progresses. If we continue to do stuff like this, then they might actually die.



Enough thinking over useless things, I’m just going to think about how to spend my vacation. If we have a some spare time, we might even be able to visit Sabaody Archipelago to see dad.



I smiled at the thought as my sister continued to pet my head.



Diana: It’s kinda nice to just have an empty head sometimes. Without any plots or conspiracies from Warlords trying to bring down a country.



I almost never disagreed with my sis on whatever she thought and this time as well, I agreed wholeheartedly.

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