Justice in the One Piece World

Whitebeard Pirates VS Marine HQ

Chapter 40



Ace: LUFFY~~!!!!



We’re here to save you!!!









Seriously, that Monkey Family has way too much problems. How come each generation become something completely against each other? Garp the Hero of the Marines, Dragon the leader of the Revolutionary, and now Luffy the Straw Hat Pirate; I’d say Sengoku has every right to be mad at Garp. His reluctance to actually teach his son (and grandson) has allowed them to grow into future enemies.



Aojiki: That’s certainly some group you’ve got there…



Kizaru: To think that we’d see each other again so soon~!



Sakazuki: So that is him…Grandson of the Hero Garp and son of the Dragon…That is one pirate who most certainly needs to be eliminated.



Sengoku: So THIS is your answer, is it, Jimbei??!!



Jimbei: Indeed! I resign as a Warlord of the Sea!



Garp: That’s one screwed up team if I ever saw one.



He noted the former warlords and enemies banded together against them. If we didn’t know exactly what was going to happen, then this might really be a hard battle for us.



Kizaru: Dear me Sengoku. Am I correct to assume I am allowed to execute all these intruders?



Sengoku: Naturally.



On the battlefield, there was pure chaos as the warlord of the Seas directly entered the scene with Marines above them sending down bullets and cannons.


As Luffy was saved from Kizatu’s light attack by a ‘death wink’ from Ivankov, Kuma started opening attack on them.



Gecko Moria raised to Zombie Soldiers to fight on the battlefield for him…as usual that lazy bastard.






Garp on the side started shaking as he tried his best to hold in his tears, expecting what would become of both of his grandsons. Grandsons he says that aren’t more important than his duties but deep down, he knows family comes first.



Ace: You should know better! We are both Pirates! We have both sailed the Seas!



Ace’s voice started to falter, but he made up for that by screaming at the top of his lungs.



Ace: I HAVE MY OWN ADVENTURES, I HAVE MY OWN NAKAMA, YOU SHOULDN’T BUD IN!! Do YoU Hav…e any Ide…a How….humilia..ting this is?



Ace was almost sobbing by the end of his sentence, choking on his words and emotions.






While they continued yelling back and forth, Jimbei wiped out Gecko Moria’s zombies by just splashing Seawater on top of them…after all the zombie’s weakness was salt.



Sengoku grabbed his snail before yelling into it.



Sengoku: This man is another danger for the future! He isn’t only raised together with Ace…but…He is also the son of the ‘Revolutionary Dragon’!!!!



Whitebeard: Marco… I won’t forgive you if you let that boy die.



Marco: Roger that…



Ace: … I will accept whatever the future has for me. If someone holds out a hand, I will grab it. But I am also willing to accept the white blade of judgement. I won’t struggle anymore…that would just be disrespectful to them.



Ace said as he looked blankly at the war before him. Pirates being bombarded left and right while stronger ones like Captains and commanders pushed forward despite the heavy resistance.



Soon, the Whitebeard’s allied Captains started using their own ships to bombard the Marine Warships while Gecko Moria was getting the shit beat out of him by Jimbei. Seriously, if it wasn’t for Crocodile, he would easily be the weakest Warlord. He’d definitely get the ‘wasted my talent’ and ‘laziest warlord’ prize anyway though.



On another side of the HQ, Smoker and Luffy have just begun their battle against each other. Not a heartfelt reunion but one that doesn’t feel bad from the perspective of a bystander… knowing both of their situations.



Near the Moby Dick, Crocodile was intercepted yet again by a very drenched Jozu Diamond.



Me: Huh… looks like he didn’t die.



As the pirates ran amok and against our forces, I turned to Sengoku.



Me: Sengoku, you know what happened by now, don’t you? Prisoners broke out of Impel Down with Straw Hat Luffy. But there’s no way he did this alone.



Sengoku: Who do you think it is then…?



Me: I don’t know? How about you count your Warlords and see who’s missing?



Sengoku: Blackbeard… It is no matter. We must win this war and then we will deal with him afterwards.



He then ordered the live feed be cut as he prepared for the plan to being. From the other side of the HQ lead by Sentomaru was a troop of Pacifistas.



Diana: Finally! It’s time for justice!




As the Pacifists arrived and cornered the Pirates from the other side, the bombardment began.






20 Pacifistas wrecked havoc on the tightly packed Pirates and casualties for the Pirates skyrocketed.



Whitebeard: Che! Was this what you were planning Sengoku? Fine! ALL TROOPS, FORGET THE REAR! CHARGE FORWARD TO THE PLATFORM!!!



It wasn’t a great move but it was the best they had, so my applause to Whitebeard for being able to think so quickly.



Kizaru went off again to get Luffy out of the fight. Gecko Moria, who recovered from his loss against Jimbei fought against the weakest group he could find, and Mihawk was still dueling with Vista.



Then, finally, Squard showed up.



Diana: Finally



After a short exchange, Squard stabbed Whitebeard through his torso as the entirely of MarineFord stood shocked at what had happened.



Sengoku didn’t lose this chance as he issued the next orders.



Sengoku: Raise the Siege Walls!!



All around the base, new walls were raised to prevent the Pirates from approaching any further. Whitebeard convinced his crew and everyone once again that he did not sell them out, nor did he ever consider them not as his family…but the damage was done. Whitebeard was stabbed and much of the Pirates were already dead.









As Whitebeard jumped down from his ship, a giant Vice Admiral swung his blade at Whitebeard…only to be stopped by his own blade.



Then Whitebeard put his hands in the air…as if he’s grabbing something and pulling it to the side…



Me: SIS! It’s coming!!



Diana: I know!



Then, just as the world began to tip…it stopped.



POV Diana



Me: Arrggg!!!



This was harder than expected. As Whitebeard tipped the entirely of the Island, I increased the bond between the parts where Whitebeard was trying to rip apart. It was a tug of war between him and me…



I found myself levitating into the air from the recoil of resisting Whitebeard’s attack.



Me: That crazy old man! How strong is he?!



Then, as the Giant Vice Admiral recovered and struck Whitebeard again, the World returned to normal. I had won the bout.



That didn’t mean Whitebeard lost. Not at all. Without giving a damn about why his previous attack failed, he punched the admiral with his Devil Fruit coated fists and sent him pummeling straight towards us… and only to be stopped by the 3 Admirals.



Once they stopped his attacks, the 3 of them looked out towards the plaza, to see chaos everywhere from possibly the strongest individuals in the world.



Kizaru: Pretty Scary, huh?



Aokiji: They all appear to be rather enraged…



Just as he finished saying that, the last wall sprung up and all Pirates were trapped in the Bay area. Completely blocking them off from the Platform. No Oar’s body to save them this time again.



Sengoku: Sakazuki!



POV Kara


Me: No! Wait! Let me bring down a meteorite. Admiral Sakazuki, I need you to aim your magma at my meteorite when it comes down. Sengoku! we need you in your Bhudda form to protect the Marines from the shockwave and heat from the blast!




Sakazuki just nodded, choosing to trust my judgement as it proved to be correct the last few times.



I focused my power high above the sky into where dad and I kept our ‘ammo’. I found a rock the size almost perfectly that of the Bay Area and started pulling it down as hard as I can. I made sure to increase the air friction as to heat it faster.






Seconds later, the Sky was blown apart by the massive burning meteorite, shadowing over the entire Bay area of MarineFord. Sakazuki started blasting his Magma fists into the Meteorite setting the rock to melt into Magma as well.



Behind me, I felt Sengoku change into his Buddha form to prepare for the blast.



On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, many just looked at it before dropping their weapons.



Pirate: Is this… really the power of a human??



Whitebeard: Like I will let you!!!



He swung his blade filled to the brim with this Devil Fruit and created a force blade towards the massive meteorite .



Sis just held the Meteorite together for a bit longer, until I could feel my skin heating up from the intense heat from the Meteorite, before letting go.



The bay area was showered with flaming rocks, much much worse than what Sakazuki would’ve been able to do alone.



From my side, Ace simply looked at me in horror as the scream of Pirates boiling alive in the Seawater. Of course, the smoke from the fall covered everything so we can’t see.



Through the walls, the cannons continued to fire in the non-visible state into the screaming water and the wails of pain.



A few moments later, what the scene revealed was something I would call inhumane. Almost everyone was dead. Bodies were floating around in the water with only the strongest having survived. Even then… they weren’t looking in good shape.



The Captains of their respective crews and the Division Commanders seemed to have make it out alright but almost everyone was gone.



From inside our coats, fruits started changing rapidly and we had to switch them out one after another. Seemed like so much of the Whitebeard Forces were now dead.






Whitebeard attempted to crack the wall but even that failed. Man, I think that they lined the walls with Sealstone to make it that powerful!



Sengoku: Things have went as planned. We will now proceed with the execution of Portugas D. Ace!



As he finished saying that, Luffy rode his jet stream of water created by Jimbei and jumped all the way up to where the Admirals were.



Aokiji: Oh my, you’ve finally made it this far… but you’re still too young to be up in this stage.



Sakazuki: Aren’t you bold, Dragon’s Son…!



Kizaru: Youth… is such a frightening thing.



Luffy just looked up at them defiantly.






Me: Whitebeard’s going to be here soon sis, get ready.



Diana: Finally, it’s us against the Strongest man in the World.

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