Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 20

Chapter 118 Everything Is For Justice! The Whitebeard Pirates Arrive On The Battlefield!

Quinn stood on the deck, holding the binoculars and cursing, “Damn it!

It was close enough that the Surrut guy could escape from the battle with Marine…

At this time, the sky was bright and the sun began to rise over the sea, which seemed to represent the arrival of hope.

But Quinn knew that Surrut’s last hope of escaping was gone.

There’s no way Marine could give him a second chance, otherwise he’d be stupid!

He regrets it a little now, if he didn’t listen to that guy Surrut just now and went to help… just now…

Uh, no, so Surrut escaped, wouldn’t he be miserable?

Forget it, good brother, come on, my brother is here to pray for you silently!

Just when Quinn was anxious, Rengar suddenly said: “Brother Quinn, there is a situation!

“What’s the matter!? Marine is here again!?” Quinn said irritably, putting down the telescope.

If there was another Marine’s advanced combat power, he wouldn’t dare to stay near here to observe the situation, and he had to evacuate further.

But Rengar pointed to the sea behind him and exclaimed, “No, it seems to be Whitebeard?

Quinn looked back suddenly, and then there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Moby Dick!!!” Quinn exclaimed.

That’s right, the Moby Dick!

Whitebeard’s flagship, the white whale-like shape will never be mistaken, especially, their ship also hangs the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!

“Why is Whitebeard here!?” Quinn asked in surprise and delight.

The terrified Whitebeard Pirates appeared out of nowhere. Why did they suddenly appear here?

The good news is that things are likely to change because of this, and Surrut’s dead end is likely to be cracked here.

The Newgate guy was on the same boat with Kaido, although I’m not sure, but what if… Newgate would help?

Moreover, the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates here is very strange. The battle on Flower Shirt Island was not strictly blocked. After one day, the news was enough to spread. The Whitebeard Pirates may not know that pirates are breaking out here. A fierce battle with Marine.

However, they still appeared…

This may mean that Whitebeard and the others are here for this matter.

As for why he came, it might be to teach Marine a lesson, so that they don’t think that if Shiki breaks down, Marine can run amok in New World, or it may be that Newgate is panicked and comes out to join in the fun or something.

Pirates, it’s not surprising what kind of choices they make.

But no matter what the reason is, this is a change and an opportunity!

Different from the excitement on Quinn’s side, Sakazuki, who was wrapped in bandages on the warship, was standing on the deck with a gloomy expression on his face while a military doctor was putting plasterboard on him.

“Why? Why is the Whitebeard Pirates here? Has no one in the Intelligence Department monitored this? 35 Sakazuki gritted his teeth.

He always planned for the worst in everything.

When the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates appeared here, he was already mentally prepared that the Whitebeard Pirates would intervene.

Now, let alone his broken arms, he has basically lost his combat effectiveness. Even if he is in good condition and works together with Polsalino and Gion, he cannot be the opponent of the Whitebeard Pirates. If you go together, you can’t beat that Newgate!


This is Whitebeard’s dominance in the New World!

Overwhelming power is no lie!

“Phone bug!” Sakazuki murmured.

Ghost Spider Rear Admiral quickly took out the phone bug and dialed it out without Sakazuki talking nonsense.

Obviously, Gion had already explained some things to him on the way back to the warship just now.

The phone worm was quickly picked up, and Garp’s voice came from inside.

“Sakazuki? I heard that Polsalino has arrived, is it over?” Garp said in a slightly more relaxed tone this time.

In his opinion, when Polsalino chose to take the risk of ‘island refraction’, rushed to the battlefield at an extremely fast speed, and joined the battle, it was basically impossible for Surrut to turn over any splashes.

One Gion, one Sakazuki, one Polsalino, can’t beat Surrut?

If that’s the case, then Surrut is definitely no worse than Kaido!

But this is simply not possible!

No matter how much he perverts, it is impossible for him to grow up to the level of Kaido in less than a year from being hanged and beaten by Zephyr in North Blue!

“There was an accident!” Sakazuki said through gritted teeth.

After a short pause, Sakazuki said before Garp asked anything, “That guy Polsalino did suppress Surrut, even though it’s a little stupid… Anyway, the situation is under control, if nothing else happens, that Surrut can’t run, but now the Whitebeard Pirates have appeared! It’s the Moby Dick, and that Edward Newgate is probably on board!”

Garp people are stupid.

what happened?

Why did Whitebeard get involved all of a sudden? Are you dreaming? Or am I dreaming?

“Moby Dick?” Garp asked in surprise at first, but there was no need to wait for Sakazuki’s answer, Sakazuki couldn’t be joking about such a thing.

“Damn, how is that bastard in Newgate there? Did they stop to observe the situation?” Garp asked quickly.

Sakazuki said with an increasingly ugly expression: “No, it is impossible for them to see the situation on Torrester Island, but they have not slowed down at all, and are rushing towards this side at full speed…”

Yes, Quinn and Sakazuki had seen the Moby Dick, and it was impossible for Newgate to see them.

But even so, the Moby Dick didn’t mean to observe the situation at all, and rushed towards this side directly.

What does this mean? It means that Newgate’s meaning is obvious, that he is going to intervene in this matter.

The cause and the reason are not important at all, the important thing is…he is here!

Without giving Garp a chance to speak, Sakazuki said solemnly, “How long will it take for you to arrive?”

Although there is a big gap in qualifications, both of them are Vice Admiral, and Sakazuki is a straight guy, so it seems very rude to talk.

Garp was also used to Sakazuki’s problems, he didn’t care at all, and replied directly: “It will be dark soon!”

Almost a day earlier…

It seems that Garp is riding the wind and waves too, not slowing down at all because of Polusalino’s arrival, and may even risk speeding up.

“A day time?” Sakazuki’s face was still ugly.

If Garp can arrive quickly, Sakazuki will not say a word, even if he takes his life, he will have to fight with the Whitebeard Pirates to buy enough time for Garp.

But in a daytime…

In his current state, it is impossible for him to last so long in Whitebeard’s hands.

Even if Polsalino and Gion free up their hands, they may not be able to do this kind of thing. What’s more, that Surrut is rough and fleshy, even if he is beaten by Gion and Polsalino together, he is still very good. Able to fight, very able to carry.

・・Ask for flowers……

But in the end, Sakazuki still said with a ruthless expression: “It’s only a day, I’ll wait for you!”

Knowing it can’t be done, but he Sakazuki still doesn’t want to put justice to shame!

Just a Whitebeard…

“Sakazuki! Don’t talk stupid…” Garp whispered.

However, before he finished speaking, Sakazuki gave the ghost spider a wink, and the ghost spider was also stubborn, and immediately hung up the phone bug.

“As expected of you, Sakazuki Vice Admiral.” Ghost Spider smiled as if he was still in the mood to joke.

Sakazuki had plasterboard on his arms and bandages on his body, looking seriously injured, but he still looked at the Moby Dick that was getting closer, and then said: “Justice cannot be trampled on, prepare for battle. Bar…”

“Understood.” Ghost spider Rear Admiral nodded.

Just as he turned to deliver the battle order, Sakazuki suddenly said, “It’s been hard work over the years. 35

The ghost spider paused for a while, then did not look back, but said with a smile: “It is my honor to be able to follow in your footsteps, what’s more, from the day we joined Marine, we have already done a good job of justice at any time. And the sacrifice is ready, isn’t it? 99


“Of course, all for justice!” Sakazuki said without hesitation.

He wouldn’t say anything to the ghost spider, ‘It’s hurting you’, a sentence of ‘hard work’ is enough.

As Marine, whether Sakazuki or a ghost spider, he has already put his life and death aside since he set foot on this road!

At the same time, on the island, Polsalino kicked Surrut out with one kick, and just as he was about to pursue, the phone bug rang on him.

Porusalino touched left and right, but he didn’t find the phone bug, but he quickly took out the phone bug and answered in surprise, “Mr. Sengoku?”

Speaking of which, among Marines, Polsalino’s immediate superior is the Admiral Sengoku.

Whenever there was an important mission, Polsalino went directly to Sengoku’s warship, and the two often fought together.

“Polusalino, how long will it take to take Surrut?” Sengoku Admiral asked directly without any nonsense.

“I have already achieved an absolute advantage, but the guy seems to be unable to defeat him. He is very strong, and he has not lost his combat effectiveness. It will take a little time…” Polsalino said.

Sengoku Admiral was silent on the phone bug’s side, then said, “It’s too late, Garp said that Sakazuki has observed the Whitebeard Pirates…”

Polsalino was startled, quickly flew into the air, and glanced at the sea in the distance. Sure enough, the Moby Dick was there!

“Indeed…” Polsalino said with a gloomy expression.

“That guy Sakazuki… he’s too upright, anyway, I order you, give up your mission immediately, bring Sakazuki and your fleet back to me, don’t make unnecessary sacrifices, it’s not yet with the Whitebeard Pirates When there is a conflict! Our support is temporarily unable to arrive, so let’s evacuate. Sengoku Admiral said very decisively.

It was clear that Surrut was still one step away, but Sengoku still ordered.

Porusalino was not surprised. This decisive moment was the strength and character of Sengoku Admiral, and unlike Sakazuki, Porusalino was not so hard-headed, and immediately replied: “Yes, All for justice.

Sakazuki is unwilling to retreat, it is justice, and Polsalino and Sengoku want to preserve Marine’s living power, and it is also justice.

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