Killing System, the Ultimate Killer

Chapter 64: Suppressing Bandits

"No, you haven't made any money as a county magistrate for so many years." Sheng Huaian looked at County Magistrate Chen.

Is this guy really an honest official?

"If you can do it, come. I'll give you the position of county magistrate. I'll write to His Majesty right now." If he couldn't beat Sheng Huaian, he really wanted to smash Sheng Huaian's face, which was more handsome than him.

"Hey, if I couldn't even pass the exam to become a scholar, do you think I would care about a mere county magistrate?" Sheng Huaian was very arrogant. What a small matter of the position of county magistrate.

He wanted to be the top scholar, the prime minister, and...

"Tell me, how much can you lend me at most? Give me a definite answer. I'm waiting for the money to buy rice. Lord Chen can't bear to see nine thousand soldiers starving."

"At most five thousand taels, this is all my fortune. Take it or leave it." County Magistrate Chen was really impressed by this old man.

He was obviously here to borrow money, but he seemed to be here to collect debts.

"What? Five thousand, you are really poor." Sheng Huaian stared at County Magistrate Chen with wide eyes.

How did this guy become a county magistrate? He failed so badly.

There are so many wealthy families in this city, but he didn't make any money?

Those village chiefs in the previous life made more money than County Magistrate Chen Tianhua.

"No more, go away, my family doesn't welcome you." Chen Tianhua was so angry that his veins popped out.

He still called this poor?

Five thousand taels of silver is a lot of wealth. How much is a pound of grain?

One tael of silver is enough for a family of five to live a rich life for a month.

"No, no, no, five thousand is five thousand, I will pay you back in a few days, why are you so stingy." Sheng Huaian said quickly.

Chen Tianhua was so angry that he blew his beard, but it was a pity that he had no beard.

He borrowed all his belongings, and he still called it stingy? That was what he kept to marry a wife.

In the end, Sheng Huaian borrowed five thousand taels of silver from County Magistrate Chen to temporarily alleviate the problem of lack of money in the military camp.

After Sheng Huaian left, the old housekeeper stood behind Chen Tianhua.

"Master, why did you lend him all the money!" The old housekeeper was very puzzled. The military camp was short of money, and this should be asked from the court.

"What did he take the money for?" County Magistrate Chen said lightly.

"To support the army." The old servant said truthfully.

"What do you support the army for?"

"To guard Hexi County."

"Then what is your master's identity?"

"Hexi County Magistrate."

"It seems that you are not old and confused!"

"The old servant has realized it."


After borrowing the money, Sheng Huaian continued to train the soldiers. He ate well all day long. Only when he was full, the soldiers would have the strength to train and have the energy to practice.

Mang Niu Jin, that is, eating, polishing the body, eating, polishing the body, is most suitable for military training.

In just one month, under Sheng Huaian's feeding and training at all costs, many recruits have broken through to the early stage of martial arts and have a certain combat power.

The soldiers under his command have also begun to take shape and are no longer ordinary farmers who are stupid.

Three days later, Wang Wu returned to the barracks.

"General, we have a target." Wang Wu reported to Sheng Huaian.

"Tell me about it!" Sheng Huaian was delighted.

"There is a group of giant bandits entrenched in Tianlin County, which is mountainous. There are tens of thousands of people. The leader of the bandits is a martial arts master in the Xiantian realm. The soldiers of Dingzhou Prefecture have surrounded and suppressed them many times, but they can't do anything to this group of bandits."

"Tens of thousands of people, and there are also Xiantian martial artists. It seems that this group of bandits is not simple." Sheng Huaian touched his chin.

There are so many bandits, and they are still safe and sound. Either they are the black gloves of that big man, or they are secretly cultivated by a big family.

Otherwise, wild bandits cannot develop to such a scale.

They have been used to brush their political achievements long ago.

This is not the end of the dynasty, when the world is in chaos.

"This group of bandits has been dominating Tianlin County for ten years. I think they have a rich family background." Wang Wu said again.

This sentence directly irritated Sheng Huaian's nerves. What he wanted was a solid family background. Otherwise, what's the point of robbing and getting only a few hairs.

"Fuck them, it's them. How far is Tianlin County from here?" Sheng Huaian said.

"The cavalry can reach it in one day."

"It's time to test these wolf cubs. No matter how much they train, they have to see blood first, otherwise they will be new recruits no matter how long they train." Sheng Huaian said immediately.

Then, Sheng Huaian called his subordinates Guo Xiaoping and Hu Bing.


Guo Xiaoping and Hu Bing came to Sheng Huaian's barracks.

"You two, guard Hexi County well. This general has something to go out for." Sheng Huaian told the two to guard the city.

Although it is winter now, cold and snowy, the probability of Rongdi and Xiongnu invading is slim, but what should be explained still needs to be explained.

"Yes, General!"

Guo Xiaoping and the others did not ask what Sheng Huaian was going to do. The military order they received was to guard Hexi County.

After instructing the two men, Sheng Huaian took the thousand men he directly commanded and two thousand war horses and quietly left Hexi County at night.

The next morning, Xiao Chuyi got up and began to train her soldiers. She found that Sheng Huaian did not train soldiers in the barracks as usual, and the thousand-man army also disappeared.

Xiao Chuyi keenly sensed that something was wrong and immediately found Guo Xiaoping.

"Captain Guo, where is General Sheng?" Xiao Chuyi looked at Guo Xiaoping and asked.

Looking at Xiao Chuyi in front of him, Guo Xiaoping was very alert.

"I don't know!"

"Don't know?"

"How should I know? What General Sheng is going to do and where he is going? Does he need to report to me, the captain?"

Guo Xiaoping exhaled through his nose, looked at Xiao Chuyi, and hinted: You are a lieutenant, but you are too nosy.

Xiao Chuyi stared at Guo Xiaoping seriously, trying to see some clues from his face.

Unfortunately, Guo Xiaoping is not a fool. Although he is not as cunning as a fox, he is also an old man and a senior.

Without getting the answer he wanted, Xiao Chuyi could only go back to continue training.

Hu Bing was also a direct subordinate of Sheng Huaian, and he couldn't ask anything.

Sheng Huaian's troops took advantage of the night and rushed to the territory of Tianlin County.

Tianlin County has many mountains and forests, few plains, and is not suitable for cavalry combat.

But Sheng Huaian did not come to train cavalry this time, but to test the military formation.

"Wang Wu, you lead the team to find out the location of the group of giant bandits, the defense situation, etc." Sheng Huaian ordered immediately.

"Yes, General."

Wang Wu took twenty scouts and left the army, and soon disappeared from sight.

"Others, rest where you are, and the sentries will be dispersed to prevent anyone from approaching the camp." Sheng Huaian quickly ordered again.

They did not approach the county town or village, but stopped to rest in a forest, which was convenient for concealment.

Wang Wu came back with the scouts in the evening.

"General, we have found out that this group of bandits set up their camp on the back hill of a village outside Pingshan Town. The terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the defense is very lax, so it is not difficult to get in." Wang Wu reported.

"Okay, set off now and launch an attack at the end of the Yin hour. At that time, the defense will be more lax, and people will be sleepy, so it will be easier to get in." Sheng Huaian immediately ordered the army to set off and head for Qingshan Town.

The end of the Yin hour is four o'clock in the morning. At this time, people who stay up late are most likely to get sleepy.

Arriving outside Pingshan Town, bypassing the town and village, and heading straight to Huxiao Mountain, this group of bandits called themselves the Green Camp of Huxiao Hall and advertised themselves as heroes of the green forest.

In fact, according to the information Wang Wu found out, this group of bandits did all kinds of evil, robbing caravans, snatching and burning villages, snatching decent women, and killing cruelly. The ordinary people in Tianlin County all lived under the tyranny of this group of bandits and suffered terribly.

The village at the foot of the mountain was even more of a pig and sheep raised by this group of giant bandits, who ate whatever they wanted. The people of the entire Pingshan Town were already numb.

The officers and soldiers of Tianlin County could not do anything about this group of giant bandits, and the ordinary people could only endure it.

"General, I will take people to kill those bandits guarding the pass first." Wang Wu said.

Now that Wang Wu has reached the great perfection of a warrior, he is full of confidence. He doesn't take a few bandits seriously at all.

Thanks to the fact that they snatched a lot of Xiongnu elixirs on the grassland, the three hundred veterans who followed Sheng Huaian were given a lot of cultivation elixirs, and their strength has been greatly improved.

"Pick ten warriors to act with you." Sheng Huaian nodded.

Wang Wu took ten warriors and touched them.

Sheng Huaian followed with the army, ready to attack at any time.

On the mountain road, under the dim firelight, several ordinary bandits guarding the mountain road were drowsy.

"Ah... I'm so sleepy, damn it, we are always arranged to guard the mountain road, cold and sleepy." A pockmarked face yawned and complained very dissatisfiedly.

"Wang Mazi, you don't want to live anymore. If the captain hears you, you're dead." A companion said.

"Bah, Tang Liping just gave his sister to the seventh boss as a concubine to get this captain. What's so arrogant? I don't know how miserable his sister is under the belly of the seventh boss." Wang Mazi was full of anger. Maybe he was confused and dared to say anything.

"Shut up, you don't want to die, don't implicate us." Another person's eyes were cold, as if he wanted to kill someone.

Dare to talk about the seventh boss, do you want to be burned to death?

Facing the murderous eyes, Wang Mazi shut up obediently.

The mountain road became quiet again. The five guards on the mountain road began to feel sleepy again, sitting by the fire.

Wang Wu and ten warriors came up quietly.

He took the lead, covering his mouth with one hand and slashing his neck with a short knife in the other.

Four people in the team walked out and attacked with Wang Wu.

"Take a deep breath. It's normal to feel dizzy. It won't hurt soon."

Wang Mazi and others were easily killed by Wang Wu and others without making any sound.

Sheng Huaian led the army and slowly climbed up the mountain behind.

When they reached the gate of the village, Wang Wu and others dealt with the guards on duty.

Unfortunately, a guy with bad kidneys who got up to urinate in the morning saw Wang Wu and others in a daze.

Seeing the white knife in and the red knife out, the guard on duty slowly fell down, which frightened him so much that he peed back.

"Who are you?" the man shouted.

Wang Wu and his men saw that they were discovered, but it didn't matter, they had already attacked the entrance of the village.


Ten warriors rushed forward and chopped the guy who got up to urinate into ten halves.

Who let this guy ruin their perfect attack on the camp?

The people who heard the noise saw Wang Wu and his men chopping the urinating guy into ten halves, and immediately shouted a warning.


The army following behind saw that they had been discovered, so they launched an attack directly.

Shouts of killing rang out in this mountain village.

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