Justice in the One Piece World

The Strongest Creature

(A.N: This was written before Wano Arc. I did not know about Kaido's debt back then nor of his capabilities. Think of it like an AU)


Chapter 81



Thunder rained down upon the seas of Wano as 3 Giant figures were…just kidding. This is me narrating what the heck. We overshadowed Kaido and wiped his grin off his face as this was probably the first time he lost in size.



Despite this, if we succeeded in intimidating him, he didn’t show it. As expected of an emperor. Yet, he would soon realize that our giant forms (or my giant ride for my case) wasn’t just anything put together in a hurry. They were quite literally the hardest and most durable things in the Naruto Universe.



Me: 100G



This shouldn’t do much but this would at least make it hard for Kaido to fly to an altitude where it would be hard for us to reach him.



Me: Float Float Fruit!



I touched the Gedo Statue, completely freeing it from its weight and allowing it to move much faster. Sis’s Susanoo was already weightless as it was just a solidification of her aura, or will if talking about the One Piece World.



Kaido: *gathers energy*



*crack!* Sis stamped on Kaido’s dragon head, essentially making him swallow the energy he was gathering on his mouth.



Diana: Energy Blade!!



Her form took out an ominous black blade that strangely resembled Yin before slashing at Kaido’s open Dragon body. Perhaps it was the strength behind it but it left its mark…directly below where Oden has made his. The cut opened and started bleeding and I wasn’t dumb enough to let him recover.






I grabbed Kaido’s dragon head with my massive wooden hand before…






I pushed his head into the water on the side of the island and started to waterboard him.



Me: Sis! Get him now!!!



As I didn’t have a massive blade or weapon I could use with the Gedo Statue, I decided to take on the role of holding down Kaido while sis cuts him up.



*slash!* *slash!!* *slash*



The cuts on Kaido’s back started to increase before the sea started to boil from Kaido’s resistance. Looks like it was true that Seawater doesn’t weaken him much like other Devil Fruit users. How interesting.






A ball of energy directly hit the torso of the Gedo Statue…but I didn’t feel much damage. If anything, the hole in my torso was starting to throb now…god, I shouldn’t use this too often.



Kaido: What…? Not even Adam wood should have resisted that!



Me: To hell with Adam Wood! This is the Wood of the World Tree itself!!!



Me: 100G *Crack!!*



As I threw a hook directly at Kaido and increased the gravity on his head so it would meet my fist, the hit slightly missed and broke off one of his horns.



*grab* *stab!!* *stab!*



I grabbed his broken horn, coated it in haki and stabbed his eye. It doesn’t matter how much you train your body, there are a few parts of the body where training it to harden is simply impossible. For example…






Kaido: AARRGHHH! My eyes!!!



Diana: I hope you have good observational Haki Kaido! Because no one’s getting their eyes back from that!!



Even without his eyes, we knew it would be stupid to underestimate Kaido. If he truly was an emperor, he would at least have a certain amount of Observation haki to replace his eyes during battle.






We were right, he lunged directly at me as if he knew where I was…and I mean at me who was on top of the statue, not the statue itself.



Me: Oh NO you don’t






I grabbed his other horn and swung it around me before putting his body in a position he wouldn’t be able to use his tail or head in.



*bash!* *Bash!*



I continued to bash his head against the surface of the island but I knew this wasn’t going to work. If he survived a fall from Sky Island, than this would only give him a mild headache at most.



Kaido: AARRGH! *shrink*



Perhaps he realized he wasn’t going anywhere in his dragon form. He cancelled it and returned to his normal form.



Me: Yeah, I’ve had enough as well. *RINNEGAN! *CANCEL SUMMONING*



As the giant statue underneath my feet disappeared into smoke, I saw my sis shrinking her Susanoo as well. Even if we face a smaller Kaido, she was still going to need that Armor of her’s.



With the Statue no longer part of the battle, I unsheathed Yang. Finally, I could take this battle into my area of expertise. I fully activated my Goro Goro No Mi as I became pure energy. With this, I should be able to ignore all attacks that aren’t covered in Haki.



Sister took Kaido Head on. Club to Sword and was doing quite well, going toe to toe. While she kept both of Kaido’s hand’s busy, I tried to drain him as much as possible but it was like trying to drain a river. I was never going to get it done in just a few hours.



While I could instantly absorb his Haki covered parts, he would just cover it again in the next second. With his sight gone, he wasn’t taking any chances.






A downgraded version of ‘World Break’ to conserve stamina but still ridiculously powerful. Kaido’s wounds reopened as some parts of his chest burst open once again. It looked like she succeeded in even reopening the one Oden gave him so many years ago.






Me: Die with honor? I’ll take that, but it’s going to be at the hands of someone Stronger than YOU!



Diana: *Ultra Vibration*



I put my blade on top of hers and used it to push it down on Kaido’s arm.



Me: *500 G!*



For a brief moment, the blade got stuck in Kaido’s arm



Me: El Thor!!



Kaido: AARRRGhH!!!



As the smell of burning flesh came from his arm, we pulled out our blades before he grabbed us.



For hours, this repeated as the island broke away piece by piece. Night fell but the force of our clash split the clouds, leaving our fight under the beautiful bright starry sky…not that Kaido could see it anymore.



Queen: Quick! Get them!!!



I risked looking at the side to see Kaido’s 3 head commanders heading towards us. While they weren't a problem, dealing with them together with Kaido was going to be troublesome…if we were going to fight them at all that was.



Me: *RINNEGAN!* *Animal Path!* *SUMMONING*



I summoned at least 3 Immortal animals the size of Kaido before turning my attention back to my fight. Behind me I heard sounds of battle but I knew I had at least earned some time…after all, the animals QUITE LITERALLY couldn’t die, no matter what you do. Oh crap…what if Kaido’s body works the same way?



Me: SIS!



Diana: What?! *stab* *stab*



Me: Check his insides!! Animals!! Immortal!!!



Sis got the message. If Kaido really was the ‘immortal creatures’ that my summoned animals were, then there really was only one way to kill him.



Kaido’s body was full of cuts and wounds but none of them were lethal…except for the ones in his eyes but somehow he stopped his horn from penetrating through his skull and into the brain…or perhaps it did but the ‘effect from immortality’ stopped him from dying.



Me: Sis! I need to do THAT again! Keep him occupied!



Diana: Susanoo! FULLY ARMORED!!



Sis grabbed both of Kaido’s arms and slammed them to the ground with her.






I teleported directly above Kaido’s arm and…*stab*



Once again put the blade deep into his eye. I felt for a fact my blade sinking into something softer. If this was any normal person he should be dead many times over but…






I pulled out my blade and dodged out of the way before Kaido broke free of Sis’s lock.



Me: Sis…he’s already dead…his soul’s been put in a dead body.



Diana: You can’t kill a dead body can you…



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