Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 333

Chapter 418 The Heroes Start The New World, And The Big Guys From All Walks Of Life Make A Move!

Dressrosa, in some window of the castle behind the flower field, Doflamingo is sitting with a newspaper in his hand.

It’s night, but Dressrosa’s fire is blazing, and a small country is breaking out into a human tragedy.

Liku Dold III, a few days ago, suddenly asked the citizens of the country to borrow money, asking for 10 billion baileys.

I didn’t say anything about the reason, I just said that it would be returned to the people later.

Dressrosa is a poor place, clearly located in the main road, extending in all directions, but King Liku’s brain is relatively axe.

How can black and white not account for a foothold in New World?

In such a good location, he was unwilling to join forces with the pirates, nor to cooperate with the senior officials of the world’s official government. More than 800 years ago, Dressrosa was one of the twenty kings’ allied forces who attacked the huge kingdom together.

Today, more than 800 years later, it is already a small suffering country in the New World.

Speaking of benevolence, Riku Dold III was indeed a very benevolent king.

But when it comes to ability, he really pulls his hips. All the Liku kings of all dynasties have basically pulled his hips. One generation is more than a generation. .

In terms of Zhengzhi, economy, military, etc., under the leadership of King Yu Liku, Dressrosa is basically in a semi-closed state, that is, it likes to engage in culture. For example, Dressrosa’s Colosseum is very famous.

But everything is good and bad. Because Dressrosa is poor enough and very rigid, many pirates are too lazy to take care of them. Over time, at least in the chaotic New World, Dressrosa is still a relatively safe place. .

And what should I say? Safety is especially important in the New World. Perhaps because of this, the people of Dressrosa can endure the rule of King Riku, and even respect him very much.

A… sad king who can’t even get 10 billion baileys.

Threatened by Doflamingo, forced to ask the citizens to borrow money, and finally manipulated by Doflamingo with Parasite String, crying and killing in this suffering country, and finally, his credibility completely collapsed.

This is how Doflamingo plots to take Dressrosa.

It is very simple and rude, in fact, there is no skill at all. It is estimated that in Alabasta, even King Nafirutali Kobra would not be able to do this.

But anyway, it’s useful.

After that, Doflamingo brought an extremely dark rule to Dressrosa. Those who obeyed were definitely prosperous, and those who opposed them died… No, they can’t even die. They were all turned into tools by the cadre of Donquixote Family, Xia Tang, Day and night to create productivity and wealth for the Donquixote Family, it is simply dark.

Doflamingo’s methods and ways of ruling are undoubtedly not orthodox, but evil.

But again, everything has its pros and cons. Doflamingo, as the Seven Warlords of the Sea, one of the Dark World bosses, and a loyal friend of the Beasts Pirates, has great face in the entire New World.

Few people dared to provoke him in the Donquixote Family, so Dressrosa under Doflamingo’s rule has indeed achieved the continuation of the previous peace.

Over the years, it has hardly been affected by the disputes between pirates and other countries.

At the same time, due to Doflamingo’s strong personal connections and the shift in the focus of North Blue’s business and industrial chain, Dressrosa has basically achieved the goal of ‘common prosperity’.

Internally, Doflamingo has brutally suppressed all resistance forces, but at the same time, he has absolutely no intention of exploiting his own people. He has all the benefits he should give, and abruptly turned Dressrosa from a poor and small country into a minority in the New World. rich country!

It can be said that in the next ten years, there will be many people who hate Doflamingo’s kingship, but it would be absolutely irresponsible to say that there are no people who truly support him from the heart.

This ruling model is actually no different from pirate countries such as Totto Land, Ten Nations, and Asgard.

In the final analysis, it is the sentence “those who obey will prosper, and those who oppose will perish”.


Do you tell the pirates any other nonsense, does it work? It doesn’t work.

With a little bit of a shrug of the ground, that is the change of royal power, which is what it is. It has always attracted a group of vested interests to establish a ‘new aristocracy’, and then backhanded those opponents, the old aristocracy, to death. beat.

Looking at the sea, it is the same.

Asgard once blood-washed the old Wanokuni aristocracy, and cleaned up several daimyo families, including the Kozuki family. Aren’t the new aristocratic classes at the core all this means?

To put it bluntly, history still has to be written by the victors, and Doflamingo just didn’t have the last laugh.

If he succeeded in continuing his rule for several generations, it would not be impossible for him to be called the ‘Sacred King of Dressrosa’ in later generations.

But these are later stories.

At this point, Doflamingo hasn’t really become King of Dressrosa yet.

But he believes that after tonight, he will take over Dressrosa logically!

“Furfur, have you failed?””” Doflamingo looked at the newspaper in his hand and smacked his lips in a funny way.

The Beasts Pirates were defeated, and on Marshmallow Island, the first of the three plagues of the Beasts Pirates, the Thunder Calamity Sphinx, fought a fierce battle with the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard·Edward Newgate dominated the Sphinx with an absolute advantage.

And also on the same day, after the cake island war ended, the beast Kaido, who disappeared for nearly three months, dramatically fell from the sky and smashed into Marshmallow Island.

Then, Kaido joins forces with the Sphinx to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.

To be honest, if Kaido and the Sphinx team up against Whitebeard, there is still a bit of a chance of winning.

However, the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates is all there. Foil Vista, Phoenix Marco, and the perfect man Katakuri are all involved in this fierce battle.

In the end, Kaido and the Sphinx escaped, and the Battle of Marshmallow Island ended with the defeat of the Beasts Pirates.

But what should I say, this sudden and inexplicable battle had little impact on New World.

Kaido’s defeat to the Whitebeard Pirates did not affect the power of the Beasts Pirates too much.

Because it was clear in the newspapers that the Beasts Pirates consisted of the Sphinx and Kaido at the time, and the Whitebeard was a crowd of stars.

However, there are still many good people who think this is retribution.

Kaido teamed up with Shiki, teamed up with Surrut to kill Charlotte Linlin, and turned around and was rushed by Charlotte Linlin’s former ‘ally’ Whitebeard, who fled in a panic.

The major events that have happened recently are not only these, the Totto Land and the nations have been divided up continuously, and now it is a real death.

First of all, the country of Totto Land can basically be declared destroyed.

Charlotte Linlin, the leader of the First Generation, was defeated, and the ‘eldest son’ Perospero should now be studying at Impelton.

Second Generation leader Charlotte Katakuri directly took all his belongings and turned to the Whitebeard Pirates, and recognized Newgate as his father.

This Totto Land is indeed the end of the world.

However, the One Piece Empire created by Charlotte Linlin still left a strong mark on New World.

It was as if everyone had tacitly agreed that the sea was still called ‘Totto Land’.

Cake Island is still Cake Island, and Butter Island is still Butter Island.

No one wants to jump out and change the name of this island and this sea area.

At least not now, maybe decades later, will there be new changes?

Perhaps, this is the last ‘respect’ for the hero of Charlotte Linlin’s generation, the Pirate Emperor.

At least, she shouldn’t be allowed to disappear into the long river of history in such obscurity.

Totto Land·Wanguo is constantly being divided up. For example, Beasts Pirates occupied one-sixth of the territory that originally belonged to Wanguo, and Golden Lion·Shiki’s Air Pirates officially returned to the New World, sweeping the participation of Totto Land·Wanguo all the way, and suppressing them. Some wolves who want a piece of the pie.

Directly robbed nearly one-third of the territory of Totto Land·Wanguo!

However, these also require the strength of Shiki’s subordinates to digest it well, and the Air Pirates also stopped their expansion for the time being.

As Surrut said, there is a big stomach and a big bowl of rice.

If it is hard plugged, it may not grow stronger, and it is easy to hurt the body.

Shiki obviously understands this.

However, he doesn’t have many ‘allies’, and he cannot, like the Beasts Pirates, entrust the interests that he cannot digest to the subordinate forces.

For example, the Flame Tank Pirates also occupied a large area of the original Bigmom Pirates. After Doflamingo got Dressrosa, he would also integrate Dressrosa with a part of the Totto Land waters, and finally achieve the goal of bordering Asgard.

At the same time, there are still some vacant areas. At present, there are rumors in the sea that the Nine Snake Pirates have also robbed them.

Nine times out of ten, those territories will be owned by Nine Snakes.

Not only them, but in fact Slok Mingde is also frantically grabbing territory, and even the always mysterious tyrant Bartholemew Kuma has occupied many islands!

According to Surrut of Ten Thousand Beasts City, these islands, on the surface, are the sites of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Bartholemew Bear, but in fact, they should be the secret bases of the Songming Army.

Not only that, Red Hair Pirates also grabbed some territory, but they came late, or rather casual, and this territory just separated Shiki and Whitebeard.

That’s right, Shanks didn’t know what to think, anyway, he was stuck in the middle of Shiki and Whitebeard and found the most dangerous place to stay.

You know, when Shanks entered the New World, he fought several fights with the Whitebeard Pirates, and all the way from the Whitebeard Pirates’ territory to this side.

Many people also dubbed him the ‘Marine Leading the Way Party’, because it was very funny that Shanks broke through the Whitebeard Pirates’ station all the way and broke into this place. Marine’s Garp, Sakazuki and others followed him all the way to pick up leaks. .

Therefore, the relationship between Shanks and Whitebeard is not very good. When Whitebeard recovers, if one wants to take care of Marine, the other will definitely take care of him.

As for Shiki, not to mention, what can Shiki have to say about the former Roger Pirates?

Although there is no deep hatred between the two sides, sooner or later Shiki and Shanks will have a conflict.

When it comes to Shiki, there is another trivial matter. He once had a relationship with Surrut. He had a gloomy temperament like a storm ship Williamsler who escaped from a noble boy. Now his body has been hung in Melview.

New World is so cruel, gold medal Charlotte Linlin will die, silver medal Williamsler, not to mention.

Perhaps Shiki is using this method to tell the evil parties at sea one thing, that is surrender, or death!

From this, the truth of a New World can be more truly reflected.

That is to want to mix in the New World, or be strong enough to challenge the Four Emperors, just like Shanks.

Or, just look for a backer honestly (with a promise), if you want to mess around like Williamsler, you may be able to be chic for a while, but in the end, it is inevitable that someone will free your hand to kill him.

Take a look at Sleek Mingde in the same period, who directly became the Seven Warlords of the Sea, backed by Marine and the world leader, even Whitebeard dared to provoke him.

Take a look at Abuse of the Country, Hiranko, who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and now he is also one of the top cadres of the Flying Sky Pirates.

Look at the drug lord · Capone Bege, Heavenly Yaksha · Don Quixote · Doflamingo, which one is not a strong background?

..The first wave of chaos is over…” Doflamingo read the newspaper in his hand and whispered softly.

That’s right, after the fall of Charlotte Linlin, the division of the first wave of interests is basically over.

There are almost no few people who are qualified to serve the table, and all of them have done it.

There are some leftovers and corners, and I also give those who are not qualified to eat two bites.

But obviously, these are all to be paid back. When these giant crocodiles have digested the food in their stomachs, the second wave of chaos will break out again.

This time, it won’t be like the petty fights of the past six months. Golden Lion, Beasts, Whitebeard, Red Hair, Marine, and his Doflamingo and even the rest of the silver medals will all be involved, and a vigorous battle will break out!

“It’s really dangerous. Dressrosa’s first step is tentatively set to build a sea train. We must repair the sea train to Asgard as soon as possible…” Doflamingo decided very seriously.

New World is a monster room, and Doflamingo consciously does not rely on external forces, so it is difficult to stand firm.

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, or hold their thighs well!

(The first two updates today are big chapters. There are a few things to deal with.)

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