Killing System, the Ultimate Killer

Chapter 1 Archer

PS: Nangong Wenya: Be good, leave your brain with me, I will help you touch it!

New author, new book, a little newbie, please support! Be gentle!

The setting sun is like blood, and the wind is cold.

The Great Wei Dynasty, the northern frontier.

Anning Pass.

At this moment, the foreign race is about to knock on the pass!

Hun Ruxie, the left Xianwang of the Xiongnu, led an army of 100,000 to enter the pass and go south.

A hundred thousand troops knocked on the pass, and the war was raging...

Sheng Huaian looked at the army outside the city, and his hands holding the bow and arrow were sweating.

This was his first time on the battlefield.

"Why, are you nervous?" The old soldier next to him said.

Obviously, Sheng Huaian was a rookie at first glance.


Sheng Huaian's eyes were filled with fear.

He was not a rookie, he just came through, went out to stroll around, and was conscripted to guard the city.

I don't know what those garrison uncles were thinking. Why did they capture ordinary people like him who had no combat experience and no strength!

To be cannon fodder?

"People in the city!?" The old soldier seemed to see through everything, his eyes were wise.

Sheng Huaian nodded, his hands were shaking.

He traveled to a scholar named Sheng Huaian. Just as he went out to inquire about the surrounding environment, he met a conscript and arrested him as a soldier.

"Don't be afraid, you will die if you open and close your eyes. There is nothing to be afraid of." The old soldier comforted him.

Sheng Huaian:...

You comforted him very well, don't comfort him next time.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Outside the city, the drums of war were like thunder, resounding through the sky.

"Hide well, don't show your head randomly, the Hun army has begun to attack, and avoid this round of arrow rain first." The old soldier reminded.

Seeing the old soldier squatting behind the parapet, observing the enemy through the small hole in the wall.

Sheng Huaian also squatted with the old soldier.

The next moment, arrows rained down.

All that was heard was the "swoosh" sound of the shots fired in the air.

At this time, the defenders on the city wall were hiding behind the parapet, and no one dared to stand.

Those who dared to stand were live targets and would be killed.

Now the Hun army was attacking the city, and arrows were raining down. Would they stand like hedgehogs?

Under the suppression of the rain of arrows, the attacking army set up the ladders and began to climb up, preparing to climb the city wall.

As soon as the rain of arrows stopped, the old soldier shouted: "Quick, prepare to counterattack, and defend the city wall to survive."

Seeing the old soldier stand up, Sheng Huaian also stood up.

The weapon he was assigned was a shabby bow and arrow, which was barely usable.

With five arrow feathers, the equipment was pitifully simple.

Anyway, they were cannon fodder, and they didn't need much equipment.

"Boy, don't stand there, shoot quickly!" shouted the old soldier on the side.

Looking at the Hun army surging like a tide, Sheng Huaian came back to his senses.

How is this different from what was shown in the TV series?

Compared with the real thing, what was shown on TV was simply...too low!

Thousands of people attacked the city, so densely packed that it caused a great sense of mental oppression.

Now the army had approached the city and climbed the wall with ladders, and the rain of arrows from the Hun army stopped.

Sheng Huaian looked at the dense Hun army under the city, and regardless of whether he could shoot arrows, he drew his bow and pulled the string, and shot at the crowd under the city.


A Hun soldier under the city fell to the ground, and died with his eyes open.

A blind cat meets a dead mouse, and he was killed by someone who mistook him for a dead mouse.

The first time Sheng Huaian shot an arrow in his past and present life, he shot a Hun soldier to death.

After shooting a Hun soldier to death with one arrow, Sheng Huaian found that something was wrong with his brain.

Oh no, my head is itchy, I need to grow a brain!!

Sheng Huaian found a golden light curtain in his mind.

There are golden fonts on the light screen:

Name: Sheng Huaian

Race: Human

Kung Fu: None

Talent: Trash Rookie Archer (+)

Kill Value: 1

Golden Finger?

Sheng Huaian looked at the golden light screen that appeared in his mind and was instantly delighted.

A golden finger is a must for traveling through time. The ancients were not deceiving me.

"System, hello?"

No response!

Is it the wrong way to open it?

"Hi, hello system!"

Still no response.

Sheng Huaian couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Isn't this golden finger the system? Why is there no movement!

He was still counting on the system to open the novice gift package, so that he could become a god of war and kill people everywhere.

What should I do if I get a disabled system on the battlefield in Syria?

Waiting online, urgent! Urgent! Urgent!

Unfortunately, it is not necessarily a response to keep thinking about it.

Sheng Huaian saw a plus sign behind the trashy rookie archer. He, who has been immersed in online writing for many years, added a point without hesitation.

In this case, it must be a one-click gold finger of the immortal cultivation type.

Sure enough, as soon as he thought about adding points, the experience and knowledge related to archers instantly flooded into his mind.

In a moment, Sheng Huaian successfully transformed from a worthless rookie archer to an ordinary archer.

At the same time, a warm current flowed through his body, making him feel much stronger.

"It turns out that adding some killing points will do."

Simple and clear.

"I feel that I am terribly strong now!" Sheng Huaian immediately drew the bow and pulled the string, quite like an archer.

An arrow was shot out, and a Hun soldier under the city wall was pierced through the heart by an arrow and fell to the ground, deader than dead.

After shooting a Hun soldier, the killing value returned to 1 point.

However, this time, there was no plus sign behind the ordinary archer.

Obviously, this kill value cannot allow him to be promoted from an ordinary archer to the next level.

"Hey, not bad, killed another one."

The old soldier next to him saw that Sheng Huaian shot two arrows in a row and killed two enemies.

This is not like a newly recruited recruit.

"Good luck, good luck." Sheng Huaian was no longer nervous, but smiled.

Enemy: Thank you for your good luck, can you not be so lucky, that's our fate.

I hate enemies without a sense of boundaries!

With a golden finger, what is he afraid of? He must be powerful with the protagonist's halo.

The protagonists in many novels are like this.

At this time, the Hun army attacked the city, and the Hun soldiers climbed up along the ladder. The soldiers guarding the city picked up stones and smashed them.

One stone down, the watermelon was split open.

Some soldiers carried the boiling hot gold juice and poured it down. The Hun soldiers who were drenched in gold juice fell down with painful wails.

The defenders have the advantage, and the attackers can only win by their lives.

"If the enemy attacks the city wall later, you will retreat to the back." The old soldier said.

It is rare to see a shooter seedling, and the old soldier does not want Sheng Huaian to die in close combat.

"Don't worry, uncle, I cherish my life very much." Sheng Huaian said.

At this moment, he has forgotten the fear of the battlefield and only wants to get the killing value. I don't know why his adaptability is surprisingly strong.

Sheng Huaian continued to draw the bow and shoot at the Huns under the city wall. Anyway, there are densely packed people under the city wall, and it is rare to miss.


Another enemy fell down in response, shot through the heart by an arrow.

The killing value is increased a little, but there is no plus sign behind the ordinary archer.

Seeing that there is no plus sign, it seems that he has to continue killing.

In order to become stronger and survive in this strange world, Sheng Huaian can only say sorry.

No need to say thank you!

He drew the bow again, and shot an arrow, ending the life of a Xiongnu soldier.

Four of the five arrows had been used.

Sheng Huaian did not stop, and continued to draw the bow, and his bow drawing posture became more and more skilled.

An arrow was shot, hitting the forehead of a Xiongnu soldier.

None of the five arrows missed.

"Boy, are you really a newly captured soldier?" The old soldier on the side looked at Sheng Huaian in disbelief.

Looking at the white and clean appearance of a scholar, it is unexpected that on the battlefield, five arrows killed five enemies, which is also considered a hundred shots.

He shot and killed five enemy soldiers, and his face did not change. Is this a newly captured soldier?

Even the new soldiers did not perform so well, right?

Not only the old soldiers, but also several soldiers next to him looked at Sheng Huaian in surprise.

A broken bow, shooting five enemies, really made them look at them with new eyes.

Don't look at just five enemies, this is also a military merit.

It's a pity that we are defending the city now, and we can't get any heads, so this military achievement cannot be counted.

You know, other archers will miss their shots when facing so many Hun troops under the city wall, and it is impossible for them to hit the target every time like Sheng Huaian.

I don't know if it's good luck or if he is really gifted as an archer.

Not to mention that Sheng Huaian is a newly captured strong man. Other strong men would be trembling with fear when watching the army attacking the city.

"Is it true?" Sheng Huaian looked at the old soldier speechlessly.

"Okay, you retreat and rest. It will be a close combat later. Don't get hurt with your thin arms and legs." The old soldier looked at Sheng Huaian and said.

"No, I want to continue to kill the enemy and defend my country." Sheng Huaian said righteously.

The old soldier looked at Sheng Huaian. Is this what the captured new strong man said? !

When did the new strong men have such ideological awareness?

The other soldiers looked at Sheng Huaian and were also full of surprise. You told me that he was a strong man?

The strong man didn't want to run down the wall to hide.

"Uncle, get me some more arrow feathers. I feel so strong now." Sheng Huaian said confidently.

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