Justice in the One Piece World

The Hidden Island of Mycan

Chapter 52



We didn’t even bother the raise our hands. I was about to do it when sis beat me to it.



Diana: *Conqueror’s Haki*



As the black aura crashed into the soldiers with white streaks crackling in the air, there wasn’t much resistance.



Instantly, all the monks that were trying to attack us except for the guy who screamed were knocked out.



Diana: So, what’s it going to be? Do we take retaliation for trying to hurt us? Or would you please kindly take us to your leader so we can see what is going on in this place.



Bald Man: … Please follow me



No respect for his fellow Monks huh? He’s ignoring them as if they’re nothing. Looking around and scanning the place, I found that the central landmass if divided into 2 main regions that differed immediately, how? There was a giant wall in the middle of the island with everyone staying far away from it from both sides. Either their keeping people in/out from/of there or they’re not on good terms with each other. I would guess the latter.



We were led through a series a dirt roads when we heard a *zap* and a scream from behind us. I guess someone was stupid enough to try and get on our ship. Seriously, who does that? Did they really think we’ll leave it unguarded?



After a pretty short walk, we were led to the biggest wood structure… a 4 story Mansion that honestly looked kind of shabby. But for this island’s standard, it must’ve looked like the Empire State Building.



After waiting for a couple of minutes outside the ‘gate’ which was just an average fence with a couple of monks around it, we were allowed inside.



As I entered the ‘Mansion’ I found symbols I don’t recognize, statues of people that were out of proportion, and a lot of weird things I had no idea what the purpose was for, but one thing was clear.



Me: If the person who lives here leads this island, then this is a theocracy. None of the things here would belong in a Kingdom alone, this person is using the authority of whoever that guy’s messenger he said we were to keep his control…at least that is what i think.



I could’ve deciphered the symbols with my Rinnegan if they gave me a bit more time but unfortunately we didn’t.



Bald Guy: *knock* *knock*



John: They have a knocking culture as well?



Leave it to John to ask the really important questions.



Guy: Enter




Inside was the fattest man I’ve seen on the island. I mean, while most the people outside looked pretty skinny…even slightly starved, this guy was fat. He was also bald like the other monks and worse a very tight looking Tiger skin which was a pain to the eye.



The moment I used my observation haki on him, I knew I was facing a corrupt bastard. The red aura that symbols malicious intent and lust. Simply disgusting, I saw in him what I saw in World Nobles.



I looked directly at sis and she understood. We’re not going to get along with this guy.



Guy: Greetings, I am the Head Priest of the world of Mycan. May I know why you are here and how?



Diana: We come from the outside world which is so much bigger than you could ever believe. This area is secluded by this storm wall which has been circling around this island for centuries. I believe we’re the first to have made it in here?



Head Priest: Well, you are the only ones to have passed through the Worldly Barrier if that is what you are talking about. But you still haven’t answered why you have come here.



Diana: For knowledge; not from you but from here in general; the world outside is large and even now it has not been fully explored. We came to see what the storm was hiding and we found you in the middle of it.



Head Priest: I find that hard to believe. There is no world out there to begin with. Who are you and why did you come here?



Diana: Have you ever gone out there? Was there anyone who went out and told you there was nothing?



Head Priest: …



Diana: I thought not. Probably your teachings that made you believe that there is no world out there. Your people is a frog in a well. You think that is all there is to the world when in reality there is so much more… Every isolated community we have found and learned throughout history. They think that they are the apex of power and the center of existence… *ha* You have no idea…



Head Priest: *humpf* That aside, I just heard that you killed a few of my people, is that right?



Diana: Are you referring to when they attacked us without reason or when people came on board our ship without permission?



Head Priest: Is it normal for your people to knock people out, and in other cases kill them without asking what’s going on?



Diana: Who knows? I never knew that the small primitive people at Mycan attacked people without thinking of the consequences and then right after that tried to steal our boat. If that’s what’ normal here, I think I’ll steal the ENTIRE FUCKING ISLAND. Thank you



Sis let out a little bit of her bloodlust (using Sharingan) which made the Head Priest and the bald guy piss themselves… literally.



Head Priest: How dare you!! How dare you insult me like that? I’m the chosen one of the god Seniram himself! You are nobodies! Fucking commoners!



Me: Sis…



Diana: I know.



She activated her Sharingan ability directly at the Head Priest. I don’t know exactly what she showed him but he was completely locked in an illusion (Genjutsu). While in reality it would only be a few seconds, time isn’t the same when you’re in an illusion. It would be a while, even a couple months’ worth of pain and suffering before sis decides to release him.



After a few seconds, the priest started turning pale, then all of his eyebrows and other parts turned white as if it was bleached. He suddenly began losing weight; rapidly before our eyes. Don’t ask me how this is possible, I’m not sure but his mass decreased to that of an average skinny islander.



Head Priest: *huff~!* Huh! NO MORE! PLEASE! I’M SORRY.



He went on the ground and begged towards my sister.



Me: Sis, what did you show him?



Diana: Impel Down, all 6 levels for a month each…but in level 6 I put all of his worst nightmares there as well.



Me: Oooh, that’s pretty brutal. Good job though Sis, I think that’ll ought to teach him how to properly talk to us.



Diana: Anyway, as I told you 10 seconds ago, we’re just here to look around and leave. If you value your sanity, I suggest you don’t disturb us.



Head Priest: 10…10 SECONDS!



Diana: *glare*



Head Priest: Sorry! I’m so sorry… no more… no more…



He was making a mess on the ground as he sobbed.



Diana: Let’s go guys. Sarah, you should take this opportunity to study the island before we leave. We might find something interesting here after all. This place is like a historical museum perfectly preserved in a way.



With that, we left the mansion, with all the monks ordered not to stand against us. I’m sure they’ll listen. I’m more interested in how they’ll describe us after we leave. Perhaps as demons that were sent to tempt them in the ‘evil’ ways? Or maybe a test that their God sent them? I’m not sure.



We walked through the streets that could be compared to the slums. As we got closer and closer to the wall, the people got thinner, poorer, and by the wall, people were dying on the streets, begging.



Me: Sis…



Diana: I know. They have enough food to feed everyone on the island. Someone is hoarding it, and I think we know who.



Girl: Please *wobble* …food…



A little girl, 15 years old maximum hobbled her way over to us. She had straight but dry (as in not healthy) brown hair with dull brown eyes. Her height was way shorter than what it was supposed to be. She was incredibly thin and looked fragile, and looked as if she hadn’t taken a bath in months. Just looking at her made my heart break… strange how killing people doesn’t shake me at all but things like these do. How does sympathy even work?



Me: Sis… let’s take her back to the ship.



Diana: Alright, we can ask her some questions later.



We returned to the Requiem with her on board.



Me: Sarah, could you please help her wash? We’ll be preparing food.



Girl: Food?



Me: Yes food, but only if you wash well, ok?



The girl just nodded before following Sarah to the bath.



We didn’t know what she could eat so we prepared the typical hospital food, but better. Things that were easily digestible, yet tasty. It took a little over half an hour until the girl came out, looking so much better and wearing my PJs.



Me: You found my PJs? That means you entered my room *pout*



Sarah: You’re the smallest. You’re only a tiny bit taller than Alisha here. So I had to invade your closet.



The moment we sat down on the deck with the food laid out, the girl called Alisha dug in and ate like Luffy. Ok, that was an exaggeration but still, she must’ve been extremely hungry. She started slowing down after her 4th plate and finally stopped at her 6th. She looked at us before we finally got her to talk.



Alisha: Thank you so much for the food… I thought I was going to die! Nobody would sell me anything…!



Diana: Tell us about it, we came here to learn about this place after all.



Alisha: I was born with a talent… so many people thought I was blessed by the God.



Diana: Talent? Are we talking about the same thing here?



Alisha: Umm…well, I have a unique ability that nobody else has. But…I don’t know how I got it.



Diana: Tell us, what could you do?



She looked conflicted, as to trust us or not. Perhaps it was because we were nice to us all along, she decided to trust us.



Alisha: I can make people stronger…temporarily. I can make them have courage, physically stronger, and faster for a while if I am close enough to them.



Diana: Let me guess, that Monk wanted your ability?



Alisha: My parents were poor but suddenly they were convicted of crimes they didn’t commit! I know this! But… they were sold as slaves to the Head Priest and… and *sob* they died a few months ago.



Man, this was a tragic backstory.



Alisha: The Temple forces everyone to pay their taxes. If I can’t pay, then I’ll become a slave as well. I’ve managed by stealing and running but now nobody is on my side. Nobody sells me food, nobody gives me shelter…if this goes on I’ll become the property of the temple.



Me: That’s some messed up crap. But now we confirmed that they’re slavers. I think that gives us our freedom to act?



Diana: It does. I have an idea but Kara, this will be quite dangerous.



Me: What is it?



Diana: We can’t just kill the Head Priest or his goons. Someone else will just take his place. The problem is the System this entire island works on. I don’t care what the other side is.



Alisha: Wild animals and monsters. Land monsters too strong for us to kill.



Diana: Anyway, we can try and change people’s beliefs into democracy and what not, but let’s be honest. It’s not going to last. The moment we leave, it’s going to go back to this.



Brown: So what are you suggesting?



Diana: Kara, I need you to change the storm slightly. It’s going to be extremely hard but I need you to permanently slow it down and the lightning sent elsewhere. We need to open us this island to the outside world. Only then will the Marines come here and take over. I’ll tell Sakazuki personally so he doesn’t fuck it up.



Brown: They’ll demand tribute from these people. An amount these people could never pay!



Diana: They won’t need it. Look at the storm around you. Can you think of a better defense than this? This island itself is their treasure. We’ll make a deal with him. In exchange for the promise of the safety and rehabilitation of everyone here on this island, Kara will open up a small channel in the storm that could make them enter and exit safely.



Me: If they don’t honor their promise, we’ll destroy Marie Jois. Simple as that, they know we’re more than capable of it.



Sarah: I personally don’t like the idea of this… but I can’t think of a better idea. As you girls said for years, they might be corrupt but the sheer size and momentum of the organization keeps the peace…for the most part.



Diana: For the most part, and we’ll be making sure that Mycan here is included in that ‘most part’



Me: But sis… there is another option you know? The Revolutionary Army. Pretty sure they’re always looking for perfect hideouts that the Marines can’t find. Honestly, I think they’ll do a better job. I’ve met Dragon, I know what he’s trying to do to the World. Also, this might help with our situation as well.



I took a look at Spade who was looking at me in a confused manner.



Me: The question is how do we get into contact with him?



Diana: We search for him… no… we call him to us. We just have to meet one of his officers and I know where he is. If it’s the Revolutionary Army, they’ll accept the deal.



I looked at our Den Den Mushi which was connected to 2 smaller Den Den Mushi snails. White and Black, each one serving it’s purpose. I then separated the 2 snails from the main one.



Me: There, he’ll find us this way. The Revolutionary Dragon will find a way. Sarah, take as much pictures here as possible. We need to have every inch of this place photographed to get this done. While you do that, I’m going to go into the storm a bit and look around.



Alisha: What about me…?



Diana: We can’t leave her. She’s going to be our second mascot



Brown: Who is our first mascot?



Diana: Obviously Kara! *pet* *pet* You’re not the youngest anymore Ms. 15 years old!



Me: You’re the same age!



Alisha: Umm…I’m 17 actually.



Me & Diana: WHAT?



Brown: Serious malnutrition… guess I’ll need to come up with a diet plan as well.


Me: I don’t care if she’s not our mascot. She’s suffered enough. She’s coming with us!



Everyone: Hey, it’s not like we said we were against it.



Spade: Then I’m no longer the newest member already? Does that mean I can stop making everyone tea now?



Diana: No. You make tea the fastest. You can instantly boil water. Why would we give that role to Alisha when she doesn’t have fire powers?



Spade: Fine…



Diana: Alright then everyone, looks like we have a plan!



The next few days were spent in haste. All over the island, Sis and Sarah were busy making measurements while the others were busy doing propaganda for the Revolutionary. Handing out food and sharing messages of the Revolutionary Army as well as drawings of their symbols. We wanted to cause as little panic and chaos when they came so in a way this was preparing them for their arrival.



While they were doing that, I was flying side the storm, freely and not affected by it at all. After all, I am a Lightning Logia, why would I be affected by wind?



I scouted every area both over and under the sea. I went as high as possible where there was almost no air (which I didn’t need in this form so it didn’t matter). I analyzed the wind patterns both general and how time (day and night) affects it. Until I found a way.



Me: I can create a small passageway that can fit a ship our size that opens once a day for 3 hours. This will repeat once every two days. That’s how long it takes for the storm to rotate. Of course, you’ll need something like an eternal log pose if you’re not with me to be sure it’s the right location and time. So I’m going to take an extra log pose and freeze it to here, alright?



Diana: You do your thing.



Me: It took a full day to create the passageway and a few more hours to check that it was done properly. But in the end, it was done and we prepared to leave.



Diana: Goodbye people of Mycan. We’ll miss you! Make sure to welcome the people from the Revolutionary Army!



People: Revolution!! Revolution!!!



Huh, we didn’t plan on making them into fanatics, but whatever helps Dragon.



Diana: Sarah, set course for Kamabakka Kingdom. We have to talk to a certain Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army.



With that, and with a new crew mate, we left the hidden island of Mycan back into the New World.

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