Justice in the One Piece World

Your Justice

Chapter 9




Luffy & Smoker: WHAT?!



Luffy: I had a dad?



I held back my urge to face palm while Smoker and Dragon looked at me in shock.



Me: Smoker, I did warn you. Did I not?



Dragon: The World Awaits our answer



I could tell he was about to fire a gust of wind to set Luffy free. While I also wanted Luffy to go free, I still wanted to make sure he recognized him as a threat and took the time to talk to me.



Me: The answer is Justice!



As the Marines (including Smoker), Luffy, and Sanki started to be blown away by the gust of wind I increased the gravity to 15g. They were all suddenly pressed against the ground by what they expect is an invisible force. Most people would’ve been sent to death by this, but this was One Piece pirates we are talking about. They should be fine, not to mention Luffy’s rubber constitution.



Luffy: Whaa…?



Dragon looked at me in shock before composing himself again.



Dragon: I’ve never heard of such a Marine before. Who are you?



Me: Rear Admiral Kara Fujitora. Pleased to meet you.



During this time, Luffy and Sanji crawled outside of my gravity well and started to stand up.



Me: Captain Smoker, I suggest you chase after those two while I have a friendly talk with our Revolutionary leader here.



Smoker grunted before he turned into smoke and chased after the two.



Dragon: I don’t have time for this.



With that, he unleashed his Conqueror’s haki.



Me: Oh, you will!



For the first time, I let my Conqueror’s Haki run free. As our wills clashed, the air vibrated and shook. People fainted left and right as our haki was felt all around the island. Dragon’s haki held out for a bit, but then I pushed him back, solidifying my presence in this world. Dragon’s haki yielded.



Dragon: *cough* *huff* You… you’re a Conqueror Haki user?



Me: I won the clash, so shouldn’t it be my questions first? But yes Mr. Obvious, I can use Conqueror’s haki as well.

Tell me. I always wanted to know who would marry you. Who is Luffy’s mother?



Dragon: You should have expected me to not answer that.



Me: Meh, still worth a try. I was wondering who Garp would’ve had to marry to give birth to someone like you. Who did Garp marry?



Dragon: And here I thought there would be some serious questions. I’d like to refuse to answer that as well.



By this point, there were several Marines who started to come back to their senses around us, they stood up and pointed their guns at Dragon.



Me: Marines, put your arms down. You’ll only anger him. Besides, while I don’t think he can win against me, he can always escape. There’s no point so let me ask a few questions while I have the chance.



The Marines lowered their guns after I told them.



Me: So, here’s something more on the topic of Revolutionaries then



Dragon: I’m listening.



Me: I understand that there is great corruption in the Marine organization. Especially the middle echelon and perhaps the World Noble’s abuse of their authority. But why label the entirety of the World government as false justice?



Dragon: I will not deny that the World Government has brought peace and stability to many regions of the world; however you yourself have admitted that there are corrupted parts in the world. The World Government might bring peace, but with it they have also brought abuse of authority, slavery, and they have stamped out the freedom of people. I believe you know what I am talking about?



Random Marine: Slavery is illegal. The World Government has banned its trade!



Me: Sorry about that fool. Yes, I do understand. But why risk the peace the government have established? If you destroy the order established by the government, then this World will turn in to Mocktown. I believe you know what I am talking about?



I returned his words right at him.



Dragon: I do. Yet, it is a necessary price to pay for a new order to take it’s place. One where freedom is acknowledged by the world. To remove the false justice and replace it with one that can.



Me: Tell me then, where do the pirates stand in your World? Some have proclaimed they wish to simply adventure the world but you know as much as I do that the majority are pillagers, rapists, and nothing more than criminals.



Dragon: I plan to remove the concept of pirates all together. They are too broad a term and unknown, possibly too dangerous. As you stated, there are those who only wish to explore the world yet your government has labeled them all as enemies of the state.

I wish to replace them with Explorers. Those of which the new government will support in their quest in this world. But pirates of your definition. Those who pillage and rape must be hunted down.



Me: I see… even if your own son wishes to become none other than the Pirate King?



Dragon: Then I might have to wait until then… but I believe it is time for me to go. Thank you for letting my son go, Rear Admiral Kara



Me: It was nice talking to you as well. Though I hope we meet again in a more relaxed setting.



With that, Dragon dissolved into the wind. Of course, I could still pick him up with my crazy observation haki but he didn’t need to know that.



I turned to the Marines.



Me: Hey you, tell me where Buggy and Alvida are now. Those nets wouldn’t hold them for long.





POV Diana



I was holding onto the rope of the Going Merry from leaving the harbor. A little favor for them as Ussop could barely hold the ship to dock while waiting for the trio.



I turned and faced the three as I heard rapid footsteps approaching me.



Me: Straw hat Luffy and Zoro…as well as that other guy.



Sanji: It’s Sanji, my beautiful Marine Goddess!






Zoro let go of Luffy and grabbed his swords, ready to engage me if it was needed. His 2 new swords were the Great Sword grade or something if I remembered correctly.



Me: I am quite saddened by the fact that you lied to us Pirate Hunter Zoro. I thought you shared our view on pirates.



Zoro: I did, but this fool changed me. Are you here to fight us?



Me: No, I reached an agreement with Nami to let you go. But I stayed to say a few words.

First, nice swords you got there. A cursed sword is risky but a good sword it is indeed.



Zoro: Thank you, I’m not selling it though.



Me: Why would I need it if I already have a better sword?



Zoro: You have one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords?



Me: Who knows? Besides, thats not the point.

The reason I’m letting you go today is because your pirate crew was deemed different from others. You haven’t hurt any innocents, haven’t attacked us just because we are Marines. And most importantly, I think all of you have a good heart. Except Luffy, I think’s he’s just too dumb to have a bad heart.



Luffy: Thanks!



Me: See what I mean?



The Straw Hats just face palmed at their captain’s response.



Me: But know this; the moment you cross the line. You hurt us without reason. You plunder, rape, or pillage the innocents. That’s when your days are over. Am I understood?



Zoro gave me an understanding nod before jumping onto the Going Merry.



Me: Well, good luck on your journey then.



With that, I let go of the rope. Soon the Going Merry was far away from shore, barely in sight when Smoker came up to me.



Smoker: You let them go didn’t you Rear Admiral?



Me: I did.



Smoker: Why? You could have your position endangered if they find out about this



Me: You know why Captain Smoker. I know that you’re smart enough to tell the difference between a Pirate and someone looking for an adventure.



Smoker: *grunt* This is the first time I’ve allowed a pirate to get off Lougetown not in chains. I’m going to the Grandline to chase them.



Me: I don’t care but there’s a few things you should do first.



Smoker: Don’t order me around!



Me: Fine, but 1 pirate crew off your island is about to turn to 3 if you don’t catch Buggy and Alvida again.

Also, just for that comment, you can expect no help from me. keke



Smoker just growled something and left.




POV Kara



I crashed the hideout where the Buggy and Alvida pirates are hiding.

I kicked down the door and entered.



Buggy crew pirate member: Who dares!!






The guy just hit the ground and didn’t get back up. Must’ve hit his chin really hard.



Everyone: huh?



Me: Hello; by the authority of Rear Admiral Kara, you are all under arrest. I suggest you don’t resist.



Buggy: Don’t joke with me!!!



Pirate crew Member: Boss! That’s a rear admiral! You don’t want to fight her!



Me: You should listen to your sidekick. You have 5 seconds to surrender before I kill you.



Well, really only Alvida, her crew, and Buggy’s crew. I still need him alive to continue the storyline in the future.



I silently put an apple in the back of my coat. It’ll turn into a devil fruit if someone with the power dies. While not especially helpful, It’d be nice to stock up on them. Who knows when you’d need it.



Me: Time’s up.



With that, I increased my gravity to a fatal amount



*splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat*



This time, it wasn’t just hitting the ground. They turned into a puddle of blood. Everyone…except Buggy.

I could feel the apple in the back transforming. It would be the Slippery Slippery fruit from Alvida. I quickly transferred that into my inventory before I turned to Buggy.



Me: I’m keeping you alive because you have value as a former member of the Roger Pirates.



Buggy: au…huff….au



I ignored him and put sea stone cuffs on his hands, feet and neck. If he just cuts off his hands and runs away, then it would be a disaster.



Smoker chose that moment to enter the hideout.



Me: You’re late



Smoker: I didn’t expect you to be the ‘kill them all’ type



Me: I gave them a chance to surrender. But I have Buggy here still alive. Could you take him with you? My ship’s not going to stop by HQ when we enter the Grand Line.



Smoker just grunted an ‘ok’ before carrying Buggy out with him.



Well, I should start heading back as well. It’s time to enter the Grand line. Not through Reverse Mountain… but rather by flying over the Calm Belt; that would save so much more time.



I met with the rest of my crew back on our ship.



Diana: Set the destination to Alabasta! We’re going to the Grand Line!



It’s only been a week, but we were already heading back to the Grand Line.

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