Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation

55. Wu Yan, The Salty Prince.

(Wu Yan POV)

"Young master Chen and Young miss Chen have arrived in the capital"

Just recalling those words from the servant bring me great joy!

Elder Sister Ru and Elder Brother Fei have arrived!


Just thinking back to all the great times I'd had with Senior Brother Fei last time makes me anticipant for what cool thing he will be showing me this time.

Maybe a new technique he had mastered?

Maybe a mysterious treasure he got his hands on?

Possibly even a chance encounter with a mighty opportunity! 

...I can't wait!


What's even more exciting, is the fact that Elder Sister Ru is back!

Elation fills me as I recall the fated promise we made all those years ago. The cherry blossoms bloomed in the courtyard where both of us were playing a game of Cultivator vs Scholar.

As if the Heavenly Dao itself ordained it as fate, the moment I had built up courage to ask, I had gotten the role of Scholar.

The aim of this game was for the person with the role of 'Scholar' to persuade the 'Cultivator' to spare them whilst running away, if the 'Cultivator' catches the 'Scholar' before he can persuade them, then the 'Cultivator' wins.

The vagueness of persuasion made it really unfair for...The 'Cultivator'.

This was because whenever I lost as the 'Scholar', I'd cry and roar about how unfair the other person was being and that they weren't even listening to my points.

Needless to say, after the incessant whining of a six year old child, Chen Ru -who was the Cultivator- admitted her defeat!  

After her admitting defeat I'd naturally won the round.

But not only had I won the round.

I had also gotten a promise off her, due to that being the loser's forfeit.

I vividly member her asking what promise I had wanted and then I replied...

"I want you to promise to be with me forever!"

She agreed and said we would always play together.


Although I didn't realise back then since I was an ignorant little kid... isn't that basically asking her to be my wife?

Naturally I was a bit nervous about something like that, but soon I realised it wasn't a bad thing...

...In fact, I came to the understanding, not too long ago, that I had felt more about her than just a friend!

After asking my mother about it, she just told me to do whatever I wanted as long as I was happy.

From then on, I had decided to improve myself as much as I could to get her attention for our next meeting. Even if she has forgotten the promise all those years ago...I'll make her acknowledge it!

After that, the rest will be history.


I hurriedly made my way to the wardrobe, and scavenge around to see what would give me that added oomph.

I knew I must do this in order to achieve the shock factor I required. After looking through the hundreds of styles, I just couldn't make a decision.

I knew I couldn't dawdle on like this, as I knew they were waiting on me anxiously.

I told the maids to do this for me and emphasized the fact that I had to look as good as possible. They complied and soon enough in the mirror I was able to see how great I looked...

I was garbed in golden purple robes that had my family name on it, hair elegantly tied up in such a way that made me look like a true dignified gentleman, and purple shoes that match my robes. 

I was very satisfied.

After seeing myself, I was confident.

Just what could possibly go wrong here?

My mother and all the maids around me always called me a handsome boy-Which I agree with.

I'm talented and very hard-working.

My sensibility and demeanor always out bests my peers, therefore the two year age gap between us won't affect our interactions.  

And I also have some of my father's teachings ingraved in me, one being, 'Always be willful in getting what you desire. As without will, one will never find the way'. 

With all these positives I refuse to believe that I, Wu Yan, will be unable to capture Elder Sister's attention. 


I make my way towards the Chen manor by walk as it is not too far from my residence, and it's too hard to fly on a flying sword yet as I am not Qi Condensation stage yet.

After a few minutes, I arrive at the front door.

I did see some servants at the front gate, however they let me in with no problems as they knew me. They asked if I needed a guide however I refused as I had to get myself fully prepared for the reunion.

As I now stand at the door of the manor, I do one last tidy of my robes and check up on my hair to make sure everything is fine.

After checking, I open the front door and go onward to the living room.

Calmly making my way through the marble hall, I walk directly through and stand still in front of the half opened living room door. Nervousness once again creeps up on me however I shake it off and start to open the door.

Just as I begin to twist the door handle and push open the door, I hear something that stops me in my tracks.

It's Elder Sister's beautiful voice.

I start to listen closely and hear something shocking...

"Do you think he loves me too, big brother?"

"I feel nervous seeing him again, and wonder if he still remembers the promise we made before."

"My heart also beats wildly whenever I see his dashing looks, and deep intellectual gaze!"

"It's driving me crazy, so as his best friend you should tell me your opinion!"

I hear Elder Brother Fei reply,

"Ru'er... a man's heart is unfathomable."

"Even though I've known him for a long time, I still can't tell you for certain."

"However, what I can tell you is that, I'm sure if you show him how great you are, he will definitely love you back!"


Standing there frozen, I feel an overwhelming amount of joy. I think through what she just said word by word...

'Do you think he loves me too?'

I can now tell that she loves someone, and I also do love her.

'Dashing Looks'

I AM dashing!

'Deep intellectual gaze'

My eyes are like the deep ocean and if I say I am the second most intellectual, then no one would dare claim to be first!

'Promise we made before'?

HA, who else but I, Wu Yan, had made such a promise worth getting anxious over?!

It must be me, that she loves!


I no longer hesitated and swung door open. I strode into the room with swagger and confidence.

Looking around the room, I finally caught sight of her.


That's the only way I could describe her.

If I paid more attention to poetry classes, I probably could have made hundreds to describe her beauty just now!

However love isn't defined by words, but instead actions!

Both Elder Brother and Elder Sister had surprised expressions, whoever they soon wore a large smile on their faces once they recognised me.

Hehe, of course they would be shocked!

Haven't I just caught this confession red handed?

But it's fine... I'll just express my acceptance of Elder Sister and all this tension will be gone!

Before they could even start to say anything, I looked passionately at Elder Sister Ru and exclaimed to her with all the emotion I could muster,

"Do not worry my dear Elder Sister, I have heard your confession loud and clear!"

"I want you to know that I, Wu Yan, will love you now and forever!"

"I've never forgotten the promise we made back then, and never once hadn't thought of you!"

Suddenly I began to recall some fragments of some poetry lessons.

So I said, "Please listen to this short poem I made for you!" 

"It comes from my heart and soul"

Then without waiting for a response I started reciting to the best of my ability.

"Every time I see your blossoming beauty, a smile adornes my immaculate face.

Although I cannot see much into the future, I'll forever remember your grace.

In front of your willowy expression, all glory is vain

As without you, agony is my middle name."




Elder Sister had a strange expression on her face, mean whilst Elder Brother had eyes as wide as saucers.

As if to check something, Elder Brother said out loud,

"Um... I love you very much as well little Yan..."



B-B-Brother... Y-You like m-men?!

Elder Sister also said, "Yeah, I love you a lot as well little Yan...

D-Double confession!?

I was about to faint from the intense stimulus of knowing that Elder Sister Ru accepted me and that Elder Brother Fei liked men...

However the next words woke me up from my state of shock- as if an ice cold water had been thrown on me.







"...As Family."




S-So that confession of love wasn't for me!?

H-How is that possible!!!!

Elder Sister seemed to want to get away, as she said in a light hearted tone,

"I never thought you would be so excited to see us Little YanYan!"

"This Big Sister is also very glad to see you as well!"

"But sadly, Big Sister still has some matters to attend to... However I'll definitely play with you later, okay?!"

She then walked past me and left.


Silence once again filled the living room.

I was petrified.

Where did it all go wrong?

My execution was flawless, just like my appearance!

Even a fairy from the ninth heavens would fall for me after receiving such a touching proposal!

I thought for a bit and then it came to me...

...She must have been tricked by another nasty guy! 

I quickly look around and see Elder Brother trying to leave sneakily...

I rush over and grab his robe firmly.

Then I glare at him and say,

"Explain. This. To. Me. NOW!"


(Chen Fei POV)



My poor Brother Bu really gets it tough in life, huh.

Not only is he stuck with my frankly obsessive sister. He now also has to deal with a jealous prince!

And Wu Yan isn't just some prince, but the youngest son of the empress!

Meaning he is literally the younger brother of the crown prince, and naturally is a very important individual.

Due to his family and position, he is very spoiled and usually gets anything he wants.

...But now, he can't get what he wants.

And for him to take such a tragic rejection laying down... would be impossible.

I also know him well enough to understand what his next move will be.

He'll definitely take it out on the person that caused this all.

Which is obviously Brother Bu.


I also know I can't help out Brother Bu right now, as lying to a prince is nothing short of asking for death!

So to save my own skin, I do the only thing I could do and... Explain everything to him.


Watching the enraged fourteen year old make his way out the living room with haste, I can't help but lament over Brother Bu's horrid luck.

I lay back on the cushioned chair, and wish him the luck that he very much needs right now.


(Wu Yan POV)

After getting to know who the culprit is from Elder Brother, I am absolutely fuming!

How dare he be such a deceitful weasel and steal what clearly is this prince's!


I storm up to the room where Elder Brother told me this 'Bu Cai' is staying, with the intention of giving him a piece of my mind!

Whilst doing so, I'll also teach him a valuable lesson on what boundaries he must not infringe on.

Then that should be enough for him to back off like a good weasel!


I approach the door confidently and start to furiously bash on it.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

I then wait for that dirty thief to show himself. 


Why is he taking so long?!


I begin to tap my feet on the floor with impatience, as this response time is atrocious!

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*




The door slowly opens, and what I see at the other side is a tall teenage boy in white robes.

Hmmmmm, so this the weasel who doesn't know his place?!

Just what is it about this weasel that has let him get the attention of Elder Sister?

However my question was answered once I looked up at his face. 

I get it now!


Hmph, he looks like a male prostitute!


I then wait for his bow but I then realise that... He hadn't even noticed me yet!


Seems like this weasel isn't just a tricky one, but also a disrespectful one! 

I yell at him to catch his attention,

"How dare you be so presumptuous as to think you can steal what I want!"

Then I await his response...


I see him hurriedly bow and he replied to me in a calm and respectful manner by saying,

"Greetings prince!"

"It is my honor of eight life times to meet your esteemed self."

"There must be a grave misunderstanding here, as I have always been an upright citizen of the great Divine Sword Empire and would never steal from anyone. Even if I had ten times the guts!"


How dare he feign ignorance like this!

I respond to him angrily,

"Are you implying that this prince is the one who is mistaken?"

"How dare you pretend to not know your mistake!"

"Luckily I am already aware that you have tricked Elder Sister Ru, so your deceit won't work!"

"You devious prostitute!"


If he even dares spout such nonsense again, I will have his head taken off!

To imagine he would try and fool this prince using some slimy words!

How presumptuous! 


(Bu Cai POV)

Just what is this situation?

I-I've actually just been told by a prince that I am thief and also a p-prostitute!

Never in my life have I thought I'd be called a damned prostitute- especially not from some brat!

At the start of this all, I was pretty confused.

But now it's become apparent to me what this is about...

...side-heroine #54-*Cough* Chen Ru!

I actually can't believe that annoying woman could cause me this much hassle!

Even though I had a lot to think about right now, I knew that leaving this impatient brat hanging would be the end of me.

So whilst I am still bowing, I replied with a desperate and polite tone,

"My prince, you must believe this humble one!"

"I have only ever seen Junior Sister Ru as a sister, and nothing else!"

"How could I even harbor such nefarious thoughts, when I am a devout cultivator with a pure Dao heart?!"

"I implore you to be fair and believe in me when I say that, I wouldn't dare to steal from your esteemed self!"



Lets hope these words of self-humility will appease him a little.


Why is he not replying?

I decide to raise my head from the bow and see what the situation was looking like right now.

And what I saw from the prince was...



H-He is actually crying!




My anxiety was at an all time high now.

In a Xianxia world like this where the strong eat the weak, causing displeasure to someone of a strong background will lead to one thing, and one thing only...



Okay, to be honest, that is a bit of a stretch...

...Although I probably will not die because of this due to my backing, that still doesn't make this situation any better!


One of my goals is to make connections with the Royal Family, as they are the dominating force of this continent. But now that I have a crying prince on my record, it will definitely be much harder!

I have to fix this somehow!

But then suddenly, I hear him mutter with bitterness,

"How does a bastard like you have the ability to get her attention, whereas I can't?"


"Just what's so good about a measly weasel like you, that she won't give me a chance!"




Is this for real?

Why can't he just be normal and get over it?!

I don't really know what to do in this situation, since I've never been in one like this...

...So let's just hope checking his [Status] could somehow help me...



Author's Notes:

Decided to try more POV's and further flesh out some characters.

Hope you enjoyed, and any feedback or Suggestions are appreciated.

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