Ke Xue’s Daddy: If You Pamper Eri’s Daughter, You Will Become Stronger!

Chapter 496

497 Poor Performance

Maori Kogoro pondered for a moment, still a little confused.

Looking at Jun Omura, who was sweating coldly in the corridor, he stepped forward to ask.

“A-Chun, what do you know?”

“You’ve been weird all day today! 35

Atsushi Omura shook his head hesitantly and looked at Yumi Horikita’s body with strange eyes.

“Did you say Yumi died at three o’clock in the afternoon?”

“However, I had seen her at five o’clock. 35

“In the table tennis room, as soon as I looked up, I saw Yumi standing on the third floor. 99

“At that time, she looked at this side with a very vicious look.”

“But you said she was dead!”

“Then what I saw, wasn’t it her ghost?

Hearing this, Xiao Lan silently hugged Yuanzi’s arm tightly.

She has always been afraid of ghosts!

Mouri Kogoro immediately scolded:

“Nine eight zero” “Nonsense, there are no ghosts in this world! 39

“You’re hallucinating!

Omura Jun immediately drank violently:

“Absolutely impossible, I didn’t read it wrong!

And Ayacheng Yukio whispered to persuade:

“Stop arguing, just treat it as a ghost!”

“But it’s also very strange. After Yumi left in the afternoon, everyone was in the ping pong room and never went out.”

“It’s impossible that one of us killed her, she has resentment, and she shouldn’t be looking for us if she wants revenge!

This is becoming more and more biased, Miyano Bai Ze couldn’t bear it anymore, and interrupted directly:

“That’s not a ghost at all, it’s the living Yumi Hiroyoshi!

At this time, Zhongdao and Zhi stepped forward to explain:

“Officer Miyano, but Kogoro and I have already experienced corpses.

“Yumi died at three in the afternoon. 35

Hearing this, Miyano Bai Ze sneered:

“It seems that you have returned everything you learned in the police academy to the teacher.

“Don’t you know that the time of death can be interfered with?

“If you happen to die after strenuous exercise.

“The protein in the body coagulates quickly, and the corpse reaction occurs faster.

“Have you all forgotten this?”

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro’s eyes immediately lit up.

And Miyano Bai Ze continued:

“What’s more, you have overlooked an important thing!”

“Guns! Years

“If she had died at three o’clock in the afternoon, there was no way that the shots would go unheard. 55

Conan couldn’t help but ask: “What if there is a silencer?

“If there is a silencer, the murderer is going to disguise himself as suicide, so why take it off and take it away!

“Wouldn’t it be even more dangerous for him to wear a silencer himself, this move is purely superfluous!

Hearing this, everyone felt reasonable.

Miyano Bai Ze continued:

“The murderer made a lot of designs.”

“Let the deceased take a pistol and pretend to commit suicide. 95

“There are also deliberately rummaging rooms, disguised as robbers to kill.

“But, the more you do, the more mistakes you make. You’re right, police officer Zhongdao!”

The bald criminal policeman was inexplicably sweating on his forehead!

“Yes, yes, Miyano police officer is right. 99

And Mouri Kogoro asked with concern:

“Brother Miyano, tell me, when did Yumi die?

“What kind of strenuous exercise did she do before she died?”

Miyano Bai Ze shook his head speechlessly:

“Have you not responded yet?”

“When Atsushi Omura found her, she was staring at the table tennis room.”

“Look at her hand again, is it a gesture of holding a racket?”

When everyone sees it, it really is!

“So, she must have been playing table tennis with someone before she died! 35

“As for the time of her death, it should have been at the start of the fireworks festival.”5

“The sound of the gunfire and the sound of the fireworks blended together, so no one noticed!”

Mouri Kogoro nodded, quite convinced by this statement.

“It was after six o’clock.

Miyano Bai Ze turned to look at Xiaolan:

“Xiao Ran, you and Sonoko came back to call Yumi Horikita, why didn’t you call anyone?”

Xiaolan said, “We are already outside Aunt Yumi’s room.

“However, just as I was about to call someone, I was stopped by Uncle Zhongdao. 35

“He said Aunt Yumi got up very angry, let’s not disturb her!””

Miyano Bai Ze laughed lightly:

“Isn’t that just showing off? 55

When Nakamichi Kazuhi heard this, he was immediately taken aback.

He immediately retorted:

“What do you mean by showing your feet, Officer Miyano, what do you mean by that?

“You suspect that I am the murderer?”

Immediately, Miyano Bai Ze’s face froze, and he vowed to speak.

“Not to doubt, but to be sure that you are the real murderer! 35

“Officer Nakamichi, don’t you think your performance today is clumsy?

“First of all, I will guide everyone to think in the direction of suicide. If suicide doesn’t make sense, I will guide you in the direction of robbers and murders.

“There is absolutely no real intention to help the old classmate solve the case. 35

“Just to clear my suspicions. 35

“Because you know for yourself that this murder was committed by you.

“I can’t get people to check it out, so I’ve been confusing people!

Upon hearing this, everyone recalled what Zhongdao Hezhi said and practiced just now.

It really matches Miyano Bai Ze’s description.

The eyes of everyone looking at Nakamichi Kazuhi instantly changed.

Nakamichi Kazuhi’s face suddenly turned pale, and there was more sweat on his forehead.

He wanted to open his mouth to argue, but for a while he didn’t know where to start.

Miyano Bai Ze continued:

“When Xiaolan and Sonoko came back and called Yumi Horigou, it was just when the fireworks started.”

“It was when you finished shooting Yumi Horikita, in the aftermath of the room.”

“You hear the movement outside and don’t bother to set up half of the crime scene.

“Just open the window and jump off the eaves.”

“After that, I quickly climbed upstairs to prevent Xiaolan Yuanzi from entering the crime scene.”

“If they push the door and see it, the deliberately designed plan to kill after strenuous exercise is in vain. 99

“After that, you met Yukio Ayacheng and Noriko Ayacheng.

“Let’s go to the seaside fireworks festival together!

“On the way, 0.8 pretended to be pushed away by the crowd and ran back to the hotel to continue the unfinished arrangement.”

“However, being interrupted by this, Yumi Horetsu’s body is already frozen.”

“Her fingers couldn’t bend, couldn’t pull the trigger.

“So you messed up her room and tried to make it a robber murder.”

“I’m right, Officer Nakamichi!”

Mouri Kogoro swallowed his dry throat.

“Zhongdao, did you really do it?

Nakamichi Kazuhi immediately screamed and bowed:

“Little Goro, you believe him, he’s just imagining it! 35

“This kind of trick can also be done by other people. Why do you say that I am the murderer.”

“Also, I’m getting married in three months.”

“I’m a groom-to-be, can I commit murder? 39

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